Friday, January i. Page 6 “ THE DAWLY N wh OE 7 ———_ vet —_—_—_—X—X—XJanSsx!:* ——— ——— -—_—— —~ |} SE re cs a — ; you had a sore suvuenengunnnnscgnnen nee ec ee AREETAAEALA STREETER Gy | oo ad ta LASSIF IET)) = . T Local News Notes “ P i) = ‘A 3 od Tort eoamislies, ADVERTISING = (ATISFIES : SS on ii oo ®) be twe remedies, = x = W. J. Jefferson returned to one of which = \ = ammee §) Vancouver last night. ee. ad Phone 98 = a eae spot direct, aa x ih dvertisi Column that] = Mar = OUR DINNERS Special discounts on ladies’ felt the other by a Sapte’ at oe aa went anything | = } "| = A Specialty shoes. Jabous Bros., Ltd. 13 round-about It brings results = | 3 * way, which would you pre-| | -_——-—__-_ ae = Short Orders at any time CG. W. Dawson arrived on last|] fer? Uneéo: ubtedly, the one WARTED. = ae night’s train from Hazelton. that_geis there direct! ee a a a = = eos BOY WANTED FOR OFFICE—| & 3 That is just the reason for : wrt Drydock & Engi-! = = Pianos correctly tuned. $6.00,| | people's preference for Peps for ee L t ich es "G = Zany 5 G. G. Walker. Phone Blue 389. tf ailroents of sl throat, bronchial neering Co., Lt = M G = Try one of our o were — and tnog aes get there a el aasiae eiiel : = ee ac regor” 5 lan wi ‘ ; jrect, because they are breathe- J | \VAN TED — Reliable woman for] & = B t Grill Dinner See windows for some of the| P abie, whe remedies which are reneral housework. ‘Three in = DRAG SAW 3 0s on S shoe bargains—Wallace’s Sale. swailow cu only go to the stomach: ; jelly s] D wut Phont 96 = The Original & 5 ! ; . . % an , Sleep out. > 90. = e Origina ight Weight, Portable, o a It’s all in the Spring dresses and skirts vast Dissolve Peps in the mouth, denice etree = Operated Drag Saw and es. tes asol ne“S just! | and the vapor which is liberate i q WN Vodern five! & Frequen ant 3 os : ‘. WANTED TO RENT-—Fodern quently imitated—Never E = Cooking arrived at Demers.’ Come and) fis carried by the breath direct to ) P} _—— : oe : see 14 the breathing passages and mip- roomed house or flat. one} = iy rare are fourteen exclustve money and time = . onF = eat em bodle : ne- = GS ice ee tt ae Sen ead voce: BT dis canal ae hae Bpace, Sit nek Saat Gh. 6 Bie them in ook” § on . ‘ _ 6 e/ l 1 te for o > 4 = but = ” cies ; ng Ps red oe aan and strengthening the J | \WANTED—One re-sawyer and 1] = 6 = i h de cribes hg Ay fall, we. betiove y : : : Sale price, $9.00. Jabour Broth- elicate membranes. iter Apply Belknap-Wri = a/ Interested to the point of further inquiry. “ 2 5 el. APP!) NANA ght = 4 eatures e not possessed by y os ese S Our aaee 18 eer ers, Ltd. 43 “Ones, you try, Pens you wi Fates an | 41 = me. s ae Bree, aes ssessed by any one other dragsaw o, : open for inspection oe r inp = WE : oe A. L. Carruthers left for Van- coughs, colds, sore throat, bror va _— Planermé elt tel ae ae E MacGREGOR Costs 4ca Cord ee : chitis, tightness across the chest, )WAnNs= anerman. Apply| = SAW MANU¥ACTURING CO. , = 3 couyer on the Prince George last| | night cough. laryngitis or ssth- | Prince tape ri Spruce Malls. iis $10 Granville Street Vancouver, 8.c. or Fuel ar : Sees eyening. Saat ma. Ali dealers 