i yt \yiei ee ae oe ee ee ee. THIS WEEK, at 9:30 a.m., and ENDS SATURDAY Evening at 10:00 p.m. Thursday, January 15, 1999 THE DAVLY NEWS —- sere ~ se Oe ee a Sere ri ee Ne ” ORE ee sear en O————— ou 4 a NS A a on e ae ae Sanaa a a FA || Local News Notes COAST LIGHTHOUSES E D ETT FR D AYS tH ! Jap Oranges. Last chance, 50c One to Operate. ‘Out of Prince box. Table Supp! Rupert, Other From } 1a 4 re Victoria. rut t4 RLU _ UTA ARE | RETURN NYHILL-JONES. FOR pang 8 | R. bedoueshs ats | POLICE COMMISSION: According to a_ Victoria dis- Special di , uints on ladies’ felt patch to a Vancouver son the January 14, 1 16 _ 17 eee f Bismnin itn Government wil] soon a shoes. Jabous Bros., Ltd. 13 sent tor [call for, tenders for the construc. are days you will never orget oa Na e ovide a new treatmen ntind eroueliat ; a pra M Vote for John Currie for Alder-| Coughs, colds, and lung troubles. erated At» agp nlip eed Do not miss this opportunity. We start our bigg- sivic ss. 12 little tablets made up | lighthouse tenders ‘ : its Pre-Inventory man and civic eae Fuck tae extracts and medicinal |, (he British Columbia ot ast. est sale of the whole year on Wednesday and all Pianos correctly tuned. $6.00, te ae ‘eee The vessels have been ers speci als on this list continue till Saturday only, + 4) ; mou ic ‘ , 80 > tir and wi ye 5. ane So ee mee wit oan eee ined Sete damot et : : pl ah promared by Chris. Prices, as you will note, on every item are slaugh- whic yu ( ‘ é See windows for some of the] tothe lungs, throat and inne Cholberg of Victoria. When built tered, profits are forgotten, and adv ancing markets shoe bangains—Wallace’s Bale. direct Swallowing cough mix- one of the gas tenders will ere are lost sight of for the next four days. in Bates . tures into the stomach, to cure jate out of Prince Rupert and the : Vote for McMeekin and pro-| qithents and disorders in throat [oo Os or Victoria. We deliver free to any part of the town. gressive municipal government. and lungs, . Oe ans ae : : wisi ga ss Quaker Red Cherries 2%5 . Pts hay revolutionizing the tre aes Begg <9 £1.99, Special $1.58 | Rogers’ Golden Syrup 5-Ib : iri is within the f pkg. heguiar Ad aly + yer tng ‘ars’ Golden Garam 10-ib For frst class shoe repairing,| colds and thls pricier secreor: | ALICE ARM PEOPLE ei Edin 9! | REE, Slo age B. M. Simpson, Fifth and McBride. Send Ic. stamp for FREE TRIAL WINTER IN SOU TE Sultana Raisins in bulk, reg. ive ene home servo, 8: . oF : ; See. Mines eee eS ' iv iv yc volgen West Soap 6-bar “tar m 29 F. G. Dawson, the local whole- aes cee ie 20-48: 94 i. bi 4 i sik Si ree ite, Special ” saler, left for Winnipeg yester-|=— S| many Mining People From That 1-70, 25-1b. BOX $4: ie y” sous Bec as : é ins r ib 6 y Soag reg. 2 for 26¢ Spec 1 ee ~ REPAIR BUILDING Point Seek Southern Been ga i persia | Ti aa dec rand Colfee ».Ib. tins, reg Ol nt ch eanser Specis Boys’ coats. Regular $12.50. Warmth. 5 : ! ao ny: Sp ; tal t n Pr - Pear hee roe ! , frie esi. Raa serene stralian Jam, reg. 25c, Spec. 16¢ | Gold Dust, reg c Specia Sale price, $9.00. Jabour Broth- Contract for itheiiien to Roof of bora ee Cal Aus aceite x m, : zo ie ten ioe et eek ae ae ee *s, Ltd 13 Joseph Well I Rasp. Jam, glass is, Spec. 3¢c | Fruits and Vegetabies re 3 © ® as Agricultural Hall Let to son Alice Arm mining men, are aah a it mee. Jelly, glass is enka Oranges, Sale Prices, : . ‘ : . 