By George McMany i) es el nr WELL? : ae a | il ‘ | Cheap Cul] " | EDSON COAL Delivered loose - $12.00 Sacked- « -$13.50 ‘ee . pit Pusat HOW DARE YOO INTERRUPT + MF WHILE Mm GING 1 + U5 mm : r WON Pot s if rive fOr > | DOLLARS te 5 FROM : THE JANITOR \ IP \i 4 ws 2 7 € oi cba Se MAGGIE M4 TH a | WHATS ; THAT TOME? 9 SINGING \y— saan | « | —— il} | | | Peay 4 | Jeon | ii} | os A A ” : ‘ } | (i ets ¢ - vale Nanaimo-Wellincton Coal LE a 3 ae Wi 3. ¥ NS ce | > “pe . é i ye . we t«; Building Materials i} Pp a / { ae | ‘ _ ? z i | it | Po ey a Albert & McCaffery Hh % Limited a Bi er ici tilns ‘amit or, i | | | YOU. MAKE ME S' OF THESE FINE PEOPLE } St T HIM i lb vy } r {| a) {LL NEVER TARE YOU TO | Tome ie. } r ARECERSTION AGAIN: SC Bo - = mua E (} | “Ty ~ (lle Srv 4 |, ES sf 1 b Cf HATS 7 oo = a ee ee Y 1] f wi THE BEST | | NI : & NEWS vs | Y i bok j have received during the last can at HEARD IN S i i i 7 % Pe three weeks V) A J ni #4 i : i) | / Se ) i] ¢ i | IF | J | 100 Cars Coal 6 Epi Fa a —a : S belli pe ! from Macleod River mice, owned 4i\ i} Hu ' i } | by Prince Rupert citizens.» bio i i | a, ‘ - We have the exclusive right to sy =~ ( WG | handle this coal! in Prince Rupert. \ A a Don’t be misled by other coal , oe Py ‘se ; dealers who use our firm name ih Ge . ee] | Rae ree Jie tie sa ¥ 7 il 7 } to advertise their coal. If you want a real good screen- na coel, ae MARRIED MEN AND FORMER ALICE ARM ete ee ee ee) en en endear Thana { , j r ° ge ‘ pan PY | lande Phone 58 SINGLE PLAY AGAIN” MAN WEDSINSOUTH = - Fat News Classified Ads. | Terrace Fruit Land a ; ee = j 7 4 RUA ' Sa : Prince Rupert Feed Co. | Last Match Was so Close Another Bernard H. Warden and Elsie { o fa , — { 16°, heres we ms ; . 2 CENTS PEFR WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisermont Taken for Less than 50« e Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. i Will be Staged on Tuesday Dorothy Hitehcock Principals / / vor f Night. in Interesting Event rin nn ete: ce res ee ee ee ee emer teirnneaerbomarnats o s\n TEO ; ‘ ' e__ —— ae a et ee Phe baskethal nea week age At, St Andre % P : as iis j i ! ‘ ple i rt KATPTCY A I The best way to have retween the married men. and the|! hureh, Vaneouy: I) er| WANT ES : ; 1} ® sine a ap Rings ‘and moairts ene Wedding in ‘ if y ! yihing t " . bs YourSuit Pteeiee: that the Baskateed | eat Meee ite. Prarea|” Aas acer oa, ate ie ce en bean he init to ataen le > ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Pik - oI ue Peta ; p a ' another one whieh will take place * lerank, of t-laylon : "4 Seles, £8.86 ea * Cleaned and Pressed ext Tpesday night in the Exhi-joPsom. England, and Bernard) \ x9 |i handal FOR: SALB — Columb n Dense 4 Ye i sition Hall This time the single |e ory arden, son of tive 7° . y new PI teal ‘ R reeeveng re yoo Pinca say they are wets fo win [Willa Warden ond Mrs. M | een os =] KENNEY BROS. & C0. Steam Pressing Machine and UM nd guatech will prob- ; ae . ae eee eee BOATS ANS LAUSCINS. on’ wat \ ‘ : a * terther « ot tte “4 Real Eatate and Ineurance Method tbly be-as haftd’a Cussle as the| ceremony, which was pe eon ea Py Per ’ : Terrace, 8.