Po) THE DAILY NEWS IN CAPSULE FOR Formula—Aspirin, Phenacetine, Quin Salol, Caffein, Cascara and Cam- pher Monobromate—just what your physician would use. At all Druggists 35 Sax “ YESIGHT—The most valuable of all the senses—is the most neglected and the least understood. Many suffer from tls, which, upon examination, can be traced directly t» defective eyesight. “THE removal of the cause will | often restore the delicate and run-down snifcrer to robust healtb. When glasses are properly preserib- they restore the vision to nor- and eliminate all eye strain: ed, mal Fred Joudry Practica! Optometrist Third Ave. + - Opposite Post Office Prince Rupert i He ; : Finer Workmanship r $ simpler styles, more graceful s Outlines “and neater finish are ; some of the noticeable good f points ahout this year’s f ; Smart Footwear } that wecan tell you about, How- i} ever, we want you to see the $ new models yourself and the j comfort- you'll have to be fitted to prove that. When can. you call? Family Shoe Store Ceo. Hill E. R. Tabrum The Practical Shoe Men Phone 357. TOM LEE CO.. 840 Second Avenue, West. VEGETABLES Wholesale and Retail (ieneral Contractors and Labor, Exchange. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 547 P.O. Box 725 Pore rE. H. SHOCKLEY GENERAL CONTRACTOR (fice and Shop Fraser St. sash, dears, mouldings and ail interior finish lumber al- wrys in stock. \gent for J. Fyfe Smith's hardwood. estimates Given. REPAIR WORK UNDERTAKEN Phone Green 269. One Cadomin Coal $1260 ... -. Ton Loose GOED Sse ebS hak chs Ton Sacked CLEAN SCREENED KITCHEN LUMP. $15.00 Ton Sacked No wait. Full weight. Consumers (val Company 4. Lorne MacLaren, Manager Room 11, Smith Block. Phones; -7 and Black 293. Phon® Green 507 1017 3rd Avenue Dalgarno & Watts BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS specialists in Light and Heavy Con- struction, Repairs and Alterations. First Class Staircase Work and Finishing. Estimates Cheerfully Given BRICK AND CONCRETE BUILDING CONTRACTORS NEW LIMERICKS Contest Closes Saturday After Which Three Prizes Will be Awarded. The Daily News limerick con- test closes Saturday night, after which the judging will take place and the results made known early next week. Those wishing to compete should gave their verses in early. Two verses were received sign- ed by the nom de plume “S, R. Casm,” which were not in accord- ance with the regulations in that they were knockers. One of these dealt with a local business house and cannot be published, the oth- ris as follows:— Daily News, rhis stunt of the bum Daily News fs foolish, them’s plainly my views; ‘Cause along with friend Sam ‘They're not worth a dam In giving us commonsense news. St. Regis Cafe. St. Regis Gafe we must take off our hats, Vhere they feed us sugar and fats, ! fed there a week And now I’m a freak— You should see the big bulge in my slats. Harry Hanson. There's Hanson, the plumber who toils At his world famous hot water coils. With juice he can thaw; But say girls! tell maw with good plumbing he} foils. Westholme Theatre. 'o the Westholme Theatre we trip | lightly re Paul and Ben greet patrons nightly, And the*music it charms, It soothes and it calms, And the cinema stars shine so brightly. Martin O'Reilly. | or a nobby dress suit, tie, or hat, | Overcoat or a fancy cravat | Don't go chasing around, | Prince Rupert’s the town— Martin O'Reilly's the shop they | are at. lo ‘alories of Isease, McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle. | A furnished house a la Royal, A lot. of Prince Rupert's swell! soil. If you wish one of these Just drop around, please, To McCatfery,, Gibbons & Doyle. Dr. Bayne. for a molar that gives you great pain Or; a cuspid that drives you insane | Phone one-o-nine, Hang on to the line For an appointment* Bayne. Martin O'Reilly. One man I savvy whily Him name spell Martin O’Reillys Him sell’em good clothes And sock, (eall’’em hose) He no ecatchee hole, walkée milee. Will Edmunds’ Music Store. ‘Tis Billy the man we all know sells Pathephones, ther’re all the “Bo,” While songs miscellaneous A heterogeneous Assortment is always on show. with Dr. PEOPLE HAD VERY ENJOYABLE SOCIAL "iss Nymen Sneaks on Subject of Organization—Songs, Games and