Jednesday, January 14, 1920. Boston Guill OUR DINNERS A Specialty Short Orders at any time Try one of our Boston Grill Dinners It’s all in the Cooking Kitchen is always Nada Melia! adams on DEAFNESS #9 tots _ if You are a Sufferer—-Go to your 2 Druggist and order Concen- trated Sourda!l, price $1 per tin. )This New remedy gives almost im- "mediate relief, and quickly effects a H permanent cure, It penetrates to ‘the actual seat of the complaint, and “has completely cured many cases Pwhich were considered hopeless, If your Chemist does not yet stock P ‘Sourdal’ do not accept any sub- stitute, but send money-order for 4 supply direct to_the ‘S8ourdal’ Dis- tributing Co., 38, Station Road, Croydon, Surrey, Eng., and a package will be matied per return with full directions. SMITH & MALLETT PLUMBING AND HEATING ENGINEERS Estimates furnished. Address, 3rd Avenue, head of Second Street. Phone 174 —- P.O. Box 274 $2650.00 Buys 2 lots, 7 room house, complete ffurnishings, coal and wood supply. The Easiest Possible Terms DOUGLAS SUTHERLAND 523 Third Ave. Cadomin Coal No wait. Full weight. $12.50 $13.75 Ton, Loose Ton, Sacked FURNACE COAL Consumers Coal Company Phones- 7 - Black 293 There is A Photographer in town T. J. Davipson [he Peerless Studio Suite 22, Alder Block PHONE Red 328 Sd POOP ROOD For Comfort, Courtesy~ and Service go to The SAVOY HOTEL F. T,. Bowness MANAGER Phone 37 P.O, Box 1704 Hotel Prince Rupert EUROPEAN PLAN $1.50 per day and up. FIRST-CLASS CAFE A La Marte. The ‘Gartland” Boarding House 416 Sixth Avenue East Near Drydock To Save and Maintain Our Salmon Fisheries Continued From Page One. Fraser River fishery demonstrates what will happen if things are to go on as they have been going. “We have overdone the thing. We have drawn, and are drawing, too heavily upon our supply of salmon and of halibut. What we need is a complete and radical change of policy; a departure al- together different from past and existing methods. The Time Has Come. “The time has come when the Government should step in and take over our salmon fisheries and administer them for the benefit of the people as a whole and for all time, They should step in and take over the salmon fisheries just as the British and United States Governments have taken over the fur-seal fisheries of the North Pacific. Instead of licens- ing existing and new companies and individuals to take and handle our salmon fisheries the Govern- ment should take them over and handle them. By so doing the fish will be given full protection. There will be a radical reduction in equipment and a consequent reduction in overhead expenses that will materially reduce the re- tail price of both fnesh and can- ned salmon. And at the same time the Government, being seri- ous in its desire to help returned men, can do so by taking control of the salmon fisheries and install returned inen to operate them. “The governments of Great Britain and the United States took over the fur seal industry because it was essential to the preservation of the fur-seal. The fur-seal was threatened with ex- tinction. Corporate and individual enterprise was killing them off. The Governments took them out of the hands of corporations and individuals and adopted a policy that has materially increased the numbers in the herds of fur-seals, Sole Government Control. “There is no inherent difficulty in taking over the salmon fisher- ies. The existing operating com- panies in the salmon fisheries have no operating rights beyond those granted them from year to year. The government is under no obligation to renew the licences formerly granted to them. I sug- gest that the Government should assume the sole control of the entire salmon industry, even though that may mean compensa- tion where it can be shown that compensation is due. Many of the salmon plants on the Fraser are at present a liability and not an asset of the owning companies, The plants of Northern British Columbia will in a short period be as valueless as the plants on the Fraser if the existing policy of depletien continued. The history of the Fraser wil! be re- peated. The salmon fisheries of British Columbia will be depleted as Alaska is being depleted. The Government should bear this in mind in taking over existing plants that may be found neces- sary for the work under govern- ment control. The Government can, by combining its efforts, re- duce overhead expenses by sev- eral hundred per cent. It can in consequence sell cheap, It can put up as good, if not a better and more uniform pack. Being a Government-guaranteed product it will be in greater foreign de- mand. And what is of greater importance it will ensure the con- tinuance of the salmon runs, Trawl Fish Too. “Government owned and oper- ated fisheries, and I do not con- tinue the suggestion that Govenn- ment ownership be confined to the salmon fisheries alone, for I would include trawl-caught fish, which together with the salmon would prove a valuable adjunct to the two transcontinental railway lines owned and operated by the Gov- ernment, By the addition of large freezing and cold storage plants at or near Prince Rupert and Vancouver, the Pacific terminal ports of Government-owned rail- way lines, the Government