¢ opreadee aut cnih whe formed by«Rev, Je 8. Henderson,|A YEAMR VALU! KE. Des Phone Greer 507 It only takes 15 minutes. , = : Y eiiéLicdinbean toe ce eal tll : s : 7 Our Price is rhe tine ups will be as: toldews; : ee ce a i FOR RENT ; Reasonable Married men—Clementson, Mar-|oneymoon is being spent the ” , ' " wocerosereeeoent Delivery is Prompt iin, H, Menzie, W, I Williseroft vay Sn ver .d striet ; ' : mm REN I : nd anit tw 1 te f of ‘ Give us atrial. Phone Black 502 nd ©. Blythe, with Hill as spare. he bride was engaged ' ! n Meintere. Balldlon, sori a ee. ’ ' eet R . H Single men (rages, Lune, hg for fe FOOT s WN ' a es 1 ae ' Third Avenue and Sitth Street ties tt tee 1 ot th . ww must ooming ouse Siokespeare, Andersgn and Smith. omens Forestry Carps th - tick sie Aooly P.O. Rex 217 if ‘ ' R ao LING TAILOR Easson and Hardy are the spares brother Fldred Hitehe ] f boating ‘ for ent O 821, 823 2nd Ave., Prince Rupert recentiv miads i te i ‘ ; ! I Pay ie LF rt Besides the men’s game there . tye British Riap i ' x \\ I inag i Phone Black 451 } 14 Roem: Fur le'e vill also be a game between the "Shel x an woe Colts and Beavers of*the Inter-j(' '''s 5° ces a b Ie Dires ar , te easue £ lien extife pP j fiver . * ; Centr Mew location ba rh sipiegtai a a hee notiroeate MUSIC FOR DANCESMav's O nea TOM hee 00. Helgesee® JAMES CARRUTHERS [asir'vuunoutng'Sn'sneew|"H,0 “pnt esta, tor nes, or en (ih iy || a4 Ren anna. TAXI oc . ay! gineering aines i sulifu cgazements and dates phon ‘ wot ne 9 2 a Phone 647 P. ©, Bor 725 oer ween oe Associated with WAS FLOATED LAST ae iba nil ss me “es bs wi . ; . . Red ¢1 a . fr o , ' ' * 45 Taxi Service of 4 4 aoe ; “ . ‘ f ' ee: ole . ‘ 66 een Coe WEEK AT VICTORIA|:H=00» wainer, having taken) | i, et Lost ae sd . _ “ eted awards in var ‘ 4 ’ and Touring Ca *, ha j ‘ lining-'hosT oR ‘ plush handbag b r tt . . Phone se sajg joventa in the Old Country ig . plush he | 7 ba-71E Night Phoo Your Patronage the Canadian Fish and Cold} E a) h range en Bebes “f and Sixth ' Report, w. ; wi Solicited. Storage Company's trawler, James | Species ene ~~ her ea ’ eur iter seen im Midway. Puree con ; Day Phone 5 rn 7 .* | j wile jnat ave hoard Sais : OS ge CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS Huntley Tate, $F winers. was Moated at Yar-|{ my A : yin, ; rd, Pibe NG WILL , mw’s hipyard, Victoria last } en ears go i ' ' : arden) , ' a nN ard. ? ds ; “ MES 4 Lot Ne, , . ; STEEN S& LO u . ; : ‘ , nm lhursday, after extensive repairs 1) in Prince Rupert / ' ing News offices He ' " : ; Sheet Metal Works ' Sad SEND GRAS SE tional ol t e Sheet - ’ ‘ Be including the renewal Of BODE | Beer emer meer: rere ere ren et . Mal © o ‘ . ljiotning mineral chai tuste 1 Gaeen|s . sixty plates, new keel and stem ne ine d, Singer sewing |LOST-—Gold brooch between Sum hartott ’ t iMetrict |? Agent for M ’ 5 , v= : December 30, 1910 : 4 ies one ial iit Apartinenia and St, An. | Wher sled: (ip Le fsiand 2 barr lhe vessel was damaged the Prince ‘George wiioh. dat rs ' ’ ' ie ; TN recta o a ARE NoTICs that 3 J. Hennen of ine Sanitary and ” Vilt dre » batl or in thatl on Friday : ’ ' writ oh re - n collision with the United}jpacs nicht foy e