GOOD EATS ms cif vaMe BAKERY | Legislative Libraty j The Daily News 4 iNorthern and Central British Columbia’s Newspaper e b PRINCE RUPERT 211 6th Street ee ' Go Bg. a Te Re ae oe eae VOL XI. NO. 20. a ase i ii ilk aie NS a United States Is Respons (special to The News v 31.—That s] pARIS, January precialion Im the franc ant the de fy lier ie the eoncensus of opiniot (Old ! : htained financial cireles in obtai trictions On imports, increased rest wt me ot) ale re The British bankers say howe mer by the fact of circu for depreciation of yi sponsible the Kuropean the currency on Continent. We had forecasted that the Hound would go down to $3.50. or D orhaps to $3," said Evelyn Toul- Ain, director of Lloyd’s Bank As- ‘We were par- the emergency i would be a great advantage f the United States would help us along for a ociation, today. i for vy pre] I Ave shall need American ince. Hard work and economy are the only remedies. There is » short cut,” LONDON, Jan. 31.—Thursday's ff_ll in the value of ster- ize in New York hastfé inxiety over the ex- and focussed conference to be Chancellor of the bankers the exc} ind ASTAPTER ALL - PROFITEERS moard of Commerce Gets Busy and Will Punish Wrong- Doers. a "TAWA, Jan. 31.—The Board f ( ommerce has issued a set of culations which have reference formation and operation of defined in the Prices Act. constitute a ch all existing and as defined by “ob nes and Fair Prices Act + . none to be drawn and as ard may have opportunity, Ie) ‘Xamined good and ‘led from the bad ning Lo @all for dis- punishment proeeed- 0 the i 1 as 1 Fair fulations Ombines al he re Mposed ey i he ( mbpines, Vill De lefor fensil ble s¢ ANd those Olution Or Md against.” ene Witteeceeeceersonssooonoooes TONIGHT WESTHOLM THEATRE GEORGE WALSH “py Sax Sp” Ford B ord Edueat ional British Gazette EMPRESS) zy THRAT RE ms Seas an RLYLE BLACKWELL EVELYN GREELEY IN 4 re Courage for Tao”? 12th Episo le of The “IRON TEST” Currency Trouble hat is Opinion of British Bankers, who Ask That Country to Ease up and Help European Countries Along. medies unanimously preseribed by financial men here. DEFENSE OF So Decides English Court of Ap- justice liable to imprisonment.” heuer an FINE ARTS BUILDING students, ible For 4 ia O T,P. Telegraphs.) veculation is not responsible for {| the pound sterling toward the i of British and Freneh bankers Paris. Hard work, production and additional taxa- economy, ver that willingly or unwillingly nstances, the United States is REALM ACT IS ILLEGAL ‘extlations. The Court of Appeals n reversing this decision declar- “d that the provision of the Act grave invasion of citizens’ rendering the seeker after vas a ‘iglits SWEPT bi FIRE AT NEW YORK YESTERDAY (Special via G.T.P. Telegraphs.) NEW YORK, January 34.—Art ‘an Fine Arts Building yesterday. While the fire was raging 1100 including 200 young vomen, marched in safety from ivighboring buildings. LEAGUE OF NATIONS TAKE UP QUESTION SWISS NEUTRALITY speriat via A py Tele€raphs BERNE, Jan, 31.—-Switzenland is anxious that the League of Nations may take up the question of Swiss neutrality in the near future, TROOPS REVOLTED AT VLADIVOSTOCK (Special via G.T. P, Telegraphs.) VLADIVOSTOK, January 31.— revolted here yesterday. They ar- rested their officens and refused to take orders from the Govern- ment authorities. The men were foreed to surrender this morning. HOISTED KOLCHAK ON SOLDIERS’ BAYONETS (Special by G.T. P. Teregraphs.) LONDON, Jan, 31,—A Moscow dispatch declanes that Supreme Ruler Kolchak was hoisted on his NEW BRITISH ~TERRITORIALS Churchill Spencer volunteered unless and the reserves had been called up. WAR VIOLATORS PRINCE RUPERT, B. G., SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, 1920. a TA XI Phone 75 and 36 We Never Sleep PRINCE RUPERT AUTO 707 Second Avenue M. H. LARGE PRICE FIVE CENTS eee $2,000 FOR NEW Hospital Board on Behalf of Red Cross. ERECTION OF NEW At the annual meeting of the Hospital Association last night Judge Young, on behalf of thé Red Society, handed a marked check for $2,000 to the president of the Hospital