50c. box. “SITUATIONS WANTED Rae Svnnuannevareugenaveuucscavesepuaseoageneeguunnsacaeeetanegere evening ti Wallace’s Sale starts Thursday | | & TRIAL Greate Se a ee an ia “ DEAFNESS ~ AND NOISES IN morning, ends Saturday Night M. ment and tq. stamp (for re- Young lady desires position in} / a THE HEAD this Week. 13|/|% se nee ane to Peps Co., store. Has little experience in a : : : oS: ‘oronto, and drygoods. Write box 33, Daily . if You are a Sufferer—Go t = ; : ; ere local Druggist and order. Concen- Many thanks for your splendid ¥. et af News ollice. ti ea trated Scurdal, price $1 per tin. ame cs, package. 7: Vos — 3 This New remedy gives almost im- support and confidence—J. My- iy, A i a fl mediate relief, and quickly effects a hill-Jones ee Ly 4 tespectable Fndien Women Hae permanent cure, It penetrates to a4 - RE ae housework Apply Mr: Par : ihe actual sed at of the complaint, and Rese cis ell, 1 APPLY pee ot aid : yas completely ¢ +5 ; Py : ; I care ig ice, City j ) hag completely cured, "many cases 9] RF, MeGinnis, an Alice Arm | us |. nell, core SR ee as HUGHQUUULIGUUENEOUULUOUAUOSUNHRNOUIDEOGUUUHY — UUDDEESEDUA GRAV RAMU AYALA your Chemist does not yet stock mining man, is spending a few =| - a aaréet, -, mos accept any sub- days in town is FOR SALE J sf stitute, but send money-order,for & ays . k = j supply direct to the * ’ = . . . ‘ . : dee , tributing "Con “38, geeator Road, r + sie 3) fOR SALE—42-foot semi-tunnel anuary 14, 15, 16 and 1 7 SN te nalied'¢ mg ge Tenth episode of “The Iron boat, built of oak with cypre are da s ill f sad alled per return Ww u est and “The Carter Case” at the , } z ea directions. ti Empress tonight. ae the M. J. Young, of Porcher island planking screwed to frames, y you will never orget - 7 c full canopy top, 32-37 Easter on oa ; is in town, : DP, 7 Eastern , . \ Sey ee werins c Pen Randard cage Air Cane a si et opportunity. We start our bigg- ‘ “ $3.00. Sale price, $2.25. All sizes.| He “Director” Corset. Manu.| ‘ke the water. Fully equipped a of the whole year on Wednesday and all Coen eaang Lee 13 factured in Prince Rupert. Phone| with toilet, ive box, berths, specials on this list continue till Saturday only anes Blue 92. tf} three propellers, winch, ete., ; iy i . oe s SMITH & MALLETT Among the arrivals on the . : Se RE oe Price $3,000.00 for quick sale. Prices, - «ads will note, on every item are slaugh- “George” last night was H. F. Cut prices that are always gen- -M. M. Stephens. tf tered, profits are forgotten, and advancing markets a Kergin fr Alice J uine—-Sales that are always worth]. peerage ae en ¢ ; rf fh es Sy ging he ~Aepalaata gin from Alice Arm. ibehanie-Wallabea fg/FOR SALE—15 h. p. engine, in are lost sight of for the next four days. = seers , , At our sale prices it will pay jaher ahve house at bridge, Cow Bay, $100 We deliver free to any part of the town. stimates furnished. you to buy shoes for spring and Bert Lyttell has the lead in “No| cash. When put together will Blue Ribbon Peeled Peaches b., Quaker Re Add ’ summer now—Wallace’s Sale. Man’s Land.” 10th episode of| be in good running order, U pkg. Regular $1.90, Special $1 as | dower ade Foren Cn t ress, 3rd Avenue, head Soa serials. Empress tonight. not satisfactory money will be OTe ea, tks | kee ar ee oe... a of Second Street. “No Man’s Land,” starring Bert Fix RO eee refunded. Also other engines eee cated bulk, reg: 30¢ | Fels Naptha eae’ oane I : a Fhone 174 — P.O. Box 274 Lyttell, at the Empress Theatre Mrs. D. J. Hancock, of Alice and boats for sale——J. Toner.