Page 6 oer Tra Fn women 4 “mae pe a MY NW) hi |. \TheF Campai ' . | The Forward Movement Campaign ie A Four Weeks’ Programme i January 18—Day of Intercession. February 1—Foreign Aspects of the Appeal. q The World Situation. February 8—Summary, and Cali for January 25—National Aspects of the Appeal. Workers. er | “sa eemvict DOMINION POLICE mE The ratariitionsl Bible Stu- OBSEQUIES TONIGHT ldents Will hold a service tomor- amc | row, Sunday, in the K. of P. hall hae re we to let 7:30 ee 4 aig welcome Precio te seis oe Nears pr ie extennee as : midnight the Dominion police has an ifluence } more than wea th. Yue necessary easy terms. ore artists. Box 64! . Two-stoney ] iit ome wi close in, Seetiond 6-room that’s Tue PA1THEPHONE » World's Best Phonograph Plays All Records $+ Get one now,—delays are un- when you know our IN YOUR HOME worth Shisment, of New Tf ec- ords just In Cone and hear the world’s best Will Edausds | Peace Rapert Masic Stors Opposite the Post Oifice Phone BLACK 183 * woerertr POOP LOS LEP POS HS LEP PAPOOF EE as FOR SALE modern th hath, on large lot, Fully and One of the a home years. $4500.90 on reduction all cash. i well furnished. best properties for i! listed with us for fin: hb kad " Including furniture, ue terms, or a for sigh 3rd Ave. McCaffery, Gibbons & Boyle, Ltd. Phone 11] NOTICE PRINCE RUPERT DAIRY. 97 and 50-piece Dinner Sets at Tite’s February Bargain prices. for 8 English Block at classes in Hays Night foreigners, o'clock. Tite’s February Sale for brass and iron beds, springs and mat- tresses. tf . Masters Willie and Fred Ker- ei), entertained’ a number their high school friends last night at a party held at the home of their parents, Dr. and Mrs. Ww. 1. Kergin, Second Ave, W.+ hiaine correctly snea’ $6.00, G. ©. Walker. Phone Blue 389. tf Carpets, floor oilcsoth and lino- 'Jeums at Tite’s Big Sale vahies. On and after February 4, all milk will be sold strictly for cash. STANDARD DAIRY, 26 of eS Regis Vale Si. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1 Meals a la carte Menu on the Counter We are taking this opportunity to thank all those who have contributed ee Limericks in the past week's con- test. We feel that many have done their best to express their honest sentiments in writing same, and for this reason we feel doubly grateful. Monday, February 2. B% EAKFAST, 35c 7 am. to 10 a.m. Baked Apples itclied Oats or Grape Nuts Hotcakes stripped with Swift's Premium Bacon and Syrup foast Jam & Coffee , ~ LUNCHEON, 50c 11:30 to 2 p.m. ; AND cere re eo Oe ee IL. eee DINNER, 59c 5 to 7:30 p.m. Vermicelli Soup i Fillet of Sole, Tartar Sauce Alaska Selt Cod in Cream Boiled Beef and Creamed Carrots Lamb Pot Pie with Dumplings Braised Short Ribs, Spanish Home Made Head Cheese Potato Salad. a Notary Public Conveyancer | | Veal Stoqueties, Cream Sauce ? Roast Mutton, Pan Gravy a lai d Mashed, Be sled or Baked Potatoes ert Oe Vanilla Pudding rt 4 4 Hot Mines Pie 3 Coffee ; ror a ‘4 = Lib t : FR ee a ‘ ORO EOE HOR i Oui ICK SALE angen i } ~~ T 4 2 and cpiock 27, i) DENTISTRY } j rc 42 es | Block 27 1} ai’ } i Section 1, Park Avenue ; - i m +} Don’t neglect your Teeth 2? One decayed or missing tooth : \) aitle ; lowers your effici ency } 3 } ; Cash for the pair. Look ; ; DR. BA YNE ‘ them over and buy. ; } Office Hours--Morning, 9 to 12; i } ; } Afternoon, 1.80 to 5.30; Satur- ; immer E(t D .d y, 9 to 12 only. -Evenings, f M. M. S ; Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri- tephens : day, from 7 to %, $ pet : Real Estate Insurance Financial Agent 3} DUNTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE § tie ; $) pHoNe 100 FOR APPOINTMENT i adv wee ore ~ LOLOL LOL AL AL OL LALA A AL OL AAT OE = a a - pam i ee eee “wows pine bbceiinnnenmamel ahi BAPTIST CHURCH, su WAY, FEBY. 1 he Missionar y Sunday we 71 A.M. Prayer Service 2: 20 Sunday Echeo!