y nv L Page 8 “ Woscd!land Farm, Wednesday Morning Dear Jane, At last I’ve found a monient to answer your very welcome letter. That’s as far as I got, when I heard a terrible noise in the kitchen, and rushing in pulled a pan o found that Bobby had boiling water off the stove and scalded himself badly. Just imagine! —and I ten miles from the has always in- ok doctor and no one here to help! an k house. goodness Tom isted upon keeping ho Fhe poor little chap was in Zam-Buk in the uch awful pain it was all I could do to hold him While I plastered the Zam- Buk on his arm and leg. Then I bound them up with strips torn from an old sheet, and now he’s actually asleep! Could you believe it? [always knew Zam-Buk was good stuff, but I'd no idea it was so won pain. without it! derful for ending Whatever should I have done This started out to be a letter, but it sounds more like a testimonial for Zam-Buk! I’llsend it off anyway, because I want to ask if you'll please send me half a dozen boxes of Zam- Buk as soon as you get this, as I have only enough for one more dressing. Yours in haste, Mary Mothers! Take the hint! Never be without a box of Zam- Buk on the shelf. Not only for scalds, burns and cuts, but fer eczema, ringworm, it is without equal. ointments. 50c. box, all dealers. ulcers, blood-poisoning, piles, cold sores, etc. And it costs no more than ordinary — | An Apple a Day | Keeps the Doctor of better grade, call at epuneentt ‘Shoe Store. Away | Give the youngsters lots of apples, and don’t go broke The “Director” Corset. When you need a pair of shoes Cecil D, Brown has returned to south, in buying them. ‘They may never be sold as cheap again this season as we are selling them all this week. 500 Boxes of Apples at prices that sweep our com- vetitors off their feet NO. 1 JONATHANS, per Box $2.75 Only a #imited number. UNWRAPPED JONATHANS, WINESAPS OR YELLOW NEWTONS, per box— $2.00 5 Ibs, for 25c. pupert Table Supply Co, Phones 211, 212 For Sale ji r Lot 6 Block 15, Section 5 $600, Terms. Lots 26-27,-Block 11, Sec. 8 $150 Each. : 4-room house, Fifth Avenue, Section 5, $1,575 Terms. 5-room house and bath, See- tion 5, $3600 Terms. MeCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Ltd. Phone 16 - - 3rd Avenue , DENTISTRY Don’t negiect your*Teeth WestholmeLunch MAY. BILLINGS, Prop. 50c SPECIAL MENU Wednesday, January 14 Luncheon 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Dinner 6:30 p.m. to 7:30. Soup. Split Pea Fish. Salmon, Halibut, Smoked Black Cod Boiled. Boiled Beef with Vegetables Entrees. Veal Croquettes, Green Feas Baked Sausage with Gravy Macaroni and Cheese Roasts. Roast Beef, Pan Gravy Roast Pork, Apple Sauce Vegetables. Plain Boiled or Mashed Potatoes Mashed Turnips Dessert. Hot Mince Pie Lemon Sauce Coffee Apple, Apple Pudding, Tea SHORT ORDERS SERVED ANY TIME FROM 7 A.M. TO MIDNIGHT M.M.Stephens Notary "ubli Conveyar cer FOR SALE. Four - roomed plastered house, on Eighth Avenue between McBride St. and King Edward School with ex- cellent lot $1,900.00 Terms. Rea! Estate Insurance Financial Agent One decayed or missing tooth lowers your efficiency DR. BAYNE Office Hours--Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Satur- day, 9 to 12 only. Evenings, Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri- day, from 7 to 9, “A. G. GRAY Teacher of Piano Studio 187 Second Avenue PHONE 182 or 444 DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENT a POLE AL POE To the Electors As a Candidate for Alder- nan, I take this opportunity of asking for support. Geo. W. Rudderham | a 0600000. 