a —— ee SS ae ~ Page 4 : GOVERNOR RIGGS TALKS OF MINES Goes to Washington to Try to Secure, Aid for Service to Myder. SAVE YOUR SIGHT YESIGHT—-The most valuable of all the senses—-is the most neglected and the least understood. Many suffer from ills, which, upon examination, can be traced directly to defective eyesight. Governor Riggs of Alaska is, according to a Seattle paper, go- ing East to try to induce the American Government to aid an American line of steamships to Hyder. At present there is launch plying between that town and Ketchikan. The Alaska governor is quoted as giving the opinion that the quartz district just be- yond the head of Portland Canal HE removal ot the cause will often restore the delicate and run-down sufferer to robust health. When glasses are properly prescrib- ed, they restore the vision to nor- mal and eliminate all eye strain. | | LAND ACT. Notice of Intention to Apply to Purchase Land. In Vancouver Land District, trict of Coast, Range Hil., the west coast of Calvert north end. . Take notice that Mark Smaby Falls, B, C:, occupation logger, apply for permission to purchase lowing described lands: Commencing at a post planted one half mile north of N.W, cor. Lot 897; thence north 40 chains; thence west 40 chains; thence south 40 chains; thence east 40 chains, and containing 160 acres, more Or PSS. ; MARK SMABY Dated December 2eth, 1919. MINERAL ACT Recording Dis- and situate on Island, near Its of Ocean intends to the fol Wea ee, dS. AES aS Bee gress Is Economical, The Coupons which it carries -- redeemable for useful articles -- are a further economy. Government is alive to the situa- tion in Northern British Colum- bia and determined to do its pam in fostering and encouraging every development movement, but while the Government must do all Certificate of Improvements. is peer NUTICE “Copper Crest’ Mineral Claim, situate in the Naa River Mining Div-sion of Casstar District, Where located:—Glacier Creek, Granby THE DAILY NEWS baleen | DONT GET | ANY PRINTING Unless it is the Best. It doés not pay to get any other kind | IN THE TUB Now THAN E. H. SHOCKLEY | WHEN 1 STARTED GENERAL CONTRACTOR Office and Shop Fraser St. Sash, doors, mouldings and all interior finish lumber al- ways in stock. “ Agent for J. Fyfe Sinith's | hardwood, Estimates Given. REPAIR WORK UNDERTAKEN | Green 269. THERE \SNT ANY MORE WATER renner Gocsb — : —- a Teeaabana ae Bt sc ready and willing to assist all ‘jovenents, a SR re ae eee ner estry service and the Alaska road}neweomers, as well as to help|ygyg°" ‘"* it dey of Daowmber, wn. Sa they do the work well. Envelopes commission, will have opened af pane . then . _———— — .- ——————- | ¥ ie e each other, There st be team ; wit } Busi Pe ry oanery poy achoss | work all along the I> Too many LAND ACT We h h usiness Forms } American territory and to the] yo \ Fake A ; ba es ee e have border f Britis! ’ ba people think that what they 81 | Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Lands on and a Posters TORK’ order 0 ritish Columbia by]qo is too small to bother about —— few specially choice in summer, Over is , , ; i ; , In Skeena Land District, Recording Dis- | ’ = e “e — this route the? put they forget that the aggregate | trict Pesceinr and situate at Alice Arm. | . . : Dodgers SELL silver ore will be brought, in alllo¢ this seemingly small effort|,, "ke Botice tat we, H.R. Fowler and vitation cards in several Cireul, ahili¢e 4 . 5 4 : i e u. F. Kergin, of Alice Arm, occupation . ircula i| probability, to Hyder for trans-|amounts to a very gr sine atenier tte ] € rs : ¥ reat deal ¢ j]tmariners, intend to apply for permission styles. | E shipment to outside smelters.) should not be lost 4: the seeatit a fends; on following. described foreshore ‘d 2 “ ac Booklets | mn ‘ ‘ : ‘ ? 