THE DAILY NEWS p 3 age Se URGE STEWART . ROADS BUILT Government Asked to Frovide Means of Transportation for Ore From Mines. “The crying need for govern- inent noads in aid of mining must be apparent to any fair-minded person, and we feel that strenuous efforts should be made to carry| on extended road work both on! the upper Salmon River near Stewart and above th@ end of the! railway at Alice Arm during this | year,” says a report of the Prince} tupert Board of Trade commit-! TOBACCO SERIES No. VI f Sorting Room in Virginia Re-drying Plant. Tho teat being sorted into different grades of quality prior to re-drying before export. -e. “We fee i y a The “Heart” is the guarantee es eel that a big, whole of quality. heated, vigorous road program 9. should be outlined at once and ae some extended means of trans- B portation provided. In the Port- BReF land Canal region last year the e &£ Provincial Government did ae- ea S O url . y complish a much needed improve. | ) nN V a ue : ment in connecting the town of J OBAC CoO Stewart with the road leading up 4 ' e . . . : . the Salmon River, but it required We are soapmakers with an ideal—our ideal is to one whole season 0 ul lls ° ° Smoking and Chewing pire-amife’ steatelr Ur Heke 4 this make a Soap which shall have no equal for Purity — ~ ‘ . . Pace rate of progress it would take and Efficiency throughout the Dominion—no superior Me Zo! ol ii about six or seven years to com- ° ll th Id The ‘ SP oe ey 7 piete the road from the Premier im a © world. ied. wer mine to the head of the present ‘ %y bat ccee Bf 4 s ° ° e CES developments up the valley only We realize our ideal in every tablet of Sunlight Soap Be panes, a six or seven miles away. : ; be: mf Five Hew Wines: which is manufactured. ' “es? ey Above the Premier mine are at least tive prospects approach- SUNLIGHT SOAP is made from the sweetest and = : —S sss ing the proven inine stage of de- ° ° ° ° eld tiie aibatimen Wave bboa choicest of edible oils and fats. It is the purest and e . apei . ra PAs , ae f ° ° e @ ; commercial ore broken and ready most efficient of soaps and, if used judiciously, the ean vent for shipment, but they might just ° as Well have their ore broken at most economical. : the North Pele for all the good it f will do them until a means o1 Insist on getting the Soap you ask for— ~~ transportation is provided. These operators, perhaps, are not able to start out very heroically as dic. the Premier Company and butila 2s ; their own poads, nor should they] ~ » Wi be reguired to do so. We realize F e i Fa ; that it is the policy of the Gov- i ae B ernment to pay for half the cost : # $3 i *4 a of reads built in this way to fur- tC ther the development of mines, and as we understand did repay ” the Premier Company for half the ; a ee reer ooge en ~ cost of the road in the British Co- |]. — —_—_—_——___ lumbia territory through which it a ea ite He Mi ’ traversed, but they were com- ( 5 j : paitad te bend ue mer ean The Man in the Moon i > entinely with their own funds. Are Washilays Necessary Basic Industry. | antral a penetra sete teal ‘| eorgetown umoer ° We think that it is not only eee ge ee me ge tae ae Tare ® ¥ ® ? we nits - ; | / In Winter? necessary but essential that im- THAT those who argue against PHONES 130 ang 423. = P. O. BOX 1632 . : mediate steps should be taken to prohibition say that only one man Largest Assortment of Lumber in Central B. C. There was a time, back in the days of stone insure the road being built this]is mentioned in the Bible who FISH BOXES A SPECIALTY hatchets, when wornan was hardier than she season up the Salmon River val-]| asked for ere It was Dives and is today. A biting wind, damp air and slush ley to the last developed prospect] !e was in hell. R C derf did © h h having ore ready to