Thursday, January 15, 1920. | it's The Best! 3 The ancient gods—so says tradition — lived on nectar The modern substitute for this fabled delicious drink is good coffee— but it has to be good. Poor Coffee is a abom- ination but good coffee is a wholesome delight You'll finid nothing better than Wedding Breakfast Coffee—the blend of choice berries properly roasted—a blend of ripe experi- ence Just try it once—with its full flavor and warm steaming cheer Ask Your Grocer for Wedding Brea'fast Coffee. Packed by the Pioneer Coffee and Spice Mills Ltd., Vancouver and Victoria THE DAILY NEWS ‘CONTROVERSY OVER Letter From Local Man to Van- couver Paper Regarding Fishermen’s Union. The following letter from the Prince Rupert secretary of the Fishermen's Union appeared in a recent number of the Vancouver World: “in the B. C, December 19, President of the International Trades and Labor Council, of that city, was criticized very severely in his re- port of the Deep Sea Fishermen's Prinee Rupert, B. Federationist of Union of gave him the report he published. As stated by him there has been but one book given in to me by a salmon fisherman who had gone over to the O. B. I There has been none of the halibut or beam- are not considered members of the Deep Sea Fishermen's Union, RIVAL ORGANIZATIONS | Welsh | GC. 1 Halifax, leaf from men of the are public larger ealling for the office ;ernment. ladvocating the thi munity. Jan, the gathering Farmers. in Winnipeg, local Labor advocating the mass industrial centres the Dominion to pass resolutions » resignation from of the Federal Union Gov- It is the desire of those avoid suggestion of it being a class | The movement 'ASK GOVERNMENT TO RESIGN OFFICE Labor Men in East Would Try to Convince Administration by Mass Meetings. meetin S course SE gs to 16.—Taking of the calling all of in wish to verify his report in the|movement. The plan is to make! daily press of December 5, as I,{the mass meetings representa- | with three delegates of our unian'itive of all classes of the com- | is prompted by the intimation from Ottawa that the Administration proposes to “hang on” till 1923. It is be- lieved by many that a series of! trawl fishermen given in their | representative public meetings in| books. They must surely know | all parts of the country calling when they join the O. B. U. they/for its resignation would have a | ca a me i er MACDONALDS pronounced and also as a member of any dua! ongani- zation cannot belong to our union. There may be some of our mem- | bers other than salmon trawlers | in the 0. 8. U. but they have uot! admitted it to the agent here. The men have a perfect right to please themselves, but they must surely know as before stated, they cannot uphold the two. “Yours, etc., “ (signed) J. H. MEAGHER, “Agent of the Prince Rupert Branch of the Deep Sea Fisher- men’s Union of the Pacifie.” | Government psychological help to convince that STILL ANOTHER MILL FOR BULKLEY VALLEY Northern B. C. Lumber Co. Are Putting in Mill Near ne A new sawmi ll eos sting $20,000 effec the it has already /overstayed its welcome. and with a daily capacity of 25,- 000 feet is to be in operaton in BRIER ‘| SMOKING TOBACCO | INSURANCE David H. Hays Gencral Real Estate Agent NOTARY PUBLIC Royal Insurance Company, Limited. Northern As urance Co., Limited. London & Lancashire Fire insurance Co., Limited. London & Lancashire Guarantee & Accident Co. Fidelity-Phenix Fire Insurance Co. Cor. Second Avenue and Second Street. The installation of the 1920 « ficers of the Valhalla Seandinavi Society took place last After the the directors evening was nigt for 1920 enjoyed. a soei an ceremony of introducing a short time near Smithers. Th new plant is to be built on th Dahl ranch and the owner of th ranch, Martin Dahl, contract to cut the acres of limits near The Northern B. C,. Lumber | it. logs off as = = Open Equipped for building and WOODWORKING, Seal Cove A. Swanson, President Phone Red 391 When the air is damp and cold, protect yourself by keeping a supply of PENSLAR THROAT DRAGEES bandy for preventing throat irritation and huskiness. Penslar Throat Dragges are widely used and recomme aie