1 | lands:— . > I O V he forestry service, if necessary] {he country. The Government and{,.commencing at & post planted on oo ~— see them before ; ; s 1k ¢ _— ; oe bank of Kitsault River; thence south 20 ; Sede a - : the new town! {he people are one and_ there]|chains; thence east 80 chains more or less ordering. j oO yder and a: are is oe ; al to IManee River; thence north 20 chains seamed sibility as coe to ye pos-|must be an undivided effort to|more of less to lot 50, thence west follow- 8s reach 5 1e new laceise avy . siete ing shoreline to point of commencement iSsis eve yment, poin nencement, Gurneys commenced mak- quartz country without going pe nf iit Cen ie > eee containing H.R. Fol LER, — . : . : : is ossid y shows itselt. i. R. FOWLER, ing stoves in 1843. Still in JJ through Hyder, it is» expected ates H. F. KERGIN, Daily News . 7 z ms y ee ee tated October iita, 1919 isIness traffic will flow ovér the Hyder, ; SS ‘ 2 rear ie teste sable t ydern! Tf you have something to. sell LAND ACT ; indreds : nd want more than it is worth ona ae eee O e t .. What is irksome to Govern ; : Rng par men Prince Rupert. A Por! dyvertise in some other paper. | Netice of Intention to Apply to Lease Lana. Riggs is the fact that American (the News cannot sell it in Queen Charlotte Islands Land District, ON SALE AT steamship lines do not touch at] -~ - ere ge AB he ep Th NR ag AE ow tg and ' | ; , situate a Or tlements, Graham Island. ¢ ’ Hyder, while the Grand Trunk ang hE, NOTICE that we, the Granuin Is: pte } : ; h ’ aud Spruce & Cedar Co., Limited, of Port Fred Stork s vessels do drep in there at clements, occupation lumbermes», intend — sand regular intervals. The Alaska ‘0 apply for permission to lease the fol- | ee eroee ae — sxecutive i . lowing described lands: ' ny on Poor Hardware sit ive is eager; to provide for « {iomimencing at a post planted at th THEO COLLART N ° Manion -oolia > se 4 y er of Block 53, townsite Port SECOND AVENUE regular calls by steamers that Cicnients; thence N. 70 deg. W640 ret ee ee ’ otary Public . start from and arrive back at Se- ile nce 8 uth 33 deg. W.-—455 [t.; thence FOR SAL ee eee hy ay eT er Phone Black 114 atta, aan Selinciat ke chee tes $32.08 Fea ae 1@ and 20, Block 18, Section 1, Third Avenue near The Hyder question will be one TIMBER SALE X 1676. ueicement and containing 4-1 acres, mote | a S00. San of the matters taken up by Goy- -- ess. ae PN ick eae eed A REAL SNAP. ernor Riggs whije on itt i tsitle Sealed tenders will be received by the |!) IAM ISLAND SPRUCE & CEDAK CU ; eS ARS i a. en nein ~ \ Thi ill 8 r i itsitle. a vy hed ner coee later than noon on a LIMITED. 3 MARINE INSURANCE REAL ESTATE FIRE INSUR iis will open up the whole ques-] ‘7° 12t) day of February, 1920, for the ated August 12th, 1919 : ANCE ; ‘ plirchase of Licence X 1676 to cut 1,882 — Phone Blue 69 | tion of control of Alaska steam- mt teat oF Spruce, Hemlock, Cedar ana LAND ACT. . Westholme Theatre Block P. 0. Box 66 , Sg . we . ele » and ,08 es on ¢ area s or he ship route s nee encouragem«¢ nt of Jatea near Usk, Range 3, Coast District. NOTICE OF INTENTION ss senvice, which is expected to iwo (2) years will be allowed for re-]° x NTEN TIO‘ TO PURCHASE - ; y : moval of timber. LAND IN QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS wy figure on his trip. Further particulars of the Chief Forest LAND, DISTRICT —- RECORDING O18 mA ee |e rocoreh iii tienes Oe eee 3 the District Forester, Prince THE SHORE OF GRAY iY MORESBY een : H Ls Ties eomee eee ISLAND, Roa GABAA Soe FORM OF NOTIC |} Hand Your Baggage Checks to Sein ia as REVIEWS WATER NOTICE a NOTICE that 1, Walter Rudge, of Pare > aT ; ay Rs oppe ay, Moresby | "itish ‘Co- PRINCE , s ; cor eee eral (Use: and. Sipeae), iuiibia, farther, intend 10-apply for” per INGISTRICT OF CASSIAR {f JOE BROW? Be al mission to purchase one hundred and s omit: oe ate ate that North American Tim. | *°' ©S of land bounded as follows: cam TAKE NOTICE that Lenora Mabel Smith ; e : itiaee ag er ok ng Company, Whose address is in| 0° i¢IN® At a post planted at the northeas) of Duncan, British Columbia “oeoupation > & Motor Transfer and (Continued from Page One.) Acre IS CAT quoiuinion Butiding 15y chains; thence NOPAeae cheltre ikon | 0 purciase the followine for permission | § P a wii ’ o Lay I ply r ¢ “e vu em §; lence nor ‘ s: t to purchase e ft oo = . i li ) ike and use 200 cunle leet Ae senna 4>t 20 chains, encipe Oe lene ry the heache ccanmenting t a pelt piante wre —_ ; a Peet Service ,er realize . sia nd to store 5( aor ae .. S ince : i ; at a pos anted at a po ; er rea ized could be possible. ere eee ety at ae " hoe following the beach southerly to, Nigh water line on the Weaterir promt Stand, Empress Hotel rhe timber resources of Northern |!