Tuesday, January 6, 1920, THE DAILY NEWS TOBACCO SERIES No. I Drawing from an ac‘ual photograph of a typical Tobacco field in the ‘Old Belt” (Virginia and North Carolina). —=— l ; The Man in the Meon ! SAYS:-- FR et a rt ne rs ns et ee es ee a That Mexico is probably the only country where Carpentier and Dempsey would be allowed to pull off a 45-round boxing match. That something will break pbe- fore the end of the 45th round, That $400,000 ought to make it a fight worth seeing. That hostilities will probably cease all over Mexico to allow both constitutionalists and revo- lutionists to witness the scrap. . . That the ships. to be launched from the Prince Rupert shipbuild- ing yards ought to slide down the ways under their own steam. That many people are begin- be to be chosen for the christen- ing ceremony. BE es mes me mererens ~~ or ning to wonder who the lady will | PERRY AFTER SCHOOL BOARD Says That the City Council is Disregarded in Plans—Ald. Kirkpatrick Replies. Alderman Perry took the oppor- tunity at last night's council meeting of questioning Ald. Kirk- patrick, who also belongs to the School Board, as to developments in the new school question. The flest question was how the work was being proceeded wit {without money. Alderman Kirk- patrick explained that the bank fhad expressed its willingness to learry the work over with local |funds until the debentures had \been disposed of. This had been arranged for, Alderman Perry then asked how it was that the City Council had jnever seen the plans of the new THE BREATHEABLE REMEDY Je aaa keep a bux of P: on hand,and immediately you feel a tickling in your throat and want to cough, put a Peps tablet in your mouth. The medicinal fumes given off by the disselvin eps mingle withtheair youbrtath and like the Pine Forest air o Switzerland, reach every nook and corner of the throat and lungs, where the danger lies. Peps bathe the breathing tubes with a germ-destroying building. In his opinion this thing had been railroaded from start to finish and it was still be- ing vailroaded. It did not look good to him, As far as the School Board was concerned the Council could “go to blazes.’ In large ex- penditures such as this the Goun- That she will have » down to posterity. a name to TOBACCO " Smoking and Chewing That it was the ‘Chilliwack’ that nearly turned turtle, but due to the gallant eorts of her skip- o per and crew, she was saved, Aa sy! Peer cil should be referred to in mak- i é Opal Phat that was tlie probable ing plans and not only when suned’ scala ntintoe tides otra cause of the waterfront rumour | oj mething was wanted. This coughs and colds. When a P tablet | that the Albart ee turned over.tignoring of the council was a is in the mouth every breath, taken That the “Albert” is safe ang »®¢ach of courtesy and propriety. strengthens your defenceagainst throat - ‘ é t 5S sc ana y: : sound still and steaming north,|.4!derman Kirkpatrick referred and chest troubles. il iiss ora os aa ,Alderman Perry to School Law 50c. box, 3 for $1.25. All dealers or Constance Talmage in “A{Whieh gave the authority of Peps Co.,Toronto. FREE trial package ; = ; school boards. Reference to the sent upon receipt of this advertisement Lady's Name" at the tonight. Westholme and Ic. stamp for postage. tor WINTER COUGHS. council was not necessary and the School Board was not railroading things. They were simply trying to rush the building of the mew school, Already the accommoda- Se NOTICE IN THE MATTER of an application for the issue of a fresh certificate of title to bart of Lot Eight hundred and forty-eight (848), Group One (1 Cassiar District, tion of school children in the city ‘ Satisfactory proof of loss of certificate i . oe ies ’ . | J — having been filed, notice is hereby given WAS becoming critical. Tempor- So. ‘ ] P By Electric Co. Ltd. that it is my intention, at the expiration ary quarters peing used were un- ¥ . Ri Ba of one month from the first publication “°° i ACRE j & j Pa : Third A nd Cow Ba hereof, to issue a fresh certificate of title satisfactory and the sooner the << po i ae Poe 5 " enue a in the name of Thomas Richard Tomlinson, a 2 : ‘ 2 m - - y which Certificate ‘of Title is daie¢ stn New school was completed the February, 1913, and is No. 3067-1, > op j > j >} pests Pm e e ° Dated at the Land Registry Omce, Prince better it would be in the interests ; Electrica an arine upp 1ée$ Rupert, B.C., this 16th day of October, of the education of the children ee W. E. BURRITT, jand the public as a whole. Acting District Registrar i senidhnd lta ikicbapelsareitac