Sse =" B@c. a box. Page 6 NO PROFITEERING WITH ZAM-BUK Before the war, Zam-Buk was rapidly advancirg, the price of Zam-Buk to the consumer remain the same. Now, with the war ever, while some prices continue te soar, Zain-Buk is still 50c. a box! Net only so, but the same high standard of quality has been main- tained throughout. All during the war, when the cost of production was | There has been no profiteering m fa regard to Zam-Buk. For every bex you have bought, you have been asked to pay fair value only. Is this method of doing business get worthy of recognition? Ans- | wer this question by pele to i recommend, to appreciate, and to use Zam-Buk—the greatest house- hold healer of modern times. Use it for all skin troubles, ec- gema, ringworm, abscesses, ulcers, | boils, pimples, piles, blood-poison- ing, chapped hands, cold sores, cuts, bruises, burns, scalds, etc. All Dealers, 50c. Box. am-Buk BREAD | eet $1 FOR Fresh Daily. A Full Line of Pastry Turned Out Daily Christie's Sweet Biscuits Assorted tins 2 and 4 Pounds East We carry in stock the fol- lowing assortment:— Rusks Cocoanut Brittle Cafe Noir Ginger Nuts Marshmallow Fingers Swiss Chocolate Cherry Rings Apple Blossom Sultana Jelly Wafers Fig Bar Coconut Bar Assorted Sandwich Cherry Maple Macaroons Fruit Drops Assorted Ice Wafers ———————————— ‘POSSIBLE CANDIDATES | IN GERMAN ELECTIONS, Next President and Also Prince Ruprecht. (Special via G.T. RP. Telegraphs.) Field Marsh the |president Ebert, Von Hindenburg, -mer Imperial Chancellor. Burns Banquet Friday BERLIN, Jan, 23.—Among me ed candidates mentioned for the next | presidential term are the present) ing In the city. Von Hindenburg Mentioned for ; all | former Jrown Prince Ruprecht of Bavar- ia, Frederich Von Payer, the for- . eee A OY ee ee oe ee oe @ i : last night. {Port Moody last night. Local News Notes omnes ~ —~ ~—~es Burns Banquet Friday Night. 20% off on all coats at Demers. J. D. McAuley left for the south R, W. Turner, of Hyder, is visit- Nelson Lougheed returned to Mrs. Charles Balagno has re- Friday, January 25. THE AMY =——— ee MOOOOOSIOOOOOOG OSI OOM GOGO IOOOOO FOR ONE MORE DAY ONLY QUuR SEMLANNUAL SALE Closes tomorrow night, so for One More Day Only will it be possible for the people of Prince Rupert to defeat the high cost of living, by buying the very best in Men’s Clothing and Furnishings ai 1920, oS? Sb “39 eee Night. =|/ger southbound last night. turned to Prince George. | FF, W. Moersch was a passen- 2 | NLMLStephens Notary Public Conveyancer For a QUICK SALE Lots 42 and 43, Block 27, Section 1, Pank Avenue + $1,000 Cash for the pair. Look them over and buy. | | | | | M. M. Stephens Real Estate Insurance Financial Agent Pianos correctly tuned. $6.00, G. GC, Walker. Phone Blue 389. _ tf a! seer oy ke Heed! The “Dinrector’ Corset. Manu- Ta factured in Prince Rupert. Phone Blue 92, tt R. E. Dugan, of Prince George, is registered at the Hotel Prince Rupert. out-fit now! . . ° J. M. McCormack was an ar- rival from Port Essington by last waiight's train. Stewart arrivals on the Prince Albert last night included Mr. and Mrs. GC. N. ‘Tubman and Jas. Lee. pitt qc Horace A. Duhamel, manager of the Omineta Hotel, Hazelton, arrived in town by last night's train. . e . Mr. and Mrs. A. Guttstein and family left for a holiday trip in the south last night. They will Business is Good. The January Sale started off last week with a rush. This week’s specials will certainly put a little more pep in the game. There is no camouflage about any of our specials, nor have we any strings attached to the Roya! Canadian Pineapple Shontbread Wine Cake Lemon Snaps Milk Lunch Honey Fingers Apricot Wafers Tipperary Animal] Biscuit Cocoa Jems |} Graham Ice Nic Nacs Oyster Crackers er newer me We have a big sale on Robertson’s Fruit Cake now selling 40c Ib, Cheese in faney tins:— | Pimento Swiss | Welsh Rarebit Limburger Noqueford We Open Deposit Acgounts ———— FULLER'S LTD PHONE 45 *.. For Sale Lots 26-27, Block 1, Sec. 8 $150 Each. 4-room house, Fifth Avenue, Section 5, $1,575 Terms. 