#end, ar known as the ‘aia orem) i¢u acres mone ee heed sad contsining eee f TP Pe ”~ — Boun eft tc : ;. xe pas z uiusnewa Inlet, . on : ; ar three ‘ Featihinaa a? 34, Cassiar Strict, in the ritish Columbia are far more | uiio Creek and anaes. ape went ure i November 23, Aton RUDGE, Locator, | \'rovince of British Columbia, distant south Phones 176 Black 334 The E ae as valuable than many people in the | ;:#shewa Inlet at its head, The storage: cee ee ens gore | Sand three hundh ghd East, one thou- 3 lhl e Evening’s Pleasure Nani Haves hithdets dindarstuan das Will be, located at the southeast ex-] 3EENA LAND DISTRICT—-DISTRICT OF | enths feet Src’ The nee ane Eves : will be doubly enjoyed if you $| ind are bound to contribute larne.| it ite reservoln to De created” 1s "abou PURE Teast s ISLANDS, ( 434; ahence south 85 degrees, 06 Quick Deliveries know that Slip ‘nd are bound to contribute large-| 25,000 acre fee created is abou!) isce notic minutes ‘East, two. hundred feet; thencs your Slippers look eRe ANA ane : sh dere t’and it will flood about (AKE NOTICE that Charlies E. Burgess uth & degrees 12 minutes W tsensece tee oore reereeered well and at the same time fit ie general prosperity of Givadeen pion ee ane water will be at Bay Point, California, hotel-keeper in. | Wundred and ter feet shaman be Dy. oy. N Kies * 4 P . a 4 ene , ) icenve t : ree © : a raNO ae ———_ a you comfortably. Northern British» Columbia. he southeast extremity ot obauiid “Late coal and Oe innie eae tnd omen ot fiat oe. salto West, two hundred and | . ratte . z bbe : ‘i i md w 2 use Mg aapeged os acy tha os : ® Tollo i“ 2 hety-seven fee nce; slo . . Feet that hurt will spoil the In respect of agriculture, the i Nea acer power purposes upon | > ee sas on the West Coast of Moresby igh water bens meen ai aeter e~ on fee wooo pooocceseressen most pleasant occasion for you, 4 agricultural lands of Northern aaa Islands District. Tait witice one \ post phanted eartaas va treat Pn aes ae ia " ° } : fo. . i posted on the er ~ ce wa: - < 5 eo aud yards ) 1 rea approximately four and a half acres D E N I ISTRY We make a specialty of carc- British Columbia, for mixed farm-| +«vember, 1919 er ay 7 this ries ‘a Par tae \ooktheant ‘ener oF ‘ ee Oe LEN ae ; : : : ‘ na s 9 . F as ‘e Oo : a “a M a | ~ fitting when we sell our pa- ing and dairying purposes, can- ad an, spplication pursuant thereto ano ie d's goal and petroleum licence pfiobert BNONA MABEL SMITH, |} — ees | ‘ons not be surpassed, and the de- A a of the Water oahier at Perdne 80 chains ues eouyh ef te eee Date 8th January, 1920, ; ; OFFICE HOURS: ° £3 - upert, B. C, 2c . | wes ‘ aioe ae meee ened , a a iam -m, 3 Shoes and Slippers. velopment already begun will {iio may ns Yections eats, spplice- ar chains to the point of commence. LAND ACT 9 a.m. to 12; 1:80 p.m. to 6:30 p.m 5 conti , an A hte re order or with the C ‘ole voter . 