Board to be used as a nucleus to the fund for the erection of a nurses’ home. In presenting the cheek the Judge said that all were agreed as to the necessity of the home. The Red Cross executive was unanimous as to the need. The erection of a building has been long delayed. He read the esolulion of the Red Cross So- cietys which was moved by Mrs. Cross too R. L. MeIntosh, seconded by Mrs. F, G,. Dawson and signed by the secretary, Mrs. N. EK. Woodland. It provides that the money be used exclusively towards the enee- ion of the home, and that eut of the sum mentioned a_ suflicient amount be retained to suitably furnish the nurses’, living room in such home Great Britain owes peal in Regard to Right Judge Young said he under- at niry £800,000,000. We of Ejectment. stood that they already had a it sooner perhaps than —— suitable site, the title of which the general impres- (special via G.T, ¥. Telegrapns is in the hospital. The object France owes the United LONDON, January 341,—~Three s a worthy one and the public os £500,000,000. udges of the Appeal Court de-| of Prince Rupert and district was fhe present situation will ob- ‘ided today that the provisions{ generous. ain as long as Europeans arej|of the “Defence of the Realm rhe society had also decided to mot brought to a realization that}Act,” giving immunity to muni-] present the library to the hospitat Kurope must supply its own|tion workers in certain areas|for the use of convalescents. needs, Then only will the ex-,;against ejectment from their] They could haye both the 150 Phang problems in Europe be] aomes, constitutes a violation of} books “and the shelving, the con- ettled. . lien Magna Charta. The decision] dition being that they be removed lhe period to be bridge@*may] Sas-created muech- interest among} irom. the but smpmediately extend for four or penhaps five} lawyers. On the notion of W. bk. Wil- years, It is during that time that The lower court had held that] liams the generous gifts were ac- assist-|the owner of a house occupied by] cepted by the Board with thanks munition workers was debarred| and the secretary directed to row recovering his property by] open a special account for the he Defence of the Realm Act|4und for the new home. Outlines Scheme for Organization of Volunteer Force. (Special via 0. T. P. Telegraphs.) LONDON, Jan. 31,—Winston Churehill, secretary of war, in outlining the state for te TERE 1 S000 Wr reconstruction of the territorial ee by « flme which swept forces, said they would be or- irough the annex of the Ameri- ganized as a territorial army omprising fourteen divisions, ap- proximating as closely as possible the regular anmy division make- up. Churchill declared the terri- torials would not be sent to for- unless Phey semvice and endorsed it theatres for this Parliament eign war LIST COMPLET! Wore than 800 Names are to be ‘Handed to Germany and no Revision Allowed. (Special via G,T, P. Telegrapns PARIS, Jan. 31.—The list of German war violators has been Vhree hundred government troops | pompleted by the Allied countries. It contains more than 800 names of those who transgressed all the rules of international warfare. It is understood that the final list will be handed in to German) on February 10 and that it will not de revised, JIMMIE WILDE WILL FIGHT FRANKIE MASON (Special via ©, T, P. Telegrapns.) TOLEDO, Jan, 31.--Prepara- soldiers’ bayonets. PPP npS. OORT Oe B C. Undertakers. Phone a. tions are beginning for the forth- coming bout between Jimmy \Wilde and Frankie Mason, NURSES’ HOME Judge Young Hands Check to the BUILDING IS URGED ACTIONOVER BUILDING DOCK TO BE HEARD (Special to The News WASHINGTON, Jan. 31.—T back to the Senate without rep Grant Smith & Co. & McDonnell Suing Government for Over Quarter of Million Dollars. failed to reach any decision. 