We THE DAWLY NEWS Wednesday, January 14 4 SSS sil . co . . ‘ Special discounts on ladies’ fe shoes. Jabous Bros., Lid. is . > Pre-Inventory STARTS THURSDAY Morning THIS WEEK, at 9:30 a.m., and ENDS SATURDAY Evening at 10:00 p.m. A Three Days CARNIVAL: BARGAINS in Every Department Unusually heavy price re- ductions in all lines of steple Dry-Gocds, Dress Goods, Suits, Coats, Dress- es, Underwear, Whitewear, Waists, Silks, Hosiery, Silk Underwear, etc. Men’s, Ladies’ and Children’s BOOTS Vy and rigron HOES of all kinds at Genuine Cut Prices For full particulars see de- scriptive hand - bills now being distributed. Telephone us if you do not get one. §. WALLACE CC:., LTD. Local News Notes o~ { ! -_ n..¢ G, H. Durham, of Usk, is in th @| city. Mrs. E. arrived North Pacific last night Maris fro ers, Ltd. Wallace's Sale morning, ends Saturday Night Don't forget the Musical ciety’s dance. Thursday St. Andrew’s Hall. ei eee Cut prices that are always gen- uine—Sales that are always worth attending—Wallace’s. 13 We don’t cobble shoes at Simp- son’s-—we repair them. Corner Fifth tind McBride. tf New boys’ bloomers. Regulai $3.00. Sale price, $2.25. All size Jabour Brothers, Ltd. i 3 . . * H. E. Ross, proprietor of the Empress Hotel, arrived home tliis morning from Vancouver. FOR ALDERMAN and influence will be appreciat Thank you. H. B. ROCHESTER . . 7 P. Rorvik and Miss Rorvik ar- rived home this morning Trom a visit as far south as Portland. . . . Your vole At our sale prices it will pay u to buy shoes for spring and summer now—Wallace’s Sale. W. Crossley is to build a $3,106 starts Thursday this Week. 13| So- night in :_ or ~ lt m ' SOA a rs ahem! fot nt it Al! Royal ; Cie oP yeilaots | carry Coupons, redeemable oj |DOCKERS TAKE CALLIES ¢ IN TOW IN SIXTH GAME Third Victory Was Closely Con- tested and Game Was Inter- esting and Well Played. In a hard one fast game at the rink. the drydock basketballers took the measure of the Callies in the sixth Senior League fixture Vote for John Currie for Alder- for useful 3. last night. > * Dr. H. J. Meiklejohn, general meonager of the Sovereign Life Insurance Co., of ‘Winnipeg, ac- companied by Charles A, Pyne, of Prince George, manager for Nor- thern B. C., arnived in the city on last night's train on a business trip, Dr. Meiklejohn goes to Van- couver on T hursday night and dir, Pyne will return to Prince George on ornate morning. For saving and economy, shop this week during our great sale. Jabour MOLE 5 AAT | cmp IF 'RADES AND LABOR CONDEMN G.T.P. ACTIC” Yew House in the Heart of City Being Built by Oriental Labor. The Trades and Labor Coun: vent on récord at its meeting last light as condemning’ the action f the Grand Trunk Pacifie Rail- vay in having the new residence ior the resident engineer built bs Oriental labor. The secretary of the Carpenters’ Union stated that it was faulty of construction but nothing could be done by the city because it was on privale G. T. P. ronerty. -He had gone to the house and found that there was not even a white foreman on the work. It was considered disgrace- ful that this condition should exist practically in the heart of the city. VALHALLA. Meets the 15th and 29th of this nonth in K. of P. Hall. Installa- on of officers the 15th. SECRETARY. St. Regis Cafe hn JAN, BREAKFAST, 35c T a.m. to 10 a.m. Stewed Prunes Mush or Grape Nuts Cakes, siripped with Bacon Toast Jam Coffee LUNCHEON, 50c_ 11:30 to 2 p. m. Split Pea Soup Boiled Hallbut and Cream Sauce Boiled