Thursday, January ) 7 ’ 1999 ; News 0 cama ih Page 8 THE DAWLY NEWS ire od Ban. So ™ es = eZ . seem te es eS AO RI ON ec | wansines marron @ = cama aaa ead GENERAL SEMENOFF. J Notes Jif = IS SUPREME RULER /_Local New’ "'n mee es ee mst @ " " F OR SALE OF SIBERIA, HE SAYS) eurns Banquet Friday Night. | { ‘ ‘ , aie ‘third Avenue West; 38 bedrooms, 20% off on all coats at Demers. House and Lot, ae ere Ltn ; yantry. bath, two (Special via G. T. P. "0. TP; talterepia) et e . . dining room, living room, yf ons eras si HARBIN, Jan. 22.—General | Pianos correctly tuned. $6.00, , ete. stoves. Very well built, The price 1s Semenoff-has issued a proclama-!(, (, Walker. Phone Blue 389. tf iJ tion as commander of the all- ee ee Russian armies declaring that he| The “Dinector’ Corset. oie : has assumed the supreme rulen-| factured in Prince Rupert. ir 3 ship of Siberia. pa 92. ary ndi er. five years. oe ‘ | on very easy terms extending over five y WHIST LEAGUE Joint meeting of Fishpackers v — tog Fishermen's Units a oS land Deep Sea Fishermen: a : 5 R ON, LTD. pentose’ er ete , , H. G. 1. G. HELGE 5 The Oddfellows beat the, Mrs. D. J Hancook returned to ~ Insurance Rentals Hea! Estate coer of rie i at Seah a ye a A alien ataaey We a night by a score of 5 to 3. e sien “lent aia te ‘leame between the Sons of Eng= Prince weird 1 - Vass Though our sale form- i — ————— —— land and the a Cer Tn \ B. Gaulson and Mrs. T. A. ; iwas postponed. Next week the, 1). arrived in town: yester- il | d d S ‘ 62ND BATIN. C EF. } Sons of England and Canada mee! ieee We savin at the Hotel a y conc u e on at | ME and the Valhafla will play the je oo nant. ort | ! | L ND : : Prince Rupert. i » | GRAP ELADE! | REGIMENTAL FUND jcrciiows. akan | urday last we will | F Following is the present stand- — Gijpjs’ basketball game tonight The new Grape Jam selling at 25¢c Ata nipeting ‘of the ex-members | j ng: W. LL. Pct.’s¢ g sharp. Meteor Girls vs. - ° ° ] | ‘fo introduce same we will sell jof this battalion, it was resolved Oddfellows 6 2 741 Maple Leafs and Beavers vs. Dry - continue to give pecia > < Tins on, Sa i Feed eth =. xn fund = Sons of Canada ‘ 3 571 dock Junior. Admission 25¢ and ‘ | | ust accompany other goods divided amongs ie widows and/gt, Andrew’s 4 3 571 {Be S | P SHOES BIG SOAP SPECIAL dependents of deceased comrades!xyights of Pythias 3 4 429. ae aie rrices on Wy | 5 Bars Golden West and amongst those disabled com-|yajnhalla 3 5 375 On‘ account of the St. Andrew's { Bar Palm Olive rades who are in actual need of gons of England 4 4 200 Society banquet tomorrow night, + OA S, a0, 1 Bar Goblin Soap assistance. the scheduled basketball game . 1 Bar Infant's Delight | Applicants are therefore noti- the Dominion meteorologist between the Sons of England and d th | | Total Value, 750>—On Sale | ed to forward to the under- onorted the thermometer reading the Callies has been postponed. an many orner fines signed on or before the 31st day eet nae. | | ALL for 50c. ~GRANGERRIES SPECIAL 2 Pounds | for é 265c. eRe *PALM OLIVE SOAP a few days only at llc per bar on Palm Olive as it is a good deal more at the wholesale. Stock u wor Nice Juicy. New 3 dozen for Brown Beans, good value— Special . 3 Ibs. for 25c Olives, extra value : .... 2 bottles for 25c Hamsterley or Quaker Peach Oranges— seen MOS Oy oes cae ee’ $1.70 Jur Own Special Blend Cotfee fresh ground ...... 