Thursday, January 15, 1920, | Boston (jrill OUR DINNERS A Specialty Short Orders at any time Try one of our I Baston Grill Dinners { It’s all in the Cooking POLICE CHIEF'S Shows Alarming Increase in Drug of police was read at last night's meeting of the Police Commission. serious crime in the city, with the exception of Prince Rupert is no exception to other places. appears, alarmingly all rie DAILY NEWS Pze § ANNUAL REPORT and Opium Cases—Many Fines. The annua! report of the chief t shows a very slight increase of infractions of the Jpium and Drug Acts in which The drug tratfiic, it increased most over the country The worst of- has ur Kitchen is always open for inspection A FOTO FO 70 Fe Re DEAFNESS a if You are a Sufferer—-Go to your » Local Druggist and order Concen- /trated Sourdal, price " This New remedy gives almost im- — mediate relief, and quickly effects a = permanent cure, Ii penetrates to ' the actual seat of the complaint, and ' has completely cured many cases which were considered hopeless. If your Chernist. does not yet stock ‘Bourdal’ do not accept any sub- stitute, but send money-order for a supply direct to the ‘Sourdal’ Dis- tributing Co., 38, Station Road, Croydon, Surrey, Eng., and a package will be mailed per return with full directions. $1 per tin. { ~e. in the past year. fenders here are the case being dismissed and other withdrawn. The total fines for to $8,653 as 1918. The comparison number of convictions of and the on present persons reporting under the Alien Enemy Act was 150 per month. The maintenance and expense of the Police Department has not yet been ascertained but it is ex- SMITH & MALLETT PLUMBING AND HEATING ENGINEERS furnished. Estimates Address, 3rd Avenue, head of Second Street. Phone 174 -— P.O. Box 274 pected that the financial showing will be better edilected $674.25 in dog taxes, licenses and public hospital fees. This shows somewhat of a de- crease from last year. The convictions during the year are classified as follows:— Prohibition Act, 46; theft, 9; as- Prihibition Act, 46; Theft, 9; common assault, 10; assaulting police officer on duty, 1; drunks an increase over last year, most cases having used extrasts., 115; Motor Vehicle Act, 24: vagrancy, $2650.00 Buys 2 lots, 7 room house, complete ffurnishings, coal and wood supply. The Easiest Possible Terms DOUCLAS SUTHERLAND 523 Third Ave. oe 20; Alien Enemy Act, 6; Drug Act, 40, BERLINERS BAYONETTED Demonstration in Front of Reich- stag—Troops Fire on Growd Trying to Rush Building. Cadomin Coal No wait. Full weight. $12.50 $13.75 yn, Loose Ton, Sacked FURNACE COAL r., Tetewraphs.; BASLE, Jan. 14.—Many per- sons were killed and wounded in Berlin yesterday when troops fired upon and bayonetted demonstrat- ous who tried to rush the Reich- stag entrance in protest against the exportation law, says a dis- patch from Berlin, following an appeal from Die Freiheit, a radi- (Special) via G Consumers Coal Company Phones- 7 - Black 293 There is A Photographer in town The erless tu Suite 22, Alder Block PHONE Red 328 cal Socialist organ, for the work- men to demonstrate in protest against the law. Order Restored. BERLIN, Jan. 14.—The police restored order in have finally Berlin following upon the riots before the Reichstag building. The Chamber is adjourned fer two days. XMAS RESULTS AT THE HIGH SCHOOL Students Make Excellent Show- ings-—Some High Marks Are Won. For Comfort, Courtesy and Service go to The SAVOY HOTEL F. T. Bowness MANAGER Phone 37 P.O, Box 1704 POOLE EL EL EDEL LODO D OD ODIO The results of the Christmas examinations at the High School as announced by Principal Brady and his staff yesterday are as fol- lows :— Senior Matriculation, maximum marks, 100— Richard Pillsbury, 81; Caroline Mitchell, 72. Junior Matriculation, maximum marks, 800—H. Fotos, 676, John Fotos, 565; David Cavalier, 548. Advanced Junior Grade, maxi- mum marks, 800—Roth Gorden, 667; M. Roberts, 656; George Mitchell, 549; EK. Cavalier and Alan Hotel Prince Rupert EUROPEAN PLAN $1.60 per day and up. FIRST-CLASS CAFE A La arte, PPO ones MeNicholl, 543. Preliminary Course, Junior Grade, maximum, 1,100. marks— Fred. Kergin, 912; Lee Gordon, 909; M. Sim, 892; William Kergin, 885; Gertrude Nelson and Vera Shockley (even) 882, MUCH WHISKY SEIZED ee pone, (Special via G, T, P, Telegraphs.) PERTH, N. J., Jan. 15.—Be- ern Boarding Hs 416 Sixth Avenue East Near Drydock t Board by Month or Week. Phone Red 245 tween five and six hundred cases of Canadian Club whisky cen- cealed in transit has been shipped to the New York custom house following its discovery by revenue OP pen OS oe agents. Chinese, There were 42 drug and opium cases here during the past year which brought 40 convictions, one the 1919 came against $4,328 in the the amount of fines reflects creditably jurisdiction as {| there was only one case more this year than last, but the fines were nearly double, Thene were 415 ceases and 383 convictions this year. The average number of than ever before. Duning the year past the police CLASSIFIE ADVERTISING Phone 98 This is the Advertising Column that people read when they want anything It brings results WANTED. MACHINIST with knowledge of gasoline repair work wanted. Akerberg, Thomson & Co., Ltd. WANTED TO RENT—Fodern fiv: roomed house or flat. Phone 207. 