Wednesday, January 14, 1920. BkKeep Baby’s Woollens Soft and Sweet Even little garments are dear now-—you must make them last, and of course you want them always soft and comfy for the important wee - person. The little woollens need never shrink a thread—never stiffen or grow thick—not after repeated washings if you cleanse them in the pure, creamy Lux lather. It's so simple to whip the delicate Lux flakes into a rich suds—so simple to squeeze the suds through the little garments—then take them out absolutely sweet and clean and fresh. Lux is on sale at al] Grocers, Departmental Stores, &c. A handy little recipe booklet entitled, ‘‘The Care of Dainty Clothes’’ will be gladly sent free on request. LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO. | | PARKIN & WARD | === Electric Co. Ltd. Third Avenue and Cow Bay Electrical and Marine Supplies REGAL 4 CYCLE MARINE GASOLINE ENGINES THE IDEAL ENGINE Trdllers Sizes from Sizes frem 2 HP. to 2 HP. to 50 HP. 5 HP. Complete Lighting and Ignition Outfits to suit all requirements, Owing to the high cost of production the Regal Gasoline Engine Co. are compelled TO RAISE THE PRICE TEN PER CENT. ON ALL ENGINES AFTER JANUARY 1, 1920 Take advantage of present prices. Place ycur orders now for spring delivery. When the air is damp and cold, protect yourself by keeping a supply of ‘ PENSLAR THROAT DRAGEES handy for preventing throat irritation and huskiness. Penslar Throat Dragyes are widely used and recommended by the most discriminating people of the country and we can assure you that excellent results will follow in your case. Penslar Throat Dragees are sold in generous 35¢ boxes convenient to carry and can be purchased at our Store. TheSPRINCE RUPERT DRUG CO. Phone 1 Svd Avenue, opposite 2nd St, P.O, Box 134,Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention 215 Advertise in “The Daily News” | New Yorker and his young wife ‘is suspected, — 7 TE IMYSTERY PLAY AT THE WESTHOLME Mystery stories are always pop- ular and the publie will weicome one that is done in the most ap- proved and _ finished fashion. “Vicky Van" to be sereened at the WesTholme tonight will meet with every expectation, The problem surrounds the death of a wealthy During the solving of the mystery, a romance has developed, and the picture ends most happily and. satisfactorily. ‘he programme also includes a Mack Sennett comedy entitled “Bast Lynne with Variations.’ The variations by Mack Sennett will be something worth seeing. (here will also be a British Gov- ernment Gazette. LATE EMPEROR’S ESTATES AND LODGES FOR SALE (Special via J. T. P. Telegraphs.) GENEVA, Jan. 13.—-The hunt- ing lodges and estates in the Tyrol which formerly belonged to the late Emperor Francis Joseph are for sale. BIG NEW MONTREAL HOTEL ‘>pecial via GT. PP Telegrapns.; MONTREAL, Jan. 13.—The city council has adopted a resolution endorsing the construction of a sixteen-story hotel on St. Cath- erine Street. Lord Shaughnessy, Beatty and other prominent citi- zens interested in the pro- ject. are Queen Charlotte Islanders can- rot do better than mail their printing needs to The News Print shop and get the work done -romptly and well. See the classified ads. on page five. | COURT OF REVISION. | | of Revision and Appeal, under the pro- visions of the ‘Taxation Act” and = the ;“Pubtie Seheols Act,” respecting the as- isessment roll for the Prince Rupert As jsessment District for the year 1920, will be held at the Provincial Assessor's office j January, 1920, at 10 o'clock in the fore noon bated at Prince Rupert, B. C., January 6th, 1920. ° ll} Seeded Raisins FULLER’S LTD Prince Rupert Assessment Disirict. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Court Prince Rupert, on Friday, the 23rd day of JOHN DYBHAVN, Judge of Court of Revision and Appeal 75¢ VALUE 5 0c | BIG SOAP SPECIAL 5 Bars Golden West { Bar Palm Olive { Bar Goblin Soap { Bar Infant's Delight Totai Value, 75c—On Sale ALL for 50c. CRANBERRIES SPECIAL 2 Pounds for 25c. JELLY POWDER TO CLEAR | | Lipton’s and Arab Brand, 200 packages on sale, 3 for 25c¢ PALM OLIVE SOAP a few days only at llc per bar Stock up on Palm Olive as it is worth a good deal more at the wholesale. Hamsterley or Quaker Peach BOR Vee ae oe’ $1.10 Our Own Brand Butter 72/2c dur Own Special Blend Cottee fresh ground ...... 