tee ‘Saye eri Page 4 THE os a Thursday, February 5 4 SAVE YOUR SIGHT YESIGHT—The most valuable of E ali the senses — 5 the most negiected and thy least understood. Many suffer from ills, which, upon examination, can be traced directly to defective eyesight. the the HE remeval of cause will often restore delicate and run-down sufferer to robust health. \hen glasses are prope rly prescrib- ed, they restore the vision to nor- mal and eliminate all eye strain. —— — Fred Joudry Practical Optometrist Third Ave. - - Prince Rupert Opposite Post Office Finer Werkmanship 3 -ful are gut d wee styics, more grac outlines ard neater finis some of the noticezbl: points about this year’s simple. Smart Footwear suabout. How- t you to see tre rself and th sll have to be d to prove that. When call? Family Shoe Store I Geo. Hill E. R. Tabrum The Practical Shoe Men Phone 357. te: va that weca ever, Ww new mouct:+ comfort- y ou ex TOM LEE CO. 840 Second Avenue, West. VEGETABLES Wholesale and Retail Genera! Contractors and Labor Exchange. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 547 bP. O. Box 725 - o we BOODS POSS IOS COPE EAE LOL AOE OLA AODE EH. SHOCKLEY GENERAL CONTRACTOR Office and Shop } St. Sash, mouldings and all interior finish lurmber al- ways in stock. Agent for J. Fyfe Smith's hardwood. Estimates Given. REPAIR WORK UNDERTAKEN Phone Green 269. raser doors, Cadomin Coa SURMAGE & STEAM COAL $t2. Ton Loose $13.75 Ton Sacked CLEAN SCREENED KITCHEN LUMP. DUORO. Ses eae .. Ton Sacked No wait. Full weight. Consumers {oa Company d. Lorne Maclaren, Manager Room 11, Smith Block. Phones: -7 and Black 293. A. G. GRAY Teacher of Piano Studio 137 Second Avenue ; PHO -E 182 or 444 OP POA OOE Oe ee ~— PACIFIC CART AGE, LTD. PHONE 93 Reliable Service at reasonable Rates. We have Wareiiouse facilliies. 8. E. Parker, Manager Phon® Green 607 1017 3rd Avenue Dalgarno & Waits BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS clalists in Light and Heavy Con- struction, Repairs and Alterations. First Class Staircase Work and Finishing. Estimates Cheerfully Given BRICK AND CONCRETE BUILDING CONTRACTORS ‘MAN WAS HELD UP AT COW BAY Robbers Threaten with Gun but Victim Had no Money. Last night Isatus, of th sary was hel the be highw aymen. call was ree porn t of a gun by ' | a Greek named Mike e drydock commis-} d up al Cow Bay at two wouild-| o'clock al the police | At 9 eived at station regarding the incident and} Sergeant Ad McDonald we the sec patched to Constable | dis-/ ams and immediately one where re no; clue was to be found. The police are still working on the case to- day. It appears flashily dressed, was returning to the ee (hind Avenu Laundry, he men who inquired where he The grome. rmy and t that Isatus, who was s from town and on e, near the Pioneer | was accosted by two eal night was:dark and| he two men told him | they were also headed in the) ine direction so they proceeded tong together. One of the men was tall and thin while the other was short and stocky. When they | ere passing the Yacht Club the| short stout person asked him for} a match. While Isatus was} getting the match, the tall man puiled a gun one went thr On finding beal it” the police. le ft post-h: as ant his haste to the lirection pt them on them. Advertise i LAND R Sectior K \pplicalon TAKE Né TI CE Rupert, B. C., tax city of Prince 23rd f SINGULAK that jand and ove in the City ticuiariy KnOOW!I thirty Bk tion eight (8), quired to purchaser of the service be effected by News, Prince Sale Deed of withit try Act with following extrac ‘and in defa ificate of il person ¢ a ; rt claimin by virt sons land instrument, | int from respect 0 in lakes, the aie ac for taxes.” AND made for t il above avid H AND a Cert appears that iober, 1908 Ss were sole were the Crow FURTHER T time I s pursuance of a Certificate said lands samme in t take roceedings to to the sa nless roposed Dated at the Rupert, B.C., A.D. 1919. Ethel Tate, To on his person he town along the r Isatus neglected to tell so they were not able No trace has yet been No. 113 as from U day of Oct mises situate, conte of this notice Rupert), and your attention is called to sectic e the re wR rsons s am un ie and and the person e owner WHEREAS ne Hay WHEREAS on inv n Granted < such of d lands, or to action this Victoria, B, on him and the short ough his pockets. that he only had 45c was told to 1 warned not to tell The two men then ste in the direction of aiiroad track. hl