ese THE DAILY } NEWS Thiirsdey, Ja; ae cnet omy a ey i JANKOFM NIE ESTABLISHED OVER 100 YEARS cre Never Mail Cash ~ Money Orders, issued by The Bank of Montreal, are, a safe, convenient and eco- nomical means of forwarding}y) money to all parts of Canada| and abroad. Never send money ina letter—use Bank | Money Orders instead. WINNPES Brancy , Manager, . F. BEESI Pro-Manager, . ° ‘s ‘ W. MAR NTRTTE. Pro-Manager, . . . . - ae ae ST. G. Lr PRINCE RUPERT RRA A FTER fifty-fOur years of con- 4 servative progress we huve built- our branch system up fo 838 branches. We will continue ‘to ext f the 1 ‘s of com- munit I ir ad bank- ing accomn ati ecanre the policy behi ju* lanlkime en’ er- prise is to foster > coy Unued upbuilding of Canada A: oa ED $174,000,000 Ty 4 BT ots : e UNION BANK OF CANAD; 75 N Anim BINA: S Wd cd LWA tS ile ale ewe ~— —_ ae. TE, =. Across Canada (A Prince Ruvert Branch A. i. Broderix k, Manager eer - TOT OSS Ss —— —_——_—" = oo oemem a # 6) eine ee sina - bneenennimtoan ne - —-—e ene ave ee nee aee ee . | * Y : maiIL EDULE } THE DAILY NEWS rover) : 4 Ht paeee eee ene aa PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA an tna tit. i : : om enc : f sdays and Sat- Published Every Afternoon. except Sunday, by The News i RHEUMATISH a: iahesge Gas ee Rode ; ; > ~days at 10:30 a.m, Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. i] urdays a é | i} t r NT ngayee Te | SH. F. PULLEN, MANAGING EpITOR. ] : és " From the East. _-——— —_———— | Untii He Took Fruit a-tives Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs- | ™ SUBSC RIPTION | RATES: | The Fruit Medicine days at 7 p.m. . . ; . . -_——— | ity Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c. | City Ys ; : $6.00. RoR. No. F. Lowes, Ont. For Vancouver and South. By Mail—Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year OO. | “For over three 3 Iw Puesday é p.m. ror e h B ycars ras re Oe oer a its j : wnt ries advance a Sn } i ee vis Nd . i To United States and other countries, In advance, di. confined to bed with Afécumatissi. PhursdayS ....«+- cawaet ae ps Ms Contract Rates on application tinprovement; the pain was easicr |Wednesdays ......-. 10:30 a. m. ---— - —_—— } aud the swelling started to go dow) amamnee = g ets . ‘ l continued takifg this fruit u F Anyox and Alice Arm. : i .oF ge. hursde Jan. 29 920. : : or y WAILY EDITION s kgs Phursday, Jan. 29, | dicine, improving all the time, asd |epndays ........+++: {ip.2 ad j pow | can walk about miles and iyednesdays ........-: {i p.m } do light chores about the plic Opening of the “XANDE : i ALEXANDER MUNRO Legislature | PORE BUNT From Anyox and Alice Arm. gisiature. | 80c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trialsixe2. Iqiesdays .......0+- uceumes Us The. Legislature opens today al Victoria and by the time this At ih dbalele de’ seat Yoetraid ly | - ‘ - teas . is in print will have gone through the tsual formalities prepara-| PFryit tives Limited, Oltiwa. eee oer 2 iorv to starting real work on Monday. Not only will a number} eh ; : at i : : —— ill of new laws be made, and old ones amended, but appropriations |} LAND KkGISTRY AU'l oe ‘oe ss tala oa aaee ever will be : ie for public works during the coming yvear, and in sections 36 end {%4. Bay, Wales and an mai oh these appropriations Prince Rupert expects to share. —_ : BUNdAYS 6 coe ss ws cwas.e p. 1 ' Pi ations NN 11085-i. File 6207. cnitivenaitaaais In acditic tdé the ve business of the session opportunity] TAke NUTICE that application bas been sae’ egis dward H. Mortimer, of] F Pt. Simpson, Arrandale, Mili will be given members to practice speech making and to air their], a ma sag yy gaye RP lange ta oo = a fist grievances, In the debate on the address in reply to the speech| sider a Tax Sale Deed from the Bay, Wales Island and Naas River. , g tor the City of Prince Rupert, bi ar-| () e| fF . aare : ‘ bettermeut. Nothing is banned. Later the members have to 7), Block forty-one at. Fer Massett, Port Clements ano keep down to specific subjects, but even then resolutionseare im | (iiccd tw con os: nein tt