. 7 4 ’ wy Aes = Seton ee, BoD Bats: j bit heal aes ME BAKERY . 6th Street I PRINCE RUPERT ‘Northern and Central British Columbia’s ane TA XI Phone 74 and 35 We Never Sleep PRINCE RUPERT AUTO i707 Second Avenueg .M. H. LARGE | ——_-_—-— ees _ — ee ———_ wen eNO. 145% PRINGR RUPERT, B. ¢., SATURDAY, JANUARY 17, 1920. PRICE FIVE CENTS BOARD OF TRADE ,000 Stolen From Mail _ Bags on Boat “Chelohsin” y was Sent South by Prince Rupert Banks, Some of it ' Being Old Bills; was Covered by Insurance. MEXICAN GOVERNMENT APPROPRIATING OI Telegraphs a ov anti Board of Trade last nigh we ka were elected: Hon. Presidents, D. Fattullo and Col. Peck; *V.C. President, S. E. Parker. ‘ (Special. to The News via G. T. P. “Telegravhs, ) UVER, January 17.—The robbery of registered mail £ $18, 000 from a mail sack aboard the steamer Chelohsin a ir ice Rupert and other northern B. ©. ports was dis-| ed On the arrival of the vessel ‘hore early yesterday morning. | liams. fery, DB. G Stewart, F @ Dawson, G. W. Nickerson, J Special via G, T.! C ut open and their contents abstracted. — The registered Mezichn Goveratient proposekia m Prince Rupert to Vancouver consisted of three parceis . spropriate Nifty ‘million pesos of mency and eighteen other pieces. The money was being eoid for the purpose of appro- from the branch banks at Prince Rupert and one parcel priating all oil bearing lands ed of $3,000 in. $1 and $2 bills, which were being sent Within fifty kilometres of the in- H. e, E. C. Gibbons, J Mg ilsbury, J. W. Scott, G.. ek: Ww. ,0. Fulton. ELECTS OFFICERS Hon. T. Cc. W. Vice-President, W. E. wil Scorotary, J. W. Nick fiat. Exccutive—M. P. mocat-” all room on the steamer had been broken into, the mail) ML PASO, Jan. 17.—Keponts Fg Hoerig, F. Beaumont,” J. from Mexico City say that the mre J. D. McAuley, G oF 4 gdiand, D. Thomson,’ ¥en \Conmumnincians to Take waz nat"ntt | Over G.T.P. Railway About March 1 aise M. P. McCaffery Told Board of Trade _ Manager would be Appointed for ‘West and he Hoped it would — -Be W. P. Hinton. On retiring from the presidency of the Board of Trade last puight at the annual meeting, M. P. McCaffery said that he had always been optimistie in regard to this city but he was doubly -o new. They had for a long time looked for an increase in population and great ‘development. From what he now knew, or destruction, they being’ old bills and in the last stages ternational border. ppitude. oe eee eae addition to being registered, the currency fron thre banks TO EXTEND LIN LINE 4, Settle Valley Railway Seeks Au- if the stolen notes are not recovere thority to Build to Soal Fields. iny will fall the loss, hail was stowed on the steamer in the usual fashion at! Rupert, and it was not until the mall room was opened ty They Wili Declare ‘INN FEINERS WIN pred by insurance while’in transit and on the insurance * ' TRISH ELECTIONS if oxnit. Returns Show Ma- based on information acquired during his trip to the east, he was doubly optimistic. Mr. McCaffery said he understood a commission would take ever the operation. of the raiiroad on or before March 1. mauagement would be appointed by-the directors of the roads and hot by the Government. There | ae < ; Principles of “Irish would be one manager for the' he ‘steamer got into Vancouver that the, é6émpiy bags were cena: z ee ge areas i \ ublic.” feor and one for the west. These, ia BRADY AT a sig Fn PE by CURR, Aon a Mee + men would have charge of ‘the CORNER CLUB arg Sarlianibnt td heasttn 160 bee (spectay Po eee. foes "Baie Gee ase arlis xt ses: rr au- : 7 Hg: ein |them. Under these ci umstances - TEXT. NO NEWSPAPERS thority to extend its line from MUBLES, Jan, 17-—-Sind + lhe thought this i ht | sk | Most Interesting Address on Coal t to the G ‘te Crack Candidates swept west and south | 8 port might loo “ ire’’ oalmount to the Granite Créek for terminal faciliti d oth Literature” Given the coal fields in the mnicipal elections, re-|! See a taee: * Your e >. DEN FOR ‘ -. IN WINNIPEG ' turns indicated. e }improvements. He hoped that W. . NOME People. — the Re