ship and we es Be oe) jae SP UCE FIR CEDAR underfoot did not so much endanger her then. inink tisha aed shouldbe dois THAT the only way to get a Consult Us. But is this exposure necessary now? Is a peninG cae aa hundred|@at in Vancouver is to hire a Py : : Ss sar axes one : : y x ” woman exercising her best judgment in hang- a zo TWusnive tc aii ti dd it iasid “Drive Yourself Car,” run over acer to rae ing clothes on the line in winter weather? Is : 3 a 5 dade ’ . somebody, get his addness and =_— eee . ; no matter what the cost may De,/ | ie the flat before the next World| man showing ehiva'ry when. he permit i? iret tay Can’ [ata moises new oe wef" EETECS "CONT ART. Notary Pobli A simple and safe solution of this problem there awaiting a means of trans-}| “~" ‘ as a CO ota u lic is to send your family washing to us—es- portation and it is our patriotic dent. : Seats T 5 3 pecially during thes? days while the weather- duty to provide this means and THAT one of the limerick FOR SALE—Lots 19 and 90, Block 18, Section 1, Third Avenue near man is surly thus assist in furthering one of writers seems to have gone astpay McBride— $3,500 Each % : the most important basic indus- mi ei TUNA GAnes oo : No washboards oi heavy soaps are employed tries m pence ree toot wee oe See : : Gers SsuD 5 s Oo ; 3 by us. We wash for you in the twentieth —} At Alice Arm. competition, It follows: MARINE. HEURANOE ee ankle Mensa re Serer century way by letting soft water and billowy “We think also that a policy} . , poodledog lived in town Phone Blue 69 Westho me Theatie Block P. 0. Pox 66 suds surge through the fabric. It is a launder- equally as extended should be ap- Just barked till his face was |%=s. NAG pp Nan pm ing method that sav 2s clothes. plied to the district at the head of all brown; — ee So, also, is our ircning process. We give a Alice Arm. . It Bi apimned aaey - He howled and he snarled , harming lustre to your linens not with hot least one of the recent discoveries Till his face was all gnarled, ' CORERING Ae YOUL Hens not y made there will rival the Dolly! Ang he met all his friends with Phone 524 Cor. Fulton and Sixth irons, but with spezial steam heated presses Varden in importance. We are pat retail that protect the textiles. of the opinion that the province eis N . l G C Telephone us. Our driver will call at a can well do without unnecessary THAT a Winnipeg newspaper ationa rocery O. definite time for. vour family bundle. At a and unessential roads elsewhere] suggests the shortage of paper ; i i ; >» il ret % i } in an effort to stimulate the de- may be due to the large amount VEGETABLES A SPECIALTY definite time also will returnit, Gurmethod _, ; . hai dain being used in.the manufacture o! a a: 1. ‘ “ sate ‘ Ve opmen 0 oO : es. e i saves you labor snd protects you from the “We should like to call atten-] shoe soles. Motor Delivery Prompt Attention rigors of wind and weather. tion to that sadly neglected and Ad oi ie : use a — _ . ral dangerous matter of the wharf THAT many people as what 1 — ad Canadian oteam Laundry approach at Stewart, It appears] ds all about when it is announced MINERAL ACT | Phone 8 that there is a controversy be-| that the Legislature opens at tween the Dominion govergment Victoria today. Certificate of Improwem*nte, { » Provincial Government as Meee NOTICE, rangi 2 ee sh cclbie for THAT even those who know na Rea” | 0 1c ( > 18 res ara he KING SOLOMON 1 IRON KING Minera the ykeep of this approach, It what itis about often wonder Claims, pittinte in the Bella Coola Mining | 1e UpKee] me Y -| why? ’ Division of Coast District, | is very important that this matte! Ms? a Where located:——West side of Dean! ; f ' > . pr ’ oc ., |}Channel, North of Cascade Inlet in Range be attended to without any further THAT an unkind