jill wy! , iit hy i? iit |! ad TOM LEE CO. | : Wedne: ae i Page 4 THE DAILY NEWS . dessa ies January 14, ig, & ———— enema Nee eS Se Cee eS eR Soc totineeennee seiceneee renee | Se ere OT eta Re a eee ee a, Ey aes seeenatemcnsentaeraansanersnnoterssensitas tii i: SAVE YOUR SIGHT YESIGHT—-The most valuable of all the senses—is the most neglected and the least understood. Many suffer from ills, which, upon examination, can be traced directly to defective eyesight. HE remova! of the cause will often restore the delicate and run-down sufferer to robust health. When glasses are properly prescrib- ed, they restore the vision to nor- mal and eliminate all eye strain. Fred Joudry Practical Optometrist Third Ave. - - Opposite Post Office Prince Rupert ITORK’ SELL | TOVE Gurneys commenced mak- ing stoves in 1848. Still 'n the same line of business 1919, Hundreds in use in Prince Rupert. _-—_—+ ON SALE AT Fred Stork’s Hardware SECOND AVENUE Phone Black 114 ‘SUPREME COUNCIL Constantinople to be Left With | Turks is Opinion Given; Adriatic and Greece | Also Considered. | Special via U. fp. Telegraphs.) 13.—According to close ' PARIS, Jan. the opinion of persons in ‘toucl» with the conference of the ‘premiers in session here now, in ‘the settlement of the Turkish problem it has been already de- cided that the Turks be left in |possession of Constantinople, !probably with full sovereignty, lbut after; important concéssions vv, The Evening’s Pleasure will be doubly enjoyed if you know that your Slippers look well and at the same time fit you comfortably. Feet that hurt will spoil the most pleasant occasion for you, We make a specialty of care- ful fitting when we sell our pa- t ons Shoes and Slippers. New Shipment just arrived at the Family Shoe Store Ceo. Hill —&. R. Tabrum The Practical Shoemen Phone 357. VE PID COT C GE Seteeecapenenessssetnreetenoceensnaneertrasetoty _—_—— 840 Second Avenue, West. VEGETABLES Wholesale and Retall General” Contractors and Labor, Exchange, Prince Rupert, B.C, Phone 547 — P.O, Box 725 POOPIE ODS oe o. FE. A. SHOC . H. SHOCKLEY GENERAt CONTRACTOR Office and Shop Fraser St. ash, doors, mouldings and all interior finish Jurnber al- ways in stock. Agent for J. Fyfe Smith's hardwood. Estimates Given, REPAIR WORK UNDERTAKEN Phono Green 269. owe one 607 1017 3rd Avenue T Dalgarno & Watts BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Spectalists in Light and Heavy Con- struction, Repairs and Alterations, First Class Staircase Work and Finishing. Estimates Cheerfully Given BRICK AND CONCRETE BUILDING CONTRACTORS A Woman’s Right | is to enjoy good health. The secret of good health is chiefly to maintain nor- mal activity of the stomach, bowels, liver, skin. and kidneys. BEECHAM’S PILLS Largest Sale of Any Medi cine in tho World. Sold everywhere Cana In boxes, 25c., 80c. SAYS LLOYD GEORGE TO FORM NEW PARTY rict of Coast, Range Til, and situate on ime west coast of Calvert Island, near 1ts vorth end, ‘ ; i Take notice that Mark Smaby of Ocean ipply for permission to purchase the fol NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an ap plication Will be made to the Legislative Assembly of the Province of British Co jumbia at the next session, on behalf of THE ARCHITECTURAL INSTITUTE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA for a@ private bill in corporating the said Institute, the said bill to be known as “THE BRITISH COLI Miicd ARCHITECTS’ ACT’ for the purposes of | governing and regulating the practice of Architecture in the Province of British Go- jumbia, : DATED at the City Province of British day of November, A.D, 1919. . G. ROY LONG, Solicitor for the Applicants, LAND ACT. Notice of reer to Apply to Purchase of Vancouver in Ure ®olumbia, tht u Vancouver Land District, Recerding Dis- alls, B, C., occupation logger, intends wing described lands fy See (its ONY CRN ER ET RAE ITT PRINTING 4 ANY Unless it is ¢ It does not get any other kind he Best. i pay to ly é ‘ ee i (Special by G.T.P. Telegrapns.) . ee 3 7 » halt! ’ e ° |have been made in the way of ad- commencing at a post planted one halt Th N }? D ens ; LONDON, Jé 3 -—T aily {mile north of N.W. cor, Lot 897; thence W Mm |} ministrative reforms, M i t AC i sige Sane north 40 chains; thence west 40 chains; | e e Ss rinting epart ent The three premers, Clemenceau | 2! NePeats We allegation thaliinence south 40 chains; thence east 40) . 