inform the police, in which > hold-ups had left to inter their way up tow! found o : n the Daily News EGISTRY ACI is 36 and 134.) N 65-1. File 6274 that application has bee David H. Hays, of Prine owner in fee under Hector of th date tb ber, ALL ANI riain parcel or tract of lying and being more par as Lot Sec- Rupert, bearing i9i9, of ce Prince Rupert, 1 abd described ck forty-two Map $23). You are re st the claim of the tax 1 35 days from the dat (which may in the Daily 42), publication mm 36 of the “Land Regis amendments, and to tb t therefrom:— ult of a cavea or cer- s pendens being» fled gistralion as owner of nuitled under such tax served with « cMiming and tere unregistered clalm- by siered Si in the g any ue of aly all persons in the. iand is not regi s of this Act, topped and dé g up claim to or land so seld for Registrar shall register niitled under such tax of the land :0 scld erest been Tithe au application has ifcate of Indefeasible niioned lands, in the n estigating the tith prior to the 10th day of the date on which the i for overdue taxes), you ywher thereof NOTICE that at the effect registration in application and Indefeasible Tithe to tl name of David H. Hays and prosecute the props establish your ¢ Sala AKP hall iss. he laim, prevent such on my Land Ke 7th day part gistry Office, Prince of November, a... trict Registrar MACLEOD, of Titles. o Qe Naas mtrict, Where Bay. TAKE Miner’s River locate Certific to the Mining of Improvement And further he issuance o rovements, 1919 MINERAL ACT Certificate of improvements. ‘Copper Crest’ Mineral Claim, situate in NOTICE that I, B. L, Johnson, Free sixty days from the date hereof, to app! aining a Crown ‘Grant of 1 take der section 85 must be commenced before Dated this 11th day NOTICE Mining Division of Cassier d:—Glacier Creek, Granby ate No, 81762-B, intend Recorder for a Certificate 8, for the puresss of ob- e above claim. ur notice that action, f such Certificate of In of December, A. D. ) NOTICS OF LAND IN QL acres of land orner of lot 86 20 chains: vast 20 chains, thence followir point of comm© 160 acres mor sAND ACT, LAND DIS" AICT — RECORDING _ DIS- TRICT OF SKEENA, AND SITUATE ON ae SeORs OF GRAY BAY MORESBY _ TAKE NOTICE that 1, Walter Rudge, of Copper Bay, Moresby Island, Britisn Co- lumbia, farmer. intend to apply for per- mission to pure rencing at @ post planted at the thence : WALTER RUDGE, Locator. November 22, PA 10ON TO PURCHASE CHARLOTTE ISLANDS hase one bundred and sixty bounded as follows: Com- northeast 6, Moresby Isid., thence west north 80 chatns; thener more or less to the beach “ the beach southerly t« jencement, and e or containing lese 1919. ~~ _—— <~_ oS ae ia ~—r Tis D Vou KNOW ERTISEMENTS! | } IFIED ADV ITORK CLASS ORK? —_ ~~ a ae - 2 pm noms mer ts aesrmeseeerts lk rOR SALE—18-foot clinker boat; SEL L WARTED. POR SA } a —_—_—— half cabin; good condition. T X on | WAN rep Jfirst class stenog- {iso Evinrude engine. Must J i, that old sore or skin disease 4 | ganner and clerk, one with in- sell. Would consider exchange yours breaks out again? It’s ieobenels nerjence pre- a9 art payment 2 cause the remedies you have ees : Serene eg i i amaphone in part payie a ee —=—=—= using do not get to the root of the ed. M. M. Stephens. tf Phone Black 509. Re ’ : ~ disease, but remain on the surface. —_——- a Gurneys commenced Try Zam-Buk! It penetrates tothe (,QQMS WANTED—! irnished OF | FOR SALE 100 bundles of old ing stoves in 1843 fal sen tan Be. a ee rea ° shed Must be clean newspapers, cheap for a job lot the same line «: lil jn erm res ' rhe s7D. . Office = MMS OT DUSINegs up Hence Zam-Buk cures are i table. Phone 4 —News ilice oe ee as 1919. Bundreds 8 lestine. All dealers, 50¢. box. Dr. J aguire. ee ot *e : . ; In asa | ——— | FOR BALE OR RENT Slightly Prince Ruper: é ee WANTED—Woman Cook OI help-| ysed sewing machines. 144 —_—— ©; | 820 Second Avenue, between Third Avenue. Singer Shop. af ON Sal & at ou . ird 1 . Singer Shop. Me . nw & . th and Eighth Sts. ap ee ae ea ate eae FOR RENT |F d ‘ WANTED—Girl for de ntal assist-| sme re S or Apply in own handwriting |.>9q ,epT—Furnished flat, No. 4 Hard UO. DOX 490. Vl Summit Apattments, for thre ' NI ware ne eateries ¢ SECOND AVEN j » ths > s i t I MORESBY LOST | FFICI M. AN, permanent in city, m : ie ” i, Sth net. wey Phone B) ate 4 esires room and board. Phone; _ Jobin 5 L. Chr ye ie. te ae: ee . 