14 WANTED—One re-sawyer and 1 Apply Belknap-Wright ii setter. Lumber Co. WANTED — Second-hand baby carriage. Apply P. O, Box 197. SITUATIONS WANTED Young store. drygoods. News ollice. lady desires position in Has little experience in Write box 33, Daily ti Respectable Indian woman wants housework. Apply Mrs. Par- nell, care Indian ofllice, City. FOR SALE FOR SALE—42-foot semi-tunne! boat, built of oak with cypress planking screwed to frames, full canopy top, 32-37 Eastern Standard engine. All ready to take the water. Fully equipped, with toilet, ice box, berths, three propellers, winch, etc., Price $3,000.00 for quick sale. M. M, Stephens. tf FOR SALE—15 h. p. engine, In house at bridge, Cow Bay, $100 | cash. When put together will) be in good running order. I} not satisfactory money will be refunded. Also other -engines | and boats for sale.—J, Toner. | FOR SALE—One 32 h. p. N. & 8.| gas engine; rebored and thon. | oughly overhauled, Complete | equipment. Price $1,000 F.O.B, | engines | boat. List of other furnished on application. Union | tf! Machine Works, Juneau. } FOR ve ae ad se ee Sateadl. Jail Tobacco Velvet Joe Says: “‘Misery loves company, Ever-lasting-ly Smooth but not the compaity of a friendly pipe of Velvet.” Ever since tobacco was first smoked, it has been recognized as a great comforter in times of stress. The man who smokes Velvet, knows the comfort, and friendly companionship, of the cool, rich, fragrant, Velvet smoke. Where there is Velvet, trouble can't abide. Buy a trial tin to-day! One $170.00 and one genuine William Thompson, splendid tone, $250.00. Also small reed organ. Terms can be arranged. Prince Rupert Music Store— Opposite the post office. 13 FOR SALE—12 h.p. heavy duty Atlas, with bronze shaft, pro- pelier, magneto, coil, ete. This is the engine I used in the “Aileen.” It is in perfect order and very little used. $1,600.00— M. M. Stephens. tf SALE — One four-hole Mc- Clary Range, one six-hole Can- adian Oxford, both secondhand at bargain prices. Harry Han- son, the Reliable Plumber, 139 Second Avenue. tf FOR SALE—25-40 h.p. Medium Duty Sterling Engine, Bosch Ignition, 4 cyl., 4 cycle, in per- fect condition. $1,250.00.—M. M. Stephens. tf FOR SALE—A car of dry wood from Cedarvale. Order early for delivery direct from car. Pacific Cartage, Ltd. tf cord FOR SALE—2 restaurant ranges, second-hand, Harry Hanson, The Reliable Plumber, 139 2nd Avenue, tf FOR SALE — condition, Apply box Dress suit in good Price reasonable. 32, Daily News. tf FOR SALE—No. 2 Franklin heater stove. 218 Second Ave, West— Phone Green 519. tf ‘OR SALE — Kitchen cupboard, very reasonable, Suite 10, Sum- mit Apartments. tf FOR SALE—Kitchen cabinet, very reasonable, Suite 10, Summit Apartments. tf FOR RENT FOR REN'1'—-Steam heated room, with two beds, suitable for gentlemen, Apply 708 Thind Avenue West. if TO RENT—Three-roomed flat, or can be divided into single rooms if desired. Apply 210 Ninth Avenue West, tf FOR SALE—Two English pianos. NEW MAR A. Swanson, President Phone Red 391 Georgetown PHONES 130 ang 423. SPRUCE Open Ist February, 19-0 Shawatlans Passage Equipped for building and repairing = classes of boats up to 100 feet in length. WOODWORKING, BLACKSMITHING AND MACHINE SHOPS. Best equipped plant in Central British Columbia. Seal Cove Marine Ways, Ltd. Largest Assortment of Lumber In Central B. O. FISH BOXES A SPECIALTY FIR Consult Us. INE WAYS W. E. Thompson, Gen. Manager Phone Green 153 Lumber Co. P. 0. BOX 1632 CEDAR — Bt TN NENT_Prurnished suite, St. Louis Rooms, Phone Red 9i, MISCELLANEOUS “SONGS UNBIDDEN," by the Prospector, will make a nice gift book for your eastern friends. Poems of Love, Nature, Religion and Sociology. It is fragrant with the breath of balsams and pines. Leatherette covers, $1.50; velvet sheep, $2.00, post paid. Published by Victoria Printing & Publishing Co., 524 Yates St. Victoria, B.C. AGENCY FOR THE CELEBRATED “Eastern Standard” Marine En- gine built in sizes from 10 h.p. up. Seven hundred of these were used in submarine chasers during the war, They are just as good for any other purpose where reliability counts._—-M, M. Stephens, Frince Rupert. tf FARMS FOR SALE ©. P, R. FARM LAND -— Choice farms in well settled districts in Western Canada; low prices; twenty years to pay; irrigated lands in Sunny Southern Al- berta, with loan of $2,000 in improvements to assist new settlers. Act now—they are going fast. Vor free booklet and full information write II. G. Loughran, General Land agent, 744 Hastings St. Weert, Vancouver, B.C, Advertise in the Daily News Li NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF RESERVE, NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that the windbreak Reserve covering the belt of land ten chains in width and situate along the north shore of Graham Isiand, notice of which appeared in the “British Columbia Gazette’ of the 28th January, 1909, ts cancelled in so far as it relates to that portion lying between Indian Reserve No, 1 and Indian Reserve No. 3. G. R, NADEN, Deputy Minister of Lands D tment . “foul, Ben 0 r 17th, 1919, cA #3 it ts es