7 Fi. lof France Lloyd Giorde of uni Lloyd George is attempting to se- hains, and containing 160 acres, more or specializes on high-class - ™ | é » 4410} f ‘ sn men 543 » fi anes . , r 7 a |Britain, and Nitti of Italy, met eh naa ee ea in ay in a ‘side Siaecaiaias MARK SMABY | work. There are experl- i’ : Facies a ; ormation of a new party of which : ; . again today in continuance of the c would uate i ; i. hiehip IN PROBATE. enced men in charge and Letterheads conference on both the Adriatic |" assume Bne Reagersm Pix THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH | d k E aed ee si ieeseeihepeaites asda COLUMBIA. they do the work well. nvelopes and Turkish questions, and the atlaatl | " is s "| av N THE MATTER OF THE “ADMINISTRA: | 2 . : rcs were 10. have Seen DESPITE PROHIBITION oy | Business Forms } e uppermost in the delibera- and | AVE ; : CRIME | ON ‘RIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF We have on hand a Posters tions, PAUL OSA, DECEASED, INTESTATE. | fogs tlle alin . Bo far as Greece ig. poncerned, OETA TAKE NOTICE that by an Order of His| Te Ente Sat Dodgers 3 ¥ a Seis d ye Ay a j ? 2) . . ‘ . while the Greeks would prefer to TORONTO, Jan. 13.—Mr. Jus- Honour F. McB. Young, made the 19th day | vitation cards in several nl : ) ove or ) 3 fi . ‘ see the Turks entirely ousted from{tice Middleton, in charging the] \uministrator to the estate ‘of Paul. Cs, styles Call at the offic Circulars | Kurope, they appear to be con-|Grand Jury here, said that despite lee aed, and , ail parties having ai ae Y . 7 omce Booklets 4 i ( ¢ sRalns ié said estate e hereby required) ) centrating their efforts on secur-|the Prohibition Act being on the]! furnish same, properly verified, to nie, and see them before > iwann on wan cee ) : : i or before the 29th day of December, : a freee as far as the Enos|statute book and enforced, crime]\' p. 1919, and all parties indebted to the| ordering. Midia line, establishec er thelwas innananea : sony Jestate are required to pay the amount of) ——<—= =————_— . : , “ae 3% the}was on the inerare in the PVOV-|ineir indebtedness to me forthwith, second Balkan war as the Turco-Jince of Ontario. J. oH, MeMULLIN, ; 2 Sh est a Oficial Administrator. Greek boundary. Scien NORTOM vated this 20th day of November, 1019. Dail N CARVELL ISSUES (Use and Storage). MINERAL ACT 7 € Ss TAKE NOTICE that North American Tim- Certificate of Improvements. . er Holding Company, whose address is in ti ] ) t PEREMPTORY ORDER care of M. Cc, Lawler, Dominion Building ee O e ar en Vancouver, Bb. C., Will apply for a licenge NOUTICE eatilniindoap lis to take and use 200 cubic feet per second a sii pepasicaite’ : . and to store 50,000 acre feet per annum 1 . URE ae Mineral Claim, situate in U. S. Railways Traversing Canadalor water out of Mosquito Lake, Moresby +6 cere Kiver Mining Division of Cassiar \ . Island, also known as the west arm | ere a ‘ ‘ ‘lar . \ Must er Canadian umshewa Inlet, which flows into Mos- sas here located:—Glacier Creek, Granby = r . quito Creek and drains into west arm of arn EAhTAe — urrenoy Cumshewa Inlet at its head, The storage- TAKE NOTICE that I, B. L. Johnson, Free | epeeee Poor sree e ‘ Ps a dam will be located at the southeast ex-|Miner’s Certificate No. 81762-B, intend, . wmernoeoeN (Spectat via G. {.). Tetegraphs tremity of Mosquito Lake. The capacity [S/*4), days from the date hereof, to apply . cove $ ee of the reservoir to be created is about ° im Mining Recorder for a Certificate Notary P b OTTAWA, Jan. 13.