'will be taken in regard to it. | (Special via tf Telewraphs. ) OTTAW Ay January 31. against the Government concern-! ‘he ing the patment for excavation | f 28,276 eubice yards of earth | No Agreement by Senate Committee Regarding the German Treaty of Peace via G.T.P. Telegraphs.) he treaty compronfise is referred rt as the bi-partisan conference There is no indication what action The question of food relief for Europe is an important subject Action | hefore the ways and means committee of Congress. In some of uropean countries food is very searce and dear and the veople ar badly in need of help, and 34,100'cubic yards of rock.) ‘ile ia -oM { heii the amount'in each case respec- AW DKECTORS lively being 814,703 and $292,110.) 4 f will be hegrd in the Exchequer | FOR HOSPITAL Court om February 4. Five Chosen at Annual Meeting The action is that » of Grant} Siith & Ce. & MeDonnell, Ltd., of of Hospital Association Last Night. Vancouver for work done in con-| nection with the building of two! bie conerete wharves at Victoria | on a contract signed March 9, |} 1944, a hd | At the annual meeting of the Phe dispute is as to what per-| Prince Rupert Hospital Associa- centage of excavation work should be paid foi rock rates, and the company @laims that they had to blast to tile extent for which they tion in the City Hall last night Judge Young was eleeted honor- any president and five directors were chosen, D. G. Stewart, W. E Claim for-rock excavation. They Williams, J. B. Roerig, D. C. Me ‘ 7 ‘tw ‘ FO, ‘ae 4 5; . . ’ » ia i were DORE paid S2c per cubic! z54° and J. C. McLennan. Other veard for earth and $9.10 for rock. | will be appointed by the Peovincial Government, the City nincil and the Ladies’ Auxiliary. recvors MRS. DAN MARTIN _ C. Stuart was chosen auditor. IN STREET ACCIDENT! ‘teports were. read from the: li;cctors, the matron, and the Ladies’ Auxiliary and the finan- nual report showed a debt of $5,- 1) and many expenditures need- ed. Votes of thanks were passed to the Ladies’ Auxiliary, Daugh- «+s of the Empire, and other or- aaizations that had helped the :ospital during the year. The Ladies Auxiliary had raised $1,- Sustained Very Severe Injuries at Vancouver and is at the ; Hospital. Word has been received private- ly in this eity of the very serious injuries suStained by Mrs. Dan Martin, a resident of Prince Ru- pert some six years ago, in a DENTAL CLINIC BIG ADVANTAGE TO COMMUNITY Dr. A. H. Bayne, Addressing St. Andrew’s Society Gives Facts and Figures. ~ GREAT BENEFIT TO WELFARE OF CHILDRED: The address given by Dr. A. H. Bayne to the St. Andrew's So- ciety last night on Free Dental Clinics for School. Children was much appreciated by the members and a fuller insight into the workings of such an institution was furmished by the doctor. Dr. Bayne states that he would be willing to give half a day per week to the work and if this was done by the three dentists in this city it would mean 1% days per week which he considers ample for the 700 school children in at- tendance at the city schools. In Vancouver, where there are 10,- 000 children attending school, 342 which had been spent on new iinen and other necessities, while the I. O. D. E. had--equippd.a | snuch-needed nursery. street aceident in Vancouver. Mrs. Martin wes deaving her home on 2ith Avenue, Fast, last Friday af- ternoon. and while hurrying to catch a street car was run down by a large motor truck. The in-|4 4 juvies were Very serious as her |. nose and both jaws were broken, | OF IM 6 and she received serious injuries | rout the head. Besides this, ! she sustained a compound frac-| tu'e of the leg below the knee. | ‘was immediately rushed, un-| mage sy eet a an conscious, to the hospital where! ear, mumbere ‘ , she has received no visitors. Special G. TP. Tele bs. Mrs. Martin had a host of} roe er eres friends in thi city who will mu¢ h| OTTAWA, Jan. 31.