p Pa Friday, January 16, 1920. fHE DAILY NEWS Tage & SHELTER AT "PORT EDWARD CONSIDERED Being Made in Vancouver ing to Establishment of industry at Mouth of the Skeena. at , palin There is a scheme being work- ed Gut in Vancouver to establish a smelter at Port Edward. In- quiri¢s have been made here in regard — to securing a_ site and word Paeeived from the south in- dicates that something is likely to ime Of the proposal. ‘t Edward logie:! Place for such an indusiry. Wt is fa senough away from Prince | Hupert not to be a nuisance. | Much of the valuable timber in the neighborhood has already been Cut and any that left could) sil} ‘be marketed at a good price | @ thus obviate any possibility | lamage from owners of tim-!} vits. Me development of the mines , Is tic The site at Port Edward Id serve the water borne ore Ake ore from the Hazelton and r mines up the line. BHORALSOCIETY SCORES SUCCESS ce in St. Andrew's Hail Was ost Enjoyable and Good Sum Was Cleared. 200 were dance given last Rupert Musi- fell on to persons Sent at the ht by the Prince Society at the St. Andrew's 1. It being the first public Mce held in the city for nearly h days the affair was entered ito with that energy and antici WMetion that is necessary for suc- iss. More than usual interest s taken in the dance on ac-} rity in the city and the appre-| ation in which it is held in mus-| al circles. The managers of the | ociely are very pleased with the Buccess achieved, which was mainly due to their efforts. In| Sthe neighborhood of $125 was) leared, | HAS iusic for the event with his aug-} mented orchestra, demonstrating | ' Harvey supplied the 1is sympathy for musical move- Binents by donating his services. Floor amrangements were ably Blooked after by Floor Manager Jack Frost and the door was tended by E, R. Tabrum and Alex. Clappert ebe made of the supper arrange- ments for which the ladies of the committee worked unselfishly. | The result was that the supper served last night was one of the best which has featured any dance & this season. Besides those al- 4 ready mentioned, Mrs, Darton, Me Mrs. D. McD, Hunter, Miss Lilian ig > King and W. Vaughan Davies did Valuable committee work. Bh met es es eee es et ee te BE ' The Man in the Moon ] SAYS:-- Sh es es es eters ree ees BE lrHAT the municipal fog of the last few days has cleared away and the people have declared themselves, THAT a dark horse often wins the race, rHAT the losers can console themselves with the thought that they will miss a lot of work and a lot of abuse. 3 r THAT some of those who have been elected will have to rouse themselves or the people will play the dead march for them also next year, . . . ‘That as s@meone was heard to exclaim “My goodness gracious Jones did certainly gather up the votes!” * . . That it rumored that the defeated police commissioner lost two boxes of cigars. ° * * , THAT popular favor is as un- certain as the income of a news- paper, is Mr. and Mrs, 'T. W. Faleoner, of Alice Arm, accompanied by their two sons and little daugh- ACT, Were passengers: southbound the Prince George last night. ‘Y will spend a month visiting seems to be the | the northern districts makes a‘ % er a genuine business propo- | * Falso would be very convenient | ¢ nt of the Association’s popu-! ¢ in. Special mention must} 4 DA le A SARE Me ns SEMI---ANNUAL | a oe STM OS>> ae a whey >. 4” <0 Ding: Fe as SR PES « We SSF rss Pn bay & ‘ the past. of cost. LEARIN SALE Our Semi-Annual Cle. ring Sale starting Saturday Morning January 17th, will be a money saving eveut that YOU, who are in need of a New Suit or Furnishings, cancot afford to miss. On account of the high and advancing prices, manufacturers have been ad- vising all retail merchants against cutting prices or having sales, but these same high prices force us to discontinue for the present many lines that we have carried in This leaves many odd lines that we have decided to clear out regardless SO, for the next Seven Days our motto will be “Down with the prices--Out with all odd lines.’’ If you wish to dress well, wear only the best that money can buy at the very lowest possible price—if you wish to reduce the high cost of living by dodging high prices—you can do it here on Saturday morning. Bring your money as these Prices are for CASH ONLY. Suits $26.50 Right now is the time to buy that new & spring suit. The styles we show you will please the eye. 50 Men’s Worsted Suits. These are all odd suits from old lines that | we used to carry but they are off the market now, . | | Regular Price $30.00 and $35.00, To clear at ) © U | O | Sui vercoats Suits. | One line of n's Overcoats These "et : ly fev settee nee vernon. ’ Phese are all lwo odd lines of young men’s waist line a Dae a very heavy material in plain seam fine worsted suits. Regular $45.00 and | rrown only. f re : : $50.00. To clear at Regular Price $40.00. To clear at % “ $38.50 100 men's tweed or worsted suits. will surprise those that expect the most. finely tailoned garments, good staple patterns, colors the very best. Values that will please the pocket book. Regular Price $9.00. To clear at $42.50 Raincoats Two odd lines of men's rain coats. These hay e Regular Price $20. To clear at Suits. This lot All been in stock some time and must _go. $13.50 ST TA. ROE fn Men’s Shirts We have a number cf Odd Lines that must be sold. All good $2.00 and $2.50 values line of men’s starch-culf shirt. These may be a little old in style but the values are there. Regular price, $2.00 and $2.50, (one blue Railroad Shirts; these are all made with the Freneh cult. Two soft collars to match every shirt. Regular $2 Men's _ indigo One line of Men's Crepe shirts, patterns and French cuff, Something that is easy laundried, $1.65 eood All Three Lines To clear at ee ee For Cash Only Vancouver and vicinity. 7 9 e hi Men’s Furnishings One line men’s’ underwear. Medium weight, natural color. Regular price $5.00. To clear at $3.50 One line men’s all-wool flat- knit underwear, good winter weight. Regular price $10.00. To ~~ $8.50 Men's cashmere sox, small sizes only—medium weight, made from - a nice soft yarn. To clear at 65c Sale starts Saturday Morning, January 17th---Closes Saturday, January 24th. For seven days only---so don’t miss this opportunity. The Values we are offering are so great that when you see the goods you will be sure to buy. artin O’Reilly For Cash Only Se ee ad ee a 5 a a i ee °° > _ oni oo . a eres Te ae ae ae Ps DOIOSOOOOOLA + - +