t of tl ,|P,. Hinton might be made general ’ AND ‘TRADES AND LABOR Ig the event of the complete findtaler: tov thin: Gee Last eve@@ng the Corner Club returns showing a majority in the : in connecti ith the B local councils, the Sinn Fein lead-| ‘*year ago, continued the re- whee aoe Paper Ghbrtege Cau: Causes Shutdown | of Three Dailies in Prairie THE EX-KAISER i t That t Holland Will Re- ‘ ——— - PRESIDENT ELECTED ers havefplanned its first act be a declaration of pr inciples the “Trish Republic.” (Special py G.T.P. Telegraphs.) Then they Church were “At Home” to theirs parents and friends, whom they entertained most delightfully in the church parlors. The program® to | tiring president, a salmon dock of| Vas to have been built here. - It would be a great thing for the et Att : ‘ ‘ ;towh and-sh¢ » as Action Not Pro- PAPER CONTROLLER ac Aaa clase ois mark Shue itkae Goin ae tt wight be et % Squire into; W88 a varied one and the chief svided for in Treaties. RESIGNS POSITION |: Trades»and Labor Council re-e- ncrine tiie veto of Dublin Cast®.|the project now.. He understood) feature was an-agidress by Princi- ee — jlected John T. Foster, president a the Government would take over PRS coAP. sere a5 oi Pe . Is, Jan. 17.—The Supreme WINNIPEG, Jan, 17.—There is} for the coming term. 8. C. Undertakers. Phone 44. | 24! the ships, and the drydock anc sere aiviee te Boe cut asi pigs viele : d the text of 20 newspaper published im Win- i . [ships would use’ this Governinent ore é oi ger re 6 il has approve nipeg today. owing to lack of dpck and it syould not be idle | Cation as Yo what to read, what s bie to Holland asking for ex- Whieidet of the. local Jagain. 2 4’ avoigggnd whAt to re-1ead. newsprint. lon“of the @keKaier. It ds thought in France that Paper reserves, whieh” had ea d will Pefuse extradition Ou pooled for the past week, by a round that crimes charged the three dailies, were exhausted Ast Imperial monarchy yesterday. ‘ he sacredness of treaties aré The situation has been created ; ; by the failure of the Fort Francis Paul Deschamel_Is..New ._ President of France In mally the was yesterday afternoon elected pre ithe Che ver ep 2S, papers and local papers the Chamber of Deputie S OF CANADA The Fort Francis Mills, which | lent of France by the joint assembly of the Senate Succession To Poincaire '~| ported him in the and Chambe * advised: that the thnlene 3 Bar widening thé horizen et - ” “another hoat_toxply ode! ERO Seemed page ining pies: of this ge be again” taken aloo ee eat ss and he also hoped the city would! Which the nation has travelled, now fix the streets and convert. Mr. Brady showed how necessary this place from a village into a, ¥@8 the intelligent reading of the : of ‘ eatios a at provided for in any treaties Sulp & Paper Co. to comply with leity. They would also build a | Standaty authors, such as Dick Ing between Holland and any ischool. He tha i the I ens, Thackery, Scott, ete. In so- the order issued by the paper (Special to The News vis G T. P. Telegraphs.) c nkec e members | : : : P Othen SOUniriees Teenere troll ] them to meet ag Bae, ie og” eon ‘for their assistance and for the, Clolozy, which is becoming | ir- controller, requiring them to mee "RRS aS ‘ ‘vy 47.—P: 2schame eside . i xly ‘esting. he in dition, the necessity. of prairie news-| VERSAILLES, January 17. Paul Deschame l, pres ident of} | manner in which they had sup- creasingly interesting, he pointcd out the value of the «tidy of both Some people interest of the | {town. He had differed from many | Sic es ofa question, vy cnt 4 Bt {iis rj : it is to be borne in mind is aj/to succeed Raymond Poinecaire. Deschamel received 734 yotes, |in politics and in other respects | 5 ae ua o Ab aioe WIN SEVENTH GAME | Canadian mill making newsprint | Raymond Deschamel has long been prominent in Frene h| but as a board of trade they had pe oF ie ota hee does not f C li wood, has a ca-] stood together. He thought they aXe for broadmindedness, nor rom Canadian wood, has @ Ca-| ities and was first elected to the Chamber of De