Refreshments. i st AED | The Young People's Society of | {he Methodist Chureh held a most| successful social evening in the | basement of the church last night. | The gathering was opened by the | Honorary President, Rev. T, H,| Nuttall, and thirty-one persons | were present™most of whom are! members of the society. Miss Nymen, president, gave a short}! address outlining the objects of | the organization, . | Miss Thelma Knight, the so- ciety pianist, then gave a solo and! fames were indulged in. The gathering was then favored with} vocal solos by Messrs. Higgins) and E, Graggs, which were en-| jJoyed very much. At 10:30 re-| freshments were seryed and the| sathering roke up at 11 o'clock | with the singing of a hymn, The | next meeting will be of a devo-! tional nature on Wednesday next. | The following are‘the oftlicers of the society: Honorary Ppesi- dent, Rev, T. H. Nuttall; Second Honorary President, Miss Hudson; President, Miss Nymen; Secretary | Treasurer, W. B. Couldwell:| Pianist, Miss Thelma Knight. | If. Burrough, assistant secretary of the | @xpiration of one month from the date of | {he first publication of notice of this order, lf upert, B.C., for a period of one month. )¢f Duncan, British Columbia, occupation | ication will be made to the Legislative Spinster, intends to apply for permission] ‘38embly of the Province of British. Co (» purchase the following described lands: ibia at the next session, on behalf o Commencing at a post planted at the E ARCHITECTURAL INSTITUTE Ol LAST DAY FOR — [FINEPICTURE AND.) inna tor EXCELLENT MUSIC Mary Pickford in “The Hoodium” Is Above the Average of Her Films. “Copper Crest’ Mineral Claim, situate in he Naas River Mining Division of Cassiar istrict, Where located:—Glacier Creek, Granby Bay. TAKE NOTICE that I, B, L, Johnson, Free Miner’s Certificate No. 81762-B, intend, sixty days from the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate of Improvements, for the purpose of ob- aining a Crown Grant of the above claim. And further take notice that action, un der section 85 must be commenced before One of the best films that has been shown here for many a day was seen last night at the West- in “The wei he issuance of such Certificate of Im holme in “The Hoodlum with the rOVenneeltS. famous Mary Pickford in the ane this 41th day of December, A. D. stellar role. It showed to a full LAND ACT Dated Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Lana. In Queen Charlotte Islands Land District, heeording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Port Clements, Graham Island. TAKE NOTICE that we, the Graham Is- land Spruce & Cedar Co., Limited, of Port Clements, occupation lumbermen, — intend 'o apply for permission to lease the fol- ! wing deseribed lands:-— Commencing at a& post planted at the \.W. corner of Block 53, townsite of Port ‘lements; thence N. 70 deg. W.—540 ft.; thence south 33 deg. W.—-455 ft.; thence south 237.77 ft.; thence east 472.95 ft.; tience following the shore line tn a north- asterly direction to the point of com- reencement and containing 7.4 acres, more cr less, (RAHAM ISLAND SPRUCE & CEDAR CO, LIMITED, Dated August 12th, 1919. TIMBER SALE X 1676. Sealed tenders will be received by the Minister of Lands not later than noon on the 12th day of February, 1920, tor the purchase of Licence X 1676 to cut 1,882,- v00 feet of Spruce, Hemlock, Cedar and Lalsam, and 14,680 thes on an area situ- ated near Usk, Range 3, Coast District. Two (2) years will be allowed for re moval of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Forest- er, Victoria, or the District Forester, Princé Rupert, B.C, house and doubtless tonight again M Pickford h fost . Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Lands ry Pickford has lost none o her aoe | he : d trict of Q@assiar, and situate at Alice Arme ier appeal but rather her ripene Take notice that we, H. R. Fowler and experience has made her appeal H. F. Kergin, of Atice Arm, occupation to lease the following described foreshore : lands :—~ ing able to choose her own plays Commencing at a post planted on_ east and put them on under her own chains; thence east 80 chains more or less direction she makes the most of]to Mliance River; thence north 20 chains : more or less to lot 50, thence west follow- wonderful abilities full play. Ad romaine: 4 60 sotes. Hare oF less. The transformation from the H. F. KERGIN, York are very marked and shows LAND ACT great versatility on the part. of the actress. When she dances is splendid, and she is also at- tractive beyond measure in the wedding scene. from an arrangement of Scottish airs by Maude 8S. Kerr was very enjoyable, The Young People’s Club of the .B.U. held its second dance in and met with good success. There were about 50 couples. present who danced till well on in the Labor Band which shows con- siderable improvement. Refreshments were served at will have a record attendance. In Skeena Lane District, Recording Dis- , : mariners, intend to apply for permission more genuine and wider. In be- bank of Kitsault River; thence south 20 every situation and gives her}ing ‘shoreline to point of commencement, ; ; Getober 11th, 1919. nich setting to the slums of New a entra the shimmy in the back ally she The violin solo by Mrs. Taylor YOUNG PEOPLE'S CLUB the St. Andrew’s Hall last night morning to the strains of the inidnight in the supper room. J Central Labor Council, tended the door. The tug Lorne came off the ways at the drydock yesterday at fer undergoing overhaul. The Lorne was in the dock only a brief time as she is being kept busy in the towing business. While Chief Engineer Cameron is having his holidays, Wm. Baillie. second on the Prince Rupert, is aeting as chief on the Lorne. ‘ i TIMBER SALE X 2090. Sealed tenders will be received by the Minister of Lands not later than noon on -4e 5th day of February, 1920, for the vurchase of Licence X 2090 to cut 700,00U -eet of Spruce, Cedar, Hemlock and Bai IN PROBATE \N THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH] ““iH.00 Lot 1104, Noose-Seck River, R. 3, COLUMBIA, Three (3) years will be allowed for emoval of timber. !¥ THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA- Further particulars of the Chief For- TION ACT ster, Victoria, or the District Forester , ae “rince Rupert, B.C. -25 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF LAND ACT. JOHN BARRIMAN DODSON, DECEASED, Sia INTESTATE. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO PURCHASE LAND IN QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLAND: LAND DISTRICT — RECORDING Dis TRICT OF SKEENA, AND SITUATE 0) iio OF GRAY BAY MORESB) TAKE NOTICE that 1, Walter Rudge, o copper Bay, Moresby Island, British Co iunbia, farmer, intend to apply for pei i ilssion to purchase one hundred and sixt acres of land bounded as follows: Com encing at @ post planted at the northea rner of lot 866, Moresby Isid., thence wes 20 chains; themce north 80 chains; then «ast 20 chains, more or less to the beach, ‘hence following the beach southerly tc point of commencement, and containing 160 acres more or less. RUDGE, Locator. P. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO WHOM 1T MAY CONCERN of an Order made by liis-Monour F, McB. Young, in the above faatter on the 26th day of January, A. D. i920, as follows:— iT IS ORDERED that the said John H. \MeMullin shall be allowed to swear to the ceath of the said deceased as occurring on the 25th day of October, 1918, after the (nless in the meantime proof is furnished ') the Registrar of this Court at Prince Nupert, B.C., that the said deceased, John Barriman Dodson, was alive subsequently !) the said 25th day of October, 1918. AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the -ald John H. MeMullin do publish notice f this order in the Prince Rupert Daily cwWs, & newspaper published at Prince WALTE November 22, 1919. *KEENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT ©! UEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, TAKE NOTICE that Charles E, Burgess. «€ Bay Point, California, hotel-keeper, |: ‘ends to apply for a licenve to prospect f coal apd petroleum over the following de scribed lands on the West Coast of Moresb) island, British Columbia, commencing 4 & post planted about 200 yards from th southerly shore of Canoe Pass and 4 mite- east of the northeast corner of Robe: lieid’s coal and petroleum licence numb: 10460, thence north 80 chains, thence eas. 