| ! prunes, ‘size 70-86, per Ib iT tye G den West d See yn tan: tonight. Not a war picture). \rm, arrived in the city last night]. ae } Prunes, size 70 80, 2 i» box #4 35 Silk Soap, reg aap eer . ; and is registered at the Hotel|fOR SALE—One 32 h. p. N. & 8.) } g0-78, 20:0, Bon 3456:) Fa, Reatee. 16-6 a ———————— ee Missw Arnette M. Hogberg, of |?rince Rupert. gas engine; rebored and thonr- ae ae ae tens, ib, ...- OC |. Feiry Soap, res 2 for 2 a Alice Arm, is spending a few days deters: oughly overhauled. Complete ak at 8. oiee 3 Ib. tins, regu- | id Duten eonees “Spe ee visiting with friends and relatives Hazel Alexander, Comox Aven- equipment, Price $1,000 F.O.L.)} hustralian. Jem, ree. $80, Spe Sia | Pearline, Reg 40c. Spe os i in the city. ie, charged with theft was re-| boat. List of other engines | Emp, Straw. Jam glass is spec 3%c | Lux, Dust, ree. 4c Spx : ; . wi te Pate 1anded until Monday by Magis- furnished on application. Union | Emp. rabappl Jelly ‘glass, he ais eeneee: Vopetabies a) The annual meeting of the]!rate McMordie this morning. Machine Works, Juneau. tf | rinpress Red Currant Jelly, ¢ “tt ist 3 Buys 2 lots, 7 room house, Board of Trade will be held on wes igerertei ned ihe nenleenai misinaenseaee special nee ers Cee eT ee complete §furnishings, coal Friday, January 16, at 8 p. m. in rhe 1929 mayor, aldermen and FOR SALE—Two English pianos. are an leu 3s, nee No. 1 Jonathan wrap and wood supply the City Hall. 43| Police commissioners were One $170.00 and one genuine} Van Camp's Pork and Beans, oun rweepped JomaiRen Pp —————_——_-— sworn in this afternoon at 2 William Thompson, splendid | Agawar iitwee aaa te 0 tae na sao 8 or 2 ' The Easiest Possible Terms BIRTH ‘clock by Magistrate MceMordie. tone, $250.00. Also small reed | Oe Erte Secdaaiee Special ‘je | Terrace Carrols. g : Wi There was born to Mr. and Mrs. . ‘ > organ. Terms can be arranged. | + B 4 Y, paenalons oe Bhool ye Yakima Red Beets 4 ibs. f : t DOUGLAS SUTHERLAND Fred Richards, of Fifth Avenue, Mizatu, the Jap, who broke Prince Rupert Music Store ndia and Ceylon Teas ree s0c . se (en Mints, ote apy Judie , 523 Third Ave. at the Prince Rupert General the windows in the Tokio Tail- Opposite the post oflice. {: 3 | Royal Household Flour 49-Ib ‘ re | Jelly Beans, (per. ib. Hospital this morning, a son ors’ shop the other, day was fined] 0, ca —-— Earle = Brand a 2 | Savoy Mixed es: 1 oom: $25 by Magistrate McMordie this OR SALE—1 12 h.p, heavy duty | Wrapped Lady Caramels ‘ norting, ‘having besh summar.} “Cee Wee bronze shatt, pr -| eet ae * ; my ily “convicted of doing wilful peller, magneto, coil, etc. This .| wih: i . damage. is the engine I used in the} a Oomin 0a i @ iS @ ey ee ae ‘Aileen.’ It is in perfect order | uper a e upp y 0. ve e I ie young people of the Cor- and very little used. $1,600.00-— -| ¥ No wait. Full weight. Saturday, January 17 ver Club will be “At Home” to-| _M.M. Stephens. if| Phones 211—212 Ed night at 8 o'clock in the Baptist] poR saLR 95-4 <4 ame f $12 50 $13 75 BREAKFAST, 35c Church to their parents and FOR SALE—25-40 h.p. Mediurn:! 4 F it . . 7 am. to 10 a.m. friends. Mr. J. C. Brady, princi Duty Sterling Engine, Bos —— a Ton, Loose Ton, Sacked Baked Apples ' .? ES Ignition, 4 cyl., 4 cyel wer Corn Meal Mush or ‘Corn Flakes val of the High School, will give : Ti 3 OFCIG, an Pe RNACE ats 2 Scrambled +4 stripped with an address and Mrs. McMillan pace O¢NOMion. . 64,2 50.00. acon a r oS. 8 . ‘ : Consumers Coal Company Toast oe 1m will sing a solo. M. Stephens. tf Phones- 7 - Black 293 eee _______ : Fr s i a me 8 eR i ‘LUNCHEON, 50c Notice has been issued by the OR SALE 45-foot gasoline fis! 11:30 to 2 p.m. eae 4 : ing boat ‘Mary M. Christophe = ti Beef Broth Marine Department that on or} Apply Harry P. Li oe Hide Boiled Black Cod, Drawn Butter ibout March 1 the Barrett Rock API y arry P. Lipsett, Lipset ill o Boiled Mutton, Mashed Turnips : ; Os Cunningham & Co Pt T j Lamb Pot eget 4 Beef light and fog alarm will be in ee: tf ernment : 3 ‘ f » Po ‘ie wit ; ) are y ‘ 7? . > r A P} a ‘ Brked, ashe ‘Veal ‘with Dressing co awit a the gas and bell| "OR SALE—2 restaurant rang Lots 26-27, Block 1, Sec. ° eked, «Mashed or Bolled Potatoes yuoy withdrawn. The new li s d-t si ae ° i, ! ; Sirawberry Pudding : se new light écond-hand, Harry Hanson, | hotographer $ SEAL dee COME tet will be automatically occulting at The Reliable Plumber, 139 2n.1! PIR: Beck. fe in town ~ DINNER, 50c isd short intervals and will show red. Avenue. tf | 2 T. J. Davipson ad 7:30 p.m. Sera rene TT mg ae ————- | i-room house, Fifth Av: ; Macrroni Soup FOR SALE ay oF . ’ ; : Fillet of Sole, Tertar e aa ranklin heater | Section 5 ] he periass ludia a i faska Salt Goa ieee } JOCKEY MATCHES stove. 218 Second Ave, West ls ie Section 5, $1,575 Terms. soile eef W Creame . 0 . 7 he aoe Be NG reamane, Uaee ts ON THE THE PRAI Phone Green 519. urlt A Pp ATHEPHONE wh ae Attas Sausage with Buckwheat RIES ee eee | 5-rcom house and bath, ~ Suite 22, Alder Block , Liver a an (s | FOR RENT i — i Se home makes it pos- tion 5, $3600 Terms ; emon Pile Special via G. P. P. ele &: Seeemesins Pena ne er nt ae i dee PIRES r you to give the ; een NE Red 328 ————— Coffer WINNIPEG, Jan. 16.—The Vic- FOR RENT- eal elie heated* room. | most delightful entertain- ase emt ming 10 Us We are doing all that jtorias defeated the Monarchs in a two beds, suitable for ments to your guests, * is possible to get this result and a spectacular exhibiti Fede gentlemen. Apply 708 Third} \sk our, easy terms. ’ the fact that the standi ‘ 1 : on of high- er a ya | ey with F 9 ae ee. ee out on Thurs: class hockey by a score of 8 to 7. Avenne West. a tf f}} Full Stock of Records ¢ a ery, l ons yi or Comfort, Courtesy~ , pubtic are quick to ‘Sedbobiane — | MOOSEJAW, el Ae ake ta nae -| Our repair department is & D d and Service ROTM. jaw - again defeated Saskatoon} ——-—-~—————— Reet if equipped to handle