vesday, January 13, THE DAILY NEWS Page 3 TOBACCO SERIES No. IV Drawing made from an actual gm ree of a Tobacco Auction in Virginia. The finest grade of leaf intended for export purposes is keenly contested for among bidders. The “ Tobacco with a Heart” is just as keenly sought after by men who know a good smoke or chew. MACDONALDS TOBACCO A oie eal PPARKIN & WARD Electric Co. Ltd. Third Avenue and Cow Bay Electrical and Marine Supplies REGAL 4 CYCLE MARINE GASOLINE NGINES Sizes ag 2 HP. 50 HP. Complete Lighting and ignition Outfits to suit all requirements Owing to the high cost of production the Regal Gasoline Engine Co. are compelled THE PRICE TEN PER CENT. ON ALL ENGINES AFTER JANUARY 1, 1920 Take advantage of present prices. Place ycur orders now for spring delivery. ~» TO RAISE SP EDEN SL When protect your of the air is damp and cold, lf by keeping a supply PENSLAR THROAT DRAGEES handy for preventing throatirritation and huskiness. Penslar Throat Dragges are widely used and recommended by the most discriminating people of the country We Can assure you laatexcellent 2sults will follow in your case. hae Throat Dragees are sold in generous 35c° boxes convenient to carry,and can be purchased at our Store. TheSPRINCE RUPERT DRUG CO. Phone “rd Avenue, opposite 2nd St, P. 0. Rox 1 34.2Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention 215 Pe NOTARY PUBLIC Royal insurance Company, Limited. Northern As urance Go, timited. cndon & Lancashire Fire Insurance Co., Limited. London & Lancashire Guarantee & Accident Co. Fidelity-Phenix Fire insurance Co. INSURANCE David H. Hays General Real Estate Agent Sor. Second Avenue and Second Street. = ! syste m, i }sugeested } | | | | | | | | | . a THE IDEAL ee £ ber i} for . Trollers hee, ; about ja new EXCHANGE I$ UNNECESSARY W. R. Love Writes | Letter to City ww hy Council Condemning $50,000 Building Bylaw. and Gouncil, City of Prince Rupert:— In connection with the pro- posed $50,000 bylaw for building to be voted upon Thurs- day, January 15, I desire to draw attention to what are, I believe, points concerning this lo the Mayor riant bylaw. | understand that the main idea in proceeding with this bylaw is to provide space for a new city np telephone exchange, and L d@&ire briefly to criticise this measure, The present equipment, (switch- board) can be added to in sections of 200 lines at a time, as desired to double the present board from Kach addition woula cost approximately $5,000. The occupied by the ex- change apparatus in the City Hall is large enough to afford space for, doubling the present capacity. This would serve a population of 14,000 and would tide us over to a more favorable time. The trend in telephone practice today is rapidly moving in the directon of adopting the automatic the first cost of which is, however, rather high. If the pres- ,ent equipment were added to as and had _ served the ineeds of the city for years, the city would surely be Ketter able finaneially to then undertake exchange and that of the most modern kind on the market at that time. Rew Exchange Unnecessary. No doubt engineers 600 to 1200 lines. space some sales can COURT OF REVISION. Prince Rupert Avscesment Disérict. 3 HERE! Y BIVEN tt Kevi mn and Appeal, under hie aka mi Act e Art,’ j I < { the K S me District 1 ‘ ar held at tl Provincial ssessor’s of nce Rupert, on Frida the 23rd day Janu ary, 192 at 10 o’clock in the fore jn on Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C., January 6th, 192¢ JOHN DYBHAVN, of Court of Revision and Appeal BUTTER! Our Own Brand, 723c 9 Ibs. for $3.60 _Judge FRESH EGGS ARE DOWN BROWN BEANS worth 15c per Ib.; on sale 3 Ibs. for 25c. Only 100 Ibs. to seil PALM OLIVE SOAP a few days only at llc per bar Stock up on Paim Olive as it is worth a good deal more at the wholesale. Re A iamsterley or Quaker Peach MMI wkGiee cea a cea $1.10 iusberries, per pound, 20c Our Own Brand Butter 72'2c dur Own Special Blend Coffee fresh ground-...... 