estas deescbts we SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT OF EI EVENTH AVENUE a QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. i TAKE NOTICE that Daniel L, Sutherland. | GETS TELEPHONES of Bay Point, California, Iotel-keeper, in | tends to apply for a licence to prospect for | coal and petroleum over the following de. | _ scribed lands on the West Coast of Moresb 7 Tal Island, British Columbia; commencing at » | But Street Lighting is Too Ex- inertia 4 CYCLE MARINE GASOLINE ENGINES post Planted about $00 yards from the pensive for the Present NOTIGE 80 e shore o Anoe Pass ( 2 + * > Py east of the northeast corner of Robert| Population. SLICAT DP + JING PE rs FOR THE IDEAL ENGINE Reid's coal and petroleum licence number! agen PI com TO GRATING EEBMITS 2 19460; thence north 80 chains, thence west tei ; gg er eta ee F cs for 0 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence} The report from the Public plications for permits raze live- i a , oe } Applications for permits to gra =F yelirammmmad Ekin). tanegs Fee cig curate RISER ay PRY OE PN FOSOTGINg the le eee eae tea betta or hintiee SIEL L. SUTHERLAND } . s razing district of the Province o riusi DANIEL L. SUTHERLAN mt./Connection of Eleventh Ave. K.| ‘olumbia must be filed with the District By Hans K. Christensen, Agent 5 2 , oresters at Cranbrook, Fort George, Kam- | Loreto Oerioher oth. 1049 with telephones and street lights] oops, Nelson, Prince’ Rupert, Vancouver —— mune was read and adopted at last! Ping, Parliament Bulidings, Vicoria, B14 4 WARM GREETING ; ‘night's council meeting. Beh ten get? OL eR - for the New Year we extend F oi “s a orms 5 & - fhe report provides for the} jications may be obtained from the sbi. to you. : setic , Key Ave. wi rict Foresters at the above named places f i‘ onnection of Eleventh Ave. with r from the Deparunent bf Lands a+ Vic- i Sizes from telephones froin the Eighth Ave.| oria, B. C. oe ad Se ie 2 HP to line near the Seal Cove school. Deputy Minister of Lands. ; pels Th av Wik tak nk nn ‘hts ‘as | Department of Lands, : 50 HP Che matter of street lighting wa: Victoria, Be oi found to be more expensive than December 5th, 1919. dapat 13 00 the population would warrant, so NOTICE e it was not acted upon. ae gab Notice is hereby given that an applica- ‘ per ton, delivered. eee tion will be made to the Lagisiative ae Every pound screened. 6 Car- sembly of the Province of British Columbia ‘ : . . : ‘ : : 4 fi j ll K P. CHILDREN HAVE at the next session on behalf of the Asso- loads of High Grade Coal just Complete Lighting and ignition Out ts to suit all» e ; ciation of Professional Engineers of British received. ' A GORGEOUS TIME Columbia for a Private Bill to incorporate Ss. | ; the said Association, the sai ill to be requirement IS 2 known as THE BRITISH COLUMBIA ENGI- lack 85 ——— NEERING PROFESSION ACT for the epur- Phone Black 8 Tp : . oses of governing and reguiating e - j i 3 i 7 Phere were great doings in the practice of Civil, Mining, Metalurgical, Owing to the high cost of production the Regal ONi : iK. or P. Hall last evening when | Mechanical, Moctrcsl ae ent roel ermina 0a 0 ’ : 7 ; ™ pee aa , ‘ neering in the Province o ritis olum- Ciasoline Engine Co. are compelled Se rs pi ——— fjthe children of the Knights were |pia, and the qualifcation, examination and 523 Third Avenue |entertained, There were about |fesisiration of intending pracittiouers, the ; rn un 7 . * in © TUE . discipline of its members and for ihe ac- i ro RAISE THE PRICE TEN PER CENT. i sixty young ones present and/quiring of real and personal property and ua er our Wey 4 - the disposal of the same and for the gen- Sorgeous Jeral management of the Association, Se ee ee ad Re ON ALL ENGINES they had a_ perfectly f | . é . ‘ Dated at the City of Vancouver, B. C.,, AFTER JANUARY 1, 1920 $3.15 time, In one corner of the hall] ,2°%%h aby or December A.D. 1018, | .. WaR arge Christmas AA . §. 