——— ih wy ul i F iD ee Office Hours--Morning, 9 to 12; DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE THE ee, oh Saturday, January 13 19 Page 6 ee gman SIBNSocs ~ygpttonnennenenneUaTTit * as ATISFIES = GRAPELADE! ‘The new Grape Jam selling at 25c To introduce same we will sell 2 Tins for 25c Must accompany other goods BIC SOAP SPECIAL 5 Bars Golden West i Bar Palm Olive 14. Bar Goblin Soap : 1 Bar infant's Delight Total Value, 75c—On Sale ALL for 50c. CRANBERRIES SPECIAL 2 Pounds for 25c. PALM OLIVE SOAP a few days only at llc per bar Stock he on Palm Olive as it is worth a good deal more at the wholesale. Nice Juicy New Oranges— 3 dozen ‘for-*.ss..4% $1.00 Brown Beans, good value— Special .... 3 Ibs. for 25c Olives, extra value ....... Ca prs 2 bottles for 25c Hamsterley or Quaker Peach ETT 55 ass besa $1.70 Jur Own Special Blend Cottee fresh ground ...... 60c Fuller’s Best Tea, pemlb. 65e ruller’s Special Tea, lb. 60c Fuller's Kade Tea, uer lb, 50c Christie’s Cream Sodas, per ! COMP LOR a 3ie, tials 5 sieistd 25c Pacific Milk, per case, $5.35 Pacitie Milk, 9 tins for $1.00 | Maple Leaf Milk, case, $5.50 Pancake Syrup, per bottle 25c | Seeded Raisins 2 pkgs. 35c | B. C. FRESH EGGS Every egg guaranteed to be the | Best Egg in Rupert @42%8 | Only | 80c per Dozen. Home-made Preserves Quart jars, only six left, was $1.25, | Will Clear Out for 50c per Bottle. - wr ™ HAVE YOU MADE YOUR DEPOSIT? | it Saves Timeand Trouble | on Phone Orders | ' | { i FULLER’ SLTD PHONE 45 ' “Wee MacGregor” The Oiginal Light Weight, Portable, Gasoline Operated Drag Saw and Power Plant. Frequently Imitated—Never Equalled. There are fourteen exclusive money and time- saving features embodied in the “WEE MacGRBE GOR.’ Space will not permit us to gi f if you will write for our descriptive and illfistrate d folder which describes them in detail, we believe you will be interested to the features are not possessed by any one other dragsaw on the market today. WEE MacGREGOR SAW MANUFACTURING CO. gor Fuel and ofl. 310 Granville Street Bpevareenrenenaenrontavavepoensatarocvoveassceuantetnencarevnstnnin a etHtntHAR —— ‘Trade last night the new presi- UOTTETASUOUEERETTEES DRAG SAW ve them jn detail, but point of further inquiry. These Costs 4¢ a Cord Vancouver, B.C. TOUAUDCQUSESEOEOREDOSEDSISSOUELSESUEEUEOERESOGLSQEQEUEUERUSGESEN0S0G 000000000000 00 SEUREEU ON NA RTS | At the Board of Trade meeting last night a letter regarding the car shortage was read. Mr. Mc- Call said that the company had placed an order for fifty addi- tional cars which he hoped would relieve the situation. At the meeting of the Board of dent appointed a committee con- sisting of M. P. McCaffery, J. H. Pillsbury and H, F. Pullen to draw up a short memorendum of the reasons why the road should be built from Prince Rupert to the mouth of the Skeena river. This will be forwarded to the member for the district. For Sale Lots 26-27, Block 1, See. 8 $150 Each. 4-room house, Fifth Avenue, Section 5, $1,575 Terms, 4-room house apd bath, See- lion 5, $3600 Terms. eCafiery, Gibbons & Doyie, Ltd. Phone 16,- - 3rd Avenue ENTISTRY Don’t neglect your Teeth One decayed or miasfng tooth lowers your efficiency DR. BAYNE Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Satur. dey, 9 to 12 only, Evenin 8, Tuesday, Wednesday anil ri- day, from 7 to 9, PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENT | St. Regi s Cafe SUNDAY, pt 18 Dinner a la carte Menu on the Counter Sunday dinner at t the St. Regis s getting. to be quite the popular arrangement, Just as soon as the business warrants it, we intend to equip a splendid dining room up stairs, which will seat nearly a hundred people without crowding. You can recommend the St. Regis to any of your friends and feel sure that they will thank you for the tip Monday, January 19 BREAKFAST, 35c 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. Sunkist Oranges Rolled Oats or Grape Nuts Liver stripped with Bacon Toast Marmalade Coffee LUNCHEON, 50c 11:30 to 2 p. m. Bean Soup Getied English Plaice, drawn butter Alaska Salt Cod in Cream Boiled Beef, a la Jardiniere Beef Steak and Kidney Pie Anglaise Calves’ Liver smothered in Onions Pickled Pork with Cabbage Roast Stuffed Breast of Veal Mashed, Boiled or. Baked Potatoes fot Mince Pie Coltee DINNER, 50c 5 to 7:30 p.m. Vegetable Soup Fried Fillet of Sole, Tartar