60c niler’s Best Tea, per lb, 65e Fuller's Special Tea, lb, 60c Fuller’s Kade Tea, uer |b, 60c Christie's Cream Sodas, per oarton 2 «« sas a cite 25c Peanut Butter in glass, 40¢ VeluC 10Ri ios ee ee 25 Purity or Quaker Flour 49- Ih. nok 4. ¢eeae es $3.25 Pacific Milk, per case, $5.35 Pacitie Milk, 9 tins for $1.00 Maple Leaf Milk, case, $5.50 Jonathan Apples wrapped stock, per box .... $3.25 Pancake Syrup, per bottle 25c Along with the purchase of Fuller's Best Tea at 65c per pound we will sell 2 Ibs. of Cranberries for 25c. TOTAL VALUE $1.25 ON SALE FOR 90c. HAVE YOU MADE YOUR DEPOSIT? It Saves Time and Trouble on Phone Orders -FULLER’S LTD | (PHONE 45 ose ee ee ell i a utility! ‘ing @ new exchange right now, but | i'l believe, as a telephone man of ‘ten yearns’ standing (three years jin your own plant) that I can {prove itis not needed at present. IExXperiemce 3 7 — —— ek heal a STA TES NEW wive plausible reasons for install. e380 2 Sif Li the city exchange) are supplied in i sections like-a sectional bookease. /Our plant is only half capacity. not add what a new plant? Tells oo is required? I believe that jthe proposal for a new building jand equipment for a new ex-|f | ‘change at this time is not in the public interest. ; Iam satisfied that no telephone engineer interested in making a sale would recommend this measure and that no tele- phone company in Canada under the same conditions would pro- ceed with this unnecessary ex- penditure. In closing, being in the electrical business, IT wish to state that I am in no way directly or indirectly have any agencies from companies manufacturing or selling telephone apparatus. WALTER R. LOVE. Mayor Supports Pian. The above letter Was read be- fore the council last night and was referred to the utilities com- inittee of the incoming council. The mayor stated that. the utilities committee had been very reluctant about spending more | money but it had been decided | | Telephone exehanges (ineluding | | | Why unless flavor---then the superintendent of utilities that the most economical plan in telephone affairs was the building of this new building and the in- stallation of a new system. One great advantage about this would be that the new building would be fireproof. At present if the City Hall should burn the city would probably be months without tele- phones. A $40,000 bylaw for a new exchange had been passed by the people in 1914 but they had defeated the building bylaw for its accommodation. Therefore the present building bylaw was quit: consistent. Expert advice’ had been sought and it had been de cided that the installation of a mew exchange would be more eco- nomical than the continuous ad- dition to the present which was becoming obsolete anyway. Packed by the Pioneer Coffee and Spice Mills Ltd., Vancouver and Victoria one Wedding Breakfast Coffee is packed by a house that has sold ‘coffee satis- faction” for ncarly half a century. Consult your own taste---try Wedding Breakfast once---taste its full delicious you'll know you’ve found the coffee of your choice. This superior choice berries, ground properly and packed in 1 |b. WEDDING BREAKFAST j —_— T weury . 20 3 ot ; i mainly on the recommendation oi | 4 Oi i ‘ i ‘ fF i Your Grocer Has It. coffee is blended from air tight containers. Council Discussion. \ldernman Casey then rose to ask why the Love brothers had not been consulted. They were reputable engineers and had ab- solute knowledge. One of them had spoken to him on the matter and he had mentioned it to the zt : DEPARTMENT OF LANDS utilities committee. He was sur- ° yrised that they had never been vite aan chek eh bia. Gieoeoamiiie’ cD Stem peatirgtlp rh” Tuatha” oa : PPLICATION FOR GRAZING PERMITS 1 Ut} Ald. McRae said that Ald. Casey THE SEASON OF 1920 | has another think coming. He! applications ror permits to graze live- tock on the Crown range within each did not know that the Loves were Sauine istrict Gr tae: Prettics ar elttan electrical experts. They do not] ‘clumbia must be fied with the District} ice be od H i ; oresters at Cranbrook, Fort George, hai- ciaim to be such. e asked fo yops, Nelson, Prince Kupert, Vancouver fur , xplanat . Mr.] 8¢ Vernon or with the Commissioner of further ; xp! anation from Mr. irazing, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B. Love. , on or before February 29, 1920. ue Blank forms upon which to submit ap- WS] jications may be obtained from the Dis- in] rict Foresters at the above named places r from the Department of Lands at Vic- oria, B. C. Mr. Love admitted that he not an electrical engineer, but lelephone affairs said he had forgotten more than Mr. Duncan 6, Au NADER Deputy Minister of ‘Lands. ver knew _ ; y Department of Lands, ever knew. A fireproof