60c Fuller’s Best Tea, per lb. 65c Fuller's Special Tea, lb. 60c¢ Fuller's Kade Tea, uer lb, 50c Christie’s Cream Sodas, per CRSMCREASTA <4 315 8245s 0 14°F 25c Pacific Milk, per case, $5.25 ,acific Milk, 9 tins for $1.60 Maple Leaf Milk, case, $5.50 Pancake Syrup, per bottle 25c Seeded Raisins 2 pkgs. 35c B.C. FRESH EGGS Every egg guaranteed to be the Best Egg in Rupert BRR Only 80c * per Dozen. Home-made Preserves Quart Jars, only six left, was $1.25, Will Clear Out for 50c per Bottle. HAVE YOU MADE YOUR DEPOSIT? It Saves Time and Trouble on Phone Orders FULLER’S LTD PHONE 45 For Sale Lots 26-27, Block 1, Sec. 8 $150 Each. 4-room house, Fifth Avenue, Section 5, $1,575 Terms. a 5-room house and bath, Sec- $3600 Terms. McCaffery, tion 5, Gibbons & Doyle, Ltd. 16 = - 3rd Avenue Phone CIGARS $1.03 . | | | | | | 20, their names an addresses in full, regimenta number, date of death, nuieibee and ages of dependents, of January 19 mongst those who have filed their laims as required. nd \vant more than it is worth, dvertise in some other paps Che News cannot sell it. RERCR RA RII SR St. Regis Cafe Friday, January 23. BREAKFAST, 35c 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. Stewed Prunes Hot Cakes Stripped with Hadon Buttered Toast _. Marinalade Coffe e ~~ LUNCHEON, 50c 11:30 to 2 p. m. Tomato Soup Boiled Alaska Satt Cod, Cream Sauce Boiled Black Cod, Drawn Butter Bolied Pork Spare Ribs and Cabbage Steak and Kidney Pie, English style OUR Pool Room moved to 721 Third Ave. Opposite The Empress Hotel SODA Two per cent. Beer , TE EO Meme Nae Fe pene aw. ‘ THE DAILY NEws' SUBSCRIBE FOR Veal Pot Pile with Dumplings ‘tkins’ Sausage and Mashed Potatoes tioast Beef and Pan Gravy Mashed, bolted or Baked Potatoes . Tapioca Pudding a soffe 2C “DINNER, 5uec 5& to 7:30 p.m. Macaroni Sup Grilled Halibut Steak, Vartar Sauce Bolled Salmon Egg Sauce Braised Short Ribs of Beef with Vegetables stripped with Lamb Fricassee Roast Veal with Dressing Appie Pile Coffee ” 8T. REGIS LIMERICK CONTEST To the person centributing the best Limerick on the St. Regis Cafe’s popular Jines of pastry or on the Cafe itself, we will give a prize of £5.00 in meals, Contest starts im- mediately and closes Saturday, Jan- uary 31, and all Limericks must ap- pear in the Daily News on or be- fore that date. We will judge this contest ourselves, Wht will not know Liver Bacon the names of any of the writers. On Monday, February 2, in the Daily News ‘will appear the Limerick we decide is the best. The following day the News will announce the winner’s name. We will give the winner one week to é@at out the prize. Address all Limericks to the Daily News only, and sign name to same, This Is Worth Repeating |Mrs. Hall uses makes with Pacific cause, as she says, way it (the butter) than lard.” We have been wondering if any other women have tried Pacific Milk Butter for baking and cooking, It really does bill in two, Pacific Milk Co. Limited she be- This new is cheaper butter Milk, oer cut the butter f present: income from all sourees and full! particulars of present circum- stances. After the said date the com- rniltee will divide the = fund | | } FACTORY AT LADNER, B.C. epee 2 SSRI ‘ainak thia f I morning, ‘The condition of the | While the well known vocalist, tice at Salt Lakes for skating is Jennie and Frederick Taggart ar: ‘not known, but Morse Creek wil: PXxpected to visit Prince Rupert in not be ready for use as the water the near future, the date not ‘has all gone through the dam on Fertain, They will not come on account of the necent floods. City ‘February 1. eflicials say that the dam will | have to be repaired in the sum mer if it to be effective. Burns Banquet Friday Night. is . | ; . » ; no camouflage about any of §.:oms Miss Katherine Pillsbury ; our specials, nor have we 9/20" Wears an undergraduat | | Bea h ‘sown about the halls of the Uni ; any strings attached to the \ersity of British Columbia. The i ‘ | sity ‘ Y a. | ; 3 c Fo a ; price we quote. wearing of the gown signifies the ; We deliver to any part of jdrawing near of spring gradu: the city. tion, Miss Pillsbury will take her 4 Wo. 1—Province Brooms, 5-string, j dle gree in may. 4 regular $1.25, Special ...... 97¢c . fi a te S for she tone oa | Robert Scott was fined $23, No. 3—Christie’s Sodas, 2-Ib. tins, Bi with an option of 30 days’ im- new price will be 70c, Special 59C ae | by : os | No. 4.