Friday, January 23, 1920. THE DAILY NEWS WHITE COOKS ONLY —_ carey nothing but Swirt’s Byium Ham and Bacon and | Strictly Fresh Eggs. —— Good Breakfast, try our okfield Sausage and Eggs Country Style. make a specialty of Good teaks or a Well Cooked Dinner. Se FAPOPOIOZe. AF NESS AND NOISES IN THE HEAD You are a Sufferer Go to your 1 Drugeist and order Concen- ed Sourdal, price 81 per tin. s New remedy gives almost im- diate relief, and quickly effects a vanent cure. It penetrates to actual seat of the complaint, and completely cured) many cases ich were considered hopeless. If r Chemist does not yet stock urdal’ do not accept any sub- Mitute, but send money-order for a yply direct to the ‘Sourdal’ Dis- Ibuting Co. 38, Station Road, pydon, Surrey, Eng., and a package Hil be mailed per return with full ections, oston (frill | ——— COMMITTEES CLASSIFIED) FOR THE BOARD OF TRADE, 1920 President Parker Notifies Mem- bers of Work They are Expected to do. @ Peps willgive you relief,' Simply dissolve a Peps tablet ia your mouth. Your breath carries the medicinal Pine vapor, which ie released, to all parte of the throat, nasal and air passages, where a liquid medicine could not possibly reach. This vapor de stroys all germs with which it comes in contact, soothes and heals the inflamed membranes and fortifies you against coughs, colds, sore throat, bronchitis and grippe. Peps cont#in absolutely no harm- ful drugs and are therefore the Ss. E. Parker, president of the Prince Rupert Board of Trade, has notified the respective meri- bers of the Board of Trade of their appointment to the various committees. The following is safest remedy for children. the list: FREE TRIAL Cut out this | a tad iis aa 3. article, write aah ae 7 Nefomaland: | acrossit the name and date of this iD. "| paper, and mail it (with Ic. stamp Trade and Commerce — F. G, i O. = : aes to Peps } Dawson, J. Bulger, J. D. McAuley. ! a ree trial packet LenteleitonW, 01 Fulton, ‘| Ji cae be cont yee. An arom vegisle ‘eps, 50c. box. F, Pullen, O. H. Nelson. } | Railways and Navigation -=G.} |W. Nickerson, G. A. Munro, R.| Moore. | Port—R. Beaumont, H. B. Bab-! bington, P. G. Groves. | | eps Mining —A. C. Garde, J. B. |Roerig, L. W. Patmore. MAKE BREATHING EASY | Fisheries—J. Dybhavn, G. W.| J | Nickerson, W. E. Williams. | w. P. Nocat- STRIKERS THREATEN Entertainment — ifery, G. J. Frizzell, J. D. McAuley. om i | Publicity—J. B. Roerig, J. D.' TO DESTROY TUNNELS McAuley, E. C, Gibbons. at is he Finance—J. W. Nicholls, C. Simpion Being Protected by Sol- Orme, Jas. McRae. diers—Machine Guns H. ——_————— Lumber—J. W. Scott, E. F.’ Gpneva, Jan. 22.—All Italian Duby, R. Beaumont. — ‘international express trains are } Insurance—E, C. Gibbons, J. peing held owing to the strike in SMITH & MALLETT Dybhavn, Geo. D. Tite. ; Italy. Troops are occupying the ’ Civie—D. G, Stewart, H. F. Pul- simpion tunnel route and no . len, F. G, Dawson. ltrains are permitted to pass LUMBING AND HEATING Public Works—J. H. Piilsbury, through. ENGINEERS C, H. Orme, M. P. McCaffery. The strikers in Italy have Estimates furnished. hs threatened to destroy the Simplon ke and Mount Cenis tunnels and of Second Street. oe atades are grauted. ye ane machine guns are mounte hone 174 P.O. Box 274 IN LIMERICK on all locomotives. Trains are |moving no mails from Italy to ak —_———| COMPETITION “v2: and the telegraphs are not working. There i Dollar a Line for Winner; Verses! N OTICE \ Photographer Are Coming in. - | ae in town Verses are beginning to pomel meer hac tert as te mee T. J. DAVIDSON in for the puize competition. It! an ap ma Poids Uinavoldalls Hl | t dj is a simple thing to write a lim-| Unemployed y ] e Peer C55 U 0 erick, yet a dollar a line is paid} re ines a _—_—— to the winner and the St. Regis | i. his appropriation has Suite 22, Alder Block Cafe and the Rupert Table SupPly | heen arranged to assist cases of PHONE Red 328 are also offering five dollars ‘need arising through Non-em- worth of trade each for winners ployment, during the winter 1919- of limericks dealing with their For Comfort, Courtesy~ and Service go to The SAVOY HOTEL +o en) rere eee: F. T. Bowness MANAGER Phone 37 P.O. Box 1704 Hotel Prince Rupert