a? git fe Sa, pianos cade to defective eyesight. HE removal ed, mal Third Ave. QTORK’ SELL TOVE Gurneys commenced mak- the same line of business 1919, Hundreds in use in Prince Rupert. —_ —— ON SALE AT Fred Stork’s Hardware SECOND AVENUE Phone Black 114 The Evening’s Pleasure will be doubly enjoyed if you know that your Shppers look well and at the same. time fit you comfortably. Feet that hurt will spoil the most pleasant occasion for you. Hg We make a specialty of care- ful fitting when we sell our pa- trons ‘ aii Shoes and Slippers. AzZNew Shipment just arrived at the aan Family Shoe Store Geo. Hill E. R. Tabrum The Practical Shoemen Phone 257. CCRT ing stoves in 1848. Still in - i ] Dm rt mt mt rs mt mt es es j peared a letter over the signature of the agent for the Deep Sea Fishermen’s Union, “verifies’ standing of the O. B. U. in Prince Rupert above given to the Vancouver press by of the true situation of the O.B. U, despatched by order of the Cen- tral Labor Council to correct the false and that Mr. Welsh had circulated in ‘the Vancouver press. That state- ment still Mr. Meagher in yesterday’s issue the O. B. U.” Products of whom 77 were bona fide fisher- men ting the finishing touches on the car slip. Many orders for large | astern cities await filling pend- | ng the inauguration of the new)'t rvice, ocal situation over. ° ! ( In the Letter Box * THAT there is wixt cup and many a lip, and aiso be- Lof England” and their friends are |said to be framing up schemes. Mr. Warren, the local/tween the bidder and the box. a condition as to forget his tele- phone number. Advertise in the Daily News. slip ‘ditor the News: In your issue of yesterday ap- in which he the neports as to the it affects the which were (as far as organization r, in Prince Rupert, which was |‘ misleading statements ‘a vu stands. The letter of al Unit had 151 members, (salmon trollers) the rest PARE er Holding Company, whose address is i Dominion Buildin; TIMBER SALE X 1676. Victoria, I or the District I ore, Ba G; WATER NOTICE and Storage), (Use NOTICE that North e of M. C, Lawler, icouver, B. C,, will appl Water out of Mosquito B. C. Objections President Welsh of the T, & L. C.}yinister of Lamas Vall, be received. by the int.) of Vanoouver. _|ieotasa Sy, netrony, 2980, Tan be The criticism in the B. C.}000 feet or Spruce, Hemlock, Cedat and Federationist to which Mr. at a near Dak Remie et ‘Coast Distiet. Meagher refers was a statement uy pace tickes will be allowed for re urther particulars of the Chief Forest ‘orester, Prince American Tim y for a licence o take and use 200 cubic feet per secon ind to store 50,000 acre feet per annun Lake, Moresb; does not affect the situation in ]Jisiand, also known as the west arm « I 1 t ‘umshewa Inlet, which flows into Mos the least. quite Sivek and on into west arm o Mr "elsh’s lished state-{Vumshewa Inlet at its head. The storage Ir. Welsh’s pul lis 1 sta dai will be located at the southeast ex rent was “a flat denial that the tre outy of Mosquito Lake. |The capacity : : ’ : : of the reservoir to be created is abou Halibut Fishermen's .Union in}9t (oy gene feet and it will ood abou orince er one over toj®¥) acres ef land. The water will bi Prince Rupert had gor diverted from the lake at a point aboe the southeast extremity of Mosquito Lak: i ; . ind will be used for power purposes upo We asked him to point out the land described as Lot 318, Quee: where the statement had ever | -barlotte Islands District. This ndtice wa ; posted on the ground on the 4th day o been made, and pointed out that} i) cember, 1919. A copy of this noticc > ae se eon r »| Ut an application pursuant thereto an the O. B. U. Fisheries and Water |) 1,8". applic Act, 1914” will be tled | the office of the Water Recorder at Princ: i pert, ‘cf May be Nled with the said Water Re corder or with the Comptroller of Wat to the applica 1919. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Lands In Skeena Land District, Recording Dts ein trict of Cassiar, and situate at Alice Arm Beccson Day wall the midge of saht nee aes a ty Mist Feupati Swanson Bay until the middle a THAT Ald. Rochester should iaeiners, intend to apply for permission next month from present indica-|easily remember his telephone to lease the following described foresho tions. W.C. Hall, superintendent | number in future, as it is the ha Gommencing at post planted on, east of the Whalen Mills will be in;same as the number of votes he eats): thence eant 80 chains more or leas town next Wednesday to look the|received at the election. to Illance River; thence north 20 chains more or less to lot 50, thence west follow of commencement, ing shoreline to point : o 2 rer insi E ;f/and containing 160 acres, more or less, THAT no one ever insinuates de FO eerie that the alderman is ever in such H. F. KERGIN, Dated October 11th, 1919 LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Lana. In Queen Charlotte Islands Land District, Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Port Clements, Graham Island fAKE NOTICE that we, the Graham Is aud Spruce & Cedar Co., Limited, of Port ciments, occupation lumbermen, intend «4 apply for permission to lease the fol jowing described lands: Commencing at a post pianted at the N.W. corner of Block 33, townsite of Port Clements; thence N. 70 deg. W.—540 ft thence south 33 deg, W.—455 ft.; thence South 237.77 ft.; thence east 472.95 ft.; thence following the shore line {n a north asterly direction to the point of com fucncement and containing 7.1 acres, more xr less, GitHAM ISLAND SPRUCE & CEDAR CO. LIMITED, h, 1919 vated A LAND ACT, NOTICE OF INTENTION TO PURCHASE LAND IN QUEEN CHARLUTTE ISLANDS LAND DISTRICT RECORDING Dis TRICT OF SKEENA, AND SITUATE ON THE SHORE OF GRAY BAY MORESB\ ISLAND, TAKE NOTICE that I, Walter Rudge, o! Copper Bay, Moresby Island, British ‘Go lusabia, farmer, intend to apply for per- Mission to purchase one hundred and sixty acres of land bounded as follows: Cam HeRCINE at a Post planted at the northeas Co ner of lot 866, More sby Isid., thence wes 2 chains; thence north 80 chains; thene vast 20 chains, more or less to the beach; thence following the beach southerly to voult Of Commencement, and containing 160 acres more or less. WALTER RUDGE, Locator, November 22, 1919. F.4 SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. TAKE NOTICE Burgess, of Bay Point, California, hotel Keeper, in iciids to apply for a licence fo prospect fur coal and petroleum over the following de scribed lands on the West Coast of Moresb) tstand, British Columbia, commencing ai 4 post planted about 200 yards from th oO} that Charles E, suutherly shore of Canoe Pass and 4 miles} Cast Of the northeast corner of Rober Ki id's coal and petroleum licence numbe 10460, thence north 80 chains, thence eas Sv chains, thence south 80 chains thene west 80 chains to the point of commence ment, | Business Forms \\ Saturday, January 17, joo, THE DAILY NEWS —— - hash = ~~ ne — | osc ' ) LAND AGT, : —\ as hee srs rms mers mars rear mconee SE | aihs } . ute Purchase PROGRESS MADE |! The Man in the Moon { rmx « intention, 0, Avply : t-- Diatric cor Dis 3 SAYS: 1] In Vancouver Land Diath t, Botan i | ( E | , ~~ he aeet’ Count of Calvert Island, near 1s | _ THAT Nelson chose a lady = Tota notice that Mark Smaby of eeraa a Cat Me 'derman, while Prince Rupert re- ratis, B. C., occupation log eer. eine fol i is Delayed More jer apply for permission vo! luable of Inauguration is y jected one. flowing described lands ne nat oan t Will be wee ate {Commencing at a post planted, one ince : sy ger aah ey aad. Ve eee et | [ the voters did some; Mlle north of N.Wi wr Host 40° chains; neglected and the least perregige tee Started in February | ‘ 4 es oe slecti da but habe ‘South 4¢ ehains; thence east 40 5 \ Many suffer from ills, watch, aa , {P! unIng vu Crecuon ay, l chains, and containing 160 acres, more ol 7a examination, can be traced directly Probably. | there is a difference of opinion as | oss, ia ——_—_——— ito its effectiveness. Dated December 20th, 1919. The car barge for the Whalen | Ree | ‘ ACT ie of the cause ca Puly and Paper Mills ferry ser- | THAT the election was short, | MINEAAL AC Unless it is the Best. an 3 . © 2c ae ees ridvest wit vice between Swanson Bay and shanp and sugarless, and er Cortificate of Improvements. le does’ noe pay to 5 tania ater Pe hie lpr ’rince Rupert is off the pontoons without bitterness. —_—- . When glasses are property preserib Prince Ruj é NUTICE t an other kind they restore the vision to nor- at the drydock as underwater re- | 7 a P. ‘ : , Sea te ge y and eliminate all eye strain. pairs are completed. A deck is phigherea cal PANE ab ctnc’y- gy the ope aver Mining Division’ of Gassial i now being built and it is expect- from that place people are won- Oil ae al . 