tee toe re-} Upper {sland polats: . ‘ > At ‘ 9. en 5 ¢ order, and it is easy to introduce almost any subject for debate. days yen ae the Jan. 22; Feb. 5 and 19. . : sea ‘ [ this votlice which tay eS sb { Judging from what is heard from the galleries, members ed by publication in. the Dail? News),| ‘rom Masset, Port Clements aud often forget that their real business is legislating, and they give a= aay ry Net" wiih ame a Upper Island DOrnEe; themseivces up to plotting and counter. plotting in order to gain iis, and ¢ following extract Ue Jan. 23; Feb. 6 and 20. an advantage. and to make the case look well before the country. “9 I tefanlt of a caveat or certt “or Skidegate, Queen Charlot The public interest is forgotten in the desire for private advantage. ae pamists eae dane ar ta nes : City and Lower Island points son ent led under suco tax sale, s } Jan. 24: Feb. 7 and 21. Prince Rupert ; persons “lad thuse claiming throuxa | *TOm Skidegate. Queeg Charin i: F im nt ns Well Represented. mi rune eat pe — clan City and Lower Island points - Prince Rupert is well represented. Three residents of this of kay tered laste. a. Jan: 20; Feb, 3 and 17. city have seats in the House and they are all able men. One its 1 ae Oa at ———_ ; : poe fag < ‘ . : : e : ics i Whose Ultle a minist if th own. one is the party whip, and the. other ¢ und _ eee For Skagway and the Yukon always : es himss lf heard in the interests of northern and Lberrré from setting ap bs January 19. cenical Brit lumbia, and takes a prominent part in the work ees: aie oe petites From Skagway and Yukon of the committees and other institutions connected with the er ule person entitled w January 23. sessic th. The member for Princ® George also is prominent in eae penta ee ae ia eas debate. although-he sits on the’opposite side of the house from] 40 WHEREAS application nas | ie f pposi de o house from], a ee i auiateusinke 4 itewart, Maple Bay and Swamp ihe other membe ») the north. There is no deadwood from the above-mentioned lands, %n the 1.0 Point ‘ > ort ins ac ic the é¢ase’ fr si ee om bdv rtimer x . the in rth just W, he case from other parts of the AND WH 1 RE. AS on investigating ‘he FOR rovince. e it pears that prior to the 1401 a} O4: Wal ee . P ; September, 1913 (the date on which the| January 21; February 4, and 18 : aid tlands were sold f overdue Waa oes —. were the re i and assessed own Jj 9 ee r remier Mine. ré January 22; February 5 & {9 Ft HEF TAKE NOTICE that at ihe : A leiter was received yesterday from J. oe Burrough, assist-|*ame ume TF shall effect registration ore ne 7 ant secretary of the entra) Labor Council of the One Big Union | cert fr Indereastt peatic 7 Peau he gyn The Daily News is the reciz- in which he states that the men who were tired from the Premier ON beeen ioe Sees ee en ere eae One : ; oie i 2< osecute ne prove mine were reaily on strike. They are still at Stewart where “they ne h your claim, i;|buyer. People all read the ail have organized a commissary uid are prepared to stick it out!” 0 on my et oe se ertising columns because tiv The letter was handed t6 the News after ten o'clock ygster- cnet s , amis eae vo ot Stvertisers are: live ‘wites, day and was therefore too late for publication that day. As the ¥ PD. 1919 é : ; Trae ee ee Pe Peas Hs ; H. F. MACLEOD, “y POPE Nee, re be ° published elsewhere we cannot use it. 3 District Registrar of Title= MINERAL AC 1€ jetter speaks of “places which it (the Guggenheim co: fo Paul Hartman, Esq., ee Ss wal { gg at Care Royal Bank of Canada, cern) curses with its presence. This language is not suitable ri nee k upert, Bc. Coenen 25 Peeroreenat. for publication. . ar he « Y fis thin the Ire - ; Eiri ann ao NOTICE. tt p : : cn au \ part of th ommunity think that there are LAND REGISTRY ACT “Silver Tip’. and “Monarch” Mine a other curses just as bad as the presence of the Guggenheims, bui4 Sections 36 and 134 Claims, situate’in the Naas River Min it would. not be nice-of this paper pies Bars hide Division of Cassiar District Ui nice -o iis paper to say so. If we all skid just] | —— Where