Logislative Library os ‘caddy Ty CAFE PHOWE BAKERY Ghe Daily Dews. TA XI “Phone 75 and 36 We Never Sleep PRINCE RUPERT AUTO ; 107 Second Avenueg ~ Bag . : > PRINCE RUPERT fo 6th Street . ' oe ‘ . leg gil t | Northern ard Central British Columbia’s Newspaper Oe a oe (M. H. LARGE —$ $$ —— —== : _-— ——$—- ——— niall ee Sosy . of OL. XI. NO. 140, ___ PRINCE RUPERT, B. C., TUESDAY, JANUARY 48, 1920. PRICE FIVE CENTS ae = --__ ___-_ . — —_———————— —————— = cleotide King’s Speech at Halifax ls Mass Meeting What Liberalism Stands For and Puts Forward Constructive Policy. (Special to The News via 4.7. P. Telegraphs.) HALIFAX, January 13.—The Hon. Mackenzie King, leader of Liberal party, brought his personal message to the people of; ya Scotia last night at a mass meeting held here. Mr. King! ke of the three groups into which the Dominion was roughly ided, namely, the Farmers, Labor and the War Veterans, and d that beneath the associations of each was the great under- ing principle of liberalism. He claimed that a parliament must} herwise there could be no hope of a united Canada. rk of Liberalism to include the essentials of the demands of the groups, to prevent them clashing with one another and ding them into one great forward movement. He expressed | complete opposition to the monopoly of government by any | B class. Mr. King spoke much of the unity, of command in an en- favor to show wherein the Unicon Government had utterly failed. said it had been formed to win the war, and now that the r was ended, it was seeking a pretext for holding on to office. 'Mr. King devoted much time to the exposition of the platform | ally with the \ way men rejected the government ike a mirror and reflect the aspirations of all of these groups. | it was the} jasking that the city LEAGUE OF NATIONS _[BRITISH RAILWAY | FIRST MEETING CALLED .| DISPUTE UNSETTLED Mayor Tells Council | BY PRESIDENT WILSON’ of Year’s Good Work Marshal Foch Charged with Duty Said Government's Proposals Large Increase Shown in Public Works; Utilities Department at Capacity; of Seeing to Peace Treaty Rejected Without Con- Healthy Financial Condition. Agreements Carried Out. sideration. At the close of the council meeting last night, Mayor McCly- has been agreed upon by France, railway dispute. mont briefly went over some of the work accomplished last term. Britain, Italy as unified}, * !0n8 statement has been|He pointed out that more roadwork had been done than in any director-charged nomin- ee purporting to reflect the/period since 1914, and was principally underpinning of the plank supervision of the Ee ae tas hac- the eee and redecking. The superstrueture of the roads in most etait oy Sates : akes the line that the rail- execution of the Peace Treaty. vases was worn out, having been in use for eight years, although proposals Without maturely con-'the estimated life of such work is five years. FORESHORE RIGH RIGHTS | ‘sidering them, and declares that The plans laid to macadamise the business streets had not CAUSE MUCH ARGUMENT. had a een oe mahi eg to matureg owing to the fact that the Provincial Government had an explanation of the effect of the jo ds a | iyi s SiaP kets result n:teee wave iot paid some $65,000 arrears of taxes due from them, and also oblained. The statement >” 08 My he rere paren ne cele Sy Council — Change of Heart adds tt there is no indledtion section two lots had not been a by Government. that the: government will refuse So thal a tceae pte. rope jreconsiagyguon of the matter. Pr - Urhone, SOURS OF 980, ee 090 from this source is deferred | A letter from J. R. Morgan, Ltd., ttl a” is f bl i i make some ie eee avorAl > Seed decision as to its foreshore policy, C0- OPERATION MUST tunity occurs for holding another | so that they uld ts it | auction sale of city lots. | from the SBovinhial “cetaboma| REPLACE COMPETITION. Next year’s council would be President Wilson Wanted Geneva saved the expense of plank road-| Sut Other Allies Preferred for a lath and shingle mill, was! : read to the City Council last night. George W. Perkins Outlines the “@ys on a large scale, owing to} Brussels. Needs of an Uneasy the work done this year and could! + ;Ministers Consult “With Premier; | | | (Special via G.T,.P. Telegraphs.) (Special via G.T. PR. Telegraphs,) 12.