3, ane ae and ready for service near the end dering why Stewart has not a owe located:—G sreek, : isi ty ee : ‘ 4 : drug store of its own. TAKE NOTICE that I, B, L. Johnson, Free Th N s Prin 1 men Fred Joudry firitemonin. Betoreshe is come) yn ty Ie fags tah die hereto BY ee rem isi 2» she is com-! 3 . 5 sixty days from 3 > hereot, vite “a * “L: hp ar a ae hauling) THAT much interest is being |ty fhe ‘Mining perer the ‘parpose Of. ob: specializes on “high-class —— iain \ * missione in 1e e ta 5 : Peat ary socig ext jot Improvements, for he pur Ose of - s . 4 basing cee eee te ee ae Se a et ee eT Aithee take netics ‘that aetion, ame work. There are experi- oe i rt . : ‘ uesday. and further take ave one Prise : Prince Rupe Ocean Falls with sulphur. Saas der section 85 must be commence a be for biiced: men. th charge and Letterheads Opposite Post Office The Grand Trunk timber crews!) py an « Ye! Merrie Sons leven . a | are busy at the present time put- cae Saree rane an “pated this 11th day of December, A. D. they do the work well. Envelopes j | | | TOM LEE CO. 840 Second Avenue, West. VEGETABLES Wholesale and Retail General Contractors and Labor, Exchange. Prince Rupert, B.C, I, Phone 547 — P.O. Box 725 We have on hand a Posters few specially choice in- Dodgers itation cards in several : vie o Circulars styles. Call at the office Booklet ooRtets and see them _ before “ ordering. \ Y ne oenees oo eee PPR. . THEO COLLART, Notary Public FOR SALE--Lots 19 and 20, Block 18, Section 1, Third Avenue nea McBride $3,500 Each A REAL SNAP. MARINE INSURANCE REAL ESTATE FIRE INSURANCE Phone Blue 69 Westhoime Theatre Block P. 0. tox 66 Enews foe roo. ? ? cell LAND ACT on vn Form No. 9 I Hand Your Baggage Chec! } weve LE JOE BROWN an RUPERT LAND oe | JISTRICT OF CASSIAR — si Motor Transfer and of ‘Duncan, british’ Columbla, “wceupation | P. % Spinst i Huteuds 2 apply et Poatie an assenger Service op ase é follo esc ad 8; c ; vomment ae a f a post planted at a ‘pong $ Stand, Empress Hote! m high water line on the Westerly shore of the Portland Canal, o e North Boun dary of Latest. tassise Bestice ike Phones 176, Black 334 Vrovince of British Columbia, distant south ; degrees, 06 les East, one tho | sand three hundred and thirty-six and five Quick Deliveries feuins feet from the northwest corner of Lot 434; thence south 85 degrees, 0¢ serene ininutes East, two hundred feet; thence co-atin-eaameesenseesieninresemetnesnenbe SD suuth 8&8 degrees 12 minutes West, eight) # coor Lodred and ten feet, thenceNorth s4 de grees, 55 nutes West, 0 dred and 7 minety even, faat the a oe ‘he Phones 41 and Red 391 ai een line northerly to point of com For Hire by the Hour, | Area approximately four and a half acres Day or Week hore or Jess, e LENORA MABEL SMITH, by her agent, A. A. Forsyth Date 1920. sth January, LAND ACT Launch Alice B. ‘ Sick ge ad Buildings, Victoria, 1 eee. E.. BURGESS. Form No, 9.) deing fishpackers. €., within thirty days after the first ap y Hans K. Christensen, Agen ——- gos Meats : , ng fishpac . y xarance of this notice in a local news Located October 9th, 1919. FORM OF NOTICE. Picnic and Fishing Parties It is not intended to. contradict paper. The date of the first publicatio: Rea te Se ret nent eens — Trips round Harbor the statement by Mr Meagher of this notice is January 6, 1920, THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH | PRINCE RUPERT LAND DISTRIC1 P ote ’ one YORTH AMERICAN TIMBER HOLDIN« COLUMBIA *| DISTRICT OF CASSIAR MYHILL ONES that only one salmon fisherman _COMPANY, Applicant. _ iw IN! THE MATTER 4 2 saa | _ TAKE NOTICE that Lenora Mabel Smith J. nj had turned in bis International | NOTICE TION ACT — HE ADMINISTRA 1S) ane eee ‘cone ie Secunaaien onnabimmedingne nomen AC } ster, . s O apply rv To ssio eee a sand, but can Mr. Meagher tell us