* ' jturday, January 24, 1920. TOBACCO SERIES No. V Wagons waiting to convey the raw leaf from sales warehouse (o the Re-drying Plant. Its quality is known even in the uttermost corner of Canada, ° tenn eneed How to Foil Wind and Weather on Washday | From now until spring.a battle that endan- | gero health must on washday be waged with rain and sleet. That, or drying the washing in the cellar or attic, with its attendant inconvenience and sour smells. Of course we can not order weather to our fancy, but if you would laugh at mud and water, save your bealth and keep your hands and face free from chapping and roughness, telephone us. Next, bundle up your family washing and have our driver call for it. In our laundry -your things are initialed where the mark never siiows. Everything is sorted, too--table linen is washed only with table linen, hosiery with hosiery. There is no indiscriminate mixing. And it is laundered in fleecy suds of silky softness. The weather, and the hardship of fall ‘and winter washing need never be a source of worry. Use your telephone and let us help you. Canadian Steam Laundry Phone 8 Sir I always send my patients there, for | know that the in- gredients they use are always fresh and of the very best quality. They double check bh every prescription which means a whole lot to you, and, too, this kind of service doesn’t cost you any more than you would ordinarily have to pay for the less care- fully compounded prescrip- tion, Phowe Sra Avenue, o: 134 Mail Orders Giy Pposite 2nd St, P,O.Bex en Prompt Attention 2 1 & The Prince Rupert Drug Co. THE DAILY NEWs TWELFTH BURNS BANQUET “HAD RECORD ATTENDANCE; THREE HUNDRED GUESTS (Continued from Page One.) mostly from his own nation. These criticisms had been caused by the appearance of works that should have been edited and eliminated. %E His private life had also been severely criticised but on investi- gation it was found that his grossness had been far surpassed by Shelly and Byron. His private life should be forgotten but his message of beauty and sweetness eon - np ticnectnlt ATISFIES should alone be remembered. Dr. Grant then referred to many of his great poems, , of which were the greatest of their particu- lar kind in the English language. Bonnie Scotland. J. U. Kelly replied to the toast some of “Bonnie Scotland” in a-vein of humor that quite captivated the listeners. He referred to it as the land where many had spent | their childhood and met their | sweethearts, the scenes nearest and dearest to the heart of any | man, Last year he had visited | the sod and had come back ti Canada with the conviction that! the Scottish spirit in this country | was not what it(ehould be. It was | a great old country and had done | much for the world and in quality | its men, cities and all other at- tributes were on a par with or} excelled the rest of the world. He. expressed his disgust that the! toast to Scotland should be drank | with soda water. Canada. Fred Stork, who had attended every Burns banquet since the| first one down in the Grand Trunk Inn in 1908, answered the toast | to “Canada.’” From the Atlantic seaboard to the mouth of the| Yukon River every city, town and | hagplet was this night celebrating tha immortal memory. All the Scots immigrating from the old soil had seen the country from east to west. The country had just passed successfully through a great struggle and the boys of had done themselves brilliant future was in Canada credit.