-—Premier WASHINGTON, Jan. 13.—Pres-|. LONDON, Jan, lage Wilson has issued the call Sen atk has summoned Sir r the first meeting of the League} OV°"* * tevenson Horn, minister of Nations to be held at Paris. of labor, and Sir Eric Geddes, Marshal Foch’s Job. minister of transportation to PARIS, Jan. 12.—Marshal Foch|P@ris for consultation on the Great military road lotfer, J. R. Morgan, Ltd., Writes to the been ASSENGERS : BLOWN FROM | | KEARNS SAYS WILL CONSIDER NO OFFER UNTIL FEBRUARY 15 Championship Bout. rce Gale Made Rescue impos-. : i (Speciel via ui. T. V. Telegraphs.) ible—Many Other Passengers | has an option on Georges Car-! ‘pentier’s services until February} 15, Jack Kearns, manager for Jack Dempsey, has decided to for- special vta G, T.). Telegraphs,) LONDON, Jan. 13.—Five pas- sngers on the Belgian mail boat om Dover to Ostend were blown a Sie : . . city released its claim on certain jand certain ‘connection but it seemed some of ; i » Liberal Convention, stressing the financial situa-|!t appears that the company had, ait Pie aa , | wn up at the ray 8 waite 2n to the government for a! World. therefore devote their main Ah ee 7. i eee pn and suggested tariff changes to 1cduce the present high cost} aie’ bik had Maen inthrsned thet a ke ergy to the business streets, and! WASHINGTON, Jan. 12.—Be- diving. it could not be granted until the. “* "€% Spirit of co-operation failing the government paying up Cause the United States did not must take the place of the old arrears to enable this work being Join the Entente powers and join certificates in the concluding ratifications of customs of competition if a real done, short term the Peace Treaty, the seat of the sclution of the various phases of might be placed against arrears, inrest disturbing the world to-| o Lhat this work might proceed at League of Nations may go to day is to be found. There must once. Brussels, in Belgium, instead of be co-operation between eduea-' Of the light and phone depart- Geneva in Switzerland, as_ pro- tional institutions and industrial ments, being municipal vided in the League Covenant. statements utilities, it was gratifying to know /President Wilson was responsible foreshore. Twenty to thirty men would be employed and it was the desire of the company to get a ‘title and commence operations at ithe earliest possible moment. This admission by the govern- these 9 oO institutions. These ochrane, ie Engli lish P inent that tl ty had rhts SHIP S DECK Blocks Ghesansixn eho aeihe ae iivecles te the Sree were made n New York recently that having gone through all the| for the selection of Geneva, the ° *, by George W. Perkins. Mr. Per- financial reports since 1912, it is| [French and British premiers of the City Fathers, change at this ti meis not in the government did not recognize any kins, after rising from the rank found that the past year made the yielding to his Suggestion, ai- of office boy to be the head of the best showing of any and that the though personally they preferred New York Life, a partner of J. P.,utilities were of a sound and Brussels, as being the most cen- LOS ANGELES, January 13.—In cle » city he reshore : : injueed~-Cheee: Rae: he of oa ins Suet iasien Bi: siete oh ee clastadl ts subi Morgan énd chairman of the kx- paying basis. tral and suitable location. Hurricane. ‘Cochrane the English promoter, matter to the incoming council ecutive Gommittee of the United,.Dealing with the financial as- an ' ee : ’ States Steel Corporation, retired pect the mayor mentioned trat ROBERT PORTER AGAIN . es a The matter of public safety at railnoad in the from active business life at forty from records in Victoria, he found. years of age and gave himself up that there were only six munici- to public affairs in general, and palities in all of B. C. whose sink- the study of profit-sharing and ing funds were intact, of which other came up and alsa Caw Bay crossings MAYOR ViCTORIA C1T/ the aldermen had “the cart be- (Special via G.T. 1. Teierrapns.) whos ; . flores oalp Bet all funther talk of negotiations ; ate : rs ed : ee DO roman ea atin for a championship bout until the fore the horse’ as the matter of one ee ghee “03 nce meer was te — also} yc FORIA, Jan. 13.