repairs 3} Oy e, i . |CGrescents here by a score of 5 LOST—Small cl }3 to all makes of Gramo- ) ; ‘ ) e of 5 lain purse con-|3 Phone 16 trd Ave! mn to we a 3. taining sum of money, Finder|3 Phones, string, wood- wind 4! aes r Th SAV ernne Please return to Daily News |$ and brass instruments, Z e OTEL NOTICE office, Mt 3 Violin Bows Rehaired. gt BS 0 ne UNC | mise ous “a Will Edmunds 31 F, T, Bowness Owing to the heavy increase in ELLANEOUS ii hamunes 3} : . bah eit 3 a — -—--—- — -~—--- : : | MANAGER MAY. BILLINGS, Prop. ~ saser| expenses, we, the un-|"“SONGS UNBIDDEN, * be tt Rane Reet Maske Ree: 4) ns ; Se kis ersigned, are obliged to make an P P Z 3 Opp: site the Port Office { eatse r x Ce Phone 37 P.O. Box 1704 50c SPECIAL MENU ‘advance in our price list, effective ns an make a nice|{ Yon G4! Phone TACK 18, 418° be Saturday, Janrary 17 Monday, January 49. New rates fr eee or pone Moe | COP PPPOE PEP POL OA OVE DO ae ae olary ublic Conveyancer — 2 et |may be obtained from our driver ems of Love, Nature, | eee ee : Salat Steet ee oe kee PIONEER L nae drivers. ores ond | Necieray delta a re 4 nr “] ‘ Dinner 6:30 p.m. to 7:80. CANAD 7 ‘agran wi the breath of DE 7 : ) otel Prince Rupert a DIAN STEAM LAUNDRY. balsains and pines. Leatherette | rs STRY A i J Macaron! Soup covers, $1.50; velvet sheep ee Fried or Boil vies. CARD OF ht hema $2.00, postpaid. Published by Don't neglect your Teeth | Four - roomed _ plastered oe re smoked ‘Biaek og 8 Alderman Geo. W, Kerr desires Victoria Printing & Publishing One decayed o oe. a house, on Eighth Avenv’ u er a as s C e - ey i. 2 sur emcienc) 5 ‘ . p y and up. Veal Croquet ties, string Beans Lo thank his many friends among eer nren oe rensaeen. B.C. Peer between MeBride St. an¢ FIRST-CLASS CAFE Lams Pot Phe wht Demplings lie municipal sleotion yarterday, AGENCY FOR THE CELEBRATED DR. BAYNE Ming Seward Romoal with °*- es Tamia. at wnooFonsts, on 1¢ municipal election yesterday. Eastern Standard” Marine Kn- Office Hours--Morning, 9 to 12; cellent lot e yen eee a ran Overs renee gine built in sizes from 10 b D. ae seennems 1,80 to 6.80; Satur- -— Vegetables. CALEDONIAN CLUB up.- Seven hundred of tl . day, 9 to 12 only. Evenings, % ‘ Mashed Turnips } Sti were used in s of these Tuesday, Wednesday and I'ri- | Plain boiled or mashed Potatoes j T! 3 \ ’ sed in submarine chasers day, from 7 to %. ! A G GRAY Dessert. ie weekly dance held on Ninth during the war. They are 3 ° , a . . " Eeciists Eat Pie Avenue will be from now on held as good for any other a: CRETE SRE, OS SELON ANN Terms ? a s Teacher of Piano Tea Coffee” jin St. Andrew's Hall every Satur- where reliability count A MM. ee re eet ie ‘5 tudi — a j : f 1", , s.—-M, wrwrererererer a Le ter ee er eee ; hee as ale ————————————— tal evening from 9 till 12. Invi-| Stephens, Prinee Rupert. tf ot i PHONE 182 or 444 FROM 7 A.M. TO MID! ations only. 14 rie , M. M. Ste h ns } : NIGHT ae. e Three days’ Carnical or B For saving and economy, shop p € ; Advertise in the Daily News. | gains—Wallace’s Sale r-|this week during our great sale. Real Estate Insurance Financial fges! , 13° Jabour Brothers, Ltd, 13 { 31 al Bc | oe .s