by the most discriminating people of the country and we can assure you that excellent results will follow in your case. Penslar Throat Dragees are sold in generous 35c boxes convenient to carry and can be purchased ct our COURT OF REVISION. Prince Rupert "Assessment District. sessment District for the year 1920, VALUE FOR 75¢ VALUE 5c Store. The®PRINCE RUPERT DRUG CO. P.O. Pox 134 {Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention 215 Phone 3rd Avenue, opposite 2nd St, lst February, 1920 NEW MARINE WAYS Shawatlans Passage repairing all classes of boats up to 100 feet in length. BL ACKSMITHING AND MACHINE SHOPS. Best equipped plant in Cc entral British Columbia. Marine Ways, Ltd. W. E. Thompson, Gen. Manager Phone Green 153 WHO CAN THAT 01D NOT FIFTY YEARS REGLAR FOLLERS TELL ME SOMETHING OF GREAT IMPORTANCE €xist “BYeRnes BIG SOAP SPECIAL 5 Bars Golden West { Bar Palm Olive ! Bar Goblin Soap { Bar Infant's Delight Total Value, 75c—On Sale ALL for 50c. CRANBERRIES SPECIAL 2 Pounds for 25c. ee te | JECCY POWDER TO CLEAR | Lipton’s and Arab Brand, 200 3 for 25c packages on sale, PALM OLIVE SOAP a few days only at llc per bar Stock up on Palm Olive as it is | worth a good deal more at the wholesale. iiamsterley or Quaker Peach BOM Me eee $1.10 Our Own Brand Butter 72’e Jur Own Special Blend Cotfee fresh ground 60c Fuller's Best Tea, per |b, 650 | Fuller’s Special Tea, Ib. 60c | Fuller’s Kade Tea, uer lb, 50c Christie's Cream Sodas, per RUIN ick ais a e''050 9 9 40 25c Pacific Milk, per case, $5.35 Pacific Milk, 9 tins for $1.00 Maple Leaf Milk, case, $5.50 Pancake Syrup, per bottle 26c Seeded Raisins 2 pkgs. 35c Stanley’s Lemon and Grape- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Court wi represented by Mr. Skead, gary, are putting in the plant ane the machinery to Smithers. Mr. interested in ber Co. JACK PICKFORD IN- INTERESTING FILM of Revision and Appeal, under the pro mop me Lar Visions of the “Taxation Act’ and th AT THE WES! HOLME “Public Schools Act,” respecting the as re sessment roll for the Prince Rupert As scenery and the life of action al tended to please. peated tonight and should draw ¢ good crowd. The Sons of England will meet regular Senior ‘construction of a new station at ‘Houston, 250 miles east of Prince | Rupert, to replace the one de- | stroyed by fire last year. It will jbe a much superior building to the old one and will be equipped with many modern conveniences. Our Great Sale continues all this week, Jabour Brothers, Ltd. Cut prices on boots and shoes ~——-Wallace's Sale. 13 fruit Marmalade in Glass— Regular Value, 35c. On Sale per bottle ..........++- 25c Home-made Preserves Quart jars, only six left, was $1.25, Will Clear Out for 50c per Bottle, HAVE YOU MADE YOUR DEPOSIT? It Saves Time and Trouble on Phone Orders FULLER’S LTD PHONE 45 NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF RESERVE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the windbreak Reserve covering the belt of land ten chains in width and situate along the north shore of Graham Island, notice of which appeared in the “British Columbia Gazette’ of the 28th Japuary, 1909, is cancelled in so far as it relates to that | portion lying between Indian Reserve No, 4 and Indian Reserve No. 8. G, RB, NADEN Deputy Minister ‘of Lands Department of Lands, Li HONS nT Victoria, B. November “Faun, 1919, ] has taken a out Smithers. Co.; of Cal- is now on its way Skead is already the Smithers Lum- It will be ne- ||| family ane visitors in the city. Mr. Little is the well known Terrace \}} millman. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH Sone Ss COLUMBIA Julius Levy, the pioneer to-J|iN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA- bacconnist of this city, is regis- gp agate yy OF red ¢ > tel Pri Rupert, |IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF tered at the Hotel Prince Rut CHAKLES W. SHAIRLIN, DECEASED, having arrived in town yesterday. INTESTATE, x , : TAKE NOTICE that in order of His ithe Sons of Canada tonight in a Basketball League {game in the Auditorium. The players for the sons of England lare J. Karkle, P. Tinker, Sam | Weston, A. Slocomb and J. Day Bell. Work has been started on the e e e PHONES 130 ang 423. j SPRUCE Georgetown Lumber Co. P. O. BOX 1632 Largest Assortment of Lumber in Central B. C. FISH BOXES A SPECIALTY FIR ~Consult. Us, CEDAR Be, mele at the ProvinecialAssessor’s o!ti “Bill Apperson’s Boy” starring *rince Rupert, on Friday, the 23rd day : ; January, +930, aa 10 ince in hd rae Jack Pickford made a hit with noon, 4 ht » Wes ; DEPAR N "Dated at Prince Rupert, B, G., January the movie fans at the Westholm«¢ TMENT OF LANDS Sth, 1920. sian snare last night. The love story and — OHN DYBHAVN, i ’ . ‘ 7 : yy 2-4 Judge of Court of Revision and Appeal.| the mountain life, the picturesqué NOVICE i PPLICATION FOR GRAZING PERMITS FORK : THE SEASON OF 1920. Applications fop permits lo graze iive- 1] tock on the Crown range within each razing district of the Province of British ‘woluinbia must be filed with the District oresters at Cranbrook, Fort George, ham- Victoria, B. C., ‘December 5th, Sth, 1919. IN PROBATE, Honour F, McB. Young, made the Sixteenth day of December, A, D, 1919, 1 Was ap- pointed Administrator to the estate of Charies W,. Shairlin, deceased, and all parties having Claims against the said es- late are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me, on or before the iéth day of January, A, D, 1920, and all parties indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith, JOHN H, McMULLIN, OMmecial Administrator. Dated this 16th day of December, 1919, NOTICE Notice is hereby given that an applica- ion will be made to the Legislative As- sembly of the Province of British Columbia at the next session on behalf of the Asso- ciation of Professional Engineers of British Columbia for a Private Bill to incorporate the said Association, the said Bill to be known as THE BRITISH COLUMBIA ENGI- NEERING PROFESSION ACT for the pur- poses of governing and regulating the practice of Civil, Mining, Metalurgical, Mechanical, Electrical and Chemical Engt- neering in the Province of British Colum- bia, and the qualification, examination and re gistration of intending practitioners, the discipline of its members and for the ac- quire of real and personal property and the disposal of the same and for the gen- eral management of the Association, Dated at the City of Vancouver, B. his 5th day of peserner A. D. 1919. IN, Of the firm of Pattullo & Tobin, Solicitors for the Applicants, MINERAL ACT C., Certificate of Improvem®nts. N oO. TI CE, KING SOLOMON and TRON KING Mineral Claims, situate in the Bella Coola Mining Division of Coast District. Where located:—-West side of Dean Channel, North of Cascade Inlet in Range 3, Coasi District. TAKE NOTICE that I, HUGH ARCHIBALD MACLEAN, as Agent for SMELTERS STEEL COMPANY, Free Miner's Certificate No. 7,239, ‘nte nd, sixty days from the date he reot, to apply to the Mining Regorder for a Certifeate of Improvements for each of said claims for the purpose of obtaining a Crown Grant of the above claims, And further take notice that action un- der Seetion 85, must be commenced before the ae of such Certificate of Im- provements. Dated this 15th day of January, A. D : “ oops, Nelson, Prince Rupert, Vancouver | FEAR HER HE EE RMT a Vernon or with the Commissioner of | irazing, Parilament Buildings, Victoria, B. | * LOCAL NEWS ITEMS * 1, on or before February 29, 1920, Blank ferms upon which to submit ap- RRR RK KR KK RK KH KD lications may be obtained from the Dis- a ice a : ok rict Foresters at the above named places Mr. and Mrs. P. Johnson arc} » from the Department of Lands at Vic- | wap . oria, B. C. over from Porcher Island. G. R. NADEN, ‘4 : Deputy Minister of Lands, Mr. and Mrs. George Little and} Department of Lands, THE ENDovn COAL is sometimes reached before the cold weather is all over. Any- way it is a good idea to have some on hand. Y ite a order a load, LUMP COAL $13.00 per ton, delivered. Phone Black 85 Terminal Coal Co, OUR Pool Room moved to 721 Third Ave. Opposite The Empress Hotel CIGARS SODA Two per cent. Beer Pore Phones 41 and Red 391 For Hire by the Hour, Day or Week Launch Alice B. Pienic and Fishing Parties Trips round Harbor J. MYHILL-JONES out 4920, H. A, MACLEAN,