5-room house and bath, Sec- ion 5, $3600 Terms. ery, Gibbons & Doyle, Ltd. > Phone 16 - - 3rd Avenue DENTISTRY OFFICE HOURS) 8 a.m. te 12; 1:80 p. m. te 5:80 p.m. DR. J. 8. BROWN DENTIST Office: Smith Biook, Third Avenue Phone 454. price we quote. We deliver to any part of the city. vo, 1—Province Brootas, 5-string, regular $1.25, Special’ ...... 97c No. 2—Tollet paper (round) today’s price 3 for 5c, Special ..... 6c No, 3—Christie’s Sodas, 2-lb, tins, new price will be 70c, Special 59c No, 4.—Del Monte Corn, 2-lb tins. fhe finest quality ever packed, reg. 30c straight, Special ........ 23c No. 5—Eagle ilk, price advancing every week, Special ........ 22c No. 6-—Wild Rose Pastry Flour, 10- ib. sucks, new selling price will be $1.00; Special 79c No. 7-—Glacier Sardines, packed in pure olive oil, reg. value 25c. Guaranteed the best domestic sar- dine on the Canadian Market for size and quaity, Special i. ee No, 8-—Del Monte sliced pineapple, ib. tins, reg. value 45c, Spec. 37e 9—-White Cooking Figs, new stock, reg, 30c Ib. Special .. 25c Ib. “No. 10—Fry’s Cocoa %4-lb, tins, regular 30c straight, Special 27¢ Nu, t1—-Shredded Cocoanut in bulk, reguler 40c Ib. Special per Ib., 33¢ No. 12—Quaker Pears, 2-lb. tins, in heavy Syrup, reg. 35¢, Special 29c \o, 13-——Royal City Tomatoes, 2-tb. SUING, IORIME SF oO as 9. eae 17¢ No, 14——Lipton’s A Blend Teas in \%-ib. packages, Special ...... 35c No. tieeIvis Holled Oats, 6-lb. sacks; Special, each, -....... 48c No. #6—Robinhood Porridge , Wheat in 4-Ib, tubes, similar to Créam of Wheat, regular 40c, Special 338c No. 17- s 2ic No, 23——-Aunt Dinah Molasses, 5-Ib. tins. reg. 45c, Special ......... 19-Ib tins, regular 90c, No. 2{—Mother’s Creamettes, per TUONO 8b oa Win a 6 Alea, Claris 10¢ No 25--Terrace Strawberries pack- “din pint and quart E.Z, Seal jars, Special, pts. .. 60¢ Qts. .. $1.00 Special No, 26-——1000 Ibs. Mocha and ‘ava Coffee, fresh ground, 3 Ibs. WO ia) SS iva ahotth' stg ; - $1.25 Special No, 27—B. C, Fresh Eggs; rem. 90c stock, Special, doz, 75¢ Watch for additions to this tist, effective wll Saturday, January 24. Additional Specials for Saturday 10 Boxes Wagner Apples, SIOGK, POF DOK fick cece ; 25 Boxes Jumble Pack Jonathans— 5 Ibs. for 25¢e; per box .... $2.00 wrapped 2.50 Palmolive Soap, per doz. ... 81.25 JUST ARRIVED Head Lettuce, Caulifower, Brus- sels Sprouts, California Celery, ra Parsley, Etc, _———- Table Supply Limerick Contest We will give a prize of $5.00 in groceries or méats to the person contributing the best limerick on this store. Same must appear in the Dally News on or before Saturday, January S3ist. We will judge the winner ourselves, but will not know who it is until we have announced ‘he prize winning limerick {n the Daily News Monday, Feb. 2. Address all limericks to the Daily News with signature, Rupert Table Supply Co, Phones 211, 212 j | | | | | ‘months for having drugs in his jat the Prince Rupert General Hos- P visit in Vancouver and Victoria. A permit for a $2,264 frame dwelling on Eleventh Ave. East ,has been issued to James M. Marten under the Sol@iers Hous- ing Scheme. Returned men who have agri- cultural experience, and also have ,experience in land valuing are ' requested to communicate with (D. S. Cameron, Secretary G. \\. V. A., Prince Rupert. 24 | Circulars outlining the G. W. iV. A. co-operative scheme are 'now on hand at the local branch office. All intenested are reques|- ed to call at the Secretary’s office for full information. 24 Geo. B. MeMillan and Col. Coy returned south last night. Mr. MeMillan is going to New York in a few days in connection with ihe commencing of operations on the construction of the Port Ed- ward smelter. IN CLOTHING both material and Canada’s Best Tailois. $50.00 Leishman suit--- . ° ‘ All was serene in the police court this morning, the only worry the force had being the in- vestigation of a beggar who has been bothering residents on Fifth Avenue East in the vicinity of the hospital. The man, whose name is Brewster, departs from these parts today. There is only on: prisoner in the city jail, Lum Bing, who is serving out three + — + - —— — possession. A daughter: was born to Mr. and Mrs. Walduck, of Water Street, pital yesterday. the lowest possible price. Prices are still advancing, but the goods we are offering you were ordered nearly a year ago, and