—The Hon,}25,090 acre feet and it will food about Y improvements, for the purpose of ob- iihemsiibcieian pit bais ’ . u IC Frank B Carvail éhainm f tl ‘1500 acres of lend. The water will be eran siknon tee wealiee Mtoe ron cai ' - Varvell, Chairman o 1@}uiverted from the lake at a i ' ot eee OUCOS | teens SUreay us ots ‘ . , , Hdilway © aides ae rhe: southeast ‘extremity a obguito — der section 85 must be commenced before ceeds 19 and 20, Block 18, Section 1, Third Avenue ear é ay fommission, has per-fang will be used for power purposes upon |e issuance of such Certiiicate of in ’ ° $3,500 Each emptorily ordered the Michigan|the land described as Lot 318, Queen] "?vements. ; i ; Nawtvhishadl was. 2 Charlotte Islands District. This notice was Dated this 11th day of December, A. D. A REAL SNAP. fentral Railway Company to ac- posted on the ‘ground on the 4th day of 1919. STOR Pa eR aC ese ati - ele eetahcatan cs ni ‘ Rotes | rR eat ened - December, 1919. A copy of this notice . aii MARINE INSURA tree x pal Canadian money ON}sad an application pursuant thereto and LAND ACT Ph R nos ea ESTATE FIRE INSURANCE coe sleepers and diners on those che aftie ofthe water heapedey Bt frites co ome lne 69 Westholme Theatre Block P 0 Box 66 parts of their system which tra-J]iupert, B. €. Objections to the applica-|"°t'2¢ Of Intention to Apply to Lease Lands | 1o, pee peneererrrrrsoneeorecooernoe nade Laue , et acg|tion may be filed with the said Water Re- : Manas verse Canada. Complaint has|ioraer or with the Comptroller of Watei In Skeena Land District, Kecording Dis been made that Canadian money] :\/s!'s, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B ruse Cassiar, and situate at Alice Arm. : : ; re : . Within thirty days after the first ap Ke hotice that we, (. Fowler and wees, ee was being refused by ollicials, pearance of this notice in a lcal pie “rn 4. aie of ae Arm, accupation - 3% PLDI G LLL AOR paper, The date of the first publicatior (ners, intend to apply for permission , . , . Rs — tnis notice is January 6, 1020. , vie » lease the following described foreshore , Hand Your Baggage Checks t 1) NORTH AMERICAN TIMBER HOLDINC eye ; i ! ION COMPANY, Applicant. fommencing at a post planted on east ; } ca eameent ah Dipsep lacie Meet ei a lt ink of Kusault River; thence south 20 > NOTICE 1a ns; thence east 80 chains more or less WILL TERMINATE ORDERS -—-— tilanece River; thence north 20 chains t ” M oe THE MATTER of an application for] ‘2! OF less to lot 50, thence west follow — Motor Transfer and i iE Se e issue of a fresh certificate of title te ie sonuinak (ie oe of ce mmencement, TIMBE! i P © Shoei as an part of Lot Eight hundred and forty-eigat CO tasoin Y acres, more or. less. PH SALE X1659 asse servic ‘ ae? a ae ok HORTA 4x), Group One (1), Cassiar District, nts Bp FOWLER, a . tae BONES SETVICE ) i A, Jan: 13.—The ‘Oe iti-factory proof of loss of certifeate : oeiN : ctoria, B.C., Nov. 4iu, t S iF ati oy ‘ : Phe proc- wing been filed, notice is hereby given Fated October 11th, 1919 Svaled tenders will be received i Stand, Empress Hotel amation of peace is expected to it it is my intention, at the expiration ™ . i is itive lvl jaler ihale tool « ’ ae Dee eh ag ne month from the first publication LAND AGT rirchase “Or. Tike tent ee h 176 Bl k 334 , Bas ey the next few uereof, to are beat continents of title ea : 44,000 fe ¥ epraeat eee 8 sytet ones : ac : days. rere W an aria ,} 7) ite name of Thomas Richard Tomlinson, oe sae,Vog treet of Spruce and Cedar & eetpme é a ill then arise the bh CaMifcates of tite th dated Sth otice of Intention to Apply to Lease Lana. | |“ cords Pulpwood on an area situ i : : . question of the new orders in touary, 1913, and is No. 3067-1. ' nd Guatooeye islands Land District, } of on Link Lake, H.3, Goast District } Quick Deliveries , ; ill in exis . Nated at the Land Registry OMce, Princ « rding District of Price Rupert, and Hree years Will be allowed for the re “ee still i. oe under the] cupert, B.¢., this tou day ar Aninhen u c. ooo eats, Graham Island. |! n il ot timber, ; ree rovisions oO ne Jar Measures | '2919. i\KE f 7E that we, ihe Graham Is ther particulars of the Chief Fores Act. The W ot Measures W. E. BURRITT, ud Spruce & Cedar Co.,’ Limited, of Port Victoria, B.C., or District Forester, | ——— —— — "1 : 1€ ar Measures Act ter- at eee Acting District Rewistrar eae Ne ‘poet a jumbermen, guste nd e Kupert, B., i 3 the . re cha ae TT } y for permission to lease the fol i re MOCO? wore minates when peace is oflicially| (+eN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS LAND prs-] -* 08 deseribed lands: ; TIMBER SALE X1909. proclaimed, but it is probable PRICT-——RECORDING DISTRICT OF Commencing at a post planted at the D E N } Y Pejaa: nasa: car} : SKEENA. W. corner of Block 53, townsite of Port Victoria, B.C., Nov, 4th, 193 ; at steps will be taken to con- (\KE NOTICE that I, Peter Plombo, of iements; SneaCe N. 70 deg. W.