\ Legisiativ® Liprer? O sea ee ™ GFE PHOME BAKERY 211 6th Street. Bhe Daily News PRINCE RUPERT ‘Northern and Central British Columbia’s Newspaper Phone 75 and 36 We Never Sleep PRINCE Auto §707 Rice e VictcG a wee es Paris Discusses Policy cee. ing Soviet Russia. (Special to The News via G.T.P. Telegraphs.) LONDON, January 16.—Representatives of Esthonia, Letvia, ania and Poland are at Helsingfors to arrange for a defensive ce against the Soviet Government of Russia. Bolshevik successes are oOccasioning serious portant conference is to be held in Paris on military and naval tters. Several of the British } as Baron Beatty, commander of the Grand Fleet, and Field rshal Sir Henry Wilson, chief of the imperial staff. alarm and an ministers are in attendance as 'AUTO THIEVES MOCK PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. » FRIDAY, JANU: ARY 16, 1920. RIOT AMONG NAVAL FORCES THE TORONTO POLICE Attempt to Steal Car Used Chasing Bandits in Holy City. (Special via G.T. 1. Telegraphs.) TORONTO, Jan. 16.—Adding {nsufficient insuit ie Injury, auto thieves in} this city made an attempt to steal the police automobile, but failed owing to something going wrong with the ignition. The thieves found the car standing near a downtown store with the steering wheel locked t the controls with a chain and pad- lock. They broke the chain and started the car but doing so in- jured the ignition system and the car had to be left near the city Hall. Toulon, France, Precipitates Mutiny. (Special via G.T.P. Telegraphs.) LONDON, Jan. 16.- despatch from Berlin riots and mutinies have out among the French naval forces and ‘troops at Toulon, the naval and military port of France on the Mediterranean. shortage was the cause trouble, the men having received insuflicient bread supplies, caused by the general eee ee in France, broken HARRY G. PERRY AND TROOPS Bread Supplies at -A wireless says that Food of the PRICE FIVE CENTS Mayor McClymont Is Again Elected Four Members of City Council Returned; Miyhill Jones is Police Commissioner; Bridge and Sewer Bylaws Passed And Telephone Defeated. Thomas McClymont has been elected for a third term as Mayor of Prince Rupert, an honor that he shares with his chief oppo.cut at this election. While his majority was considerably educed, yel a substantial number of citizens showed that they had confidence in him to carry on the affairs of the municipality. By virtue of his office he remains chairman of the Police Com- mission, Taken on the whole the election was a clean one and little ill feeling was engendered. Mr. Newton made a good running and There is no intimation as to what action the powers will take it is understood that either they will deal diplomatically with Russian Soviet or will organize a military The consensus of’ opinion favors diplomacy, - of recent utterances of David Lloyd George, Prime Minister m. Great Britain. )WERS ASK EXTRADITION OF EX-KAISER e Sent to Government of Hol- land by Supreme Council of Allies. (special via G, T.P Telegraphs.) PARIS, Jan. 16-—The Supreme buncil has despatched a note to : Court the former The note will on Satur- before the at an early 1¢ «6Fextradition of erman Emperor. probably be received nd will come Government likely that no im- nediate reply will be received as Government of Holland will ‘ive the matter consideration be- sending a reply and will fully state their reasons for, refusing the request or allowing the deportation of former monarch, Im is still at Amerongen, whither he fled to take with Count Bentinek, when man outbreak took place h resulted in the downfall of in army with consequent n. All sorts of fantastic sent out in regard to in, One is that he has occupied self in chopping wood, this in the fact that he has a arm. Another iys he is erazy, and yet another that he a worn out, broken down old man. All these stomes ein to have been sent with the of securing sympathy for the Kaiser. GRANBY FINANCES expected that some new will. be undertaken in near future by Granby Con- dated Mining, wer Co., says the Financial Post. Neither the amount {nor 1 has been definitely decided, it will probably consist of bout 200,000 debentures, secs t iit ore ; ther withered 18 the but $2 TONIGHT ONLY WESTHOLME Jack Pickford “Bill Apperson’ 3 Boy” Mack Sennett Comedy “East Lynne” with variations Chester Outting “Acrobats an? Athletes” E M PRE S S BERT LYTTELL ‘ ~ii=— 9 ’ No Man’s Land (Not a War Picture) 10th Episode of ' “The IRON TEST” y “ (“Phe CARTER CASE” story) Smelting &, campuign against especially in M“DONNELL IS FINED $100 Pleads Guilty to Having Liquor Illegally in Possession— First Offence. MUCH Goop PRESCRIPTION LIQUOR WAS CONFISCATED the Hyder hotel appeared before Magis- MeMordie in the Police this morning and pled guilty to the charge of having liquor in his possession in oth- er than a private dwelling without lawful excuse and was tined $100. The loss of the 123 bot- tles of assorted liquor found in McDonnell's room in the hotel will however, pnove the hardest pun- ishment as it’s value was well on to $500 and was good liquor and hard to replace. General regret and disappoint- ment will be the unhappy con- ditions in the homes of many of Stewart's and Hyder’s§ heuse- holds now that the bringer of great joy has been waylaid and his precious of “gloom dispe confiscated. R. J. man, trate McDonnell, stock nser” CLEMENCEAU ACCEPTS FRENCH NOMINATION FOR THE PRESIDENCY G.T. P. felegrapns.) Premier Cle- accepted ‘Specia! Via PARIS, Jan. 16.