Saturday, January 17, 1920. — a THE DAILY NEWS Smoking and Chewing . ¢ 1p ee 4 eG iy pas 4 a deel _ . ; PaaS: EP Be ee. ‘ a + Fix, d oo ae Raw Virginian Leaf scrted into by rare rae ing as upon ° Seautictursd product. Quality in the loaf means, naturally, quality the MACDONALDS Sere a — + BET WORT ota! enn a) < oe. ee Great care is u TOBACCO SUGAR TAKES | eunt Scarce on Local Markel; es prior to sale to ensure proper it depends the good quality of the Wedding Breakfast COFFEE von’ better than Wedding Coffee—the blend of choice berries roasted — a blend of ripe experi- The ancient geds-—so tradition — lived Says on nectar Breakfast properly ence Just try it onc3—with flavor and warm steaming cheer its full ’ Ask Your Grocer for Wedding Brea>fast The modern substitute for this fabled delicious drink is good coffee— but it has to be good. Poor Coffee is a abom- ination but good coffee is a wholesome delight nothing . Fish. Packed by the Pioneer Coffee and Spice Mills Ltd., Vancouver end Victoria INSURANCE David H. Hays Gens ral Real Estate Agent Cor. Second Avenue and Second Street. NOTARY PUBLIC Foya!l Insurance Company, Northern As urance Co., Co., Limited. Accident Co. JOG, 2 UDB winiin shins te peewee’ 35e¢ lod fillets, smoked, ........- 20c Fresh black cod, 2 lbs ...... dui Finnan haddie, ..... 2 Ibs. 35c Halibut, per Ibi, ... sees is 25¢ Herring kippered, 2 Ib. for 35c¢ Salt Herring, each, ......-- 10¢ Flounder Fillets, lb., .....-- 20¢ Salt Acadia God, 2-lb. boxes 55c Oysters, per dozen, ....++-+- 50c Bulk Oysters, Pint, .....- $4.00 CTR | RIANA, 6s p59 avai 0948 20¢ Shnimps, ID. 2... ee eee ee eee 20¢ jkate, per ID., «12-2. eee eres t0c Vegetables nions, dry, pen lb. ....-- 8 1-3¢ Spanish Onions, per lb., ..-- 15¢ Carrots, per Ib, ...-+++-: 3 the furnips, per IbD., ...--+e ee 340e lelery, per bunch, ...-++++: 30¢ Beets, per Ib., ..e eee ee rere 5e Cabbage, per Ib. ...-. +e sere 8e CGaulitlOwer .....eeerereere 400 Brussels sprouts ...+-++++> 35c London & Lancashire Fire Insurance Londen & Lancashire Quarantee & Fidelity-Phenix Fire Insurance Co. WOODWORKING, BLACKSMITHINC Best equipped plant in Centra Seal Cove Marine Ways, Ltd. W. BE. Thomoson, Gen. Manager A. Swanson, President < Phone Green 153 Phone Ked 391 Open Ist February, 1920 NEW MARINE WAY Shawatlans Passage Equipped for building and repairing all! classes of boats up t } AND MACHINE SHOPS. | British Columbia. in length. Bananas? svivce ceases sees se 60¢ Grapefruit (California 12%4¢ Camons..« sas Obes erases 350 Dates (drom) ...--++errere? 35e Bulk Dates, per Ib. ...++++: 60¢ Navel oranges ....-> 30c to 90e Jap Oranges, per box ...-- $1.00 Grapes, Malagas, ..+-+++++: 40¢c Jonathan apples No. 4 . $3.25 Cox Orange apples ..---+> $3.25 Cooking apples ..+++++++: $2.00 Cranberries, per ID. «e+e: 30¢ Canned Italian prunes ..--:-> A0e 25¢ Currants, per ID, «essere ee |Mixed nuts, per Ib... +++ + 350 Qluster Raisins, Baw i. NN 8 30¢ |Table Figs, per pka@., seer ee 15¢ Glaged Cherries, lb., .-+++> $4.00 |Poars, dOZ, ses eereerrtrrt? 50¢ |Minee Meat ....+sseeeerees 20¢c Evaporated Frults. 30¢ Black Figs ...+eeerrreee aa SUDDEN JUMP Sweet Potatoes Otf—Evapor- ‘ ated Fruits. The most noticeable feature in connection with this week's mar- ‘ket report is the advance of sugar; from 15¢ to 17%e. modity still remains as scarce as ever and no immediate relief for the shortage is in sight. The woevernment control limit for the price of sugar is 18¢ but although they do not look for sugar to vise immediately, local grocers do not take this limit seriously and dy not believe it will be effective. Appended to this week's market list is the list of evaporated fruits. Sweet potatoes have disappeared from the local stores during tie past week, tha season being over. Following are the prices: for this week: Meats. Sirloin: Sleak .4.. 0 65 wesw. AO Beef, pot roasts, ib,..22¢ to 2% Peef, chuck roast, Ib. ..... 231 Beef, rib roast, Ib......... 32¢ Bepf, boiling, Ib. .......... 206 Hamburger, per Ib. ........ 25c Stewing beef, per lb. ...... 