building victowa 3. Go was not necessary in a frame December Sth, ASI 5 : Sr building town and as far as the : er AN PROBATE. ie catt motors being ant ronan hoe JIN TH JPREME COURT O motors being an annoyance in th COLUMBIA. City Hall, they could be placed on ~—aanne : iN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA- piers at a cost of about $15. He was not springing this suddenly, but it was his first opportunity. Mr. Duncan spoke briefly sup- the statements of Mayor TION ACT — and — iN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CHARLES W. SHAIRLIN, DECEASED, INTESTATE, TAKE NOTICE that in order of His porting ; flunour F. McB, Young, made the Sixteenth McClymont and Ald. McRae as tojdsy of December, A. D. 1919, 1 was ap- x \xche ce pointed Administrator to the estate of a new exchange. Charles W. Shairlin, deceased, and ali cE 2 parties having claims against the said es- tate are hereby required to furnish same, R LSHEV K R M properly verified, to me, on or before the ¥ ; i6\D day of January, A. D. 1920, and ali parties indebted to the estate are required PROPOSED FO MEXICO to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith. JOHN H. McMULLIN, Omcilal Administrator. Dated this 16th day of December, 1919. NOTICE Notice is hereby “given that an applica- ion will be made to the Legislative AS* sembly of the Province of British Columbia at the next session on behalf of the Asso- ‘Spectal via G.T,P f+#legrapns.) SAN ANTONIO, Texas, Jan. 12. There is information that Car- ranza government ollicers coun- tenance a plan te establish a Bol- shevik regime throughout Mexico, |«iation of Professional Engineers of British * 3 Columbia for a Private Bill to incorporate Americans who fled to Mexico tOj|the said Association, the said Bill to be Oe si fe known as THE BRITISH COLUMBIA ENGI the draft are implicated. NEERING PROFESSION ACT for the pur- poses of g0y and regulating the yractice of C Mining, Metaiurgical, Mechanical, Electrical and Chemical Engi- neering in the Province of British Colum- bia, and the qualification, examination and registration of intending practitioners, the discipline of its members and for the ac- quiring of real and personal property an the disposal of the same and for the gen- eral management of the Association. a. c., ey ade PRINCE TO SAIL iN MARCH (Special py G.T.P. Telegraphs.) LONDON, Jan. 12.-—The Prince of Wales will probably leave Lon- don for Australia aboard the battleship Renown about the mid- die of March by way of Panama Dated at the City of Vancouver, his 5th day of December, ~ D. 1919 Of the frm of Patiulo & Tobin, Solicitors for the Applicants. Canal. rere si rere miele ce eo aie MINERAL ACT Hoe eee ee Pesci * * Certificate of Improvem*nts. 2 Tuo SUBSCRIBERS * NOTICE. * * KING SOLOMON and IRON KING Minera! a i Claims, situate in the Bella Coola Mining * Subscribers to The News * Division of Coast District. ae ~~ 4 ere ocated:— est side o ean . are asked to pay the de- . Channei, North of Cascade Inlet in Rang iver , a} ; , 3, Coasi Pistriet, livery boys each imonth % 1% Ch GE that 1, HUGH ARCHIBAL! * when they call, except # | MACLEAN, as Agent for SMELTERS STEE! here ay 1€ NY, Free Miner’s Certificate No W ners payment has beer pare 230, intent, sixty days, from the sy ” made for a » i ny * hereo Oo apply to the ning Recorde : f e th year in ad jfor a Certifeate of Improvements for eac! * vance. The beys when “*/of said claims for the purpose ef obtaining ‘ acting earr ; a Crown Grant of the above claims. collecting carry oficial re- * |" ‘And further take notice that action un i* ceipls which should al- * der Section 85, must be commenced befor: the issuance of such Certificate of Im- i‘* ways be preserved, * provements, * nae” this 16th day of January, A. I! eee SEH EE He ee " HM. A. MACLEAN. is sometimes reached before the cold weather is ail over, Any- wey it is a good idea to have some on hand. Beiter order a LUMP COAL $13.00 per ton, delivered. Phone Black 85 Terminal Coal Co, : Pool Room OF RPP BI IS PDO PPE PLE I ree he ; ‘OUR Tree moved to 721 Third Ave. Opposite The Empress Hotel —_— CIGARS SCDA Two per cent. Beer ~ Peer Oe Phones 41 and Red 391 For Hire by the Hour, Day or Week Launch Alice B. Picnic and Fishing Parties Trips round Harbor POOL OS POL OO ADS 1. MYHILL-JONES PEP LOE BIDE LG LEL IDOLE LED ARE AA EE