critic says it|3, Coas. District. se a a ; , . » Pro- ’ TAKE NOTICE , c AL , area ey satya apse a ne th ‘esembles Shakespeare’s play—|\acLEAn as Agent fof SMELTERS STEEL | ; i. . vincial Government, letting Oy an ch Ac About Nothing.” COMPANY, Free Miner's Certificate No. | ? ees nm ane LMA gg Sasa aantrashenreeac enone ennHuNN merits of the dispute be settled ue og ° ‘s , : aeaee arenes nee the "Mining Recorder | a. = E mi A'N Daina rey or a Certificate oImprovements for each | a ae as = a4 afterwards. PHAT Prince Rupert people are | irr aid Claims for the purpose of obtaining a or? “Respectfully submitted, looking for great things from the!’ crown Grant or the above claims, ee AS ! --—~ ~ 2 et oe : d ar tg re th aculo >| ‘a as _— — “kor the Committee, an present session. Verily, verily; a oe ‘sb, must De ‘commenced before | eA nu: "J, B. ROBRIG, our, wants are many! the seuance of such Certificate of ‘sat W D li r | T: Dp ase ; ’ ! wh rnrnrrnnet rar tn Tet ee , Dated this 15th day of January, A, D. e e lve | ake this Prescription to the Prince Rupert Drug Company's Store! NOTICE THAT the fiu germ has been} 1920. Ls deme —- i isolated, according to a press dis- | ' — Promptly I always send my patients CRY DEAE, Will be rece ednesay, January patch from Chicago. NOTICE ; there, for I know that the in- Jjogin, 1920, for the purchase of ee ia" When you want coal you do not gredients they use are always g/fshing boat, RO a Selig. The THAT when there are 80 MANY! Notice ts nerepy given that an applica- want to be obliged to wait. The oper ty sarily 8c ; ; iil b de to the Legislative As- fresh and of the very best highest or any tender not necessarily ®°) \*iljons, what is the use of iso- Gaabiy of the Pravteae ar Bitton hacen demand for our coal grows daily. ality | , cepted, I ' i t th Xt session on behalf of the Asso- se it. quality. They double onere i He MOMULLIN: «or. lating one? res BX nest, session Of Denail OF she. Asso. Ask those who now use HY every prescription whic Government Agent's Office, fr nave ‘ enik is Columbia for a Private Bill to insorparsie LUMP, sacked, $13.50 means a whole lot to you, and, Prince Rupert, B.C. ry, 1920 SAAT WEA Me wend $0 KRON. } known as THE BRITISH COLUMBIA ENGI. MINE RUN $12.50 too, this kind of service Dated this. {7th day of January, IS how to destroy them all, or how NEERING PROFESSION ACT for the pur- | MINE RUN, } doesn’t cost you any more SKEENA LAND DISTRICT NISTRICT OFT to become immune from. their poss ot goverains Mining Metalurgical, f loose $11,50 than you would ordinarily QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. attacks, fechanteal, «Electrieal and. Chemical Rast: | per ton, delivered. : omens sb ee > ce oO r 0 ° have to pay for the less care- TAKE NOTICE that Dente! L, Butheriand, eae ee peer ee eS AR i erives come, WHY PAY MORE? fully compounded prescrip: § 0) .4 "Yo apply for a licence to prospect for! J, Catt, of Lakelse Lake, is in |resistration of Intending practitioners. the —: ' elon iis | com “and ‘petroleum Oe ote MareaD town, - |{ulrtne of real and personal, property ‘and Phone Black 85 : land Brian onlay commence a 17 cateeel cial ge tee Sean ee : ) post planted about 200 yards fro or pone 0 i b int of commence- Dated at the Clty of Vancouver, B. C.,! T al C al C ! Phone Sra Avenue, opposite 2nd St, P.O. Box , D C southerly shore of Canoe Pass ant ‘one oe AENON, WNP. BO ' his Sth day of Peremner, ~ D, 1919, ermin 0. 0 ’ ‘ 134 Mail Orders Gi The Prince Rupert. rug 0. ‘fuld’s coal an@ petroleum licence number DANIEL L. SUTHERLAND, t - . ee Solict iven Prompt Attention 2 2 & 10480; thenee north 80 chains, thence west By Hans kK. Geretensen, Agent.| rf the firm S ptratlo ae n, Solicitors ik 80 chains, thence south 80 ehains, thence Locaiod October Oth, 1919, Pp .