60c Fuller's Best Tea, per |b. 65c¢ Fuller's Special Tea, lb, 60c Fuller's Kade Tea, ver Ib, 50¢ Christie’s Cream Sodas, per | Garten sb as sacks 25c | Pacifie Milk, per case, $5.35 | Pacitie Milk, 9 tins for $1.00 Maple Leaf Milk, case, $5.50 Pancake Syrup, per bottle 26c 2 pkgs. 35c Stanley’s Lemon and Grape- fruit Marmalade in Glass-— | Regular Value, 35c. On Sale | per bottle ............ 25c | Home-made Preserves (Quart jars, only six left, was $1.25, Will Clear Out for 50c per Bottle. HAVE YOU MADE YOUR DEPOSIT? It Saves Time and Trouble on Phone Orders PHONE 45 January 13th, 1920. —Wallace’s Sale. THE DAILY NEWS COUNCIL SUPPORT DRYDOCK WORKERS Feel That 55c an Hour is Not a Living Wage and Increase Justified. A delegation representing the laborers, helpers and steel work- ers at the drydock met the Trades and Labor Council lastevening to ask the support of that body in their demands for increase of pay. The Council decided to go on rec- in seeking an increase. The Painters UUnion is also seeking a raise, but, like the laborers, have decided to postpone any definite action till the ques- tions among the management at the plant have been settled. SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA FIFTH CONCER? Members of the orchestra are NOT paid, but pay for the priv- ilege of giving free concerts to the public. Membership $1.00 and monthly dues of 50c. SECRETARY. ANOTHER LEGION POST CRITICISES DEMPSEY special via G. T, P. Telegraphs,) FORT WAYNE, Jan. 13.—The local post of the American Legion has gone on record being against Jack Dempsey’s fitness to represent American athletes, ow- ing to his war record which was confined to work in the shipyards. as BIG MONEY FOR NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE SEAT (Special via G.T. P, Telegraphs.) NEW YORK, Jan, 13. $115,000 has been paid for a seat on the New York Stock Exchange. This is the record price. The pnevious highest price paid was $11,000. PLOT IN SPAIN Special via G.T. P. Telegraphs,) Madrid, Jan, 413,—Many tremists were arrested on the dis- covery of a plot to terrorise the capital with bombs, Many bombs and large numbers of rifles were seized by the police. ex- PRINCE RUPERT ASSESSMENT DISTRICT. NOTICE is hereby given, in ac- cordance with the Statutes, that allassessed and levied J.. all assessed taxes, income and school taxes, assessed and levied under the “Taxation Act’ and “Public Schools Act’’ are now due and payable for the year 1920. All taxes collectable for the Prince Rupert Assessment District are due and payable at my ollice, situated in the Provincial Land ‘tegistry Building, in the City of Prince Rupert, B. C. This notice, in terms of law, is equivalent to a personal demand by me upon all persons liable for taxes. Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C., Cc. W. HOMER, Assessor and Collector for the Prince Rupert Assessment District Our Great Sale continues all this week. Jabour Brothers, Ltd. Cut prices on boots and shoes 13 ose Is eet nen TRADES AND LABOR | la ord that 55c was not a living wage’ in this city and that the men were’ ,| justified Va fie 'y y G4, ZY téijpj}4 UV} bj tj jj ti The longest — lasting benefit, the greatest satisfaction for your sweet tooth. WRIGLEYS in the sealed Z ’ | Uy Uy tie | packages, In order that those who do, and thy ars rae hai wee to} WY P Air-tight and e collection taken at the con-) gz op certs given by the above orchestra | Z impurity-proof. commensurate with the amount of | pleasure derivedf rom attending) IGL Roe same, may understand the con-} - ditions under which the concerts | ns SVs SEALED TIGHT are given, it has been deemed ad- | ™m PERFECT GUM ASTS KEPT RIGAT visable to publish the following; I PCO ee Tl 7) statement showng the receipts! 2 ! Z, and expenses of the last concen: | e Z Expenses. J Rent of theatre (this was $25 | Ere YZ hence 60% increase) .. $40.00 — tases ence -~ al DUNNE 05 272s f 8s cee dS 100.00 wie RIGLEYS - MARVBTCISINIG ; 43h 010.0 6 4% OS 25.00 - Piano (rent and tuning 10.00 , . Piano (moving) ........ 