89¢ en 50c, 7be 9 Wallace’s Sale starts Thursdé uy | Steen & Longwill. spending the winter in Pe: en thao ncas passage 808 «102 ' Lemoine scriving Steie’ ands Saturday Night on ae ; The southern state seems to be a va oye om: per doz Sree morning, ends Sa i iM At a meeting of the Agricultural ‘opular wntering place: for Alice ( and Beans, 35, R gu- No. ae pnatien Preeee d, Rox 88 met Os a | Association rhe -oyi tl oe people Mr. and Mrs. Geo Va Pork and Beans, Ind! Yellow Newtons, at bor #2 . F : . Ar . a a Je. . ee. f or 25c ‘ ‘eo, ee »s or H. McCall, general superintend- |yesterday the contract for repair- Bruggy and Mr. and Mrs. Ole nee ata. oe oe Special 9, Tes ae Turnips i : ibs for . , . 4 . ilding as . . a ; for Cab Peas 28 Spec Te race Carrots .. 8. for ent of the G.T.P., has gone east| ing the roof to the neta ner Bvindsen are there. E. C. Pickett I ‘ a! in f as 2 » Sp pore b ine ze or race Carre oe for : as far as Winnipeg. let to Steen & Longwill and on is on a big vineyard which was M. B. B. Pe weet ° ot aor ou tinea bee tov Prices) oe : | Work will be done on the first fine ft to him by his father who dic u and ce sal tele bore be We don’t cobble shoes at Simp-/ day. It was decided to hold over recently, and Al. Miner is wit! Eavie Srna’ Laneeee > f ite a - ‘anon per wi. 4 son's-—we repair them. Corner | the election of ollicers until after him, : Eagle Br and Lobster ips 5701 Wr apped Lady Caramels 4 Fifth and McBride. tfithe first meeting of the Cily saris fs cietaaibieianiiaatitinias fae ;}Council in order that the cily New boys’ bloomers. earcies | representatives may have an op- KITSUMKALEM MILL $3.00. Sale price, $2.25. All sizts.!\optunity to take part in the A ul ert a e ll 0, Jabour Brothers, Ltd. - election. 70 REOPEN IN SPRIN' POR ALDERMAN ——Zour vote! Fp The Kitsumk skates Lumber Co. Phones 211—212 and influence will be apprecial, ed. 62ND BATIN. ATTN. CE E. will recommence operations in] 'y. . y ‘hank you, H. 3 ROCHESTER. | REGIMENTAL FUN” the -epriné ‘inder hee manage. At our sale prices it will pay} Siok cea nent. _B, a ea aware of m ) zane . : Ir ‘ep ay’ er cs you to buy shoes for spring and ata meeting of the ex-members Beane ea oid ae ate . summer now—Wallace’s Sale. of this battalion, it was resolved rs oa i: ut os re ) rte it sit f. . Pe e ‘Do " ae STARTS rat eG ‘that the balance of this fund bef *OFO" > cee 2 1 ppccen) Meigions being -grepares divided amongst the widows and] 2enry Pellatt on the condition He A y Harvey’s Orchestra for the lanendenta of fecesded combades| ee mu and recommended 3.0.5. Box Social on Tuesday “ ie aie a vee ts provements. It is probable th and amongst those disabled co . aa til ttie 5 i next. ae pe i 1othing will be done unti Your vote and influence will Cle Pee rades whe are in actual need now dinene nai ack sn¢ bes ars. ‘ 1 TT | oO . - s W. J. Jefferson, the Butedale assistance. - tric io sie : be appreciated. Thank you. Lot 6 Black 15, Sec e cannery man, is in the city and ; ee ee Flannelettes, in pink, blue and Tn Terms. \is stopping at the Hotel Prince Jied to fonward to the arey stripes. 