South. had : ind recore 1 Wilton ' ‘ ' Columia, Proe Miner tifteate NS Heating Enginece > steamer Surveyor nor ‘ ak : aoe ro, ‘ j i A ! er ¢ - ening banate pieane evorn i, atone heta f myself and ‘bs . SELL etes steamer Surveyor north of |ijopy passenger list. which in aA to Dailies Newe affies Reward, agent tor Sete Pépsen, of the said City of ; Sth Street and } t V ere BOVE onths ago. : i Mer n Tus, , ceee oe ro , Venene' Love Miner's certineste No, § hk T O ES. re e ded i Kelliher GTP. et i et ete No reasonable 306 1 vhe at a . ire m the |} Prince Rupert neer, who has been on a t f - - - ate hereof, to apply for a Crown Grant OF |) LL, onmmmmmereprrenneer er yoo tt sineve of === | HOW BILBAO MADE jin nection, Me, and Mrs. Gilmore) for eppoiniment O8) mmm _AOCOUNTANTS Oe A ee A eg one nee Fred Stork’s Hardware PRICES COME DOWN a We: G.T.P camdnel r whol FOR SALE—Or will trade for ap would take cat of set of | nas ae. ast eee or Delanak nol MUSIC for ane Vane rere the rroved eblose Prince hupert ‘ ’ ar ’ ee ae, \ , I in r if wooka whele or part time C. J. BENSEN aco hugs Rhye abe BILBAO, Spain, a 30.—The Now Year in. real estat | Ww. Ke. W illiscroft. Phone! *> — ta PHONE Bt ACK 114 #1, ere announcement by a shoe) panaeps af ae Be 4 rie fast. puncabout launch Hiack 259. tf OERTIFICATE OF imPROVEMENTS. dealer here that he\ had made a ange ‘se ’ : “Eeho"” either with or without — Iron Dune No ! Mineral Claim, Lot fo ] a SD ia eS \, council blast nizht for the supple 2339. tron Nuke » 3 Mineral Claim, Lot contract with an American firm) ¢ py, Million feet of lumbar for engir ‘ LODGE MEETINGS do, 9844) Simcoe Fraction Mineral Clann { Lo send 35.000 pairs of shoes isi ee ere fine first-class marine en Lat * . , ee ve eee ° | ty ithe improvement scheme fo he LODGE 1054 LG GORD oO ‘o, 23a8-- A ai) ine mineral clauns "Hpac SMITH & MALLETT ay A i IE to}, tg oe Site fas a " a gine " Saad ee ADER ; nu - + ir vm i ¥ i‘ ‘4 yy u . Four Piece Orchestra further orders produced a panic, — wk ue One first-class large row beat : a a ee wi : ' ; sawanhone Se 5 ‘ting at the De L Hall. OTICE that semen t , c ng Saxapnol among the storekeepers of this) rhe masquerade ball at the Me wilh 2% boo. Caeitle Perfection = nah g° a Lose Bal 4 Ay ve de a Oe i. : a ery ci = ludi B ’ | Cine j tat oe Miner's Certif e No. 33704 ) , $3) PLUMBING AND HEATING city. The announcement stated |Intyre Hall last night was a great fnboa d engine, ; FARMS FOR SALE B aeil os a ean? al’ te care ES ss geal Phone 481 Phone * ENGINEERS the American shoes would be sold |suceess, About forty or fift MM, Stephens, Phone 222. OP. A. PARM LANDS—The rich for tac ™ donald. of | tv asia CHy t Foti it half the prevailing price ofjcouples pirouetting around | prairies of Alberts, Saskatohe- 23057" N lnidnd siste cho) @aya from the F utiae mates furnished. the home-made articles. Imme- | ai'y colored and original «eo SECOND) HAND FURNITURE sold wan and Manitoba are especial- tates at fe ae Ya a meeeeeess a diately afterward prices. camesicmes made a trruly gay and en-| OF Commission, Anything you ly suited for mixed farming.) ASO FURTHFR TAX NOTICE that ac TLINING Address, 4rd