5.00} Programmes .........+--; 5.00 | Tm EWING GUM AOUSLS sis GSiars ty he ak 5.00 tijjpy €©°*“~YWfA Chairs (cartage) ........ 3.00 th iy PELORPUINE Oe ea 4.04 ty Stand for Conductor ..... 5.00 ty [ he PRICES =e: 0iccncds €.3 bee bros’ 6.00} Gp MY Walieb iii 35 ynewae ko $208.04 avour RHC Ts xis 8.0 vas eas $199.22 Excess Exp. over Receipts 8.82 as{s @ $208.04 ae DEPARTMENT OF LANDS NOTICE PPLICATION FOR GRAZING PERMIIS FUR THE SEASON UF 1920, Applications for permits to graze live- tock on the Crown range within each razing district of the Province of Britisu wlumbia must be fled with -the District oresters at Cranbrook, Fort George, kati- oops, Nelson, Prince Rupert, Vancouver nd Vernon or with the Commissioner of irazing, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B. . on or before February 29, 192v, Blank forms upon which to submit ap- lications may be obtained from the Dis- rict Foresters at the above named places r from the Department of Lands at Vic- oria, B. C, G. R. NADEN, Deputy Minister of Lands. Department of Lands, Victoria, B. C., December 5th, 1919. IN PROBATE, IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA- TION ACT — and — iN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CHARLES W. SHAIRLIN, DECEASED, INTESTATE, TAKE NOTICE that in order of His McB, Young, made the Sixteenth D. 1919, I was ap- Honour F. day of December, A. pointed Administrator to the estate of Charles W. Shairlin, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said es- tate are bereby required to furnish saime, properly verified, to me, on or before the i6th day of January, A. D, 1920, and all parties indebted to the estate are required lo pay the amount of their indebtedness to forthwith, JOHN H, McMULLIN, OMmMcial Administrator, Dated this 16th day of December, 1919. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that an applica- ion will be made to the Legislative As- sembly of the Province of British Columbia at the next session on behalf of the Asso- ciation of Professional Engineers of British Columbia for a Private Bill to incorporate the said Association, the said Bill to be known as THE BRITISH COLUMBIA ENGi- NEERING PROFESSION ACT for the pur- poses of governing and regulating the ractice of Civil, Mining, Metalurgical, echanieal, Electrical and Chemical Engi- neering in the Province of British Colum- bia, and the qualification, examination and registration of intending practitioners, the discipline of its members and for the ac- quiring of real and personal property and the disposal of the same and for the gen- eral management of the Association, Dated at the City of Vancouver, B. C., his 5th day of December, A. D, 1919. H. 8. TOBIN, Of the firm of Pattullo & Tobin, Solicitors for the Applicants, MINERAL ACT mine Certificate of Improvem®nts. NOTICE. KING SOLOMON and IRON KING Mineral Claims, situate in the Bella Coola Mining Division of Coast District. Where located:—West side of Dean Channel, North of Cascade Inlet in Range 8, Coasi District. TAKE NOTICE that I, HUGH ARCHIBALD MACLEAN, a8 Agent for SMELTERS STEEL COMPANY, Free Miner’s Certificate No, 7,239, intend, sixty days from the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for a CertiNcate of Improvements for each of said claims for the purpose of obtaining a Crown Grant of the above claims, And further take notice that action un- der Section 85, must be commenced before the tssuance of such Certificate of Im- provements. Dated this 15th day of January, A. D WU THE ENDoroe COAL is sometimes reached before the cold weather is all over. Any- way it is a good idea to have some on hand. Better order a load. LUMP COAL $13.00 per ton, delivered. Phone Black 85 Terminal Coal Co, we } ; ; t OUR Pool Room moved to 721 Third Ave. Opposite The Empress Hotel CIGARS SODA Two per cent. Beer ree 4019. H, A, MACLEAN, Advertise an the Daily News. | Phones 41 and Red 391 For Hire by the Hour, Day or Week Launch Alice B. Picnic and Fishing Parties Trips round Harbor J. MYHILL-JONES won + ers pin te =) Saeed _ es 2 eS