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains to the point of commence ment, CHARLES E. BURGESS. By Hans kK. Christensen, Agent Located October 9th, 1919. NOTICE NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that an ap DATED at Prince Rupert, B. C., this 26th iy of January, A.D. 1920. JOHN H, McMULLIN, Official Administrator. LAND ACT (Form No, 9.) FORM OF NOTICE, PRINCE RUPERT LAND DISTRICT. DISTRICT OF CASSIAR, TAKE NOTICE that Lenora Mabel Smith, South West and only South corner of Lot} @ARITISH COLUMBIA for a private bill in ‘34 (Portland Canal) Cassier District, | *-rporating the said Institute, the sald bil: lrovince of British Columbia; South 55] !0 known a8 “THE BRITISH COL’ Mis: Gegrees 06 minutes East, three thousand] *RCHITECTS' ACT’, for the purposes oi fect thence; North 34 degrees 54 minutes|#verning and regulating the practice of Fast, two thousand one hundred and nifty | Architecture in the I’rovince of British Co feet more or less thence; North 55 de-|/mbia. xvees 06 minutes West, two thousand five DATED at the City of Vancouver in hundred and fifty feet more or less thence; | {'rovince of British Columbia, this 9 North 85 degrees 55 minutes West, four]43¥ Of November, A.D. 1919, hundred feet thence; South following high G, ROY LONG, ‘Sater line to point of commencement. Solicitor for the Applieauts Approximate area one hundred and forty- “ur acres, more or less, . WATER NOTICE SMITH, (Use and Storage). LENOR*S MABEL ‘ by her agint, A. A, Forsyth, ate 8th January, 1920 TAKE NOTICE that North American Tim er Holding Company, whose address is in are of M. C, Lawler, Dominion Building vancouver, B. C,, will apply for a licence © laké and use 200 euble feet per second nd to store 50,000 acre feet per annum et of Mosquito Lake, Moresby , Pom - « , 0 Paice ROPERT LAND DISTRICT, (umshewa Inlet, which ge STRICT OF CASSIAR, quito Creek and drains into west arm of “umshewa Inlet at its head. The storage- dam will be located at the southeast ex. tremity of Mosquito Lake, The capacity of the reservoir to be created is about 25,000 acre feet and it will flood about 500 acres of land. The water will be diverted from the lake at a point about the southeast extremity of Mosquito Lake Ute LAND ACT (Form No, 9.) FORM OF NOTICE, TAKE NOTICE that Lenora Mabel smi h, of Duncan, British Columbia, Cecurtien Spinster, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following deseribea lands: Commencing at a post planted at a point on high water line on the Westerly shore cf the Portland Canal, on the North Boun- cary of Lot 434, Cassiar District, tn the nd will be 1 ‘a f j st, used SrOrines 08 Sridieh Columbia, distant southithe land described as Lot sis gn § grees, 06 minutes East, one thou- Charlotte Islands District. This nowlce wa! the 4th day of sand three hundred and thirty-six and five- posted on the ground on copy of this notice tenths feet from the northwest corner Of | December, 1919 A Lot 444; thence south g@5 degrees, 06] nad og i 08, an applic minteg most. two hundred feet; thence] to the * ter’ Ace Petar wit reno and ‘ degrees 12 minutes West, eight}the office of the Water Recorder at Prine: hundred and ten feet thenceNorth ’ I 1 8 : frees, 55 minutes West, two hundred Si Cee coven feet thence; eriay the Veh water line northerly to . caeeaeenee } point of com Area approximately four and # half acres ess. Rupert, B. C. Objections to the a c tion may be filed with the said Wetee he corder or with the Comptroller of Wate Rights, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, p C., within thirty dave after'the first an pearance of this notice in a local news Open Ist February, 1920 NEW MARINE Ways Shawatlans Passage Squi for building and repairing all classes of boat Sto loo Equipped for building oe oath. $ uy 100 feet WOODWORKING, BLACKSMITHING AND MACHINE gyj(j)< Best equipped plant in Central British Columbia, : Seal Cove Marine Ways, Lic. A. Swanson, President W. E. Taompson, Gen, 4, Phone Red 391 Phone Green 153 ager LAND REGISTRY ACT, (Sections 36 and 134.) Application No. 11365-1. File 6274. TAKE NOTICE that application has been made to register David H. Hays, of Prince ; Hand Your Baggage ( hecks to ; JOE BROWN he Rupert, B, C., as