located:—About four miles fou what we thought about everything we saw and heard this would ¢ Application No. $1484-1. Pile 630i. head of Alice Arm on its west side. he yather * dais : : © : _TAKE NOTICE that application has been TAKE NOTICE that Lewis W. Patm: +. ve rather ‘an unpleasant place i which to live. a to gister Stephen B. Adams, of JF. M. C. No. 31018-C, agent for B Union : ‘ n a rt, B. i as owner > fee un- aes Drake, Registrar of the Supreiut om 2 Tax Sale Deed from the Collector of |} Court o ritish Columbia, B. C ee ba s Not h City of Prince Rupert, bearing dete] Miner’s Certificate No. 33583-C, ‘lsd a e Last Word. ete ay o Gerober, (ott of At I sixty a on the date hereof, to aj Bai ie : he » SENG LAR 1a eertain arcelpio ine inin Lecord ) terun: It is well for labor unions to remember that unionism is not] 0". tact ef land and premises situate f improvements, ge Pig ay: t the last word in labor movements The union has been a er @, and being in the city of Prince Rupert,|iaining a Crown Grant of each of tic factor in improving the condi ‘a , pfs dati oh particularly knewh and deseribed a:| ibove claims. Z “sy pi ing the condition of the workers, and it still has “4 me! 4 ight (8), Section And surther take ngfice that act ssibilities There is a tend . ‘ ay 42 ier. section 85, must ~ommenced ix POSSIDINTIES. r ae ien¢cy, however, for members , You are requ jired to contest the claim] the issuance of such Certifeate oa lain some unions to consider themselves supreme in evervthing ig io pares hbaser within 35 days from] ments. , Sr iia ae dda alan aan Se ' \ ing te da . an en ners Shee ation aa ow this 18th day of September, : is! i whateye to th ghis of others ; - , ectec in shows itselfin th< ae Ske , ae . ee Ri pert B. C.,) and | ——— ————_ —_________ -__ I I ang ge d when speaking of those who « tn se n 36 of the not agree witht them. It musi be admitte miele ie saga al 1 ry with "eoliiee MINER mi AC r. : i : im t il } opponents pad | extract therefrom vre often just objectionable in the : : tet of ae “er TIFICATE OF T | : ionable in their language. hut the languag 8 raveal or cer 2ENTIFICATE OF , 2N is not allowed to ] e nied A . . h scl f tie pendens being dled he , P nee ae IME ROVEMENTS e printed : ible journals and will t ” registration as owner of the NOTICE appear in the Daily News. aT tee ee ee en ee “Mohawk,” “Mohawk No, 1," “Mohawi SUPREME coh’ : t a price y cul can afford i October, 1918, (the date On’ sinha sane N THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH } } aid lands » re ‘sold for averdue taxes COLUMBIA i i : we a Sas Pinca ae |IN ve. rat TER OF THE ADMINISTRA i ute oe. | fl noi THER TAKE NOTICE that- at the See. WE and ‘“ ; | same 4 I shall effect registratinn ir IN THE “ . sta ae eine hy ; saariainanniores i vents such application and issue a] CHE, MATTER SHAIKLIN RavATe OF ed i | Oe leate f Inc lefeasible Title te the said INTESTATE es iLIN, DECEASED 17 cate i si name of Stephen B. Adams un-| NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE ; } ra } ma qT , |; Biitess you take d prosecute Cee , + _HEREBY GIVEN TO WHOM ' ave your eeth : tc edings i and pros Seen ad pa 1T MAY CONCERN of an Omer by the { | Blany, to the ssid lands, or io prevent apeh |oemaranle | Mr. Justice Clement, in the i } : prevent suchishove matter o > 7 : } 4 . | sed action on my part n the 30th day of October } UA aGINIUICC 0 ay j DATED at the Land rT asia oMmee ; it is ORDERED. “thas hi oe ee Ue i-rince Rupert 4 a an 3 mat the said Jo Saab, ir wee rt, B.C. this 26th day ‘of Mosuttin shall be allowed to swear ok is ee ae : "athe ' eath of the said deceased as ovcurri Estimates C heerfull Give i fh nF. MACLEOD, on the 25th day of October, yi bad n trict Registrar of Titles » afier To Alfred ©. Brandt, Esq ; the exptration of one month from the date i Spokane, Wash.” of the Orst publication of notice of tin ; . . wder, unless in the meantime prix is : ; furnished to the Registrar of this ¢y t at Prince Rupert, B. C., that the said de - : ceased, Charles W. Shairiin, was alive sub i sequently to