——Del Monte Corn, 2-1b - tins, prisonment, by Magistrate Me- Soe seeaignte apeeat eee ae fordie this morning on two SUC stlrals >. ORME (4.8 0:6 0 ote 23C ’ No, 5—--Eagle Rik, Drie advancing lcharges of drunkenness and wil- every week, Special .....0.6 22¢c ’ | No. 6—Wid Rae Pasiry Flour, 10- ful damage. Yesterday afternoon } tb, sucks, new selling price wi be | : inka > . 4 ; ¥ 64.00; WDBbIBL va chines ses ive Bl broke the lock on a blind doo: | No. 7—Glacier Sardines, packed in @f/i.. the prison only to find himsel! j pure olive oil, reg. value = 25c. \ oe ; Guaranteed the ‘best domestic sar- } Confronted with a concrete wall. 4 dine on the Canadian Market for . > ; ize and quality, Special 17¢ rn ; : me 4 No. 8—Del Honte sliced pineapple, | rhe Princess Mary is due hers ) 2-ib. tins, reg. value 45c, Spec, 37¢ « . Ie , Pro. i * No, 9—White Cooking Figs, | new outhbound for: Vancouver ani } stock, reg. 30¢ lb. Special .. 25¢ Ib, Victoria from Alaskan points on 4 No, 10—Fry’s Cocoa %-Ilb, tins, “, ‘dav f ‘ , } regular gue Straight, Special 27¢ Saturday morning. A new schedul , No. 11—Shredded Cocoanut in buik, P enjling Bleaki ‘ “noA { tekular 40e Ib. Special per Ib.y 83¢ of sailing for Alaska has recently ; No. 12—Quaker Pears, 2-Ib. tins, in been announced at the ©, P. Rh. wavy syrup, reg, *, Special 29c 8 : . ' No. 13 pave) City 6. Speci 2-Ib. ofiice which provides for a fort- ; ‘hs, Spectal eae 17¢ ig > garvice > Februar Mg. (hermnians bh Biekd Sees’ te nightly service for February, in- 1 M4 - Ib, packiges, Special apna ‘tb. “sugunating a ten-day service in ; TS ris oles Oats, 6-Ib. ¢ Sacks, Special, each, ..... . 43¢ March. ~ No 16——Robinhood Porridge “Wheat dpenciptllaars sin antes centamted, <.aiiiicbeni \ In 4-lb. tubes, similar to Cream of } Wheat, regular 40¢, Special 338c¢ ; No, 17—~-Libby Spinach, 214-Ib. tins, ; reguiar 30¢, Special s/o | No, 18-—-Canada Corn ™: { 5; BG OOIME a oc cee 1 | ! No. 19—Sunlight Soap, 4 bars in i , cart m, regular 3hc, Special 20¢ o v’oO 8 ) PeSe, ne ar . . tL Aek Th, Maelo ee rewular: $e The annual meeting of the * No. 21- =Weleh’s are ‘Juice, a8. ‘Presbyterian Ladies’ Aid was held a te 5e pecia wrens 5 63¢e : > ° We Clark’s— Catsup, " ‘Special ii the Manse on Tuesday after. CORT |, PENA eel oo ide eb oc 05 a 2Qie ‘er . » Qt 6 Andé. SinaloMolaases. my. noon and ofticers for tie year, in 450, Special... 6.055 ‘1920 were elected. They are as 4". b- tins, regular 90¢, Special 796 ‘¢ llows’ i. 24—Mother’s Creamettes, per O1LOWS*.—— CRONE ME iat as a Ph i skh 10¢ resi » 7 No 25-——Terrace Strawberries pack- | President, Mrs. H. R, Grant, 2d tn pint and quart E E.Z. Seal jars, First Vice-President, Mrs. EK. ¢ special, pts. 60ce Ots, $1.00 : Special No, 26—-1000 Ibs, Mocha and | Wright. d : ave Coffee, fresh ground, 3 Ibs, |; Second Wice - President, Mrs. OP UR UA cerca rs hie $1.25 Special No. 27B. ©. Fresh Eges; | MeDonald. reg, 90¢ Stock, Special, doz,. 75¢ Secretary, Mrs, ©, A. Kegert. Wateh for additions to this st. Bf) Treasurer, Mrs. R, H. Chestnut. effective tll January 24. | Saturday, . ; ’ : 1 _ pay Executive Committee—Mrs. I, M. Spencer, Mrs, David Thomson | Mrs. James Carmichael and Mrs. Table Supply Limerick Contest We will give a prize of 5.00 in ip groceries or meats to the person I. E, Pringle. os ntributing the best limerick on cep rermipctemnpsion th's store, Same must appear in the Dally News on or before Saturday, | N 9 TI c E January 31st, We will judge the Winner Ourselves, but will not know Ww ho it is until we have announced ‘he prize winning limerick in the Daily News Monday, Feb. 2. Address all limericks to the Daily News with signature, Any person ‘or persons having any outstanding accounts against the Yee Yee Laundry, please make ) application to the West End Cafe, ,942 Third Avenue, not later than : Rupert Table Supply Qp, fireneonn i tom WONG KEI KONG, Phones 211, 212 Prince Rupert, B. ¢ Dei int ee January 20, 1920. 