— menceau has formally ,the nomination for the presidency of the French Republie. He will be elected by the French Parlia- jment. RUSSIAN SOPRANO | SINGER ARRESTED Telegraphs. 16. —Mlle. El- ‘Special via G..7T. P CHIGAGO, Jan, vina Amazar, the beautiful Rus- sian soprano, who secured the arrest of Geo. Baklanoff, baritone of the Chicago Opera Company, on a deportation warrant, charg- ing him with being an undesir- able citizen, is herself in custody. Immigration Inspector Landis admitted today that the young woman had been arrested on a similar warrant, signed by Secre- tary of Labor Wilson. She accused Baklanoff of bring- ine her to America five years ago, although he had a wife and sev- eral children in Russia. STOCK EX EXCHANG E the latest The cian: are prices quoted: Drum Lummon, 10 bid. Surf Inlet, 62% asked. Hazelton Gold-Cobalt, ed. Pitt Meadows Oil, asked, Canadian Pacific, 134. Victory Loan, 99 to 103. .03 ask- 10% bid; 14 ELECTED MAYOR OF PRINCE GEORGE had he been the only one in the field except the mayor, there is a possibility that the result might OPERATIONS ARE ———————— ber; of the school and hospital boards and he formerly was a ~ SAME AS USUAL ‘Work Still dining ia on Steadily at Drydock Although Snow interfered. School Trustebe iis Ridermen, Also Chosen at Election Yesterady. Tetegraphs. ) } PRINCE GEORGE, Jan. 16.— | Harry G. Perry was elected may- | yesterday Hiram A. Car-/| the mayor for 1919 who was seeking re-election. The _ fol- lowing the list of civie offic- ials chosen for the present year: For Mayor—Harry G. Perry. For Police UGomméssioner Jotn McInnis. For School Wilson, J. H. Quin. Aldermen. Ward 1.—lenry Wilson and E. H. Livingstone. Ward 2.—lI. B. Baird and Bar- ney Keegan. Ward 3.—Alan Alex Wimbles.” ~ FISH SALES Boats Sold Oatohes for 13c and 8c. ‘Special via G. r. VY, The work on ship repairing and building is going on steadily. This morning of the men could not go to work in the account of the fall having interfered and or over ney, some is of snow made the | on ent. KI The plant is under the tempor- | on Trustee—P. j ary control of Newman Erb, Johnson, J. Pillsbury, until] next Wednesday, January 21, when Erb’s injunction will be either ratified or thrown ‘out in the chambers sitting to be held before Mr. Justice Murphy on that date in Vancouver or Vic- toria. Mr. Erb returned to Vancouver last night en route to New York. While here he expressed his con- fidence that a finding would be found favorable to him. The oth- er side of the story is yet to be heard. McMillan and Two Here Two of the smaller fish boats were in for this morning’s fish sale. The Pauline had 2,200 Ibs. of halibut which was sold to the Cold Storage at 13c and 8.ic. The Siloam brought in 4,000 pounds which sold to the Pacific i3c and 8c. Flannelettes, in pink, blue grey stripes, 30c per yard. Brothers, Ltd. Captain Moorehouse, the Prince John, which is under- going repairs at the drydock, left Vancouver on the Prince last night. for Fisheries “eorge at ee Inspector Patterson of the edu- department arrived home from an official and, cation Jabour last night 13 to Telkwa. i oval Member Redirws Business and industrial Situation in Province The necessity of team work between the the Government in order to develop the vast resources of Northern British Columbia was emphasized in an interview given by Hon. T. D. Pattullo to a Daily News representative in Victoria a few lays ago. The member for this district said: “It is gratifying to know that the outlook for 1920 is so people and for any one in known favorable. : “During the year 1919 there was no excuse British Golumbia being out of work, at all events during the working season. If there were any idle men in Vancouver and Victoria, it was because they did not choose to leave those ones, PETER POLSON IS as there was plenty of work al over the province. There is al-| ASSAULT VICTIM. ways a between season in British | Columbia, by reason of the shut-| mean aon. 64 aa winbe Dad” at| ting down of work in the late fall, Smithers Beaten up by bul even today there are certain | Footpad. classes of wonk in which it is | dans dificult to secure labor to carry! Peter Polson, better it on. around Smithers as “Old Dad, Future Promising. was badly beaten up on Friday) “We are now upon a develop - night when on his way to his! ment basis in British Columbia), .yin about midnight. He has and the future is most promising. peen in the habit of flourishing , In this bright outlook no part Of pig wad and in this way seems. British Columbia shares more|), have largely than Northern British ¢ 10-| some footpad. He is supposed to iumbia, lhe rich. “There is a very keen and wide! phe eries of the injured ian’! interest in mining development al) r,» help were heand by O. J. Ben- the present time, and the coming) son, but on his arrival on the summer will be particularly @8¢-|.,ene the robber had departed. tive. Twenty-four stitches were needed “The timber business generally ‘to close the ugly wound made by is in a healthy condition and | the cowardly aeeatiank there is far more timber activity | in the North than many people, B8. 6. “Undertakers. Phone