January 1920, Monday, 12, THE DAILY NEWS Near Drydock Board by Month or Week, Phone Red 245 j and : ; es sary delays caused Dy neni Sere ne lof the regulation fleld between the 4 ” liwo goals will be like they are The'‘Gartland” Boarding HOUSE $ nocsoy and nore a player can amperes eT side t appear 0 © 416 Sixth Avenue East Re e bop the @@ will eliminate the unneces- offside in not a me in described lands Commencing at @ post planted on the hore n Sewell Iniet about . wt dis ! and in a@ westerly direction [roi hi eniren e of Sewell Inlet; thence 5 chalos south; thence 40 chain east; thence to shore; taence following th shore line to of commencement 6nd contatoing #0 noint ‘res, mot or 1e848 Where in a cut-rate business of their own, #100 invested should weekly. Send for free der and canvassing pla Consumers’ Associatio THOMAS B. STRAIN, W. BE. Greeti, agent Dated Qeth October, 1919 sor, Ontario, Canada. grocery $25 to earn 830 mail or- ns.—-The n, Wind- it | ARTHUR MANSON WI CLASSIFIED | l . your brain | This th Phone 98 i Ubat . ny ; te e ver ising oman OUR DINNERS ATHL TIC CALL yl like a | people read when they want anything . , It brings results A Specialty ‘ — Ooo Short Orders at any time Real Prince Rupert Boy Gets Big Og ve eas ee : eee re 7 o & Qo= ANTED TO PLACHASI sé | Appointment on Dominion g ; the I ake Peps at Once! Committee. a you need an t Full Peps will safeguard you against more op : | iy Hemo serious ailments of which “sore throat” is iry one of our PORONTO, Jan, 12.-—The com-] ' ‘ o nsuinlly just the beginning. By keepinga B ‘ : mittee for the Canadian Amateur] box = rors a hand, ee you - noe lAthlet Kakoclation. Niwa. bee aor i avoid much unnecessary suffering an iston Grill Dinners | : , yOSsition in needloss expense. Jappoinved.. the. folowing: tem L perience mm Peps Pastilles, dissolved on the conga. It’s all in tl [bers represent British Columbia Perry Daily throw off a medicinal Pine vapor, ich C ; the varioi mt oe ‘ft MECER tt is such a powerful disinfectant that it de. ooking | Championship conmmittee . stroys als ae prevents the soreness | Ghampions! onlm ittes Sp 4 spreading t the same time the heali 2 oceans aoe, | Manson, of Victoria and forme a tag Ne quality of the vapor soothes the inflse aol: og lof Prinee Rupert; National Re 8 inted membranes and soon brings relief, : ieati Committee, David L th ! & | Ltd. | Peps are equally beneficial for lary Our Kitchen is always F007 0" aver eee 2 Lei t a eae ‘ itis, asthms, bronchitis, coughs and vede. stig Banco ecors omm! An active brain must d bal All dealers or Peps Co., Toronts. 58c. oO en for mspection jiee, D. O; Sullivan, of Victoria; - asp ’ yPLOB 197.| box, 3 for $1.25. \ffiliation and Allianee Commit have pure blood, not : tee, S. Maleolmson, of New Wes cc of . OR SALE ts aia een ’ poisoned with products , iimin ai e ’ 6 e y} ' } Pass eee deodinaacesebanaos | Arthe Manson, the represer of indigestion—or liver ; | i ‘ on the Championship Cot : vie os ee DEAFNESS AND Noises IN o ee ae and kidney laziness. d " THE HEAD) | yee eee ; ; Pr ince fuper rt boy whom athletic Largest Sale of Any Medicine ia the World ‘ ¥ mot ow ye Saag d yard tas Concen- (| en have commented on as being Seld everrwhere ic Counde. Is * .204, 25c., 5c i ‘ y trated Gourdal, price $1 per tn Glan athlete with a future. vei ME EAE EOS CAT. ; : eThis New reme giN almost it ans b be h EMediate relief, and quickly effects a (| since the days of 1907 when he + i > the aetiat seat:of the cCountias nt and ¢/ first came to Port Simpson at th fer weld If it is adopted in ; a : iA as ¢ ipletels cures an eases 9 ears ‘ as PT ‘ = tied " piet oe pad . a 4 ca a. 1B \ iF n r. i the Old Cor ntry it will no doubt MM. SS! _ { resennscbeentn a : your Chemist does not yet stock €| I ‘idety in sports among his fel-! tan har : ‘Sourdal’ do not accept ‘any sub eh ae ap at 5 stitut®, but send money-order for a fis FO MI : Pp. eng 5 supply direct to the ‘Sourdal’ Dis- in to rince tupert at } ige { Bas 2qo0 = tribut! Co., 38, Stati R ( fe Ane i oarte Surrey, Eng, und Ap at ci ti 1908, here his father was TO SEE IMPERIALS h. When put tovethe will! = will be mall I rm ‘ s i po hated government agent andj ty n 2 ‘ a ie order if 3 tirections