Avenue, head down with a run, Hivening spectacle and brought to} antl to sell send to P, Le Claire, Land that wif! produce bia bert a coamaaate ''E oh Certincata OF 1ANO ! UNI NG of Becond Street. The local newspapers adyvise|the minds of many oid timer Bynes id store, corner First crops of grain and fodder, and OED bh aed day Of December, 1990 HONO REPA IRS Phone 174 — P.O. Box 274 J viher localities t> folaw the iead memories of the first affaiy of this) Be ond and Third Avenues, well adapted for dairying or an HOT? ENLAPGEM! NTS of the northern eity and thus putjkind ever brought off in) Prince} Phone Green 544, __ tf) livestock raising can still be ao deanery! Re aA? . tipieinittiaa ee a Te ete 10 prontceries: ts en erts Capt, and Mrs. Roberson REDUCTION TO CLEAR FOR had at prices averaging about ' Agent for hest want? ot inthe role of Jack and Jill weve to ining in. Small portraits, %18-09 an acre, with twenty made in Cansde. tock eo ¥ 1. Sie ” "fh ’ ; Ce a ' re Phone 556 827 2nd Avenue jthe manner born, Th was largely cf one or two persons, at-62.60| °7e8es to pay if you wish, Only! re e aa tion f Cc. Vv. EVITT pnsti pat ion oe Oa — $b ag of the ae per balf dozen, See Chandler, 10 per cent down, No further | spotted even! so wi Rice om w eromrcee pate 1 y that the affair was such al yy, raphor, 348 Sixth St, tf payment on the principal until Phone us and we ¥ / isMhuickty relieve n the ge success ' the end of the fourth year; then oe J. Slade Stover . ’ Auditor and Accountant i liver 1s aroused to activity by The late ah e . > nau FOR SALE—Two Wilton ruge sixteen annual payments, In- DEPARTMENT OF INDIAN AFFAIRG. Red 991 B wif ae eupeoteands ‘ : woeet the use of Dr Chase's Kidney- f walnut dresser, divanettle, brass terest 6 per cent, SALE OF LAUNOH. Lesenencvasenennseenecent or aldermen is as follows: Ward . o ; ; —_—_— ; wrdator ti ess, ole N ‘ite j . ‘ & Pills One pill a dose. 5 L, Alderman Smith, G. W. Kerr, | a ae af pase tk gos) _ ar Hao enenae van Ofrera Will be received for purchase of] Cosaepesmesomooooonooroorret? § : : ; : i ' ‘ "7 : ' ? ‘ ® Agent, WU, ; e ation, an. ‘ oline laune « beached A. C GRAY 250 a box, all dealers. D \DrW. 8. Hall and John Curries} pyycy 999. aa| naman OF ee ee caste kab Gk A Be Dyeing - Dry Cleaning " ¢ Teacher of Piano Ward IL, Aldermen PAO ANd | mmm eer rT | TS 7ST ~~ lexvamined. Engine, 25 H.P. Canadian Patr For good work, prompt rv i Hilditeh, J. A. Kirkpatrick M. M.|/FOR SALE OR LE ASP Job print (t ia just anh o wet x banks-Morsé, In good condiien, Length sasonable prices ¢ od _ i 81 Second , é p J as to wet your and reasonable | RS ; Studio 1 econd Avenue Stephens, W. S. Bensen, D, H.| ing business and plant. For) printing done wel! and done at \°! Yenc! 42 feet: beam, 8 ft ¢ in as to CITIZENS’ ¢ LEAN® SH, a : ’ a : aniee or inapection with Tndlan en oe » ve os PHONE Blue 421 or 444 Morrison, G. As, Erumer von, Hi, H, particulars apply Daily News | ome as it is to send it away, Try ‘ : ond Seaas amanet or Dominion | alin taauirias eolicited ie i. SUONE Bine 403 wo 444. 3 Mortimer and 8. M, Newton. office. tf) the Newn Print Shoup, Constable Watkinaon, Port Simpaon, (| :