Pigs’ Hocks and Cabbage Veal Pot Pie with Dumplings Atkins’ Sausage and Mashed Potatues Roast Beef and Pan Gravy Baked, Mashed or Bolled Potatoes Vanilla Pudding _Coffee Wheat DINNER, 50e 5 to 7:30 p.m. Vegetable Soup Grilled Halibut and Tartare Sauce Rolled Beef with CreamedeCarrots Veal Pricassee Bolled Mutton with Vegetables Baked Meat Roll and Country Gravy Roast Stuffed Breast of Veal Apple Pie Cotte If you like a good seed, cooked by a real chef, and at a reasonable price, come to the St. Regis. One trial will be sufficient to add you fo our ever-increasing wumber of regular customers, Brothers, Ltd. 13 AARP RR eA SAT IR Ro gg (| * ry active officer of that body and that it is somebody else's turn eA ge 3 ir eel, ee natlindietinansen os 0 ea Aree ae a ‘ RED LETTER DAYS. GidHUUSH AGES MOMN HALL AAUG ALESHA His i Abi UNEARTH AMAA January 14, 15, 16 and 17 are days you wili never forget Do not miss this opportunity. We start our }; igg- est sale of the whole year on Wednesday and all | specials .on this list continue till Saturday . only, Prices, as you will note, on every item are slaugh. tered, profits are forgotten, and advancing Seskgts are lost sight of for the next four days. We deliver free to any part of the town. ale eletemnatetetelll . ROP at en Le Bi mi n Pe i Pea : Ib. » Quaker fled Cherries 2 145 i S| $1.58 | Hogers’ Golden Syrup 5-ib ) . I 12-02. Teg. | ers’ Golden Syrup 10-Ib ai y I ial i6e k Syrup 10-1b. tin si tana faisins. in bulk ex. 3 | \aptha Soap, carton, r 24¢ ; !runrose Soap, reg 3ic § j ne z ; i I 7 ' Ww { Soap 6-bar ca Prunes, size 70-8 25-ib. box 84 35 | a Soap, reg 10c. Specia 7 2 b. t si i a Naptha, i0-bar ca 2 box £4.01 : ; ap, Speciai 9 Red k y pe b Fairy 80 reg. 2 for 25¢ k I 2 } >, reg 10c Special S ee, 2 ns, ree i id ‘Duteh Cleanser Special 1.25 Special #1,12 earline, Reg 40c. Special in Jam, reg. 25c, Spec. i6e | ¢ 1 Dust reg ace Spe lal t 5 ‘ m lass 16 spe vo! Lux, reg 2? f Fr j i juss 18, Spec. 39c | Fruits and Vegetabies En Jelly giass is A. wKiSst Oranges, Sai Prices [ i oe t ; ' 1 Jelly, «la 1s ist m8 arriving Wi la 9 per oo 7 4 Beans Kegt N iJ athan wrapped, box 8 4 1 Phe tUnwra ned Jonathans, Winesa \ ' ind Beans, Ladi- | Yel Newtons, per box ga tval ; r 25c | 5 Ibs f Quaker Bra n 28 Special 19c ; Terrace Turnips 8 Ibs for 2 i bir 2s Special i7c | Terrace Carrots s Ibs fowal Cit matoes 248 Sy 210 | Yakiina Red Beets ‘ 12-02. Spec } CANDY DEPT. (Bale Prien): t n Te reg } ; Scoteh Mints, per tb Sire 43c | Jelly Beans, per Ib Reval ‘ id Flour 49-Ib. 82 PY nut Caramels, per ib Fas Brand Lobster 4% 20 Mixed Fag Bra Lot ‘ Wrapped Lady Cagamels ‘ The Rupert Table Supply Co, Pressure of public and _ private business -also demands that he drop some of, his many oflices. Phones 211—212 Nominations for the oflicers of the Council were received at last] a 1ight’s meeting and the election; — i will take place at the next meet-—| seweee ng. : Following are the nominations for the various oflices: «resident—J. Gillis, J.R. Bea ind Arthur Ellis. Vice-preside1 t 4. H. Allis« sam Massey and John Vierick. Secretary—Bert McEvoy and soole. Treasurer J.R. Beatty ar arthur INSURANCE David H. Hays General / NOTARY PUBLIC Royal Insurance Company, Limited Northern As urance Co., Limited London & Lancashire Fire Insurance Co., Limited. London & Lancashire Guarantee 4 Aocident Co. eal Estate Agent Fidetity-Phenix Fire insurance Co Cor. Seoond Avenue and Second Street. ARTI NRT eget Warden—J. Vierick and H. M i