I nine j . I set sheoted: M.'P. 8. Arthar. at Wily WIS SOMME IITE! oni caitemeriy mei Ow ial ssmessaediacinoaib cheep Alita iaibliat ‘ oS) $830 bit yak Mae once got in with the small boy funded \ y engines | Z ey thletic organization such as W. E. Scott, Former Deputy Agri-) nd boa 5.4 Z rs, eer they were, and used to play serub | culture Minister, Recelves | - | : | baseball with the rest the Appointment. pbOH SALI One 32 h. p. N, & 8.4 ; SMITH & MALLETT § s:sst0 om ne strvets Wiges ciigino;"rebored sad tibp: Belo his high schoot d OTTAWA i WwW. I auled Complete | ‘ he had taken hi las Seott '; r ep ‘ ce $1.000 F.O.B.) PLUMBING AND HEATING n-up baseb h he!of ag . rs Cy List of other engines} ENGINEERS has alwa nade hi { WW Saska- ipplication, Union} Estimates furnished ; ind nee that t iP ‘ { inted Mact Junea tf - : tupert DaAsecpall team has not { SOT " . Board } i a Address 3rd Avenue, head been comy ‘ I Canada to! lectig@n com- ; . , . ” zy ty} F of Second Street. iale a last he as | INIULE rs int ' 1 t : Phone 174 —— P.O. Box 274 ent for t pore from Victoria i el ine “thea d play for Ruy I f; who desire to ¢ é ( ada { it , f i 6 PELL OPEC ODL IDE DOLL LE 2 DEOL LOI OD ‘ nter-city gan l farming nd th te ! J ak a He is a steady and t ath { ent A u ; f ’ j i i A , es id . t; i i ne ‘ takec enty pell j i e \ A 13 t if al common on the iit | ND Acl || SALI ‘) I hole Me- Ho to Foil ind and j t metic feid (7o the game tavol { v4 hole Car VW VA/ $2600. 00 | ibiy or the other way he i a E t AE Tl 1st reat ' fi sealed eather on ashday ‘ . ' +} } Al RDING Dis ; W Ways Wearing a frili¢ itn EE AND SITUATE ON il parvain prices, Harry nan ‘ ; ’ lots, 7 room house, result that he \ f hi HE St 4 JRAY BAY 10F SBY he lieliable Plumber, 139 eae until Spring .a battle that endan- complete ifurnishings, coal head and has many times cor TAKE > E the pe Avenue u Seek aA aoe on washday be waged with ar ‘ Tr, the rescue wher nls 1 a eee - ’ ; Raa te cee er Sey eee ene de a 5 and wood supply. Sie snail eacitia por = = hoe pete] BOR SALE 25-40. h, p. aadiuns : . ; The Easiest Possible Terms ; ' Pri ats sie : ; \ . la ‘ t ted ® com Duty Sterling Engine, Bosch That, or drying the washing in the cellar or Al rince Rupert fan I! be la ‘ ‘ Pets . Cenitinn 4601-54 Geel odin per- attic, with its attendant inconvenience and nie roud of Arthur Manson as hej . ; ‘ Phas hae car” aaa . 7 s i DOUGLAS SUTHERLAND se ated in t! thletics. of |east . : hanes fect condition. $#1,250.00.—M. sour smells. ~ ua oe : Ok "| the K th rly 4 Stephens f 3 Phird Ave, Canada as well as the larger |poi encen inthe ephens. Raleed oe we Of course we can not order weather to our “e ; rhes doubly oioudt” re OF les Opi EEN a Aan ae. ahi cme fancy, but if you would Jaugh eat mud and inked aie ; 3 the 1elped to] ’ 104 4 woes al ad beni tinea water, save your health and keep your hands tap u 2 trail nil and fis credit the ; ' ’ D1 iu : ' | ‘ ike elivery direct irom and face free from chapping and roughness, a ae sporting pheres is clean and! . HARI ! Paci Cartage Lid tf telephone us. ) ted and is than hi I 4 4 2 3,1 - i - a Omin 0a _ i I's SALI rihade duit Next, bundle up your family washing and ahy place el Prince Rupert dition p ee have our driver call for it. : . . t \ . No wait. Full weight. Lae Daily News 3 In our laundry your things are initialed 6 BE —acrmcommertmernmertserertacetes Christensen, A during the war. They are just EUROPEAN PLAN to offside, The proposal is to} _Logated October om —-—————| as good for any other purpose $1.50 per day and up. divide eacks half of the field into LAND AQ’ where reliability counts.—M, M. , s, Thirty yards from ae . Step yhens, Prinee Rupert. tf r ; FIR ee equal sections, AN here [IN THE, SKEEWA LAND DISTRI f bIs-} nage _ B ‘ e the section WhElC | rAoT OF GUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS 2 ST-OLASS CAFE each goal will b NOTICE that Thomas B. Strain | LARGE GROCI RY CORPOR ATION 3 i ta Hash pee 8 can be offside. The re-|,TAXe tN occupation retuned! “i. going to start men every- PHONES 130 ang 423. P. O. iy 1632: . lmaining sixty yards in the center | soldier dé if Largest Assortment of Lumber In Central B. O, FISH BOXES A SPECIALTY SPRUCE FIR CEDAR Consult Us,