1ACK 1]4 TOW OF i acs See a _u FOR RENT-——Steam heated room, L WANTED Furnished cabin for| _ ith two beds, , suitable . sOr See ae Apply P. O. box 923.| gentlemen. Apply 708 Third J £ ‘. edi ee cise asiulaatts so asptins ietiaaaeaceaaaaaa Avenue West. tf} Met With Terrific Storm in FOR SALE D2: ipaesaagiciatinattestaemante ona Hecate Straits and Boom ree eae ai FOR RENT—Large dance hall for Escaped. i .AKE ME A BID for the four-| private parties. 210 Ninth Ave. ee d house and lot 35, Block | West. tf The tug Moresby, Captain Mc- yn 5, on the following} - : Lennan, arnuived in port on Tues- a ; One-fifth cash, balance TO RENI C{hree single rooms. day morning from the Queen) nel a month at 7G % in- Suitable for gentlemen. 210) rlotte Islands he Mores! vee re ae 7 aa Avenue West. tf | huriotte Istends.. *™ a “ad st, all payable in American | hein rales rintiehigae* i whie -hartered by the aler 7 | aa oa aa M if * tc a ‘change. Why pay rent when Lost Pulp -and Paper Mills, lost a to ‘ can buy on these terms?) 03. Ses feet of LOGS FROES the). py Bi ick 214, after 6 p.m LOST on Wednesday afternoon at jogging camp at Thurston Harbot _—————__ —————— the post office, white Spitz dog. Swanson Bay coming over this|FOR SAL K—One 32 h. p. N. & S.-| Finder please return to Mrs. trip 4 wild storm came up II gas engine; rebored and thor- March, 336 Seventh Ave. East, I Straits and when the tow oughly overhauled. Complete or phone Blue 346. 28 We Delive escaped it was deemed inadvis- equipment. Price $1,000 F.O.B. % r able by the captain to attempt! poat. List of other engines LOST — Gold wrist watch down re t] 7 w it ay g - ler recove intil the weather moder- furnished on application. Union town on Sunday night. Finder romp y ates. Machine Works, Juneau. tf please return to Daily News of- When you want -— — fice Reward 29 ——— + $ : want to be obliged t # PR FOR SALE—12 h.p. heavy duty a 7% “ The REBEKAHS HAD NICE Atlas. with bronze shaft, pro- TRANSFER agen bs ae et yelier, magneto, coil, ele. This S CAR’ ‘ : : DANCE LAST EVENING " ae ai tag toa ge ee me ~ AGE Order | LUMP, sacked, $13.50 a5 tet . our or 10OV Jatronise re- “Ajleen.” It is in perfect ardas you . now. eatin ise re MINE RUN $12.50 rahe ? , : turned ve an. ione Green Good Crowd Attended in Spite of ind very little used. $1,600.00 195 a eee ert MINE ere encal Inclement Weather. M.M. Stephens. tf eatin sinensis. per tor 1 : : "MISCELLANEOUS WHY PA’ n 254 sive iY PAY \Ithough the inclement weath-]!O# SALE 5-40 h.p. Medium ea ore ie # prevailing. last night kept a Duty Sterling Engine, Bosch SONGS UNBIDDEN,” by the} Ph Black 85 nany away from the Re- Ignition, 4 cyl., 4 cycle, in per- Prospector, will make a nice} One Black 6) ‘ ; : : aii? er co ‘ $1,25 -M. gift book for your eastern] : -ahs’ dance in the St. Andrew’s fect ndition. $1,290.00. ’ (’ hall. there was a jolly crowd it M. Stephens. ti friends. Poems of Love, Nature, ermin 0a 0, — ————— lig . . — | ftendance and the affair was : ie ; Religion and Sociology. It is} perfectly enjoyed by all the per- dic aa maree ds and Oa) fragrant with the breath of telianle , I aT \ : 5 "elock dancing commenced are ea ee le ce ee covers, $1.50; velvet sheep, 7 Gray's orchestra excelled them In PROBATE $2.00, post paid. Published by ives so there was not a dulilix THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH on B21 Y ay a ee ance in the entire program. COLUMBIA, 20., 92 ates St. Vic toria, B. : ‘ : . | LN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA- ms - Promptly at ees suppe TION ACT FARMS FOR SALE as served afid the refreshments a forecast of the next election, COMPANY. Pree Miner’s Certificate Na. | n tee > 3 2° enc s 4 ays 0 . g ’ Hon. M, Pratt of Winnipeg in an|fceor. to AB. Sixty days from Reecsder| Come and hear the world’s best URS address before the third annual for a Cortincate of Improvements for each| artists. ae ae to 6190 a ctmaméh .7 “eu jot said claims for the purpose of obta ol a 5 ; 1:30 P oes ation of the United Farmers] crown Grant of the Above ‘alana, “Tr lit Will Ed d cara Ni of New Brunswick, said that fe Sereeee take Police that action un a munds DR. J. 8. BROW there would be 37 farmer on a ee omen. m3 aa 2 Lommencet wefore ' Pri . ’ nist bers fr t : eer eee provements on even, ae aed Oo ne Rapet Saks Sharp om Third avon | vers from the middle western Dated this 15th day of January, A, D.| pposite the Post Office Office: Smith Block, states. 1920, a aaa a err Box 644 Phone BLACK 183 Phone 454 wt . A. ACLEAN. { oe orc rer"