ue sday, January 13, 1920. THE DAILY NEWS EARTHQUAKE CAUSES GREAT pstoil Gall —— season. The absence of snow with the weather al} that desited, again shows the of the Queen Charlottes be surpassed in the Do- ing and ice, ean be climate cannot jminion, CLASSIFIEJ) ADVERTISING Phone 98 This is the Advertising Column that people read when they want anything C UR DINNERS A. Specialty ‘oO Jen for inspectidn * THE HEAD PYou are a Sufferer—-Go to your fo Druggist and order Goncen- Sourdal, price 81 per tin. New remedy gives almost im- ate relief, and quickly effects a anent cure It penetrates to ctual seat of the complaint, and comnpletely cured many a h were considered hopeless. Chemist does not yet Naa dal’ do not accept any sub Ste, but send money- order for a bly direct to the ‘Sourdal’ Dis- ting Co., 38, Station Road, don, Surrey, Eng., and a package * be mailed per return with full tions, Orders at any time DAI NESS aps RUIN IN MEXICO Towns and "Villages Virtually Destroyed and Thousands of renee Killed. MEXICO C ITY, Sanuary.42 —Six hundred persons were killed at Barranca Grande, when that place was destroyed by the earthquake a week ago Saturday, according to-a dispatch received here from Vera Cruz. Jalapa, the former capital of the state of Vera Cruz, and the town of Teocela were vir- tually ruined, while the village of Ayahualco was crushed and buried by great rocks which rolled down from the adjacent mountain. The same fate is reported to have be- fallen the village of Exhuacan. One small child is the only sur- of all the inhabitants of the in the state of which was overwhelmed village of Santito, Puebla, by poisonous gases At Barranca’ Nueva, heaval opened a great gap in the the earth, One house containing sev- | eral people dropped to the bottom | of the fissure up- and the survivors | could hear the cries of! those imprisoned below. Food} has been lowered to the prisoners by above ropes. - NEWS NOTES FROM THE ITH & MALLETT MBING AND HEATING ENGINEERS Estimates furnished. Mdress, 3rd Avenue, head of Second Street. pbne 174 P.O. Box 274 QUEEN CHARLOTTES a Logging operations are going on apace in the spruce camps of Giuaham Island. Mills are pre- paring for a record output during 1920, It is expected that there will be a phenomenal run of sal- mon when the fishermen and can- be busily engaged. been very success- purchased = over, dollars’ worth of ‘marten and land otter skins from ‘the natives during a recent visit. nerymen will Trappers have ful, one $ three thousand buyer $2650. 00 iys 2 lots, 7 room house, reds Ffurnishings, coal Ind wood supply. The Easiest Possible Terms DOUGLAS SUTHERLAND J3 Third Ave. The prospects for the islands an- pear bright and a large inilux of mill hands, fishermen and pre- emptors is looked for. g* * ° Massett Indians Council for the ensuing year. Alfred Adams, Peter Hill, William Matthews, Adam Abrams, Robert Brown and Jasper Amos were elected. A returned soldier, Jasper Amos, was elected Chief Councillor. The Massett Indians ‘The elected their work under by-laws and attend to ~the internal affairs of the towns adomin Coal Full weight. $12.50 $13.75 Ton, Ton} Sacked COAL No wait. Loose FURNACE Consumers Coal Company Phones- 7 - Black 293 in the same manner as the cities govern the municipalities. At a basket social held on Mas- sett Reserve, Queen Charlotte Is- lands, four hundred dollars was raised to aid in the eomple- Liome of the pretentious Anglican Church now under construction, * . . The Prince Albert brought a first consignment of canned crabs from the new cannery at Naden over There is A Photographer in town . DAVIDSON The Peerless. Sut Suite 22, Alder Block PHONE Red 328 For Comfort, Courtesy~ and Service go to The SAVOY HOTEL F. T,. Bowness MANAGER Phone 37. P.O. Box 1704 Hotel Prince Rupert EUROPEAN PLAN $1.50 per day and up. FIRST-CLASS CAFE A La Marte. ree. a re neee + Te tartay” oan House 416 Sixth Avenue East Near Drydock Board by Month or Week. Phone Red 245 LOOP LL O LL LLL ALLL LD I WON OPOP OL OOLODOLO OOO DOODIOODONEE ~'dents along the shores, Harbor on Virage Sound. A num- ber of men and’women are em- ployed in Capturing and preserv- ing the large crabs found beneath the waters of Naden Harbor where anothen industry has beeh added