Sauce Boiled Tongue, Country Gravy Fricasse of Veal, Parsley Dumplings Baked Pork Spare Ribs with dressing Kidney Saute on Toast Roast Beef a la mode Baked, Mashed or Boiled Potatoes , Vanilla Pudding Apple Ple Colfee westholme LUACI MAY. BILLINGS, Prop, 15¢ Chicken Diner 75¢ Sunday, January 18 Sou y 1D. Cream Tomato Fish Fried or oiled Salmon, Halibut Smokes Rlack Cod. Salads. Crisp Head Lettuce Dill Pickles Lobster Salad Entrees. Asparagus Tips on Toast Baked Heart with Dressing Roasts. Roast Chicken with Dressing Breaded Veal Cutlets, String Beans Stuffed Baked Tenderloin egetables. Steamed or Baked Potatoes Mashed Carrots oe = Dessert. Fruit Custard Pudding Ap ple, Hot Mince Pie Tea - - Coffee 50c SPECIAL MENU. Monday, Janrary 19 Luncheon 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Dinner 6:30 p.m. to 7:30. Soup. Vegetable ish. Fried or Bolled Salmon, Halibut Smoked Bleck Cod ‘olled. Spare Ribs and Cabbage Entrees. Beef Steak Ple Baked Sausage, Tomato Sauce Fricasse of Lamb, Green Peas Roaste. Roast Beef Koast Veal with Dressing Vegetables. Plain boiled or mashed Potatoes Mashed Parsnips Dessert, Ginger Pudding Apple; Raisin Pile Tea Coffee SHORT ORDERS SERVED ANY TIME iin ¥ Oem ee ee tl lt a a Local News Notes — SK is in the city. . . . O. B. U. Hall at 8 o'clock. see, * * ° noon. * t Rupert. theft of $120 from a Chinaman the police court. . * * the Court House at 8 o'clock. ® . * St. last night. J, Iemerson. that the assets of the Board mounted to $325, Eddie Clapp appeared before Magistrate MceMordie®in the Polic: Court this morning charzed wit! furious driving. He is alleged to have knocked Alex. Austin down. The case was adjourned till Mo: day morning. . . . On the recommendation of a ommittee, Messrs. Pattullo, Mo- ley, Manson and Nicholls were ppointed to attend the meeting if the associated boards of trade iext month. These may not all » able to attend. e e > Dr. and Mrs. MeNeill entertain- don Thursday evening at a very pleasant house parfy in their home on Fourth Avenue West. The amusement took the form of suessing .contests and musical numbers. About 25 young people vere present, . e W. M. Wright, secretary of the General Hospital, left on this ‘norning’s train for Ottawa where re will spend some time visiting vith his sister, in that city. Mr. Wright will be away for three months and will visit various points in Eastern Canada and the States. ¥ . . Henry Brown, a Kitkatla In- lian, was fined ten dollars this inorning under the Indian Act for being drunk. Avwrest was made by Constables Watkinson and Me- Donald and the accused unsue- cessfully played the role of “sea- lawyer’ this morning in cross- examining the constables himself. ROME TO TOKIO. (Spectal via G.T. FP. Telegraphs.) ROME, Jan. 17.—The Caproni Tokio has arrived at Aleppo. ie ienpasieeniienneindiisiien ie a WATCH for Next Week’s Specials to appear in this paper starting Monday’s is- sue. Sale Starts TUESDAY, Jan. 20th and finishes Saturday, Jan. 24th. The past week’s sale continues till Saturday night at 10 p.m. Deliveries of late orders will be made Monday. Do not come here on Monday and. ask for “these specials as sale positively closes Satur- Eat | Rupert Table Sup Supply Co, FROM 7 A.M. TO MIDNIGHT mms. Phones 211, 212 Rh, S, Sinelair, of Wales Island, Carpenters’ Unit meets tonight Spring dresses and skirts just arrived at Demers. Come and 14 J. A. Spencer came m from Port Simpson yesterday after- The “Director” Corset. Manu- factured in Prince Rupert. Phone Blue 92. tf \. J. Mott, of Port Clements, ts sewistered at the Hotel Prince o! Alexander, accused of the was this morning dismissed in important general meeting of the Army and Navy Veterans’ As- sociation will be held tonight in Miss Lorna ‘Tite entertained ® iumber of her High School friends at a house party at the home of her parents on Borden Four new members were added to the Board of Trade at their neeting last night, H. K..Free- nan, C. C. Mills, J. B. Roenig and The reading of the financial statement of the Board of Trade last night elicited the fact that here was a deficit of $4741, but Sunlight Soap LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO Purity! Purity! Purity! The one dominating note that runs all through the making of Sunlight Soap is Purity. The $5,000 Guarantee you get with every single bar is not a mere