owner in fee under a i : a Tax Sale Deed from the Collector of the ae Transfer and City of Prince Rupert, bearing date the assenger Ser : 23rd day of October, 1919, of ALL AND {o.. g vice SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of Stand, Empress Hote! land and premises situate, lying, and being in the City of Prince Rupert, more par- ticularly known and described as Lot thirty (30), Block forty-two (42), Sec- tion eight (8), (Map 923). You are re- Quick Deliveries { quired to contest the claim of the tax PDL PDLE FDP LLL OP CDDODO DOD» Pr reen,| POPP om, 35 days from the date of the service of this notice (which may be effected by publication in the Dally News, Prince Rupert), and your attention {s called to section 36 of the “Land Regis- try Act” with amendments, and to the following extract therefrom:— “and in default of a caveat or cer- tificate of lis pendens being fled before the registration as owner of the person entitled under such tax sale, all persons so served with notice, and those claiming through or under them, and all per- the purchaser within For Hire by the Hour, Vay or Week Launch Alice sons claiming any interest in aL oP, land by virtue Of pny unregistered Picnic and Fishing Parties instrument, and all persons claim- : ing any Interest in the land by Trips round Harbor descent whose title is not registered under the provisions of this Act, shall be for ever estopped and de- barred from setting up claim to or in respect of the land so sold for taxes, and the Registrar shall register the person entitied-under such tax sale as owner of the land so sold for taxes.” wom wee - J. MYHILL-JONES OF PPD OF SMITH & MALLETT AND WHEREAS application has been made for a Certificate of Indefeasible Title we to the above-mentioned lands, in the name mares f David H. Hays. PLUMBING AND HEATING ‘AND WHEREAS on investigating the title ENGINEERS it appears that prior to the 10th day of October, 1908 (the date on which the said Estimates furnished lands were sold for overdue taxes), you 3rd Avenue, head ere the Crown Granted owner thereof. FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that at the Address, same time I shall effect registration in of Second Street pursuauce of such application and issue a Certificate of Indefeasible Title to the Phone 174 -— P.O. Box 27 said lands in the name of David H. Hays unless you take and prosecute the proper proceedings to establish your claim, if any, to the said lands, or to prevent such proposed action on my part. Dated at the Land Registry Office, Prince DENTISTRY | Phones 176, Black 34 | Phones 41 and Red 39) | | | | ” enero Kupert, B.C., this 7th day of November, A.D. 1919. OFFICE HOURS: H, F. MACLEOD, 8 a.m. to 12; 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. District Registrar of Titles. To Ethel Tate, DR. J. 8. BROWN Victoria, B.C. 56 DENTIST sak a Office: Smith Block, Third Avenue. : SE SH COLUMBIA. ‘ PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA e 454. DEPARTMENT OF LANDS. eororrrse "tr eccere WATER RIGHTS BRANCH, CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL, 1. WHEREAS the Port Essington Water Company Limited, is a Company incorpor- ated under the Companies Act, its objects and powers as set out in its Certificate of Incorporation published in the British Co- lumbia Gazette of 19 December, 1912, at page 11864, extending to and including the construction or operation of works for the supply or utilization of water. 2. AND WHEREAS the said Company did on the 7th day of January, 1914, ob- tain a Certificate of Approval of its un- fertaking so far as It relates to phe diversion of water from Cunningham Lake, a tributary of Cunningham Creek, and arriage thereof as set out in a vtertain water permit No, 125 and the sale, barter and exchange of the said water 4. AND WHERFAS the said Company did apply on the 19th day of March, 1915, for a licence to divert an additional quan- tity of water, to wit, one and a half cubic feet per second out of the said Cunning ham Lake and for a licence to store four ‘undred acre feet of water in the said ‘unningham Lake, ; : 4. AND WHEREAS the said Company |*"@ Indian Reserve No. 3. has after due notice by Petition filed on Deputy “Minister the 29th day of April, 1915, petitioned | Department of Lands, hat the said Certificate be amended so as Victoria, B. C. to include the diversion, storage, carriage and sale of the water applied for on the aid 19th day of March, 1915. , 5. “AND WHEREAS the time for filing bjeections bas expired, and no objections have been filed to the said Petition, 6. AND WHEREAS the Comptroller of Water Rights has advised the Board that the works constructed by the sald Com- pany under Final Licence No. 3238 issued in respect of Water Permit No, 125 and nditional Licence No, 323 under the provisions of the Water Act, 1914, suMecient for the storage, diversion and carriage of the whole of the said water. 7. THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the pro- posed enlargement of the undertaking of the Port Essington Water Company Limited ‘in So far as it relates to the diversion of an additional one and a half cuble feet of water per second from Cunningham Lake and the storage of four hundred acre feet of water in said Cunningham Lake) is heréby approved and the sale of the said water is also hereby approved, 8. Any licences which may hereafter be Issued shall (notwithstanding the issue or this Certificate) be subject to readjust- ment by the Board of Investigation, 9. The water may be carried in the works which were constructed pursuant to the provisions of the Certificate of Ap proval of the seventh day of January, 1914. 10. The territory within which the Com- pany may exercise its powers under this Certificate is the Townsite of Port Essing- fon, being part of Lot 45, Group 1, Range 5, Coast District, 11. The term of any Meence issued un- A. G. GRAY Teacher of Piano Studio 187 Second Avenue PHONE 182 or 444 SPPOSOPP VP PP OPPO SC 22 02s onnene NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN windbreak Keserve covering the bell land ten chains in width and situat the north shore of Graham [s\and of which appeared in the “brit Gazette” of the 28th Janus cancelled in go far portion lying between Indian lese! am one? TIMBER SALE X 2086. —_ be recel\ f Sealed tenders will Ministei the 26th day of February, 19?" %) purchase of Licence X 2Us6 | tock 000 feet of Spruce, Cedar and Hel an area adjoining Lot 505, River, Range 2, Coast Distric! One (1) year will be al! moval of timber. Further particulars of the (' Victoria, or the District Rupert, B, C. LAND ACT Notice of intention to Apply ‘° Land. er, Prince ding Dis yale © r ih nea In Vancouver Land District, Ret i trict of Coast, Range Ill, ane the west coast of Calvert [sion north end, Take notice that Mark | Falls, B. C., occupation logge’ | apply for permission to pure lowthe described lands: ankle Commencing at a post plan mile north of N.W, cor. Lot 0 north 40 chains; thence wes! thence south 40 chains: ther : chains, and containing 160 4c" SMABY e588, , MARK Dated December 20th. 101° ¢ Oeed Smaby 0 i intends | the [0 he deemed to be an approval of the plans of any works covered by the proposed undertaking, or to authorize the construc. * TAKE NOTICE that J, Peter Prince Rupert, B. ©... Prosper’ ni. oa to apply for a licence tO PPO og i nore or $ paper. The date of the § tENORA MABEL SMITH, of this notice is January at soidilcation } gent, A. A, Forsyth, NORTH AMERICAN TIMBER HOLD NY, Date 8th January, 1990. COMPANY, Applicant : ver the af tion of any such works, but shall have] CiAnd petroleum Over cer Coast the effect only of a certificate issued un ham Island:— ranted at Int der the provisions of section &1 of the} Commencing at a Beet Penal corr © “ a ’ her Water Act, 1944," and shall he subject {Miles north OF the More narth, Mh to such provisions. 80 ohaing west, thence 8° enains a Dated at Victoria, B.C., this 27th day| thence 80 chains east to n°!" of December, 1919. mencement, PETER PIOMBO T. D. : D, PATTULLO, Located July 27, 1919 1019 Minister of Lands, Dated September e5imh as it reiates to thi der this Certificate shall be fifty. years ina pan ne from its priority, QUEEN CHARLOVTE Il ernict ’ 12. This Certifcate shall not in any way TRICT AB CORONA piamia, % November 7th, 1919 je are ed by of Lands not later | Oe te fn chuck-wallt ed for Mt niet Forest f reste! purchstt ) s p ft mente