to the growing trade on the Queen Charlottes. Christmas trees for the child- ren has been the order of the day at Massett and Port Glements. Basket socials, masquerade balls and social gatherings held under the auspices of the church and G,. W. Y. Society, well attended. The residents of Queen Charlotte Is- lands passed the holidays in a most pleasant manner. were societies which were Contractor Muse, after building a new wharf at Massett and re- pairing the wharf on the Indian reserve, is now engaged with a large crew building a wharf at Port Clements. >. . * Three large “Killer” visited Massett Inlet and persed, to the wonder of the resi- whales dis- | | | } . . The marriage of James Jones to Mrs. Isaas Wilson took place at Skidegate on New Year's Eve. ‘The contracting parties were born jon Graham Island and received ithe congratulations of the resi- |dents at a festival held in the ‘Town Hall. . . * Five births, with no deaths, In- creased the population of the ‘Qneen Charlotte Islands during ! December. as On account of the mildness of ‘the winter, game was not plenti- Charles Adam, one of the oldest settlers, now resident in Prince} Ses i Rupert, recently paid a visil to WANTED Graham Centre and Port Cle-|—— oe ments. A number of veterans met|MACHINIST with knowledge of Comrade Adam and made his stay| gasoline repair work wanted. as pleasant as possible. Ake ‘rbherg, Thoinson & Co., Ltd * ° . - \ practical joke was perpe- " ee he tap ch ees trated on an amateur trapper Bf degen Apply P, O. Box 197. short time ago. A dead calf was placed in one of his steel-traps. The amateur trapper carried the young carcass for some miles to his stor cabin and prepared the hide for the fur dealers, apparently imag- New drygoods It brings results SITUATIONS WANTED. lady desires e. Has little ex Write s ollice, box position in perience in 33, Daily DEA he had-a marten skin worth over twenty Phe The ges bei housework. Apply Mrs. Par- not grace the shoulders of some. nell, care Indian oflice, City. Parisian beauty, much to the dis- pati ssbiiioeaublil appointment of the amateur FOR SALS sportsman, Mega tered otra ne ‘ PFOR SALE 12-foot semi-tunnel Queen Charlotte Islanders can-| boat, built of oak with cypress | | | Respectable Indian woman wants ti CHARLES E. BURGESS. vt do better than mail thew) planking screwed to frames, printing needs to The News Print| fulk canopy top, 32-37 Mastern shop and get the work done} Standard engine. All ready t romptly and well. } take the water. Fully equipped ee with toilet, ice box, berths, LAND ACT. | three propellers, winch, etc., rice $3,000.01 . ick , NOTICE UF INTENTION TO PpuncHase; Price $3,000.00 for quick sale. LAND IN QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS M. M. Sté ‘phens. tf LAND Sree T ras OR anon |, ——— niet walang ‘ TRICT OF SKEENA, AND § e THE AGHORE OF GRAY BAY MORESBY|FOR SALE—415 h. p. engine, ‘in ISLAND. » 4 . ‘aw ay. 8100 TAKE NOTICE that 1, Walter Rudge, of house at bridge, Cow Bay, $10( Copper Bay, privet Seeme British per-| cash. When put together will lumbia, farmer, intend to apply for pe ‘ . mission 10 purchase one hundred snd sixty | be in good running order. If acres of land bounded as follo 0 satisfac “7 7 we > mencing at a post planted at the northeast not satisfactory money will be corner of lot 866, Moresby Isid,, thence west refunded. Also other engines 20 chains; thence north 80 chains; thence j sales oh po east 20 chains, more or less to the beach; and boats for sale-——J. Toner. thence following the beach pees point of commencement, anc containing : pe ey : . SOO) Mires: TOt OF: less, FOR SALE—One 32 h. p. N. & 8 WALTER RUDGE, Locator. gas engine; rebored and thor- November 22, 1919. F 4 — ——- oughly overhauled. Complete SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—-DISTRICT. OF : . rina 7 QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. equipme nt. Price $1,000 F.O.B, 3 boat. List of other engines TAKE NOTICE that Charles E. Burgess, ; 3 4 wow of Bay Point, California, hotel-kKeeper, in furnished on application. Union tends to apply for a licence to prospect for i coal and petroieum over the following de- _ Mac hine Works, Juneau. if scribed lands on the West Coast of Moresby island, British