25c Corned Beef, per Ib. ...... 22c ROD FOR NS ees 9 ens 45e¢ BIND, DO sss 034 &. 0 940 poh 400 Mutton, stewing .......... TAC Mutton, shoulder reast, .... 28ce Veal, : BLOWIN ER, 200: +:0.0:8 isis eis 25¢ Veal shoulder roast ....... 22¢ Leg of veal ...... @ 300 and 40c Dripping, per lb........... 25c POPE SQUSRROS Fiche oie eu suc Tomato sausages .......... 30¢ OTR Meer soe as 0 64)is bas os 45¢ MONE CHODB Ss ooh 0k SPE See Se vue Pork, shoulder, ........... 40c Ayreshire bacon, sliced .... 55¢ Bacon, piece, per lb. ...... 65¢ Bacon, siiced, per lb., ...... 70¢ HOM | GiDOOs vi okies od 808 8 60¢ Ham, “SMOKOG, (0.508 648s 3 oye 55c Balt: backs iss ..s85 eR ie oe 45c¢ ARIAS: ROI AD e525: av bo are So 65¢ thicken, per ID., .cecccccee 50c Fowl, per lb., ..... pik viekh ais 45¢ DUCES, DOL Is k:0 4's 4/6 bcosees 45c¢ Geese; DOr ID, so s.0s.6 0's 8s 88% 45c Pickled pork, per lb. ....... 45c Cooked ham, sliced, per lb... 70« Spare Ribs per lb. .v....... 25c HOSSE RAM 650 0:56 v0 ste att 75¢ Bologna, per AD:,; << s.e.0 co eis 30¢ Soledad TONBUG <6 er ese GO ER POUIOES | 4c kik CN ob eos 55¢ RADDICS.” GAO, 6.406 ee 28 7 De Dairy Produce. BREA ee a setrnc IRR sb ale Aree 75e Butter (cooking) ........-. 65c Cheese, per Ib., ..--+-++++0+ 40¢c Limberger cheese, per lb. ... 604 SOIR Ss soho 19a) 64: 0te SRS 85¢ Nashington Kggs (fresh)... 90¢ strietly new-laid eggs .... $1.10 MO ORODIE 65.0 Sinseis eaieis.d © ays 45¢ Comb honey .......--++++e% 50¢ Sugar, per Ib,, 2....-+++- i7%e Bread, per loaf, .......-- . 15¢ Flour, (hard white) 50-Ib. sk. 3.25 Frozen salmon, per Ib., .... 30¢ tiead Lettuce .....-+++++: Fruit. Raisins, per Ib., «e+e errr ee : Poel, per ID, .ceererrrrees 50¢ This com. } 4 Hearing The the sunlight. of the artist or his ‘SS | Get Your Worth first time is like opening the blinds to You expect to hear the familiar “talking machine tone.” Instead—there pours forth the voice, or the music of the instrument, in all its natural beauty—pure and full, and indistinguishable from the living artist. When you choose an Edison Rr- CREATION, you receive the actual voice performance—nothing more, nothing less. ? «What the € New Edison for the masterly instrumental We know that when you select an Edison Rr-CreaTIon, you are getting your full money’s worth because we have proof. Two thousand musical critics have endorsed our claim that The NEW EDISON “*The Phonograph with a Soul’’ Rre-Creares the human voice and the musie of human played instruments without the slightest deviation from the original. ritics Say”’, tells the story completely. Ask for a copy; and also for our beautiful new book “Edison and Music” - when you come to hear the New Dv.soa. Charles W. Teetzel, _— - COLTS TAKE MEASURE OF PANTHER BASKETERS The intermediate basketball teams, Panthers and Colts, mixed last night in the St. Andrew's hall in a game which resulted in a gregation by the score of 30-27. The Colts started off with a rush of scoring and at the end of the first half were out with the big lead of 18-8. The Panthers ral- lied in the second half and out- scored the Colts but not suflicient- ly to overcome the lead of the first half. Don Graham starred tor the Colts. The players were George Mit- chell, Ralph Smith, George Hill, Eddie Clapp and Howard Frizzell with Basil Porter spare, for the Colts. The Panthers were Don Graham, R. Arthur, Jr., John Davidson, W. Duncan and Thos. Black. William Martin, Sr., act- ed very fairly and satisfactorily as referee. DELIGHTFUL PARTY AT MOBLEY HOM Star Were Entertained. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mobley en- tertained at their home, Fourth Ave, E., last evening in honor of the members of the Order of the Eastern Star, About 50 persons were present and cards and danc- ing were the entertainments in- After spend- ing a most enjoyable evening the party broke up about 4 o'clock. LAND ACT iN cae SXERHA LAND DISTRICT — DIS- ThICcT OF TAKE NOTICE that Thomas B. Strain, of Vancouver, B. C,, occupation returned soldier, intenas to apply for permission to} lewse the following described lands:— ; thence 5 chains THOMAS B,. STRAIN, W. E. Green, agent. Dated 26th October, 1919. White Figs ......... Roe a B00 ADPIGOLE Fo cise 8a toga eee .. 