-—Miselonery Tepic 7:20 Ns Subject:— “The Forward Movement and Miesionary Enterprise Walt SPEAKER —— P. H. LINZEY ‘ The offerings of tae day will be devoted entirely to missions aa = FOR SALE ip : House and Lot, 1045 Third Avenue West; 3 bedrooms, i dining room, living room, kitchen, pantry, bath, two ‘on stories. Very well built. The price is. eee yaa Pie Pie , “agape on very Gasy terms ee over five years, aaa Rentals mi Estate a ' ‘ force as it is at present consti- tuted, ceases to exist and the per- sonnel thereof will be absorbed by “the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the new title of the North West Mounted Police. SMITHERS Milk is now selling at .20c a quart in Smithers. Cream is 60c a pint. e ° * Smithers celebrated Burns Day fittingly when a Burns concert vas held in the Methodist Church iast Friday night. The program vas as well carried out as any ever held in Smithers. The affair of course was of a_ typically Seotch character. The hit of the evening was made by W. J. O'Neill with his novel imitation of Harry Lauder. i a The Mrs. J. N. Carr *sufferned severe burns about thé faé¢e and hani's when the little tet fell ihe- stove. against On Sunday aftefnoon last a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Axel Anderson. . ® 7 Mrs. R. H. Page, of the station restaurant, received painful burns last week that are confining her to the house. W. J. Crawford, Miles Donald, foseph Wells and other Alice Arm aining men are in the city tied up here on account of the ice which has closed the port of Alice Arm. They are going nort! n the Chelohsin on Monday norning in hope of getting through after the recent thaw. Passengers for the Arm on the Prince George Thursday were un- uble to proceed any farther than \nyox. Painful ° Sensations in the muscles, “neuralgia”, soreness, aching back, pimp- les, boils, rashes and other eruptions, usually result from self-poisoning by pro- ducts of imperfectly digest- ed or non-éliminated food. pil help to restore activity of liver, bowels, kid- neys, and skin, and so count- eract cause and relieve symp. toms, Largest Sele cf Any Medicine in the World. everywhere boxes, 25c., Sc. LAN Ee Celle ia 2 February, 1920 LEAP YEAR Specials will appear in Monday's Paper. We take this opportunity to thank the many who have helped to make the Limerick Contest a success, We will announce the Winning Limerick in Monday’s paper, Rupert Table Supply Co, Phones 211, 212 little daughter of Mr. and} Saturday, Jantiais 51, 4 if Tite’s February Furniture Sale in full swing for bargains. tf Local News Notes Launch “Alice B,”’ Phone 41. * . , See Goldbloom’s advertisement for special values ‘in raincoats. ‘Tapestry Chesterfields and easy at Tite’s February Sale tf chairs prices. . . * Mullen went east on this gone e572: morning’s train and will be about a fortnight. Manu- Phone tf The “Dinectur’ Corset. factured in Prince Rupert. Blue 92. eo © e The best violin strings on the market 25¢, 30c, 35¢ each. Singer Shop, 144 Third Avenue. 26 . . Scrims, Marquisettes, and curtain materials 20% eount at Tite’s February Sale. Voiles dis- tf A delightful little bridge party consisting of 5 tables was given by Mrs. D. C. McRae, Fourth Ave. East, last evening. e . . Milk Tickets may be obtained from the drivers, or from Munro Brothers and Orme’s Drug Store. —PRINCGE RUPERT DAIRY. 26 Lazelle, the Terrace hardware man, left for, home on this morning's train after having spent a few days in the city on business. Frank * * . Standard Dairy, milk. tickets maybe obtained at the oflice of the Lindsay Transfer Company, 244, Fourth Street, or from the driver. 