7B ; oe chy te i RO Saar Shipcwene® 4084 arrived ontinue upon an increasing scale. | iivnis, ‘Parliament Bulldinee Viggo By Bate ik. Cheeta Form No. 9 | OR. J. &. BROWN at the oR Beyond Question. ne ee ae Gaus after the first ap Located October 9th, 1919. reed FORM OF NOTICE DENTIST “ si i : + ars S notice CE Low ee ee ’ : Ee. 1} ° In respect of the fishing in-|paper, The date ‘of the frst publication | \ THE SUPREME COURT OF BRI” OMee: Gmith Bleck, Third Avenie, Family Shoe Store dustry, Prince Rupert is, of} xdni ts canuary 6 tetera | SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH) — ?AINCHARUPERT LAND DISTRICT Phone 454. ’ 8, NORTH AMERICAN TIMBER HOL : : i ‘RICT OF CASSIAR ‘ *s 7 atv Boy as Pha Ae oa LDIN( sai tos TRE ASSIAR. weniedeuia ‘ as walnuts Geo. Hill te Fethucn ere te: metropolis; so that} —-—COMPANY. Applicant. IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA | of ‘Poncan: penises .denore Mabel Smith it : . . with fis ling mining lumberi ry} is) REN % reo; at O ACT rae hae ican, ritish Coiumblia, occupation | - Bess: Se The Prac eh et ring |\!! EEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS LAND DIS- anaes Spinster,®intends to apply for per Prone 6 and agriculture, Northern British | "CT —RECORDING pisthicT OF {EN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF to purchase the following described lands: NOTICE 5 . Heri ies ermal TY ONY RADOVICH, deceased, intestate cmibencing at &@ post planted 4 »| - Columbia is bound to rapidly ex- i ate ey that I, Peter Plombo, of at | CH, decease d, intestate. south W est and only Routt, ee “3 re NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an &P b estebiewitr dtnieteuliy ewe neredis.e|pand. Its. wealth and nesources|!o nl tupert, Be ©. prospector, intend | 4 VAKE NOTICE that by an order of His 434 | (Portiang Canal) Cassier District, Pltcation will be made to the ! ca slative Bes Natt hae ae are beyond questi ; iy ‘PPly for & Mcence to prospect for coal, | if Yanuary. pe DS eae) eae te, oth day frovinee (of British Columbia; South 55 | Assembly of the Province of Britis) Co, —————-—— E question. It is onby a canned port oleum ever the following de-|\\\, anuary, JA. D. 1920, I was appointed feet the ‘6 minutes East, three thousand ;/UMDla at the next session, on behall © wecacerococsneotsneocacocooctveces,| Vlestion of how rapidly develop- | am island: the West Coast of Gre- I vi a deceadl d, a ae of Tony Rado- | rast, two th susend ‘On ands a ant aie y HiT COLUMBIA. fo Mprivate : : 5 ae i ape eased, id all partie ‘ ash, two thousand one hundred and ff 5 SH COLUMBIA for a private ; ment will take place. sti amtmeucing 86-4 eee planted at three | Cl oo spaines sae said estate ‘ie ete | a : Ore Lk eek ene: North 55 on corporating the said institute, the S38 an ‘or ear ete Fr af the north east corner |required to furnish same, properly verified. | hundred aml meee pet, two thousand five to be known as “THE BRITISH | arnt TOM LEE CO For the year 1920, with tho/is! 249%, thence ao hein tat GoM of me, on, oF barare ine RETR "anweea | Quudred i ty fee tare or less denen | ARCMUPECTS ACT for, tae Meee e large influx of people which is) tmuce ao chaih wanes - 50 chains south I el Hh Ol #0 al and all parties in- hundred Shut Teenie Sent eon pour Rrchitects Ca ie etente 44 | "C0: ; . 4 eae res eee 8 ains e Oo polnt , » estate are require mpted ‘nce; South following hi rehitecture in the Province of British 840 Second Avenue, West. certain to come, provision must lie ucement, ee of com | the. amount of their indébreinees v4 my Ww Senerctaate Botnet of commencement. bh jumbia. oer, — i be made to receive them. The !rated july 27 Nein PIOMBO. 5 : ie aaciae ur acres, more “ue and forty non ED at the City of Vancouver the VEGETABLESB Dated September 25th, 1919 an , OMecial Administrator. + ENORA MABEL SMITH, day of Steals ete Wholesale dR : EEEeEeEeEeeeeeeeeee———_EE bated this 13th day of January, 1920. bate aan es agent, A. A. Forsyth 4G ROY LONG, ; an etall = — enuary, 1020 Solicitor for the Applicants seneral Contractors and Peer ree Labcr, Exchange G ee S—— Ca eee Ws cs ‘ : - ; Cems ee ene Byrnes Says:—“Thanks for the Ad ” .. = upert, B.C, ST . a © .civice, none — P.O. Box 725 , Ts ee 5 es IVE BEEN IN THS Tus “S] rs an eee ; AN POOR WITH BOTH its & We = —— AC CONDOR ou , « : 7 FAUCETS ~ORNED ON AND WOOLONT FAVE BRAINS EHot J THATS VERY Fonr{— ) te <5 AWFUL TO GET THE BATH TOR | ST WAS ALL RiGhT , } YES SES as LAUsH o-\ LAST Nicht ~—— FONNY—L ” WAD RA HA HA - AND THERE ISNT ENOUGH To BATHE A CANARY Rec tail | (ede ect " Wi |" 'V