the said 25th dav of October, Rooms 7 an ' 4d 8 Smith Block Phone 57 ‘Corner 3rd Ave. and Sth &t. *\Nb IT IS FURTHER ORDFRED that th Office Hours: PRINCE fUFERT, B.c sald John H. MeMullin do pablish notice eae ts ‘fT, B.C. Open Evenings g this order in the Prince Rupert Daily laeChe Sunday by Appointment peer, ge pares, Dunlshed at Prince ; . €., for a period of one mont oF Lady Attendant. : “ es face Kupert, 8B. "Cc eats. —= - siichamiciadiaeM 30 day of October, A. D. 1919. ‘ | DEPA JOHN H. MeMULLAN, a RTMENT OF LANDS i ay OMeclal AdMinistiator " | NOTICE N THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH ; co LUMBIA e ; ' N THE MA ° “ STR INSURANCE NOT Pra THOR eae NS JeRMIT® POR|.” TION ACE" ce, eaves ARY PUBLIC ecipplications for permits to graze live-| N THE MATTER oF THE ESTATE o1 ; * ‘ ‘own ze : * Rea : a - e Royal insurance Company, Limited. razine district af the rae en SAnon NELSON, DECEASED. INTES avi a g Northern As urance Co., Limited. Cue at cr = om with the District London & Lancashire Fire in o Nelson: Prine? Port George, Kam-| TAKE NOTIC , e t @e.. Linsited. , surance a Ye La iretae vee eh Ree eeeae Ceneer aT vine tt tee 480° = ) of November orte London & Lencashire Guarantee & a Pactame mo Buildings, Victoria, B.] Administrator ot tis’ bates of haren % , Real Estate A ert Accident Co. Blank fort . somrusry 99, 1095. son, deceased, and all parties having clav g Fidetity~ 7 rms upon which to submit ap- inst the said clauns ty-Phenix Fire 1 lications gains Said estate are hereby ry @ Insurance Go. is may be obtained from the Dis- sam rict Foresters at the above named pl } i! me Properly verified. to me Cor, Second A : r from the Department of Lands at Viel spin gon ott the Bist day of December + Secon venue and Second Street. 1! orla, By C. of Lands at Vic-| 4949, and all parties indebted to the estate ~ { R. NADEN are required to pay the amount of their ; Deput o indebtedness to me forthwith 1. penartihent of Lan aa" nister of Lands. N H. MeMULLIN, eee ee Victoria, B. OMeial Administrator me | December sth, 1919. zat Se SEM Cay OF November, a. fn | THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA | RECOMMENDS iTs MONEY ORDERS As a safe and economical met thod of remi These Money Orders are payable without charge bank jn Canada (Yukon excepted), in Newf« ciftes of the United States aid are negotiabl : in Great Britain and Irelanc $5 and under Scents Over $10, nc Over $5, not exceeding $10, 6c ts Over & t A. W. Cameron, Meant Prince Rupert Branch - - - Dentistry DON’T NEGLECT YOUR TEE! One Decayed or Missing Tooth lowers Your Efficiency” 1 4 } Dr. Bayne OFFICE HOURS—' Hornieg, 9 to 12; Afterncon, 130 to 5.30, Saturdays, 9 to 12 ony; ‘ Every Evening from 7.30 to 9 Denta! Nurse in attendance Phone 109 for appointment Rooms 4, 5, 6, Helgerson Blk., Cor. 3rd and 6th cl eee po i . ol es. VANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CANADIAN PACIFIC OCEAN SERVICES B.C. Coast Steamship Services 8.8. PRINCESS MARY for Ketchikan, Juneau, Skagway, Alaska, from Prince Rupert January 4 4 For Vancouver Victoria and Seattle from Prince Rupe January 24. 8. 8. PRINCESS BEATRICE Swanson Bay, Occ an Falls, Hardy Bay, River, Vancouver and Wictoria-—~ Every Sunday at 9 P. M. From Prince Rupert for alert On Beaver Cove, Powell For rates, réservations and sailings, apply | W. ©. ORCHARD, General Agent. Cor 3rd Avenue an! 4th Strect Prince Rup 1 i ge eh ee Pee Geeta ee et CO cgi ane [hilt Bie eae = SAILING Thursday Midnight for Swanson Bay, Oce@" Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle. Wednesday Midnight for Anyox- 8.8. PKINCE ALBERT and 18 Clements, Charlotte 8.5. PRINCE GEORG Falls Por Stewart, Massett Southern February 4 and Port Queen February 5 Island P TRAIN SERVICE '¥, W®dnesday and Saturday a} 11:38 a 0 1! Edmonton and Winnines, making direct conne' 2 all points east and awuth and 19 ints February 7 and vi iihet* fe sm Passenger Monday, Prince George, tions Agency All Oc-an Steamship Lines For information ana reeorvationa apply to City Tlekat OMee, B26 Third Avendes Phone 260