2. a To the Electors, City of Prince Rupert, B.C., Ladies and Gentlemen, Vote for a swimming poo! for the children and a square deal for all by supporting CASEY Aldermanic Candidate 1920 Election. Manu-| factured in Prince Rupert. Phone Hlue 92. tf THE DALY NEWS Local News Notes George McAfee of Georgetown is in the city. . + . man and civic progress. stants Thursday 15th 9 a.m. G. GC, Walker. Phone Blue 389. Vote for MeMeekin and a: eee | For first class shoe repairing, |B, M. Simpson, Fifth | Wait for Wallace's Sale lbargains. Thursday 15th 9 a.m. Central Labor Council O. B. U. Jole for John Currié for Alder- 4 ad Pt 12 divided amongst the widows and | | Pianos correctly tuned. $6.00, | tf fied gressive municipal government. addresses in | |number, date of death, dependents of deceased comrades . . ’ a ' a 3 ist 10 Ne Three days’ sale at Wallace s and amongst those disabled col : {trades who are in actual need of lassistance. Applicants are therefore noti- to fonward to the under- l signed on or before the 3ist day pro-' of January 1920, their names and regimental number full, land ages of dependents, present lincome from all sources and full and McBride. for |particulars of present circum- stances. After the said date the com- mittee will divide the fund imeets tonight at 8 o’clock, Elec-'amongst those who have filed their lion of oflicers. | i : » | We don’t cobble shoes at Simp- lson’s--we repair them. Corner Fifth and McBride. tf * . Owing to lack of space today the balance sheet for tle last Sunday concert is held over. * ® * FOR ‘and influence will be appreciated. ‘Thank you. H. B, ROCHESTER. Ladies! Three prizes will be given for the best decorated boxes at the S. O. E, Box Social on January 20. it Adair Carss Chapter I. 0. D. bl, iwill give a dance in St. Andrew’s Hall on Friday, January 30. Gray's Orchestra. Invitations only. The regular meeting of the Ladies’ Auxiliary of the G. W. V. A. will be held at the rooms on ,Wednesday, January 14, at 8 p.m. The amendment to the $50,000 municipal building bylaw was given its final reading at last night’s council meeting and pass- ed. town, having spent the holiday | ie tae season in the The Fisher sold 12,000 pounds of halibut to the cold storage this morning at 13.5e¢ and 10c. She also had 4,000 pounds of black cod. Price Powell, who ieft Prince ‘Rupert for Alaska five years ago, arrived from Ketchikan on Satur- day afternoon for a few days’ ‘Visit in the city. | ELECTORATE, — Vice is ram- /panf,_in every street and avenue of our city. Endorse J. MYHILI.- JONES. for Police Commissioner and we will start Spring Cleaning. Sane 8 Hazel Alexander, charged wil theft and being the inmate of a disorderly house, came up béfore Magistrate McMordie again this morning and was remanded until tomorrow morning when further evidence will be taken. ° *. . The sale of lot 13, block 6, sec- tion 2 to A. J. Galland has been cancelled at his request and tly property resold to John Munroe, a returned soldier, at $342. Such was the decision at last night's louncil meeting. A detailed report of expenditure of the Board of Works has been made out by the city ollicials. The expenditure of the department for 1919 totalled $100,029.83, $31,000 of which was used in repairs to plank roadways. This total in- cludes the cost of the new cinder walks. Ask for Atkins’ Sausages. tf St. Regis Caf WEDNESDAY, JAN. 14 BREAKFAST, 35c 7 am. to 10 a.m. Sunkist Oranges Corn Meal Mush or Puffed Wheat Sdusage Roll with Premium Bacon Buttered Toast and Coffee Mrs, Haines’ Orange Marmalade LUNCHEON, 50c 11:30 to 2 p.m. Puree of Bean Soup Corned Beef and Cabbage Fried Liver Smothered in Onions Individual Steak and Kidney Pie Roast Beef and Savory Rolls Baked, Mashed or Boiled Potatoes Rice Pudding Coffee DINNER, 50c 65 to 7:30 p.m. Vegetable Soup Grilled Fillet of Sole Boiled Mutton, Cream Sauce Bolled Pork Spare Ribs with Cabbage Boston Baked Pork and Beans St. Regis Special Small Steak Roast Young Veal with Dressing Boiled, Mashed or Baked Potatoes Plum Pudding, Lemon Sauce Coffee Follow the crowd to the St, Regis for Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner and you will never be disappointed, No cafe on this coast today can boast of having a Chef capable