puties in 1898 | . int Yet exactitude in thinking, and of Rnélend Put Up Better pacity of 150 tons of newsprint} should always be unanimous in ’ Fight—Veter Against " ; i its actual production | @!ter having filled various minor offices in the government. He|the interests of the City. aun less for real knowledge. —Veterans ain a day, and its al prot on : y i i Amateurs is not far from that amount. The]! & Member of the French Academy and the Academy of! New President. ats Brew smpbasined the im- ne total daily consumption of all the|Sciences and has been an exten- President Parker, on being| POtance for neal reading, not just : ; i pn ° sae lelected, spoke of the need of unity | S*imming a book, and at the same i meg *¥. : ; crencain a to vague Wester ; td hee ak ie wthntat ting the old regime with the! } | played game of daily newspapers in ester) sive writer on political and social ct aaa tivity. ‘Théy would need| time he showed the importance of rie Ni aa ew France th is | jand activity 2 0 eed | . lespite the umevenness Canada gerved by the Fort Fran-| questions. He is 64 years of age. v France which is to be ee et reer os sity | the correct choice of reading mat- the § f Canada cis mills is 50 tons a day. This} Recalls Old Duel. ‘financial assistance from the city ’ 4 . ne Sons of Canada cis mills is 50 tons a day. PARIS, . Jan. 17.—In. making Ja cee aa Re ee AL He th » to do effective k,j ter for young plastic mgnds. issed the Sons of England amount has been allotted to those PARIS, Jan. 17.—The fight be. }1f they were to do effective wor Tse ea oe litorium last evening, papers by thes paper controtler | "* pubic announcement, that he /tween Premier: Clemenceau and | ‘It was proposed to get out a pre- score being 36-16 and the mii has beeh formally} Wweuld withdraw his nomination | Beschamel for the presi-| ‘lentious pamphlet that would cost | ugh the Canueks showed instructed to supply it as they/for the presidency of France,!dency of France recalls another {several hundred dollars, and tnere| best combination and basket have done for many years. This|Premier Clemenceau stated that jight 26 years ago when the two! Wot ld be much other work to ‘| ting, the Englishmen them- order the Fort Francis company/he did so for the good of the igminees fought a duel caused! W. E. Witliams thought ‘ies LONCER TO BE | i. a : *4 . es > i > * demonstrated the fact that has refused to obey. Instead of|nation. He believed that his ad+'}y a eriticism in Clemenceau s | mnould be optimistic as to the| had been practising by the supplying 50 tons of the daily vanced age might make him more wspaper. -Deschamel received | future. He suggested the neces- hovement from their last ap- output of the Canadian mill to]suitable in some _ position con- sword wound in the head. | Sity of getting ina coal supply INDEPENDENT ince. A little more practice the Canadian newspapers and the ———— rrp peraiine: deci acl averting. put them-in the list of balance of the output to United I thought we should now get public : ; OuUS contenders The Sons « States ~customers e } has Wi ll B ild B i Hi (Special by G.T. P. Velegrapns.) niendera. ne fous. of Stat ORO: .We. eas BA i ul Oats ere |buildings and the Section 2 bridge. : have increased its shipments to United of old and experi- States markets, + absorbing re While the other mueh of the amount allotted to} sed mainly of be- Canadian papers by the Canadian indogr game. Government to render registered in their imber If Dominion Cie Aid To Soldie players Cc mp } Ss at the as con. JESTHOLME THEATRE ment, was a statement made to the Board of Trade by J. Nicholls, comptroller of the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage a carry on under the original act governing the contnol and distri- in| HNETTE KELLERMAN bution of newsprint in Canada.