will be in a position to supply the Northwest Provinces and Kastern Canada with fish at cheap prices, employ returned men, and to dominate the local fish food mar- kets, to the immediate and lasting benefit of the fish and the people. Give the Fish a Chance! “Phe fish of the province be- long to the people of Canada, They constitute one of their greatest natural assets, When our minerals and our timber are drawn upon they are lessened to that extent. Minerals cannot be replaced, Our forests may, at Is Board by Month or Weck. Phones Red 245 TOP ofp He one neat expense, be restored by re- THE DAILY NEWS For Sale 6 Block 15, Section 5 Lot CLASSIFIED \| This is the Advertising Column that people read when they want anything ——— ADVERTISING Phone 98 It brings results $600, Terms. Lots 26-27, Block 44, Sec. 8 $150 Each. MACHINIST WANTED. with knowledge of gasoline repair work wanted.— Akerberg, Thomson & Co., Ltd. 4-room house, Fifth Avenue, Section 5, $1,575 Terms. a, 5-room house and bath, Sec- WANTED TO RENT—Fodern five Phone 14 roomed 207, house or; flat. tion 5, $3600 Terms. McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Ltd. Phone 16 - - 3rd Avenue be available for several genera- WANTED WANTED y One re-sawyer and 1 setter. Apply Belknap-Wright Lumber Co. 14 Second..hand baby carriage. Apply P. O. Box 197. SITUATIONS WANTED lady desires position in Has little experience in Write box 33, Daily tf oung store. drygoods. News ollice. tions. Our fisheries, on the other hand, will last for all time if they are properly handled. Depleted runs can be restored. The runs of former years may even be en- R espectable Indian woman wants housework, Apply Mrs. Par- nell, care Indian office, City. FOR SALE larged, All that is necessary to maintain our salmon supply is to ensure that a suflicient number of fish reach the spawning grounds. If the beds are well seeded there will be a certain return. The fish will do all the work necessary, provided the Government gives thein a chance to do so. They will perpetuate themselves’ without cost. ‘They will entirely disappear if left to corporate and individual control. “The policy here advocated will meet with the approval of the people of Canada, since it means that the fisheries will be main- tained in their interest, and that FOR SALE—42-foot semi-tunnel FOR SALE—15 h. p. engine, in boat, built of oak with cypress planking screwed to frames, full canopy top, 32-37 Kastern Standard engine. All ready to take the water. Fully equipped with toilet, ice box, berths, three propellers, winch, etc., Price $3,000.00 for quick sale. —M. M. Stephens. tf house at bridge, Cow Bay, $100 cash. When put together will be in good running order. If not satisfactory money will be refunded. Also other engines and boats for sale——J. Toner. they may have fish at a cheaper} - price. I Sane Business: “The policy proposed is a prac- tical and sane business thing for the Government to undertake. It is a business that will pay divi- dends in a greater supply of fish, OR SALE—One 32 h. p. N. & 8. gas engine; rebored and thor- oughly overhauled. Complete equipment. Price $1,000 F.O.B. boat. List of other engines furnished on application. Union Machine Works, Juneau. tf and at a cheaper price, not only to the people of teday, but to our people that are to come after. Government control and opera- tion is, in my opinion, the solu- tion of this great economic ques- tion. “The Privy Council decided that FOR SALE—1i2 h.p. heavy duty Atlas, with bronze shaft, pro- peller, magneto, coil, etc. This the engine I used in the “Aileen.” It is in perfect order and very little used. $1,600.00— M.M. Stephens. tf is the right to administer the fish- eries of this province rested with the Dominion, and that the night to fish was a public right subject to regulation by the Dominion. Provided the Dominion Govern- ment is not prepared to accept the policy here advocated, and oper- uting our fisheries, I maintain that the Dominion should sur- render that right to British Co- lumbia. “We are facing rapidly chang- ing conditions, and the time opportune to assure the conser- vation of the Pacific Coast fish- I F is OR SALE — One four-hole Mc- How to Foil Wind «and Weather on Washday From now until spring.a battle that endan- gers health must on washday be waged with rain and sleet. That, or drying the washing in the cellar or attic, with its attendant inconvenience and sour smells. Of course we can not order weather to our fancy, but if you would laugh at mud and water, save your health and keep your hands and face free from chapping and roughness, telephone us. Next, bundle up your family washing and have our driver call for it. In our laundry your things are initialed where the mark never shows. Everything is sorted, too——table linen is washed only with table linen, hosiery with hosiery. There is no indiscriminate mixing. And it is laundered in fleecy suds of silky softness. : The weather, and the hardship of fall and winter washing need never be a source of worry. Use your telephone and let us help you. ' Canadian Steam Laundry Orns as.w.ce. 20 | Sncat sdenberese. Clary Range, one six-hole Can- adian Oxford, both secondhand at bargain prices. Harry Han- son, the Reliable Plumber, 139 Second Avenue. tf OR SALE—25-40 h.p. Medium Duty Sterling Engine, Bosch Ignition, 4 cyl., 4 cycle, in per- fect condition. $1,250.00.