30¢ per yard. Jabouri¢ " orning Rupert. i signed on or before the 34st da; Ronee td . Beaeene 131% ° . GC ester Lots 26-27, Bloc! k 11, Sec. 8 : ‘4 of January 1920, their names and Roar: ae ; $150 Each. we: ms Devis, local eee ot addresses 2 full, renee , The “Director” Corset. Man ’ eespccovesonnnocenbooonneocdees | eugene the Canadian Explosives, returned number, date of death, number font tn Pinks Rupert. Phone jie ee ieee ee i eanet hanes. Pifth Avenu |from the south yesterday morn- and ages of dependents, presen! Blue 92 { Section 5, $1,575 Terms. | ing. income from all sources and fui! mi i sei . | idols heb aA bath. 8 e: @.@ ‘particulars of present cireul oa Be te te J C M L NAN an 6. 600. Terms. The annual meeting of the'ctances. cee WEL oe " _ ° e C AN \ : = Board of Trade will be oben On| After the said date the com- eee eS eee f 7 FOR ALDERMAN | Friday, January 16, at 8 p. m. in inittee will divide the fu : A Three Days CARNIVAL, 5 OES, BARGAINS -; in Every Department Unusually heavy price re-| of | Dress. ductions in all. lines staple Dry~-Gocds, Goods, Suits, Coats, Dress- es, Underwear, Whitewear,| Waists, Silks, Hosiery, Silk’ Underwear, etc. Men’s, Ladies’ an Children’s BOOTS Vermand yen SHOES of all kinds at GenuincCut Prices For full particulars see de- now scriptive hand - bills being distributed. Telephone us if you do not get one. _ HLS. WALLACE CO., LTD. ithe City Hall, Fags C, E. Starr, manager of the Pa-} ;cifie Fisheries, returned from holiday visit in the south yester day morning. . *. . Special Meeting of the Sons of ee will be held in the rooms Helgerson Block, Friday January 146 at 8 p.n. Urgent business. 13 . . ° . Mellinoyle, formerly of the ie Rey ‘hall staff in Victoria, ar- rived in the city yesterday and will isit Alice Arne be fore going south | Judge Yoline is rhc home from Vancouver next Wednesday. He is in the south attending « convention of the Provincial Rex Cross Board of which he.is a |member of the executive. Miss Hilda Crux, recently a jmember of the local teaching jstaff, is attending Columbia Col- |lege, Westminster, where she is taking a preparatory musical | course before going to Toronto. j ° . . | Two of the husky dogs that |° ame south from Juneau on the Princess Mary last trip are in the city pound today having been ‘found wandering about the G.T.P. ‘yards by G.T.P. constable Wynn this morning, | Newman Erb leaves for Vancou- iver by the Prince George tonight. | His private car, Toledo, will pro- ceed to Vancouver via Prince George and will pick up Mr. Erb there. On Monday he leaves that city for. New York. CALEDONIAN CLUB The weekly dance held on Ninth | Avenue will be from now on held in St. Andrew's Hall every Satur- ‘day evening from 9 till 12. Invi- tations enty. 14 | Cut prices that are always gen- /uine—Sales that are alw ays worth j attending—Wallece’ 8. 13 For saving and economy, shop | ‘this week during our great sale. |Jabour Brothers, Ltd. 13 | ‘nines Corsetiere. Phone Biack 267, *. 3 jamongst th »se who have filed thei: ;claims as required. J. W. NICHOLS. Care Canadian Fish & Cold Stor- age Co., Ltd., Prince Rupert B.C, 2-8-1 4 “es teweeeeneewereees TOO LATE TO OLASHEY a2 FOR SALE—45-foot gasoline fish- ing boat ‘Mary M,. Christopher.’ eee we eee € + Apply Harry P. Lipsett, Lipsett Cunningham & Co. tf LOST—Small chain purse con- taining sum of money. Finder please retufn to Daily News office. 44 WANTED — Planerman. Apply Mills. 