cannot be duplicated today at anything: like the same prices. a Let Low Prices tatk to you—tell you a few Leishman’s Label is a guarantee as to ihe very best in| workmanship--- | A regular | TOMORROW’S PRICE $42.50 —s | Overcoat. + things that will interest you, and at the same time convince you that you should lay in a supply. Buy your whole spring ALL SMaRT DRESSERS PREFER A. Leishman Made TOMORROW’S PRICE $47.50 In Men’s Furnishings, we have lines too numerous to quote prices on them all, such as Men’s Underwear, Shirts, Hosiery, Gloves, Neckwear, ete. The season’s greatest saving opportunity ends tomorrow night. You want to buy a new suit or some furnishings? COME TOMORROW < nd save money. MARTIN O’REILLY They have both style and ‘comfort, and the prices are within }reach of any man of moderate means. Regular Price $60.00 NOTICE | Any person or persons having | any outstanding accounts against | St. Regis Cafe 4 Saturday,JJanuary 24. BREAKFAST, 35c ithe Yee Yee Laundry, please make | Tam. to 10 am ‘application to the West End Cafe, | 8 i s Atkins: sevteas. Cnitine Fried (‘912 Third Avenue, not later than Rolled Oats or Grape Nuts Potatoes \Webruary 12, 1920. WONG KEI KONG. Toast, Jam and Coffee L | Prince Rupert, B. C. UNCHEON, '80c January 20, 1920. 22 | AND mre shite Semenarientegionsipemme W. A. Lewthwdaite, Andrew, 5 to 7:30 p.m. Macaroni Soup Grilled Fillet of Sole Tartar Sauce Boiled Alaska Salt Cod, Cream Sauce New England Boiled Dinner English Pot Roast, Macaroni Shepherd's Pie, Tomato Sauce Veal Pot Pie with Dumplings St. Regis Special Small Steak Roast Beef, Pan naevy and Savory Roils Mashed, Boiled or Baked Potatoes Hot Mince Pile Custard Pudding Coffee Wright and Henry Jory, who are, commencing oil drilling opera- | ‘tions near; Lawn Hill, left for the | ‘south last night en route to} ‘southern Alberta where arrangé- | jments will be made to bring the | first oil drill to the Islands. | CHRO RH ERE RROD * TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY * EE KRKHRERER EH EER HH FOR SALE—Winchester rifle 25.- 20 ealibre, octagon barrel. Only | used few’ times, Quantity of! shells, $25.00, Apply box 38, ! Daily News office. 24 ! ! TIMBER SALE X 2090. Sealed tenders will be received by the! Minister of Lands not later than noon on the 5th day of February, 1920, for the urchase of Licence X 2000 to cut 700,600 eet of Spruce,. Cedar, Hemlock and Bal- sam on Lot 1104, Noose-Seck River, R. 3, Coast District. . j Three (3) years will be allowed for’ removal of timber. Further particulars of the Chief For- ester, Victoria, or the Distriet Forester, Prince Repert, B.C, 17-2 ST. REGIS LIMERICK CONTEST ! To the person contributing “the ) best Limerick on the St, Regis Cafe’s popular lines of pastry or on the Cafe itself, we will give a prize of £5.00 in meals. Contest starts im- mediately and closes Saturday, Jan- vary 31, and all Limericks must ap- pear in the Dally Rowe on or be- fore that date. e will judge this contest ourselves, but will not know the names of any of the writers. On Monday, February 2, in the Dally News will appear the Limerick we decide is the best. The following day the News will announce the winner's name, We will give the week to eat out the winner one prize. Address al] Limericks to the Daily News only, and sign name to same. I In your home makes it pos- to sible most for you delightful ments to your guests, Ask our easy terms, Full Stock of Records Our repair department is handle equipped. to to all phones, makes string, 4 Opposite The Empress Hotel give the CIGARS entertain- ' Two per cent ‘ sa of i. W. Hawkins, of Surf Inlet, , arrived in town yesterday, Gramo- wood ~ wind and brass instrumencs, Violin Bows Rehaired. Will Edmunds Prince Rupert Music Store Opposite the Post Office Box 644 Phone BLACK 183 moved to } repairs diy, 9 to 12 only. SPER day, from 7 to 9. Peol Room 721 Third Ave. SODA on oer ooeret eoeceeet DENTISTR Don’t neglect your Teeth One decayed or missing ' lowers your efficiency DR. BAYNE — Office Hours--Morning, 9 te)” Afternoon, 1.80 to 5.30; Satur- Ge ri- ooth Tuesday, Wednesday and DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENT ¥ be wrerereserususurasesaresr err