314 Big Basketball Dance in the St. ee Hall Friday, February by the boys’ and girls’ basket- ball teams of the Drrdock. Gray's Orchestra. The Mable A., with 25,000 Ibs.; the Anna J.*with 26,000 lbs., and he North with 8,000 pounds are the only boats at the fish wharves ‘oday. They will sell at the fish sale tomorrow morning. David H. Hays, who left here some months ago for California snd who has been in hospital there, is now very much recover- éd in health and hopes to return to Prince Rupert during Marcel. Mr. and Mrs. Hays are at Los Angeles. . tia Alex. Manson, M.L.A. for Omin- a district, left on this morning's train for Lucerne where he wil! nake connection with the Cana- dian Northern railway for Van- couver. He will take his seat in the Legislative Assembly at Vic- foria on Tuesday. of the ninety cases of liquor that arrived from Albert m Thursday night’s train wene shipped yesterday afternoon a- heard the gasoline boat ‘‘Lewis”’ tap Lewis Island. Good track of th« | ooze. coming here is. being Keli by both city and provincial police * A bridge party was given drs. A. E. Bazzett-Jones at her home’on Emerson Place yester- day afternoon in honor of Mrs. Ntothwell who is leaving the city ‘na week's time. There were five tables and the prizes wene won hy Mrs. Stork (high) and Mrs. fumble (consolation.) Sixty by Louise Adams, 719 Fulton who was charged Thurs- lay morning with conducting a disorderly house, appeared in the police court this morning and the charge was withdrawn on account if lack of evidence. Mrs. Adams, jowever, is vacating her premises on Fulton St. on February 14 e e ‘ A circular has been received "rom the Private Peat Lyceum Bureau with headquarters in Win- nipeg saying .that a representa- ‘tive of the organization would be here in the near future to try to arrange for a Canadian Chautau- qua in this city. Private Peat has Mrs. “treet, jectured in over 600 cities and towns, mostly in the United States. He is an Edmonton boy who saw much active service in Vrance. He says that the reason for the success of the American people is their intense American- ism. He wishes to develop a similar Canadianism in this coun- try. INFORMATION WANTED Joe O'Donnell, last heard of in Prince Rupert about a year ago, is being enquired for by his sis- ter, Mrs. M. J. Flynn, of New York, in order to have the estate of a late relative cleared up. tf ne — Se ae. Senter ean one PE NRO! © A ORR eta gen os nN | eae Re) ee _ <2) The Low : a of Good Shoes There is a style particularly for YOU in our unusually large and varied stock of GOOD SHOES. _ STYLE, COMFORT, WEAR, FIT,--- all the satisfaction which these words imply---can be obtained in our shoe dc- partment and AT MUCH LESS THAN ORDINARY ~PRICES BECAUSE our SHOE SALE continues and BECAUSE our stock is so -large that we are sacrificing profits in order to re- duce it. THERE IS NO RESERVE. OUR SHOES ARE ALL ‘ON SALE” AND AT GENUINE SALE PRICES. H. S$. WALLACE CO. LTD. Corner Third Ave. and Fulton St. ee ewe pee ere weer —_— - ’ Big Dollar Bargain HOSS S. FULLER’S TEA IS GOOD TEA Per pound, 65c APPLE BUTTER is the old original home made cider apple sauce. Per tin, 30c SPECIAL! * yzive $1.25; on Sale for $1.00 Our goods are all of the very highest quality. You have only to step inside our store to be convinced — Special Clearing Sale Our Entire Stock of RAINCOATS up to $35.00 ie be Reduce $18. 75 for Saturday and Monday only. GOLDBLOOM’S Third Avenue Soerceose (chaser rosoooooss 5 ee soon eee nr een enat ceert een BEST Alberta Screened COAL GUARANTEED LUMP ggueczneues For Kitchen and Stove $15.00 per ton 98: ” ° oe 7.75 ”? 2 9 Bulk - - - - $13.50 per tor ONLY A LIMITED SUPPLY Phone Your Order Now ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LT9. Phones 564 and 116 acacia