—M. M. Stephens. tf FOR SALE—A car of dry cord Order from tf wood from Cedarvale. early for delivery direct Pacific Cartage, Ltd. car. eries for the present and the fu-|_ ture benefit of the whole people of Canada rather than sacnifice this great provincial and national as- set to satisfy the shortsighted greec of a small minority. greed of a small minority.” NOVICK OF CANCELLATION OF RESERVE, FOR SALE ‘OR FOR SALE—Kitchen cabinet, very FOR RENT—Steam heated room, Dress suit in good Open Ist February, 1920 NEW MARINE WAYS Shawatlans P: ssage Equipped for building and Ropers all classes us Lcats up to 100 feet in length. WOODWORKING, BLACKSMITHING AND MACHINE SHOPS. Best equipped plant in Central British Gelumbia. W. E. Thompson, Gen. Manager Phone Green 153 A. Swanson, President Phone Red 391 condition, Price reasonable. Apply box 32, Daily News. ti SALE —- Kitchen cupboard, very reasonable. Suite 10, Sum- mit Apartments, tf reasonable. Suite 10, Summit Apartments. tf FOR RENT suitable for 708 Third tf with two. beds, gentlemen. Apply Avenue West. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the windbreak Reserve covering the belt of jand ten chains in width and situate along the north shore of Graham Island, liotice of which appeared in the “British Columbia Gazette’ of the 28th January, 1909, Is eancelled in so far as it relates to that portion lying between Indian Reserve No. 1 and Indian Reserve No. 3. G. R. NADEN, Deputy Minister of Lands Department of Lands, Victoria, B. C., November 17th, 1919. LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO PURCHASE LAND IN QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS LAND DISTRICT — RECORDING | DIS- TRICT OF SKEENA, AND SITUATE ON THE SHORE OF GRAY BAY MORESBY ISLAND. TAKE NOTICE that I, Walter Rudge, of Copper Bay, Moresby Island, British Co- lumbia, farmer, intend to app! for per- mission to purchase one hundre and sixty acres of land bounded as follows: Com- mencing at a post planted at the northeast corner of lot 866, Moresby Isld,, thence west 20 chains; thence north 80 chains; thence east 20 chains, more or less to the beach; thence following the beach southerly to point of commencement, and containing 160 acres more or less. WALTER RUDGE, Locator, November 22, 1919. F.4 SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. TAKE NOTICE that Charles E. Burgess, of Bay Point, California, hotel-keeper, [n- tends to apply for a licence to prospect for coal and petroleum over the following de- scribed lands on the West Coast of Moresby island, British Columbia, commencing gt a post planted about 200 yards from ee southerly shore of Canoe Pass and 4 miles east of the northeast corner of Robert Reld’s coal and petroleum licence number 10460, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80° chains, thence south 80 chains, thenee west 80 chains to the polnt of coramence- t iakese CHARLES E, BURGESS. By Hans K, Christensen, Agent. Located October 9th, 1019. forestation, but they then will not TO RENT—Three-roomed flat, or FOR RENT—-Furnished suite, St. “SONGS UNBIDDEN,"” AGENCY FOR THE CELEBRATED printing done wel' and done at rome as it is to send it away. Try The News Print Shop. can be divided into single rooms if desired. Apply 210 Ninth Avenue West. tf Louis Rooms, Phone Red 91. MISCELLANEOUS by Prospector, will make a nice gift book for your eastern friends. Poems of Love, Nature, Religion and Sociology. It is fragrant with the breath of balsams and pines, Leatherette covers, $1.50; velvet sheep, $2.00, post paid. Published by Victonia Printing & Publishing Co,, 524 Yates St. Victoria, B.C. “Eastern Standard” Marine En- gine built in sizes from 14 h,p. up, Seven hundred of these were used in submarine chasers during the war. They are just as good for any other purpose where reliability counts.—M. M. Stephens, Prince Rupert, tf It is just as cheap to get your SUOUSOSUELONOCUUEUSOOGOATOULONNNG Georgetown PHONES 130 ang 423. Lumber Co. . O. BOX 1632 Largest Assortment of Lumber in Central B. ©. FISH BOXES A SPECIALTY FIR CEDAR Consult Us. SPRUCE — — - ET ae ee ATISFIES “Wee MacGregor” DRAG SAW The Original Light Weight, Portable, Gasoline Operated Drag Saw and Power Plant, (Frequently Imitated—Never Equalled) This tested, proven, gasoline driven, portable dra: saw, with its 4 h.p, motor, according to contlitions, w do the work of from two to ten men, ani cut from 20 to 30 cords of wood a day, at an approximate cost of 4 cents a cord for fuel. With its pulley attachment, it will pump. water, drive the circular saw, run the churn or separator. It is light and can easily be carried from one point to another. One man can move it on the log. Two men can carry it from log to log. It has sawn a 2-foot log in 50 seconds—a 6-foot log in 4 rninutes. These are but a few of its features— 14 of them exclusive, possessed by no one other similar machine. WEE MacGREGOR SAW MANUFACTURING CO. 810 Granviile Street Vancouver, B.C. Write for our new descrip- ( tlve, Illustrated foider, It Ie free if you mention this paper.