|)»j. city, Mr. Nicholl moved a resolution asking for Dominion - ee mores oe fiovernment aid as follows: qo so pu le desires to ) a & : ree a st Ne Se ae i as sreas the Dominion Government is establishing returned “The Queen Of the Sea” Ff tieved of any duties other than ena er by a course of training, both | were outlined in that act. ° Soldiers in the farming industry by a course of training, both | “British Gazette” epitome on technical and practical followed a aif ae “ by the purchase, stocking and e- mercantile marine and it is bas Mutt and ae CAPTAIN DEAD. quipping of a.farm under easy the Canadian fishermen that this } rerenenr serve will be drawn : vis G. T.P. Telegrapbs.) financial terms, and ve , | M P R ESS S ese - J; 17. Capt. J “Whereas there are a number “Be it resolved that the Domin- BEAT I Fixe mel Pee eee 4 n ef returned soldier fishermen, /ion Government be urged to grant | THEATRE Rh. MeKenzie, well known in North : | t ce at ed | Pacific waters. is dead in Seat-]who through thein service over- financial assistance to returnec BERT LYTTELL — oe tees eas are without the means to seldiers who are bona fide fisher. KN - tle. ngage for themselves in their| men to enable them to purchase ; he ee ~ . e@s 0 Man’ Ss Land’ | ‘Snak a heiwal hina shipment}former avocation, and their own boats and equipment, | “Whereas Hon. C. C. Ballantyne} such assiStance to be granted on! has expressed the wish of the Do- minion Government to establish a naval reserve as a nucleus for the Ganadian navy and Canadian, ‘Not a War Picture) 10th Episode of “The IRON TEST” |“The CARTER CASE” jof the famous Ladysmith Welling- f ton Coal; also several cars best igrade of Interior coal. Telephone lyour orders to Prince Rupert Coal Co. Phone 15. 14 to farmers.” rhe resolution was carried by acclamation, ’ ishermen the same terms and conditions as | PARIS, Jan. 17.—Montenegro's . last hope of resteration to its ‘former status of an independent | kingdom is gone, dispelled by the {result of recent conferences of |The city owed a debt to Col. Peck, jthe mayor and M, P. McCaffery | ifor the services they had rendered | ‘in connection with the fisheries and a resolution embodying this P. J. Robinson acted as referee tinued publication impossible, bes i nassat’ th Whlah the ane Lloyd George, Clemenceau and ie vening, giving very satis- OTTAWA, Jan, 17.—The resig-| ln? GW, Nickarand was innindad’ | Nitti, it became known today. decisions. nation of R. A. Pringle, controller | That if the Dominion Government will grant the same aid to | J. Emerson, of the Prince Ru_| -2'8 action was taken during a of newsprint and book paper, | ee ‘turned soldier fishermen as it does to returned soldier farmers, | pert Timbean tin, wat introduced | 2iPlomatic session in regard to ate in the hands of Sir Henry Dray- ' : soldiers | ra0dan | : tisk _,..,(the solution of the Fiume muddle. company composed of returned soldiers will build wooden /as operating the only industry : TO OHS Ste ton, minister of finance. It was! »rince Rupert aided by the Provincial sen teal was not subsidized by the Under the arrangement the understood that Mr. Pringle would| /ishing vessels in Prince Rupert ai ’ : | bane as SUDE : } River Boyana will be open for . | fovernment, He expressed ap- ipreciation of the work of the ‘board and as ke had a eonsider-| 7. : y abie stake in the town he would| “048 and Slovenes, In view of Nike {this Monténegro is to be made Hine 10 ee, nee part in the! art of a Serb-Croat-Slovenian rr state, jfyee international navigation as the southern border of the Slavs, ~ VANCOUVER HOCKEY | TEAM BEATS VICTORIA, NOTICE A meeting of the Ratepayers’ | Protective Association will be (Special via Cre T. P, Telegraphs. ) held at 8 o'clock Tuesday, Jan. VICTORIA, Jan. 17.—Vancou-!20, to elect penmanent officers ver won a close game against Vicclant to prepare necessary appeals toria, beating the Aristocrats on|for the Court ‘of Revision. |their own rink at hockey last vo ee night in the Victoria arena. The Launch “Alice B,” Phone 41, score was 2 to 14. | When you neéd a pairof shoes / of better grade, call at McArthur's |' | Shoe Stores tf | | Ask for Atkins’ Sausages. tf Ladysmith Coal. The best. Prince Rupert Coa! Company, Phone 15, The) 4 or a ay a bi ; iI t v | i, 4 t mA eS 7