of turning out such high-class eats as this man Richmond, whose reputation ts at Stake with every meal we serve, We cater to the working man, both to his appetite and his pocket, ALDERMAN — Your. vote} i. it claims as required. J. W. NICHOLS. Care Canadian Fish & Cold Stor- Ltd., Prince Rupert, 2-8-1414 age Co., B.C, New shoes are expensive. Have your old rebuilt at Me- Arthur's. t! ones The Daily News is the recig- \ized medium between seller and buyer. People all read the ad- ‘ertising columns’ because the advertisers are live wires. KER ERHRHFERE DEH HH OC * TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY * CHK HEE REE OH WANTED TO RENT—Fodern five roomed house or flat. Phone 207. 14 WANTED—One re-sawyer and 1! setter. Apply Belknap-Wright Lumber Co. 14 FARMS FOR SALE Cc. P. R. FARM LAND — Choice farms in well setiled districts in Western Canada; low prices: twenty years to pay; irrigated lands in Sunny Southern Al berta, with loan of $2,000 in improvements to assist new settlers. Act now — they going fast. For free book}! and full information write 1}! G. Loughran, General Lan: agent, 744 Hastings St. Wes! B.C, Vancouver, NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN windbreak HKeserve covering the belt fand ten chains in width and situate alo: « the north shore of Graham Island, nolive of which appeared in the “British Columtt Gazette’ of the 28th January, 1909, cancelled in so far as it relates to 1) yortion lying between Indian Reserve No ind Indian Reserve No, 3. G. R. NADEN, Deputy Minister of Lands Department of Lands, Victoria, B.—C., Nevember 17th, 1919 that t ie SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary oi Skidegate, B.C., settler, intends to apr 'y for a license to prospect for coal and petroleum on and under the following leseribed lands:— Commencing ag a north-east corne of DL north 80 chains, thence east 80 chaites, Yhence south 80 Chains, thence west 80 shains, to point of commencement ated this 913t day of October, 1919 WILLIAM J, LEARY, Applicau post planted at toe 2799, thenes » SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION DISTINCT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary Skidegate, B.C., settler, intends to apply for @ liiceise to prospect fur cual aid petroleum on aid unde: i described lands Commencing at @ post planted one mile east of the north-west corner of Il 498, thence cast 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thencs south 80 chails, to point of commence- ment, Dated this 22nd day of October, 1919. __ WILLIAM J, LEARY, Applicant SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION, DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, TAKE NOTICE that William J, Leary of skidegate, B.C., settler, intends to apply for a license to prospect for coal and petroleum on and under the _ following described lands: Commencing at a post planted twenty chains east of the north-east corner of DL 611, thence west 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, to point of com mencement, Dated this 28rd day of October, 1919 WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicant SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of Skidegate, B.C,, settler, intend# to apply for a license to prospect for coal and petroleum on and the described lands:—- Commencing at @ post planted at north-east corner of DL 2799, thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence south &0 chains, to point of commencement, Dated this 2ist day of October, 1919, WILLIAM J, LEARY, Applicant SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION, DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, TAKE NOTICE that William J, Leary of Skidegate, B.C., settler, intends to apply for a license to prospect for coal and petroleum on and under the following deseribed lands:— Commencing at a post planted at the north-west corner of DL 498, thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, to point of commencement, 1919 under following Dated this 22nd day of October, WILLIAM J, LEARY, Applicant Tuesday, January 13, 1990 — — ee ae ep me tite ee BATINGER, an REGIMENTAL N Th ; ‘ S h > Ata meeting of the ex-members eW INgS in OCS ‘of this battalion, il was resolved that the balance of this fund be ee Recent Shipments Have Brought Us Many New Items for Our Shoe Department OM OM Among Them Are Ladies’ Patent Pumps and Oxfords Ladies’ High Cut Fine Shoes Men's Fine Balmoral Winter Weight Shoes Ladies’ “Smart” American Cut Laced Shoes in Black and Colors Ladies’ Vici Kid, Cuban Heel, $8.25 Ladies’ Oxfords $7.50 and up Ladies’ Brown Kid, Laced, $7.75 Ladies’ Chocolate Kid, Louis Heel, 10-inch Tops, Imported, $15.50 Visit Our Shoe Department H. 5. WALLACE CO., LTD. Corner Third Aye. and Fulton St. ~) _ ~ —— i .) mt at . 8 iad PHAM UQUUAEAGTANS AMA MAU PAESTUHANGAUUDEG DONA ADA NGGS MUAY DODD EPG UAE TA January 14, 15, 16 and 17 are days you will never forget Do not miss this opportunity. We start our bigg- est sale of the whole year on Wednesday and ail specials on this list continue till Saturday only. Prices, as you will note, on every item are slaugh- tered, profits are forgotten, and advancing markets are lost sight of for the next four days. We deliver free to any part of the town. Blue Ribbon Peelec veaches, 5-Ib juaker Red Cherries 2%8 34 pkg. Rosca a 90," S : : ral $1.58 Ropers’ ae ares, Bip: a ¥ olurnbia Seeded Ratsins, oz, reg. tukers’ Golden Syrup 10-lb .. $1.15 BUR. MOMCIAE a6.0 0 6430-0 i6c Karo Syrup 10-ib. tin . ° $1.3 Sultana. Kaisins in bulk, reg. 30¢ Feis Naptha Soap, carton, ..... 98 per ib. Special Re : . 24c€ Primrose Soap, reg 35c Special 28 Prunes, size 70-80, per lb. T7%ec Golden West Soap 6-bar carton 29 Prunes, size 70-80, 25-lb, box $4.35 | Slik Soap, reg 10c, Special . a ; 60-70, 25-IbD. Dos $4.50 | P.& G Naptha, 10-bar carton 89 ' 50-60, 25-lb, boy $4.90 | lvory Soap, Special .......... 9 Red Kidney Beans, per Ib. . 6 | Fairy Soap, reg, 2 for 26c¢ Spec 1 Purity Oats, ree. 35c¢ pkg. Spec. 20¢ Goblin Soap, reg 10c Spectal .. 6: Seal Brand Golfee, 2-lb, tins, regu Old Duteh Cleanser Special .. 10¢ lar $1.25. Special $1.12 Pearline, Reg 40c, Special . 33 Australian Jam, reg. 25c, Spec. i6¢ Gold Dust, reg. 40¢ Special .. 33 Emp. Straw. Jam glass 18 spec 39c Lux, reg 2 for 25c, Special . 11 Emp. Rasp. Jam, glass 18, Spee, 3c | Fruits and Vegetables Emp. Crabapple Jelly, glass 4s Sunkist Oranges, Sale Prices, per Special ees 06. be ae a 39c dozen ee i. és $06, Tbc VI Empress Red Currant Jelly, glass 1s Sunkist Lemons arriving Wednesday special Sie acy eye 39« 00 GOR 05 okie Mek te ou a8 af Clark’s Pork and Beans, 33, Regu No. 1 Jonathan wrapped, box 82.7 : lar 35e, BOC. 11. ¢ecacns 25c Unwrapped Jonathans, Winesay Van Camp's Pork and Beans, Indi- Yeliow Newtons, per box 82.0' vidual .. 3 for 25c fcteVbere ve © wee ror sf Quaker Brand Corn 28 Special. 19¢ Terrace Turnips .... 8 Ibs for 25< Log Cabin Peas 28 Special .. 17ec Terrace Carrots ... 8 Ibs. for 2 Royal City Tematoes 248s Spec, 2ic Yakima Red Beets .. 4 lbs. for 2° M. B. B. Powder 12-0z. Special 2c CANDY DEPT. (Sale Prices) ndia and Ceylon Teas reg. 50c Secteh Mints, per Ib. ....... 3 Specia eh boda ti eee Jeliy Beans, per 1. +5... ..- 35< Royal Household Flour 49-Ib, $2.95 Walnut Caramels, per Ib, ..... 35° Fagle Brand Lobster 48 290¢ Savoy Mixed ...... 35 Eagle Brand Lobster 4s 57c | Wrapped Lady Caramels ..... 4 The Rupert Table Supply Co. Phones 211—212 iC 7 o. ore. ee Alga For Alderman For Alderman Your vote and influence respectfully solicited Your vote and influence Ww!!! for be appreciated. Thank you. Elizabeth C. Kirkpatrick H. B. Rochester ees momeneees | enereeees ssoossnere Vote for; J. C. McLENNAN eee John Dybhavn Your vote and influence FOR ALDERMAN will be appreciated, on Thursday PDS. a 4 - . one!