EUROPEAN PLAN $1.50 per day and up. FItRST-OLASS CAFE A La Carte. Sefer. OPP ROMO A. G. GRAY Teacher of Piano Studio 187 Seeond Avenue PHONE 182 or 444 eer as OL LLL LA ie Pie ee ena oY on Es Pia | OTORK’? \ SELL WTOVE Gurneys commenced mak- 'ng stoves in 1843. Still in the same line of business 1919, Hundreds in use in Prince Rupert. —_-—-+ N SALE aT Fred Stork’s Hardware SECOND AVENUE Phone Black 114 l'Pis O'Reilly Freight Rates—H. 8. Wallace, | (guicy FR iF CHEW! a To equipment. Price $1,000 F.O.B. hoat. List of other engines furnished on application, Union Machine Works, Juneau. tf FOR SALE—12 h.p. heavy duty Atlas, with bronze shaft, pro- peller, magneto, coil, etc. This is the engine I used in the ‘Aileen.’ It is in perfect orde! and very little used. $1,600.00— M. M. Stephens. tf FOR SALE—25-40 h.p. Medium Duty Sterling Engine, Bosch ignition, 4 cyl., 4 cycle, in per- fect condition. 31,256.60.—M. M. Stephens. tf “OR SALE—-45-foot gasoline fish- ing boat ‘Mary M. Christopher.’ Apply Harry P. Lipsett, Lipsett Cunningham: & Co, tf newspapers, cheap for a job lot —News Office. FOR RENT FOR RENT-—Steam heated room, with two beds, suitable for gentlemen. Apply 708. Thind Avenue West. tf ee ee ——— RENT.—Two Housekeeping rooms, partly furnished, Drex- el Rooms, Second Avenue, 18 P. O, tf RENT for three months. Box 17314, TRANSFER iALLOWAY'S CARTAGE—Order your Coal now. Patronise re- turned veteran. Phone Green 325. tf _ MISCELLANEOUS ‘SONGS UNBIDDEN," by the Prospector, will make a nice gift book for your eastern friends. Poems of Love, Nature, Religion and Sociology. It is fragrant with the breath of balsams and pines. Leatherette covers, $41.50; velvet sheep, $2.00, post paid. Published by Victonia Printing & Publishing Co., 524 Yates St. Victoria, B.C, AGENCY FOR THE CELEBRATED “Eastern Standard" Marine En- gine built in sizes from 10 h.p. up. Seven hundred of these were used in submarine chasers during the war, They are just as good for any other purpose where reliability counts.—M., M. — Cc, _- south; thence 40 chains east; P J raphs.) re; thence following the shore line to (Special via G, T. Pf. Teles’ . nt of commencement and containing 20 ROME, Jan. 22.—The Caproni! feres, ‘more oF Wess oo ay airplane which is en route to E. Green, agent. F8 Tokio has reached Salonika. Dated 26th October, 1919. Stephens, Prince Rupert. tf Keep Baby's Woollens Soft and Sweet Even little garments are dear now—you must make them last, and of course you want them always soft and comfy for the important wee person, The little woollens need never shrink a thread—never stiffen or grow thick—not after repeated washings if you cleanse them in the pure, creamy Lux lather. It’s so simple to whip the delicate Lux flakes into a rich suds—so simple to squeeze the suds through the little garments—then take them out absolutely sweet- and clean and fresh. Lux is on sale at al] Grocers, Departmental Stores, &c. A handy little recipe booklet entitled, “The Care of Dainty Clothes” will be gladly sent free on request. LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO. FARMS FOR SALE | 4 THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, IN. PROBATE,* P. R. FARM LAND — Choice|!% farms in well settled districts in Western Canada; low prices; twenty years to pay; irrigated IN lands in Sunny Southern Al.\ berta, with loan of $2,000! in) ee z - THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA- TION ACT ? — and — CHARLES W. SHAIRLIN, “DECEASED. INTESTATE, | ' . improvements to assist . new), TAKE NOTICE that in order of His Honour F, McB, Young, ma hi teen settlers, Act now— they are. day of December, ey ‘O10. * reas — going fast. For free’ bouklet)'Charies We Shall, deceriea. et of parties having claims against the sald es- and full information write ie) are horehy reautiel to tomial tone G. Loughran, General Land} properly verified, to me, on or before the ‘ : . 116th day of January, A. DB. 0, agent, 744 Hastings St, West,) parties indebted to the Salta Ene required Vancouver, B.C. to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith, JOHN H,. McMULLIN, | OMelal Administrator, Advertise in the Daily News. Dated this 16th day of December, 1919. .