pat fs 7 Tuesday, January 6, +() Page 8 THE DABLY NEWS ——- ell RE arr me f we nm ° - ae ee ~\ en Oe me cs ats ses men emma rma rame > a aanen ' ‘{ Local News Notes f AD pres 5 re e a % waa Silk Hosiery Pianos correctly tuned. $6.00, nd es Ul oe G. G. Walker. Phone Blue 389. tf R ‘ A For first class shoe repairing, The Women of B. M, Simpson, Fifth and McBride. New hicks at supanaive. Have Today Demand ; your old ones rebuilt at Mc- Arthur's, tf ae ill sia CV» pores the Best in Silk Constance Talmage in “A Lady's Name” at the Westholme ’ g uiy tonight. Hosiery. e 9 % ee ’ Be sixteen years I have used blended, refined end concentrated that al oy ve . my practice,and have it contains the maximum germ-destroy- naan hight € results from its appli- rig tet Sag xn 9 ela Owing factured in Prince Rupert. Phone mT BoM arsed fon th ighly satisfactory. In my opin- to its absolute freedom from animal fat, Blue 92 tf OUR SELECTION “ ein ee hie ok to compare with it Zam-Buk cannot become rancid, but ‘5s has be ‘arefully made with thi oubles—from roughness and will keep indefinitely without losing as been carefully made with this fact before us. The “Director” Corset, Manu- When you need a pair of shoes} of better grade, call at MeArthur's | ifere you will find such well known lines as irritation to chronic skin diseases. With- any of its strength or purity. While the “ft Oo - i i ney Me Begone re has wonderful healing power of Zam-Buk, and its Shoe Store. tf paduives ore es, aoe when a patient power to penetrate to the root of skin a R 4 D JUM Sra mune y I always pre- disease is so great, yet its action is so Carpenters Union meets Wed- < his i yi. miid, that it is the ideal preparation for nesday night in the Carpenter's ri oA is letter of appreciation has just the pimples, eruptions, and rashes which Hall at 8 o’clock 5 V ENUS peat receives by the proprietors of $80 oiten occur amongst young children. { eee we ~Bu rom Dr, A. P. Shibley, of Mothers agree that it is the best balm New feature at the Westholme MONARCH ashington, D.C. The medical profes- for baby. tonight, Constance Talmag sion is always slow to recommend a “A Lady’ "Na af ee one “ 7 . i saady s Name, remedy, and the fact chat many doctors yZa—~-R0k woud be -_— oe WINSOME MAID | p Aaa Cam-Buk, is one of the for cuts, burns, scalds E' ee We don't cobble shoes at Simp- ce surest proofs of its superiority. and bruises. Equally son's—we repair them. Corner : | : ‘ Zam-Buk’s superiority is due to its °°" ezem, ring. one pal . Corner in colors of Black, White, Navy, Silver, Gold herbal compositi It i tO 1tS = worm, ulcers, absces- Send thie advertisement, Fifth and MeBride. tf 1 Q , ; f wigrabsolately ho khinn, all medicine, ses, boils, pimples, | raasin (for ou postage) ENE i] Nigger, Sand, Taupe, Beaver, Grey. eet olutely no animal fat, and is so blood-poisoning and | to Zam-Huk So. Toronta Splendid photoplay, fine com- | mS piles, All dealers 50c. box, haat You, ox will be edy, and British Government Ga- ‘ eee en ~ zette, Westholme tonight. PRICED FROM Be : Teamsters and Chauffeurs’ U ine NEW SEWER IN EAST lock in th to . I meets tonight at 8 o'clock in the eo , 3 Day | At the Prince’ Ru jeneral | ope. Us ie siness; | At { 2 pert General | . B. U. hall. Business; election Hospital this mbrning a son was |} END WAS DISCUSSED of officers. | - born to Me. and Mrs. R. Sannono-| Cee ere sage Sithh.of Bietaldn. Both | Hays Cove School Will Make A, L. Brownlee, chief enginee! ad — ————— Sewer Necessary in That of the Grand Trunk Pacific coast NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS | dostion fleet, arrived from the south yes- © le Wednesday, Thursday §| —_—— etapa terday afternoon. °9 . : : | fenders will be received up to in cht’ : 1 : tn i and Friday {2 noon Thursday, January th le uae a + pool aeeae Eee Speculator was in this Comer Third Ave, amd Tahomr wes Tree 1920, for the excavating and Bobi Wars i; sine Ne As me Saat \ shilint with 2,000 pounds of ork cETR TIE Tock tary of the School Board suggest- | halibut which sold to the Cana- EMPRESS JAMS wi rk required for the foundation | ing a general sewer scheme enat pales Fish & Cold Ste "t ‘4 oo = ~~. AND JELLIES of a school building to be con-of Green Street to include the 144c and 100. . : structed ays Cove Circle. | yma ‘ Be re ee Strawberry, 4-Ib. tins ..... $1.15 Detnek. eeiie i rise _ Gly le, new Hays Cove school. The letter! . * . eeanencd Ph ting. 6... $1.15 all atu . api oe used was referred to the Board of Mr. John Graham is a singer of soganberry, 4-ib. tins, ..,... 