43 Prince Rupert Spruce St. Regis Cafe FRIDAY, JAN. 16 BREAKFAST, 35c 7 a.m. to 10 am. Stewed Apples Cream of Wheat Corn Flakes Home-made Sausage with Bacon Hot Cakes, Maple Syrup Buttered Toast Coffee - LUNCHEON, 50c 11:30 to 2 p/m. Clam C poelter Boiled Alaska Salt Cod, Cream Sauce Bolled Tongue, Tomato Sauce Braised Pork Spare Ribs Veal and Ham Pile Fricasse of Lamb with Dumplings Roast Mutton, Pan Gravy Mashed, Boiled or Baked Potatoes Hot Mince Pie c offee DINNER, 5c 6 to 7:30 p.m. Clam Chowder Fried Fillet of Sole, Tartar Sauce Bolled Salmon Egg Sauce Pickled Pork and Spinach Lamb Pot Pie Chicken Croquettes, Green Peas English Pot Roast, Macaroni Roast Leg of Pork with Dressing Mashed, Boiled or Baked Potatoes Apple Pie Cc offee Fverything looks lasty “at the St. Regis Cafe. All our meals have that inviting appearance that appeals to city trade, Eat the best at popular price It costs no more, in fact, ’ much less to eat here, A. G. GRAY Teacher of Piano Studio 187 Second Avenue PHONE 182 or 444 Me JACK SSORS BOY: NS ND 4 " ‘BILL APPERSONS BOY" J 7 ees At the Westhoime Lunch | MAY. BILLINGS, Prop £0c SPECIAL MENU Jf} Friday, January 16 Wes! holme Todtiel. " } Luncheon 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Dinner 6:30 p.m. to 7:30. Soup. Rice Tomato Fish. Boiled Salmon, Halibut and Black God Boiled. Tripe, with Boiled Onions, white sauce, Entrees. Boston Baked Beans with Steamed Brown Bread Baked Spare Ribs and Dressing | Roasts. Loin of Beef, Brown Gravy Leg of Lamb with Mint Satice Vegetables. Steamed or Baked Potatoes Boiled Onions Dessert. Apple, Cocoanut Pie Rice Custard Pudding Tea Coffee ; SHORT ORDERS SERVED ANY TIME FROM 7 A.M. TO MIDNIGHT Vote for John Dybhavn 3 FOR ALDERMAN on Thursday we Your vote and influene: will be appreciated, POO OCOL APE PEL LL O LEP OCC SC COE POLL LLL ALLL PLEO LIE LOLOL He oy anddnehinane dina dad didae bake ca ceed - and a ip} rec W. MURRAY for Alderman Efficiency and Neonomy. Your vote ence will be by W. : influ- ‘lated ; CPOs Ves ousorwrve ares PLEO PE LOR ODEN OPO PPORDPOIPLOO IDS PEEP ree AIO OSE You vote and influence respectfully solicited : Geo. W. Kerr Alderman for 1920 3) sTZ THANK * weer resvess | CAML DO OODLE CORPO MO ool To the Electors, i City of Frince Rupert, B. C., pees —_ | Ladfes and Gentlemen, Vote for a swimming, pool far the children and a square leal for all by supporting ~ x 9° | CASEY \ Re/Biw Aldermanic Candidate 1920 Eleetion, , ; Your vote and influente respectfully solicited for i 4 McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Ltd. Phone 16 ~ - 3rd Avenué eorcerrrr M.M.Stephens Notary !ublic Conveyancer | FOR SALE plastered Avenue St. ee ee our - roomed on Eighth between MeBrica King Edward Schoo! with ex- cellent lot $1,000.00 Terms. M. M. Stepheas Rea! Esiate Insurance Financial Agent EPOLOS ACC PONIOOCOVIG house, and s ror rere PLELEL LLL LL CLOOL OO LORE AO OEE OF | DENTISTRY ‘ Don’t neglect your Teeth One decayed or missing tooth lowers yout, efficiency DR. BAYNE ; , 5 § ; Office Hours--Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 6.30; Satur- diy, 9 to 12 only. Evenings, Tuesday, Wednesday and - Fri- day, from 7 to 9. DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENT BF OF OE OF OF BIOS OF OI OF OL OD OE OB OD Ot OA OT et PE OOo oe COC ORO oe Oe To the Electors As a Candidate for Alder nan, | take this opportunity of asking for support. POP err r—oreceLee Geo, W. Rudderham | wren