Machern. Nominations for the executi inancial and legislative comnit PPE PDDIL MLO LPO PEED S 2 = ees will take place later. ' 2 e oer 1 se ay ew ie cel DENTISTRY | Three days’ Carnical or Bi ” or A dermal rains—Wallace’s Sale. 13 j Don’t eglect your Teeth - : } One decayed or mis ing tooth The “Director” Corset. Man lowera your eicienty 4 ‘actured in Prince Rupert. Phi } eae Your vote and 3lue 92. DR. ‘BAYNE be appreciated. | . . * ; j : = ; 9 When you need a pair of shoes}} Afte ae Mi ae a mt aes of better grade, call’at McArthur’s|} day, 9 to 12 only. Even nus H B R h t shoe Store. if . Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri- ° ° 0c eS er 5 “ P day, from 7 to 9 } 9, Mr. and Mrs. 8. A. Corley ? DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE POPOOLLE POLL LDLL LLL D ELE OO EE rived home this morning fr: ; PHONE*109 FOR APPOINTMENT heir honeymoon trip. Nrurivusisurernmmerirerurieerecnnsss POPOL L ELL OL OLED LLOLL OLED OPEL E IT ee — - ; . . e tt) Vote Spire la Ci PPPOPILPL OLE OL OOPLL EPL LOPE OOO. ; Black 257. i$ : oe ? : : re } Ae TR le ae You ove and influ- ; ' _Ask for Atkins’ Sausages. ao > wil il he appreciated 3 Jobn n bhavn SERRE HEED SE RH: | ‘ ; ‘ TCO LATE TO CLASSIFY Hh ; [chaeeesbeas os | HW HURRAY | FOR ALDERMAN Ps FOR SALE—Twod English pian: Wi. i. i. tf ey ah } One $170.00 and one genui | 1 on Thursday ; William Thompson, splend for nahernse tone, $250.00. Also small ree 1| POPOL LEOL DLL LM ODD DOLL CEILS organ. Terms cah be arranged. | E ffir ‘h yan | Econom) on, Prince Rupert Music Store i POPPE E LODO LIEL OP EOEEL ETE T LOTTE ; Opposite the post office p. 13 OP PL EPO SY reroorevorvioooooolcosoooes | ‘ | ar FOR SALE—2 restaurant ranges, | Sewer sosessceeen es : J C MeLENNA 5 second-hand. Harry Hanson, |; Y 0% te ana inf i : F } The Reliable Plumber, 139 2nd|} Yee OCS: si FOR ALDERMAN ; Avenue, tf | ; respectfully solicited 3 — - _— eee 7 . » i® Re FOR SALE. No. 2 Franklin heatet I} ay % ai | | stove. 218 Second Ave, Wesi—|§% J ¢ i Your vote and influe! j Phone Green 519, tf if “he e cer r ——an- = i$ will be apprecial: i Aid. te } ; 5 All 1eF man or 1926 | OD OOM 6 we OOO POOH pee m "z i ‘ 1 ett, Westholme Lunell 10 \4 uF PROPOD PA PEPEOPOEEOEEPIIETT. © ; ‘ “t2eee wrTrrr - errrre ; i _MAY. BILLINGS, Prop i es 7 ; ~ 5 : 50c SPECIAL MENU preetnanbatnerenaioins s seoennerepes | Kor A'dermati ; Thureday, January 15 To the Electors, | P ee City of Prince Rupert, B. i i Luncheon 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. - " : 0., Your vote and milue! i i Dinner 6:80 p.m. to 7:30. Danita didiantienins respectfully solicite: pee Me. pe Vole for a swimming pool COR Sia ‘ | aoa jie the children and a square Boiled Ham with Vegetables eal for all hy supporting ° M ick Entrees. 4 q Elizabeth (, Kirkpatrics eae et CASEY Kidney ‘Seuae nto “Id oe , "s a ° poreeeey ae sldermanic Candidate Si ce cll eee yee» Roast Boef, re rowo Gravy 1920 Kleetion. * - ~nmnncenvaonooooosenre tee Roast Veal with Jelly Vegetables. OLPLOPLODIOLILOPLOODOD DDE DRCOG y | To the Electors i Plain Boiled Potstoes ee em rere eeneereemee seas eesntetienepeeee = ; Mashed Carrots Bc jel } : Dessert a ms ennai Asa neon for; ernie } : Apple, Raisin Pie van, I take this opportu’ 3 Cottage Teg ains: Lemon Sauce A. a: GRAY of asking for support. 2 Teacher of Piano ; sHorY ORDERS SERVED ANY TIME Studio 137 Second Avenue ( R dd h ; FROM 7 A.M. TO MIDNIGHT i PHONE 182 or 444 4 €0. uddernaltl | Cmerrre reooess = pe rere ee ee