7 Pant curves: € ‘ice per cubic yaré Yorks : : é : F ; } Apricot, 4~Ib. ‘a are ya 54.60 for muskeg, clay a ‘ock "en oY ark ae motion of Alderman} high standing in Vaneouver, and|(— $ y and rock, in ac-'McMee! took Blackberry, 4-Ib. tins, ...... $1.00 Bicordance with the plans and MeMeekin, seconded by Alderman ook the solos in the Messiah when | ' Green Gage, 4-Ib. tins, ...... $1.00 spécification cs é . and | Kirkpatrick, rendered by the Vancouver Musi-| } i a a Sera Ph ee, > +; 91-00 tender nol ie a oe " ; “ any Aldeyman Kirkpatrick explain- cal Society at Christmas, (NOTE—AIl new season’s stock Dike ante oTeRLC ™ cepted. ed, on behalf of the School Board, | * . . pire gns sales Eciat Ri tage and all that the proposed new sewer ., Douglas Stork, son of Mr. and | atio nay be obtained at wo dss acros a Seen , Mrs, Fred Stork. expects Le Ru erl ab the office of the architect would pass across the Hays Creek 1 ae mVork, expects: £6: loaves f) J. W. POTTER bridge and probably follow the 0" Thursday night for the south. | ? Ki ieislina oa ‘ oR, new cinder pathway to the trae! He plans on making a tr to | W FE D D I N w. a ad a : 1e track rip Phones 211, 212 Ss _ Architect. and empty itself east of the dry Honolulu and will probably be - i tary oO ar 5 t 1. away : sti ee oa . ve 2 Aan proposed that the, ®Way for some months. Bul ; 43 work be done under local im-! ,- Bek pts akin , EFAKFAS | Rlack ave Gorsetiere, Phone provement as this would be cheap- rhe Invitattons are out for the } e ; wes ory for both the people anu the Boilermakers Dance to Be held iT este ry Life Insurance i school. The plan was considered the St. Andrew’s Hall on Tuesday Bae ji ay quite feasible and the engineer night, “Anyone who has inadvert a | ] ( “4 could inspect it. antly been omitted to be invited s la Certain : The city clerk drew attention ge Phone E. Craggs, Blac! The warming cup of i o the fact that several years ago; (4 Respects U this sewer was proposed and w aie cheer. Ra nique turned down by the vote of the cafiaerti tea of Ta eotaie: } Other kinds of insurance provide HO8 nar CANCELLATION reyyRAy crs. | Housing Committe: oy : oan if Ther’s nothing like Pond for losses that MAY be sustained. * RESERVE, -- far ea eae EO AL IGGL DIGAL & : Life Insurance provides for an in- SA aks cs Sarineeaeh ‘albert & McUatfery, Ltd. have council meeting that H. J. Brad- it these cold damp pee Yon ease windbreak 8 pomeret Sumty tes. tbe ust received a shipment of five naa be veneer as the purchaser mornings. e premiums on other nds of and ten chains in width and situate mong iundred "s. ¢ i 1@ house and lot of Ws Iter Insurance are an expense. The pre- the north shore of Graham Island rote ured doors and windows the Stewar F as SORS ns ai tate ee cee 2 of which appeared in the “Britist i, uotice | nost and varied stoc op a ewart, Fourth Ave., built unde i . , ; er se te Pe ey sane) DRY Gazette” of the 2etn. January, ia eee id variéd stock in Northe ” the scheme. i Just the mild ‘bracer at some time the policy ; portion Lyi hates as re ates to that . ° : and be paid, Other kinds of the and Indian “Re serve a ee | | : : Sc apeniai | ©, K, Ytreberg appeared in the], ae So Oh lla surance are expedient; Life Insurance " heen sain Se a Pree forget to look through police court this morning shaded day’s work --- gives 8 essential. epartment of Lands, > on le Classified tis »¢ wi e i A j 3 , i Re building may never burn, a Vitoria, B. G. 1919 | = nS =~ Rae ee te Pee eo. ae ee ne art ysl ahi may’ never sink: } ry ; ‘ Ve 7th, ‘ | “eee j rer, ‘he incide S Sf Must die. PSA oR COR MCE i TCO : Se eee ee have occurred : aa zo meee for a contented day. [ Bee etal be itcraeaeti ica PN RT Ee aD ATE TO CLASSIFY * : wed on Friday last but i. cathe, Mutual Lite In 0. of Leite es Ne aeviag at weeoaeaae the information was not lai« a 1ida Policies are safe, cr c S le f ? ‘*naepe hs oa aid til Ww ddi ee : . A be Ac ce rae SALE — Furniture of four- nd oe Che case was adjourn- . ng Preakiest foal Metaftery Gibbons &'Deyte: di. MEDIS La 3 | roomed flat; kitehen, living oe | aNETC morning when Coffee is superior be- a mited, - Agents. i room and two bed-rooms. Gan 2e88e8 Will be heard. Phone 11 - - 8rd Avenue au Wednesday, January 7 | be seen between 2 and 4 after- In view of tl | Bima oi — j e EDERED A EDA ee re noons and 7:30 ¢ 9 eve ew of the steady rise ‘ race i BREAKFAST, 35c ete Ani ‘30 and 9 evenings. cost of living, the Medical eo : poh e ! 