7 N, ; : > iets there was @ lerge Christinas tree) i. nem or Patialie & Phen, Maliehions ' Take advantage of present prices, Place ycur orders Limit—2 sacks to one |gaily decorated, sparkling with for the Applicants, ; ing i customer. light points, and laden with pres- IN PROBATE. , now for See delivery. — rents. A big table running the]IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH | ~ ; ly le length of the hall, provided ene ve ee . Any Kind of Jam jwhol . . ial rn : : lseating accommodation for all at|!N THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA Including , ; t TION ACT oi supper a: an abundance o danas se ly Supper ee eee on Oca IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE oF |§ tra erry ithe things beloved by the young- CHA BS SHAIRLIN, DECEASED, , moved to ir i . isters The evening was spent ‘ When the air is damp and cold, slers, Tee tes : er 4-Ib tin rames various enter-| TAKE NOTICE that in order of His 21 T ' protect yourself by keeping a supply m Me " h same’ ang ™ awn pee Honour F, McB. Young, made the Sixteenth | » 7 Ir ve. of $1 10 ‘tainments and the joy was com-| gay of December, A. D. 1949, I was ap- | § 6 i PENSLAR THROAT ” : : plete when Santa Claus appeared, | Pp!nted W. shan deceased, and all | $ pposite \ a imit—2 ti ro Ww ery lhaving lingere are since Christ- artics having claims against the said es- DRAGELES Limit—2 tins of Strawberry hay oe — d ne on Se iat | parties paving aan ane furnish same, | f The Empress Hotel i irritati as S special occasion, sroperly verifed, to me, on or before the handy for preventing throat irritation Our O B d [O86 Sole eee ae 1 Vetch dave tenuire: hie 1920, and alll| Pree and huskiness ME Ney ren | The anrangements for handling parties indebted to the estate are required ma ‘ vith idel the children were splendidly car- | to pay the amount of their indebtedness to CIGARS SODA Penslar Throat Dragges are widely tt a > Mrs. George Leek and| @° forthwith. ra used and recommended by the most utter jried out by Mrs. George Leek : FORA, MOMULLIN, Two per cent. Beer ry $ , | ‘ . ttee OMelal Administrator. discriminating people of the country per pound the ladies committee. Dated this 16th day of December, 1919.|§ expenses ED -— ES ~ , 7 “¢ o9ee4 and we can assure you that excellent results will follow in your case, Penslar Throat Dragees are sold in generous 35¢ boxes convenient, to carry and can be purchased at our Store. WATER NOTICE (Use and Storage). 72 1-2c LAST CHANCE Limit—2 pounds i } Phones 41 and Red 391 For Hire by the Hour, Day or Week cary ENGINEER WANTS LUMBER TAKE NOTICE that North American Tim- ber Holding Company, whose address is in care of M. C, Lawler, Dominion Building Vancouver, B. C., will apply for a licence to take and use 200 eubic feet per second SPECIAL “eee : Ra ist The’ PRINCE RUPERT DRUG C0. OUR OWN For immediate needs on the and to store 50,00 acre feet per annum gnd St, P.0.B city streets, 42,000 feet of lum-jof water out of Mosquito Lake, Moresby e Phone 3rd Avenue, opposite 2nd St, . 0. Box 0 ee » . is saenitealk sae the city aeai Island, also, known nf the west an : er ] *NBl- |} Cumshewa Inlet, which flows into Mos- 134 Mal Orders Given Prompt Attention 21 5 at last night’s (Quito Creek and drains into west arm of Lau nch {ce e neem requested per pound ; ,council meeting that this be pur- Cumshewa Inlet at its head, The storage- | am will be located at the southeast ex- |tremity of Mosquito Lake. The capacity ae eae 60c jchased at once. It was brought | ofr ing reservoir to be created is about Picnic and pres veers ‘ . na ahes »} 25,000 acre feet and it will Nood about arbor FRESH GROUND out that no more eheap lumber | 500 acres of land. The water will be Trips roun HAVE YOU MADE 1O¢ ve brought from Lakelse s0/| diverted from the lake at a point about can be ought ft , | the southeast extremity of Mosquito Lake lthe letter was referred to the/ana will be used for power purposes upon | Board of Works with power to | the land described as Lot ett gueen J. MYHILL-JONES ee ee NOTARY PUBLIC Limited. PRIN ter more . Roan ee Laie FOUR GRMOSTT? act, The requisition for lumber {posted on’ the: ground ci the 4th day of The Daily News is the recig- David H Hays manne Lonenteers. eae Snonrenee it Saves Time and Trouble |is divided as follows:, [und an. dppieation f etient Ree 1ized medium between seller and . a ren shire Guarantee & an Phong Orders Immanuel Street connection, the omicn Gh thac Maine Reteeton et eens duyer. People all read the ad- Mom pceldent Oo. a ae Ss) FGM, [Rupert he. obieetions fo {he applica | -ertising columns because the ‘ ' advertisers are live wires. Single Decking, 10,000. Seventh Ave. and Bowser, 18,- corder or with the Coraptroller of Water Victoria, B, the first ap-} General Real Estate Agent Fidelity-Phenix Fire Insurance Co. | Rights, Parliament Buildings, ©., within thirty days after —_——— When you have read the news Fuller's Ltd. et. 900, }pearance of this notice in a local news- Gor. Second Avenue and Second Stre aper, The date of the first blication ; PHONE 44 —— on this Ponce tc uuary 6. 1020. | flook through the classified column Advertise in the Daily News. N RUOMPANY — npplnees HOLDING [on Page 5.