— Mayor fas im a sible al serena) of the option expires. He will then issue safety was considered to have epitomizes the ‘results of his ee ~ : a tones aes ; Ronert tia cee ee Petite ‘ind coe the high seas. wheh ivVitations for offers with a view nothing to do with these fore- study rs es ec ee 9 et ns — page at the nominations which closed u See was? to accepting the best. shore concessions. a eae ys te rince uber’ was. one ol te lyesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock p & ( ¢ ¢ , ; ade navigation difficult. Many Jompetition at one time may three. This does not mean, how- : thers mong the t jred j ee have been the life of trade, but I i I l eer hes ‘pees Certerge stooted a7 among the hundred an¢ Bye ever, that the city has a large'accjamation. This will be Mr. eventy-nine passengers were se- SURPRISE PARTY srely injured. The British Isies GIVEN LAST NIGHT nd the continental coast for the days have been sulffer- which at times Last night When. Mr. and Mrs. Pached almost hurricane velocity. F, G, Dawson were nicely settling! French Cities Damaged. down for an evening at home, the! PARIS, January 13.—Northern sound of many feet brought Mr. prance is experiencing most se- Dawson to the door to find a large gales LARGE FRENCH it cerlainly was the death of man hood, the and the said Mr, surplus on hand, as such is not popter’s second term as mayor of curse of womanhood the case, but that we were paying this city wrecker of childhood, our way as we went along. As| Perkins. thie l Id re Sedat uite to eo'to the bond. martet BIG CANADIAN CLUB SHICAGO CLEANS UP this year to make flotations, this GATHERING IN LONDON record would be of much service (Spectat via G.T.P. Telegrapns.) CRIMINAL SUSPECTS as owing to the number of muni- LONDON, Jan. 13.—The Cana- STEAMER SUNK; MANY. MISSING cipalities practically in receiver | ,Ship, owing to extravagance in the): ere stonms, Heavy damage is party of their friends gathered to Five siuiteed: ant and Ejighty-nine (Special by G.T, P. Jelegrapns.) we as ‘ ted from many Cities with Surprise them. The visitors im-| Cannot be Found—Out of 615 CHICAGO, January 12—In a past, municipal bonds had not dian Club had the largest gather- ome loss of life, 'mediately took possession of the! Only 26 Recovered. great round up of criminals, one ™et with favor. (ing in its history last night. The : Prince of Wales, Sir Goerge Per- ‘nperor Wilhelm will call aj, ainily council of all Hohenzollern varties when the question of the utune home of the family will be Iscussed, the guests. DOCTOR CLAIMS DAMAGE WERE AFTER LIQUOR a letter was read from Patmore & Fulton asking damage done to Dr. car when il had £one sidewalk last month on of a loose guard rail. was referred to the city solicitor and city engineer for report. It >beclal via G.T. PL Telegraphs,) HICAGO, Jan, 12.—Two Min- ‘eapolis policemen who were ‘rrested after a gun fight in a Warehouse turmed out to be after liquor stored in that place, over the HOLD FAMILY COUNCIL guests. Rugs were lifted and the and sizhis.: nine persons are still prisoners. One suspect was killed | existing serious ifor Bordeaux, Egypt, besides Only two life boats containing 26 GERMAN PRISONERS At last night's council meeting persons have, Rees of $75 for Saturday .M. MeNeill’s (was driven kept atloat with account antil 3 The claim jwhen Rochelle, In a few weeks there would be a ae re house and it is doubtful who en-: ad thousand suspects have been. x ‘ r SHOHENZOLLERNS TO joyed the visit the most, the host} (@pecial via G.T. P. Telegraphs.) taken for examination and. over ©OMpleted a new water main |ley, Prince Albert, the Ear of land hostess or the unbidden’ PARIS, Jan, 13—Five hundred two pundred have been held across Shawatlans Passage, the Athlone, Earl Reading and Lord main being in such a!Byng of Vimy were among the \furniture pushed out of the way}missing from the wreck of the jn a duel with the police squad condition that it was enie s | é hich was French steamer Afrique which 1 th had died of w js liable to be swept away at any ene pecial via G.'T. P. G3 P. héalateniis.| to permit dancing, w and another ha ied of wounc : } ’ BERLIN, Jan, 12.