7 a. * to 19 a.m. bee Aime ae ty Telegraph of- ciation, including all tl to pk and, the delicious Sunkist Oranges * | e, Ird Avenue, 5 , Fs , Ae Aagtors i on} we Cause tg AES, Ok aban OO ee 1 BT OF ARGO, have put into foree, blend obtained as cup ubtered Toast | ie aT r—Steam heated room, Trem sie {st of January a new the result of many ; ot if Tes oe Coffee 1 two beds, suitable for and increased schedule of fees ’ : ; = . CD ens LUNCHEON, 50c | gentlemen, Apply 708 Thing While there has been a more or era tae eT :30 to 2 p.m, Avenue West 1 less steady adv : ‘ap dlladh ALY | Avenue Weaty sy: tf [@8s steady advance in wages and | Notary Public Conveyaicer siyhinpenid Merri. |FOR SALE —Dreas suit h good Salaries along all lines during the Comes ready tor use ————____. wees Prinapen oe 0 eal | c . wate 1 good past five years, this is . 3 oo j i ‘ Individual Steak and Kidney Pie ian a P ae , reasonable. time the doctors evi age as ground ban right f “ae ragus Tips on Toast _Apph OX 32, Daily News, tf indvance j oe oat ade ¢ 24 ° : 1 F OR wasnet 4st beet Fan Gravy {advance in their foes, in 1 Ib air tight . we and Butter Pudding oes LL | a hi la te tia ct containers. a: up o ea or Coffee * } Hitiy. ahadees olactated DINNER = MANY INJURED IN Packed by the Ask G pit house, on Eighth Ave 5 to 7:30 p.m. g ome UNC | f. ; : . a 5 Avene Vegetable Scup JUNEAU LANDS r ioneer Coffee y rocer 3 etween McBride St. and Smoked Black Cod, Drawn Butter and Spice Mills for It Kine Edw: “ : Baked Macaroni and Cheese MAY. BILLINGS, P | omen Ltd " ing Edward School with ex- $| Lamb Pot Pie with Dumplings ‘ oe | a ty Vemoeuver cellent lot ve eer a ie Mike ee 50c Special Menu 50c | (Special by 4.7, P. Telegraphs.) ond Victoria Mashed, Bollea or Baked Potatoes . Wednesday, January 7 |, JUNEAT » Alaska, Jan, 5.—Two Seat at ple Pi ae | Ledaabien ciara additional bodies have been tak- EA Ie ae inn bOE be yan. en from the debris of the land- 9 © -—— ae vEes slide which wrecked lower Frank- ‘ sone Venetgble lim street here on Friday. The|& ) + Fish. dead now number three. Tw , } a a ISTRY Salmon, Halibut, Smoked Black Cod the fifteen injured are j Pwo. / Bolled. : sr njured are in a very| = - . a Boiled Tripe with Onion: critical condition. The stide cam ee — ve tephens Don’t neglect your Teeth Sauce, nions, White down from the side pip ide cea | itbecesan io il ff : , L dV 2 at Estate Insurance Financial Agent $1) © °P*\decayed or missing tooth Minced chicken on ‘Toast erts without any warning and 1! T = " lowers your éfficiency Fricasse agement and Cheese buildings at the lower end of the he Ro : : Pade 8! y y ireen Peas ; , 1e eer street were overwhe . | y ] B k f C d DR. BAYNE | Boast noch fin ass ee ee beled, eed a an oO ana a oe sy Office Houre-Morni gs of Lamb with Dressing — ww advise that it has fo j Afternoon, 1 are, 9. to 12; | Plain Boiled ee ioe ; THE FORWARD MOVEMENT zrentel Sv Rionesace yond » 1,80 to 5.30 Satur. 1 Or Mashed Potatoe ~ A. G. GRAY degra rie ea Sar | tg i os — th EPOSIT BOXES Teacher of Piano ee tees Wednesday and Tei | Apple, “wit. Pie The Forward Movement CGam- ey are recommended for the protection from fi , b Studio 187 Second Avenue : Rigo custard Pudding paign will be continued tonight i lary of valuable business , re or urg- ’ DENTAL NURSE IN A Coffee the B } ° or private documents, V Sree tas TTENDANCE nde e Baptist Church at. 8 o'clock Bonds, j On: ¥ ebony or 444 PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENT enero Tk TO an ANY Time §| /he speakers will be the Rev. The Manager will | oe wi Joweles, eee R | . a. ’ ; ev. ve FF i : i Hi ‘ act eee es © MIDNIGHT Canon Rix and a_ Presbyterian Prince Rupert Bra vad furnish particulars on application Hi ————~—_d~—|[Ayii0. All are cordially invited] -——----— eS As W. Cameron, Mgr. ll FER WEE ERTL A oe HT eg