40e¢ Peaches ....... eiengnigop ming: 6's . 35e¢ ERR odie 5 a2 | care ee aaATE 35¢ Seedless Raisins .......... 80¢ PPUNCS .oseeee selec ces ¢ 2008860 narrow victory for the latter ag-| | be hi | Prince jJanuary, 1920, at 10 o’clock in the fore 'noon. for the Panthers and Geo. Mitchell | COURT OF REVISION. Prince Rupert Assessment District. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that @ Court of Keviston and Appeal, under the pro- vVisiius of the “Taxation Act” and the “public Sehools Act,’’ respecting the as- sessment roll for the Prince Rupert As ment District for the year 1920, wil held at the Provincial Assessor’s oMce » Rupert, on Friday, the 23rd day of Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C., Januar) 6th, 1920. JOHN DYBHAVN, Judge of Court of Revision and Appeal. NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF RESERVE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Windbreak Keserve covering the belt ol land ten chains in width and situate along Ladies of the Order of Eastern, | ' UEEN CHARLOTTE JOLANDS. | Commencing at a post planted on the} shore on Sewell Inlet about 8 miles dis-/} tant, and in a westerly direction from the! entrance of Sewell In'et south; thence 40 chains east; thence to shore; thenee following the shore line to 830c¢ |point of commencement and containing 20 acres, more or less, ra COMPANY, Free Miner's the north shore of Graham Island, notics of which appeared in the “British Columbia Gazette’ of the 28th January, 1909, I> cancelled in so far as it relates to that porlion lying between Indian Reserve’ No, 1 and Indian Reserve No, 3. G. R. NADEN, Deputy Minister of Lands Department of Lands, Victoria, B. C., November 17th, 1919. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that an applica- ' jon will be made to the Legislative As- sembly of the Province of British Columbia at the next session on behalf of the Asso- ciation of Professional Engineers of British Columbia for a Private Bul to incorporate the said Association, the said Bill to be known as THE BRITISH COLUMBIA ENGI- NEERING PROPESSION ACY for the pur- poses of governing and regulating the yractice of Civil, Mining, Metalurgical, fechanical, Electrical and Chemical Engt- neering in the Province of British Colum- bia, and the qualification, examination and duiged in until refreshments were registration of intending practitioners, the served at midnight. discipline of its members and for the ac- uiring of real and personal property and the disposal of the same and for the gen- | ral management of the Association, Dated at the City of Vancouver, B. C., / his 5th day of December, A, D, 1919. H. 8. T . ae N, )f the firm of Pattullo & Tobin, Solicitors ____ for the Applicants, _ MINERAL ACT Certificate of Improvem*”nts. NOTICE, KING SOLOMON and IRON KING Mineral Claims, situate in the Bella Coola Mining Division of Coast District, Where located:—West side of Tean Channel, North of Caseade Inlet in Range 8, Coasi District, TAKE NOTICE that I, HUGH ARCHIBALD MACLEAN, as Agent for SMELTERS STEEL CertiNcate No. 7,239, ‘ntend, sixty days from the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certifeate of Improvements for each of said claims for the purpose of obtaining - a Crown Grant of the above claims, And further take notice that action un- der Section 85, must be commenced hefore the Issuance of such Certificate of Im- provements, pares this 15th day of January, A. D 192 H, A, MACLEAN, oe py e Rupert el : a is sometimes reached before the cold weather is all over. way it is a good idea to have some on hand. Better order a LUMP COAL $13.00. per ton, delivered. Phone Black 85 Terminal Ceal Co, ‘OUR Pool Room 721. Third Ave. The Empress Hotel - CIGARS Two per cent. Beer { DENTISTRY @ a.m. to 12; 41:30 p. m. to 5:80 p.m. DR. J. 8. BROWN OMce: Smith Block, Third Avenue.