—Immigra- rie s sc on} . . ; ition to Canada for the calendar regret to hear of the painful ac- gp ; i meee year 1949 totalled 117,633, an in- cident. Since leaving Prince Ru-|! ‘rease 37, 39% ver 1918. ¢ pert she has lived at Anyox, more |“"®@S' of 67,393 over 1918. Of iw ; ithese 57,251, were fromthe. Brit- recently moving to Vancouver. tae : \ish Isles, principally soldiers’ de- Her uskand, Dan Martin. WAS pendente, and. 92,008 from. the inks department : United States. In 1918 the totals . : iwere: British Isles, 4,484; United vegan i iStates, 40,194. CELESTIAL EMPIRE IN Immigrants fpom the United States brought with them cash HAD ENGINE TROUBLE | and effects amounting to $18,419,- | 406, compared with $7,351,047 in Big New England Trawler Calls | 1918. for Repairs Below Deck; Immigrants who took up resi- Gone Today. idence in Canada last year in jie British Columbia numbered 3,601. The big New England Fisheries | British settlers last year in Brit- trawler Celestial Empire came !ish Columbia numbered 8,346, into Prince Rupert yesterday af- cian ath engine tvuble SONS OF ENGLAND HAD SOCIAL NIGHT halibut whieh had been caught while coming north from Van-)| couver, the vessel had repairs! ententained Members and Friends made and left for the banks at} at Cards and Dancing. noon today. The Celestial Empire will fish) on the -banks adjacent at the! Gueen Charlotte Islands but as} works out of Vancouver her catehes will be taken there. About 100 persons were in at- tendance at the whist drive and dance given by the Sons of Eng- land for members and friends in the K, P. Hall last eyening. The party was arranged by the 8, O, E. social committee and was a very enjoyable event. The first part of the evening was devoted to card playing and after this danc- ing was the order till the early hours of the morning, Mrs. J. Vierick won the first ladies’ prize. S. M. Newton and W. Hughes tied for the gentle- men's prize and on the cut of the cards it was awarded to the lat- she MILLIONS SPENT ON EX-SOLDIERS WHO ARE OUT OF WORK (Special via G. T.P, Telegraphs.) OTTAWA, Jan. 31.——-In_ the neighborhood of a million dollars has been paid to ex-soldiers out of work from the employment ap- propriation. To the first week of| ter. Consolation prizes went to January there had been 17,000!Mrs, Will Edmunds and John applicants who benefited to the ex-| Myhill-Jones. Music was pro- vided by the Empress Orchestra, tent of nearly $600,00,. A. EH, Rose, C.B., who has charge of the administration of the fund, said it was certain the total to be spent would not be more than 83,- [Ladysmith Coal. The best. Prince Ask for Atkins’ Sausages. tf ten days a week are given. “The health of any community is its greatést” asset,” said Dr. Bayne, in the-course of his ad- dress last night, ‘‘and the mouth is the portal of the human sys- tem. A neglected, unclean and unhealthy mouth preciudes th: possibitity-of a healthy individual. The unfortunate train of results that are caused by a broken down and diseased set of teeth are too well known to all intelligent peo- ple to need elaboration, but, a well known fact gains force by repetition. Decayed teeth not only interfere directly with the pro- cess of nutrition but they favor the propogation of disease germs so that the child whose vital re- sistence is already lowered, if not entirely broken down, falls an easy prey to disease, Advantages Evident. “The solution i8 a free dental clinic. It may sound a big prop- osition but when the’ city does this—as do it, it must—it will be one of the greatest advances in the matter of public health ever made by the community. In view (Continued on Page Three). PRICES HIGH UNTIL PRODUCTION GREATER So Declares Reginald McKenna When Government Asked to Bring Down Cost. 6. T. P. Telegrapbs.) LONDON, Jan. 30,—Reginald McKenna’ declares that lower prices will not obtain until pro- duction is increased. Any sudden deflection would be disastrous to trade. The buying capacity of the British public has been doubled since 1918. The country must reduce expenditures *to a figure lower than tax revenues. The declaration was in answer to the miners who asked that prices be reduced by the Govern- ment. (Special via 4SK REFERENDUM — ON PROHIBITION (Special by G,T. P, Telegrapns.) Regina, Jan. 30.—Hon. W.F, A. Turgeon moved a resolution here yesterday asking the Dominion Government to take a referendum vote to determine whether imports of liquor should be prohibited or | 000,000, | Deport Goal Company, Phone 16. not in Saskatchewan,