—B540 ft.: 5 ated venders will be received by the — tinue i 0 j Yarliz “pee Rupert, B. C., prospector, Intend} ("ce south 33 deg. W.—455 ft.; thene Nth ia ands not later than noon on ea e in force until Parliament npply for a licence to prospect for coal,{>0U\2 237.77 ft.; thence aot sth 4 - tie 7th day of January, 1920, for the OFFICE HOURS: assembles the provisions of the} ! 1d petroleum over the following de-}! ‘ce following the shore line in a north purchase of Licence X1909, to cut 410, @ a.m. to 12; 1:30 p. in. to 6:30 p.m d : + ; rived lands on the West Coast of Gra sierly direction to the point of com-],..'/20 feet of Spruce, Hemlock and Ce- of er gangs orders in council mentioned. int Island: ° tuencement and containing 7.1 acres, more | 1) 08 84 area adjoining S8.T.L, 11525), 4 ‘ommencing at @ post planted at three 1ess. dewick Bay, Lyell Island, Queen Char- DR, J. 8. BROWN miles north of the north east corner of |‘ HAM ISLAND SPRUCE & CEDAR Cu,,] > 7 , Deane | DENTIST UESTIONS | 2437, thence 80 chains north, thence LIMITED, : years will be allowed for the re #0 chains west, thence 80 chains south. | —l'ted August 12th, 1919. =) irther partial; r tt t I te Anes nee S80 chains east to point o “ Bem ay Cn enone oer particulars 0 vw Chief res hone 454. OF MANY BY ELECT! ‘CHCRER ' i of com IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH : me of ee BR. » OF District Forester ° a ie Fut fernh PIOMBO COLUMBIA. Urince Rupert, B.C, y PPAR ROE RARE Ca non loeated July 27, 1919. tribe gs ‘ , F nena Dated September 25th, 1919 IN THE MATTER OF THE “ADMINISTI TIMBER SALE X141144, (Special via G.T. PL Telegraphs,) Sentence heen ia rlON ACT” 7 ee 7. ie TPR CRT eaiget 5 i ag rahi : * 5 ‘ ; a 1 - iciorla, Nov, 4th, 19% _ OTTAWA, Jan. 13.—The legal-|* ‘°°?! VER LAND. DISTRICT — DISTRICT IN THE MATTER and SELDON EDWaRD| >“a!¢4 tenders will be received by iv |* 4 ity of the election of Sir Henry ee : tAKE Now PEGEASED, INTESTATE, e rr Sas ok hae or) oe th a Notice to Advertisers 3 3 1 .EeR 4 - x : 7 fe NO ‘E mt t ‘ aan a . J Cel er, * To Mu Drayton, the Hon. 8. F, Tolmie O Fale B oh coma n married ‘wo. |uouour F. McB. Young ‘nade the 19th day feet She’ “aerus Pediat aie . vis . ¢ ° ! alls, B. C., 2 ‘ * yO- r Dece or. ‘a yee 0 feet of Spruce, Cedar, Balsa anc ’ ; the Hon. Mackenzie King and all uh, ENTE to apply or permission to a erent “ ha eddies of Bere ee emlock on an area situated So faerees Casual advertisements * . . , ; te following described lands;— aid. Ste s anaada bare , ike, R.3, Coast District, ; j j ay others returned at the by-elec- smmencing at a post planted on the hat Ry latte \, Goceased.. yr ar Rarities three (3) years will be allowed for re . for insertion same day . tions held since last summer is| ("of Choke’ Passage, west of i Weet/hereby required to furnish same, ‘properly thee eateaie * should be in the Daily * questionable in the opinion pf \'>!": thenc® south 40 chains, thence west Banieetlon AD. $010 aad Ws coe of orla, Bt OME’ Gintrics “Son tee * News office before 10 a.m. * 5 We area Hains, thence north 40 chains ne sb te Paha aasata’ ba Su Darties in ne F ' : , Alexander, Smith, K. C., of Ottawa: ii 40 chains to point oF Gualngs, dence |debed to) the estate are ‘required to. pas HG _______ "| Changes in advertisements * , i . | dc ' , * mess - ara vee tym sir ndebte 8s » ‘ : 3 . who is an authority on election)" CUETININS TAS, Aare, eee or tess, | forthwith. ; ecdnss to me Nhere may be something you should be on hand before * law. i; se By Mark Smaby, Agent. ‘ eee want. See the classified column|* 5 p.m. on previous day. # ate September 4th. 1919, Dated this 29th day of November, 1919. on Page 5, * # a eM HH HR EHH ——— ———— ol Scere | Gene Byrnes Says:—“Itis a Great Life If You Don’t Weaken.” ITS A GREAT LIFE iF YoU DONT WEAKEN Nal 1 Gene “BARNES