Columbia, commencing at) FOR’ SALE—12 h. p. heavy duty a post planted about 200 yards from the ’ : s sa r southerly shore of Canoe Pass and 4 miles Atlas, with bronze shaft, pro- east of the northeast corner 0 tober Sita A : th. tite Reid’s coal and petroleum licence number peller, magneto, coil, ete. Thi 10460, thence north 80 chains, thence east is the engine I used in the 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence ry Fy ; west 80 chains tor the point of commence Aileen.” It is in perfect order ment. and very little used. $1,600.00— By Hans K. Christensen, Agent M. M. Stephens. tf Located October @th, 1919. mae fOR SALE — One four-hole Mc- e Synopels of @ Clary Range, one six-hole Can- adian Oxford, both secondhand land Act Amendments | «) argain prices. | Plumber, larry Han- 139 ‘ful before the close of the shoot- Pre-emptor holding own grant son, the Reliable Second Avenue. tf ee of first-class land a : f : . yf ; second-class to FOR SALE—25-40 h.p. Medium Sre-tuiaten new eenfined te sur- Duty Sterling Engine, Bosch veyed lands ealy. Ignition, 4 cyl., 4 cycle, in per- Records will be ted cevering only fer : iti 95 ae Mine ouitahig fee Rattan fec t condition. $1,250.00.—M. and which is nen-timber land. M. Stephens. tf > nership pre-emptions abelished, ndpahneeamet baa neces caomepsiimtesiessa faa rr senat — er aes FOR SALE—A car of dry cord with jeint Test lenee, but each making wood from Cedarvale. Order reer on respective f : clgime. early for delivery direct from empt claims for cc pre five youre ands mgt secupy cits to car. Pacific Cartage, Ltd. tf yaiue ¢ $10 per a meepotin clear- a 2 , and cultivat at least 5 acres, 70) SALE — Dress s i 00 before receiving Crown Grant. FOR Al : I ren ull. in. Boo! Where pre-empter & occupation not condition, Price reasonable. jess than 8 years, and has made > - 26 ailey Newer portionate imprevements, he may, be- ‘pply bax 32, Daily News. tt cause of ill-health, er ether cause, be t re granted intermediate eertificate of tm- OR SALE Kitchen cupboard, ! provement and transfer his claim. ‘ 2 : S P R s water pormanee Ppl. very reasonable. Suite 10, Sum- ence may be iseu re a - mi : cant makes impreveenents te eatent © mit Apartme nts. tf | $800 per annum and records sa:ne as aby. Dee woe ti Gkn eo | year. Failure to make imprevemerts§ | ]°()it SALE : Kite hen cabinet, very | or record same will eperate as for- feiture. ‘Title cannet be obtained in ‘easonable. Suite 10, Summit .lese than 6 years, and improvements ar . . “of $10.00 per acre, tmcluding 6 acres Apartments, _ os ae ul cleared and cultivated, and residence nee of at least 2 years are required. FOR RENT may record another pr ~emption, if he requires land in conj ction with his farm, without actual occupation, pro- 3 y . te . vided statutory improvements made with two beds, suitable for and residence maintained on Crown re > } r TE Thir ae romeees . gentlemen. Apply 708 Third Unsurveyed areas, not exceeding 20 Avenue West. tf tes acres, may be leased as hemes title te be obtained after NaS. resl- dential and improvement condit!ons. For grazing and industrial purposes ‘ iv i $j OC 3 are uoaitae a Gare’ eer can be divided into single rooms leased by one person or eempany. if desired. Apply 210 Ninth Mill, factory or indust sites en Ave > West tf timber Iand not exceedi 40 acres Avenut est. TO RENT— FOR RENT—Steam heated room, Three-roomed flat, or may be purchased; conditions inelude payment of stumpage. oO IN TF is sui St. ee eee a JF R RENT—Furnished suite, St by existing roads may be purchased Louis Rooms, Phone Red 914. ceoaiteee) ieee construction” ef a road > ediaemeihdtieihite rene eeaiiabeusmabmagiel to them ebate of one-half ef cost of A A she f road, not ‘exceeding half of purcnas? ‘OR RENT—F urnished cabin, 623 price, is made. e Bighth Avenue West. 10 PRE -PRPTORe ent" @RANTS ae on _ MISCELLANEOUS , ee enene of Pi tet is enlarged to - Pee Ter ee rere nelude rsons joini and si ‘ } ‘ ” ing with “ue Majesty's Vorsas “Phe SONGS JNBIDDEN, by the time within which the heirs or dev Prospector, will make a nice of a deceased pre-emptor may apply ¢ . . tor title under thie Act is extended gift book for your eastern rom for one year from the death of Pnia > p " , j , suah. perean, as