advertisement. a standard set for the buyers who select the choice Sunlight Soap materials—for the soap boiler—for the expert chemists—for the girls, even, who wrap and pack Sunlight. It marks Insist on getting the Soap you ask, for — WETHCDIST CHURCH NATIONAL FORWARD Preachers on Sunday will be, » DD, super-| intendent for B . B. S..A. SERVICES International dents will hold a service tomor;- , Sunday, in the K. P. A hearty welcome extended to all. BAPTIST CHURCH Morning worship will take plac > service in the evening SCANDINAVIAN LEAGUE baietads will ag of Trade roms, sunday, January 18, SECRETARY. Second Avenue, « NOTICE Owing to the heavy inerease in} operating expenses, dersigned, are obliged to make advance in our price list, Monday, January ‘nay be obtained from our drivers. PIONEER LAUNDRY CANADIAN eee. LAUNDRY. airplane en route from Rome to! CALEDONIAN cLue The weekly danoe held on Ninth: Avenue, will be from now on held in St. Andrew's Hall every Satur- day evening from 9 till 12. tations orily. Ss. O. c. OFFICERS The Sons of Canada elected of- President, W, E C. Knight; 2nd Viee. McKachern: Guard, J. J, walnut case, a very special singing tone, and easy responsive is absolutely the buy that I have ever Open this evening, oppo- PHONES 130 ang 423. Georgetown Lumber Co. P. O. BOX 1632 ' Largest Assortment of Lumber in Central B. C. FISH BOXES 4 SPECIALTY SPRUCE FIR Consult Us. CEDAR WCUTCHEON CHARGED UNDER LIQUOR LAWS: Filled McDonneli Prescriptions; Alleged That no Proper Record was Kept. W. J. MeCutcheon, local drug gist, appeared in the Police Court this morning charged under the B.C, Prohibition Act with not keeping a proper record of liquor prescriptions filled by him. The charge is a sequel to the recent |MeDonnell liquor case in which the prescriplions were filled by | icLutcheon, lhe case is ad-] @urned till Monday. ‘ee euneRe eee ete @neee_ ee * TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY * ee WANTED—Maid. Mrs. J. C. Me- Lennan, 430 Fourth Avenue West. 4 if Man (32) good knowledge general] bookkeeping desires position. Box 34, Daily News Uffice. tf SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION iS'tt POF QUEEN CHANLOTTE ISLANDS TAKE NOTICE that Willlam 4. Leary ¢ Skidegate, B.C, setter, intends to. apply jor @ License to prospect 1 beiroteunm: Gi ain under hike ' leseribed lands; Commencing at i post planted cone toile east of the north-west corner f io iS, Lhence cust 0 chem thenee north D chains, thenée west 80 chains, then uth 80 chains, to point of commence nent Dated this 22nd day of October, 1919 WILLA LEAKY, Applicant SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION DISTRICT OF QULI CHAMLOTTE ISLANDS TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leaps Skidegate, B.C., settler, intend to apply for & Hicetise to prospect for coal ana petvoloum on and under the following deseribed lands Commencing at @ post planted twenty hains cast of the north-east corner of DL 6414, thence wast 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence east 80° chalns thence north 80 chains, to point of com nencement, Dated this 23rd day of October, 1419 WILLIAM J. LE DANY, Applic ant. SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION, DISTRICT OF OQUREN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS TAKE NOTICE that William 4, Legpy of Skidegate, B.C., settler, intends to Wpply for @ license to prospect for coal and petroleum on and wader the followine leseribed lands Commencing at a post planted horth-east corner of DI 2799, thenee west 80 chains, thence north #0 chains, | thenee east 80 chains, thence south gd} chains, to point of commencement, Dated this 21st day of Oetober, 1919 WILLIAM J, LEARY, Applicant { MM. Stephens Notary Public Conveyancer ==, FOR SALE Four - roomed plastered house, on Eighth Avenue between McBride St. King Edward School with ex cellent lot $1,900.00 Terms. M. M. Stephens Real Estate Insurance Financial Agen! POSE Pe A PATHEPHON: In your home makes it pos sible for you to. give most delightful entertain ments to your gnests. Ask oun easy terms, Full Stock of Records Our repair department equipped to handle repairs to all makes of Gramo phones, string, wood - wind and brass instruments. Violin Bows Rehaired. wot, Will Edmunds Prince Rupert Music Store Opposite the Post Office Box 644 Phone BLACK 185