——The former | *¢Pt Up until the early hours. sunk in the Bay of Biscay Sunday after being shot by the raiders, time and the city cut off from its BRITISH MINISTER 5 a Refreshments were brought by, morning. The steamer was bound The raid was undertaken to clear S0Urce of supply. LEAVES FOR GERMANY undesir-| Fhe mayor spoke of the loss —— ‘sustained by the city in the death ASpectal by 4.7. P. Telegraphs.) lof the late city clerk and solicitor,| London, Jan, 12.—Lord Kil- ‘Mi: Fred Peters, and the depart-|mannock has left for Germany to IN FRANCE Go Home '° of E. D. Johnson to Victoria. |become the British diplomatic |These positions were being ably representative there. afternoon the Afrique (Special via G.T.P. Telegraphs.) [filled by Mr. Vauce, as city trea- off her course and, PARIS, Janruary 12.-—Premie surer, and the incoming council great diiliculiy Clemenceau has ordered the im-|WOUWld find this department in o'clock Sunday morning, mediate repatriation of all Ger- Capable hands, as well as the city . . slanr ; . AV 7 sank 50 miles off La man prisoners of wan. clerkship, as Mr, E, A. Woods’ 3 * past knowledge was of great as- REPRESENT RAILROADERS = Sistance. In closing, the mayor said that France, to Cairo, the city had 465 passengers ables, crew of 150 men. of Chicago of and her so far, been picked gale on ip. Duning a_ terrific Ladysmith Coal. The best. Prince Rupert Goal Company. Bhone: 15. she Trades and Labor Counell Tohight at 8:00 p.m, Sip Herbert Tree ALPINE AVALANCHE ‘cially ‘debt to those who pnriew A PUBLIC MEETING Ladies and Gentlemen, cluded in the administrative Goun- cil of State Railroads. eee | WAS the opinion of the mayor that Birth —- , om /the street foreman should be held ———— (Special via G,T.P, Telegrapns.) the lot of those in public life was IMPORTANT! ESTH responsible for the condition of} A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.| ROME, Jan. 12.—The Italian ana of criticism es rule, and . i W OLME the streets and there should be no|/A, EB, Norten of Prince Rupert at’ government has decided that a ak Dense: ware oa mst - - f “at aap eS fd venterday. |ranras as oecmani oe ’, pac z e, the F TONIGHT ONLY loose guard rails, the General Hospital yesterd * reprenpuiaing.of the railwaymen’ opp pT ee ne sity ‘finan |. To.the steotors.of Pringa ' ra ; sound with no legacy of Rupert, : Unapenete ate. a Py Sarees ill be t ld in th E ‘ Wl Having been requested by 2RNE, Switzerland, Jan, 12.—-|% Will be held in the Empress TO SCUTTLE WARSHIPS | elcid ore Filings in the Italian Theatre at 8:15 on Wednes- VICTORIA LEAL LEADING a number of the voters to let Shake , Alps, has been buried by an ava-|§ Jay, January 14, 8, M. New- (Special by G,T, P. Teregraphs.) IN PACIFIC HOCKEY my name be presented as a epeare & eat i Very heavy snow storms ion, Mayoralty Candidate, Copenhagen, Jan. 12.—Socialist Candidate for Alderman at ¢ 9 tina ki chit faa » rail- vill address the electors. inf tion is tl ann i | : a the forthcoming Municipal f n the Alps have blocked the rai . av gaminiaihan : for information is that there is a plan Spects! via G,T.P, Telegrapbs,) election, if elected I shall weve: ond jhe highways. si a , - if they oA taiive to scuttle the German. warships’ VANCOUVER, Jan. 13.—By @/$ ondeavour to keep the taxes ’ ae will be diveh a ene 7 iene: ONE Je por alias. ‘score of 4 to 3 the Victoria Aris-}§ a+ the minimum, and the ef- cs “ALi .” Phone 44, ’ ; ? PARTS » 3 il- ; ah pennion: (Alide B. .PROR Mr. Newton will be at Seal The Gity Council last night de- sOrvars. took the ha kee te wns |} fleieney of Public Servants at in 7 parts, Spirella Corsetiere Phone love tomorrow noon to meet 3) cided to advance building loans of at the top of the Pacific Hockey the maximum. sided is 4Ors oe + . aon lan gs > a p ie Keystone Comedy Black 257, the Eastern: eleators: ee ee een — ere Association with Vancouver and JOHN BUCKLEY, ? Sh Serene ; ree , Seattle even two games behind. , The Sea Serpent’ s Desire Wallace's Whirlwind Sale starts GOD SAVE THE KING dorf, Frank Summers and J, F, . Buckley Block Thursday 15th at 9 a, m. erecoeccocccoorassncoccancesmncees | Marlen. | &. C. Undertakers, Phone 41.) ’