formarty, until ene friends. Poems of Love, Nacure, year after the conclusion of the present Religion and Sociology. It is war. ‘his privile, - ‘ > ne ee eee fragrant with the breath of No fees relating to pre-emptions are due or payable by soldiers on re- emptions recorded after June 26, 1918 Taxes are remitted for five years. Provision for return of moneys ac- erued, due and bsen paid since August 4, 1914, on account of payments, fees or taxes on soldiers’ pre-emptions. eover ‘ CO,, balsams and pines. Leatherette velvet $2.00, post paid. Published by Victonia Printing & Publishing 5214 Yates St. Victoria, B. C. s, $1.50; sheep, Interest on agreements to purchase town or city iets held by members of Allied Forces, or dependents, acquired direct or indirect, remitted frem en- listment® to March #1, 1920, SUB-PURCHWASERS OF CROWN ~ LANDS, up. Provielon made for issuance of Crown ants to sub-purchasers of Crown Lands, acquiring rights from purchasers who failed to complete urchase, involving forfeiture, on ful- Riiment of conditions of purchase, in- terest and taxes. Whore sub-purchas- ers (do not claim whole of original par- cel, yuronane meee due and taxes may ST TR Nay me. Sei be Istributed proportionately over A y, whole area. Applications must be L ANGE GROC K RY C ‘ORPOR ATION made by May 1, 1920. is going to start men every- GRAZING, where in a cut-rate grocery Grazing Act; 1919, for systematic business of their own, $25 to development of livestock industry pro- vides for grazing districts and range administration under Commissioner Annual grazing permits tssued based en numbers rarged; priority for estab- Hshed owners, Stoch-owners may . ; . a form Associations for range manage- Consumers’ Association, Wind- for wattlrs, caimpere oF fie. perme | sor, Ontario, Canada, it co © ®@ weekly. AGENCY FOR THE CELEBRATED “Fastern Standard” Marine En- gine built in sizes from 10 h.p. Seven were used_in submarine chasers during the war. as good for any other purpose where reliability counts.—M. M, Stephens, Prince Rupert. hundred The $100 invested should earn $30 Send for free mail or- der and canvassing plans.—The of these Take Peps at Once! Peps will safeguard you against more serious ailments of which “sore throat” is usually just the beginning. By keeping « box of Peps on hand, therefore, you can avoid much unnecessary suffering and needless expense. Peps Pastilles, dissolved on the Mer or throw off a medicinal Pine vapor, which is such a powerful disinfectant thi that it de- stroys all germs and prevents the soreness / spreading. At the same time the heali quality of the vapor soothes the infla membranes and soon brings relief, Peps are equally beneficial for laryng- itis, asthma, bronchitis, coughs and colds. All dealers or Peps en ‘oronto. 50c. box, 3 for $1.25. How to Foil Wind and Weather on Washday From now until spring.a battie that endan- gers health must-on washday be waged with rain and sleet. That, or drying the washing in the cellar 6r attic, with its attendant inconvenience and sour smells. Of course we can not order we=ther to our fancy, but if you would lavch : : mud and water, save your health and i:sep sour hands and face free from chappin; anc roughness, telephone us. Next, bundle up your family washing and have our driver call for it. In our laundry your things are initialed where the mark never shows. Everything is sorted, too——table linen is washed only with table linen, hosiery with hosiery. There is no indiscriminate mixing. And it is laundered in fleecy suds of silky softness. The weather, and the hardship of fall and winter washing need never be a source of worry. Use your telephone and let us help you. Canadian Steam Laundry Phone 8 ‘ O7Hs Armee, pretenses ——- Open Ist February, 1920 NEW MARINE WAYS Shawatlans Passage Equipped for building and ronsiting al classes of boats up to 100 feet in length, WOODWORKING, B&i.LACKSMITHING AND MACHINE SHOPS. Best equipped plant in Central British Columbia. Seal Cove Marine Ways, Ltd. W. E. Thompson, Gen. Manager Phone Green i53 A. Swanson, President Phone Red 391 y are just tf Georgetown Lumber Co. P. O. BOX 1632 PHONES 130 ot 423. Largest Assortment of Lumber In Central B. 0. FISH BOXES A SPECIALTY FIR CEDAR Consult Us. SPRUCE