22 —S——_— of Seasonable Merch- andise for a few days more. PN ems eres H. §. WALLACE €O., [7D. Corner Third Ave and Fulton St, - ee ST ES a of saig claima for the purpose KEKE EERE HH OHH * © * TU SUBSCRIBERS ” ® sonia aly * * Subscribers to The News * are asked to pas the de. , livery boys ench month * when they cali, except 4% where payment tins beet ¥ * made for the year in ad *| * vance. The boys when *) collecting carty ollicini re- ’ * ceipts which should -al- *] * ways be preserved . * : Stee ROR HRP EH FO TIMBER SALE X 2090. Sealed tenders will be received by the linisier of Lands not jiater than noon on ue ih day of February, 1920, for the purchase or Licence X 2000 to cut 700,000 eet f Spruce, Cedar, Hemlock and Bal ani on Lot 1104, Noose-Seek Hiver, KR, 3, ‘ t District rhree 3 years will be allowed for emoval of timber | Purther particulars of the Chief For ster, Victoria, or the District Forester irinee Rupert, B.C 17-25 NOTACE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ah ap lication will be mad 4 iu sembly. of the Pravin ( ish Co mbia at the mext psessk ub pehalf of tHE ARCHITECTURAL INSTITUTE ort MRITISH COLUMBIA for a private bill 1 | rporating the satd Inatitute, the said biil » be known as ‘ THE BRITISH COLUM KCHITECTS’ ACT’ for the purpose overning and regulal the practi rehitecture in the Vr vince of British Co mia DATED at the Cit f Vancouver rovince of British Coltumlla iy of November, A.D. 1919 G. ROY LONG, Solicitor far the Appl wnt ~ MINERAL AUT cr] } Certificate of improvem®nte. NOTICE. | KING SOLOMON and IKON KING Mineral Clalins, situate in the Bella Coola Mining} Division of Coast District. | Where located West side of Dean Channel, North of Cascade Inlet in Rang | 3, Coas. District, TAKE NOTICE that ft, HUGH ARCHIBALD MACLEAN, as.Agent for SMELTERS STEEFI | COMPANY, Free Miner's Certificate No 7,239, ‘ntend, sixty days from the dave |" hereof, to apply the Mining Recorder! for a Certificate of Impr vements for eac! | of obtaining a (rown Gri the above elains. And further take notice that actlor un der Section 85, must be commen ed f ihe issuance of such Certificate of im. provements Mated this 15th day of January, A. D 1920, ask Ss H. A. MACLEAN rer ere - | D E N TIS T RY} I OFFICE HOURS; : 8 a.m. to 12; 1:80 p m. to 6:80 am DR. J. 8. BROWN DENTIET OMce; Binith Blooky Third Avenus Prnowe i94 CORO IPREL IMD ME EN Once mem /N THE HEAD ‘NILUENZA LA GRIPPE Relieved in a night b, [N CAPSULE FORM Pormule~ Aspyr henacetine, Quinine Selol, Caffein, Cascara and Cam- phor Monobromate—just what your physician would ye. ‘ ASTI Deuggists 55 tox jroceror we ee ee ee eee ee PRPPPOL ELL OOPOPOPEPOOOVIM DENTISTRY Don't neglect your Teeth One decayed or missing tooth lowers your efficiency DR. BAYNE Office Hours--Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.9; Satur- d«y, 9 to 12 only Ey venings, Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri- day, from 7 to 9 DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENT , 5 ‘ ‘ ’ ‘ POLE ELL OP LOL LOL ELA OOO OOE M.M.Stephens Notary Public Conveyancet SECTION 2. Block 7 $760, Cash Block 15, 75 f on Van Arsd $1500, Cash. : Block 16, : o SECTION q. ; Block 5, Fif venus i $300, Cash Block 49, ebu and Seal Cove $250, Cash SECTION EIGHT. rt Lots 17 & 18, Block Elev en Ave * $800 Gaoh, . Pair ‘ Lot 14, Block Eleventh Ave $350, Cash ott Lots 3 & 4, Block 32, Seven" Ave., ’ $400, Cash, pelr. ; One double apartment house on Fifth Ave., Harbour \ ew, earning $70.00 per month, fe ale, $5,500.00 as M. M. Stephens Real Estate Insurance Financial Agen: A PATHEPHON ft In your home makes it pos- for you to give the most delightful entertiil- ments to your guests. Ask our easy terms. Full Stock of Records Our repair departmen! equipped to handle repall® to all makes of Grane Phones, string, wood - wind and brass instruments. Violin Bows Rehaired. Will Edman's sible is 5 Prince Rupart Music S'cre Hoe Opposite the Post “! \ Box 644 Phone BLACK 183} a