ILY NEWs THE DA oh tp] ary 5, 1920. —_——_——_—_—_— een - il , | NG PRIZE YET MURDERERS ARE | ; ag . 5 MW THEREAD | i\ r \\ AWALOGENZA | . (eng ‘ ‘ | “ A ee Serving the i f be oe ee Fe ‘ | a Relieved in @ pe 6Ete FW? Fe 4 iw yar! ‘ : . - a= nigh ' Sudges Find Difficulty in Deciding L e —- | Cw anadians eT CAPSULE FORM the Buck.” No More Prisoners to be Admitted - beemey ded. OL eco Ud ska" h to Sing Sing Until the / ir Aa tee taten wa! to" have mage is Over. URING the past twenty years Canada received three Ie ick comp tition was 0 lave ea i ee «Py. a be ; ljwen chosen for today, but owing tieibeies “tle xe: 0, Seldliiebne million new settlers of whom about one miflion were _caaeel Same] the large number of creine| .NEW YORK, Feb. 4—A phase of foreign speech The war interrupted immigration, eo, plore wad te eiMouliy te SeOiMInS TS) 1. inguensa .dosdonild Is an but soon the march westward will begin again. there has to be a further delay. order issued at Sing Sing prison th For the Daily News prize the refusing to admit any prisoners} - sf 0 ; ies wi ee | judges chose thtee nit a until the flu plague is over, There Mutual Requirements z oPepar from these they wi ask somet. ae aiauete i in ti Sing S eine | al . il tis oui ni t to make the final vd i i a a aor ack What do we expect of these new citizens? Respect for ah # £4 ecducalh 5 0 laAK eluding ive condemnec i "dele | a . . ] Z ns ame §|} pick. The verses are: ers. Law and order, a measure of di igence, that they may not be Martin O'Reilly. From Chicago comes a report come a charge upon the community, and a willingness to adjust Tis O'Retily himselt, The goxsoon lthat there have been 109. deaths| themselves to a new environment. , Oe ee ee ee. eee pee A Oe aoe 5 ‘| What do they expect of us, the native-born? Justice, sympathy and NLY ‘ ne eae hours with "782 new cases report- | kindness. They are entitled also to the stimulating influences of great lo the naa a the aren: ed. serge ne numbered Gasllion tiheals They have a right to the Gospel of Christ, not only is OAs ih tha Nad eave Pen lai i 1 d stice by Christian men an : ained in theory, but worked out in practice by r’s His ads. in the News prove a boon. The danger that many patients laccade y mY The Alice B. will suffer from lack of heat in For a trip oer the billowy sea this city has been removed. The The Church Hampered re’ F e ' ary engineers ¢ firemen In a boat where there’s pleasure} stationary engineers and : is king vels apartment The Church has not been neglectful of these new Canadians, whether to be, working in hotels, pal The be g , Ca i try « So comfy and tight, houses and public institutions settled in the crowded cities, or on the Western plains. i. dae ie \ bird in its flight, have called off the strike as most to reach them with the ministry of Religion has been made di fa ; at Phat sure is the old Alice B. of the demands of the men hay lack of Missionaries to overtake the work, and by inadequate financia a 0 et means. St. Regis Cafe. been met. . of Go The high cost of livine’s no joke 4 Cock It's keeping the most of us broke, SAM HUGHES ILL A Case of Misunderstanding : , J see : , ; a is Sir Se i , Fg yd eterna Se ee oa My a 2 eg Many Church Members do not realize the magnitude of the task! i scintuithiias Cetera ene Ce ee aa ia oat ta Lacking complete understanding of the situation, they have not sought ' | Velleslay oOspitlé a 7 oy ae = — a ie Pa fs Donec, Se at eee , at sed out spiritual leaders for these new Canadians, and have been content ee ] Iti may be poihted out that not[> this city. Over work has pn f wlth Sérttink ‘otahiiedin, a2 siving. ies ag dlowing dows of irami- : fect limeri was found,| Him to take a complete rest. gration, the needs have aot boda aan hak eel happen when the Hey ae Viete. Sane, SOeOe ad aceelail itde flood-tide rolls in again? i 7 HGH ht- defect. in form Most of Jac Barnsley, local agent for PES Me EE regulapities arose fromthe Union tegarraanaie Aah for ; qd. Wi hie rong nt ber of un- three weeks’ holiday visit in i 7 Meal a nf ar ae . tially at] Vancouver on the Chelohsin Tues- Look! A Study in Contrasts i ed SVIIADIES espec} ’ r va ae EP pacar «og the beginning of the lines. In the y evening. He was accompanied In the year 1800, the United than the United States received in yg to “Martin O'Reilly” there is]! M Barnsley, States had a population of 5,308,483. the same period — despite the a lifference between tl wheel During the next twenty years, 184,- that the population of the Republic 40 | as . whic Sy 00C immigrants arrived in American was ten times that of Canada. c and 40c, » and the last lines, Lee » ports. , oe oe " J, : i thers speak 10:30 a.m | ‘ i in j a . In 1901, Canada had a popula- Israel Zangwill and = “i , - _ eT . eg tion of 5,371,315. During the next of the United States as the me & 1:30 to 2 50c Regis Cafe” the opening mea ra s% fifteen years, the immigration to pot of the world, and marvel at 2 50c f unaccent- 4 Sein 2 this Dominion reached a total of the task of assimilating the new - . ited = syllable x —_ 2,906,021. comers. WHAT WOULD aes noing of the last From 1904 to 1914, Canada ac- THINK OF THE PROBL oo aebaadinied oi er ee eee RE immigrants CANADA? mted syllables cepted 250,000 MO g oO ; arte oe a ML as by the ili 100 on 4 a | l Supply and the St Or the our . ‘ Cafe have decided to give} chase of: cut 1,008,004 Moulding the National Spirit n Lot 2073 best verses an- | feet S sen Titanae This gee e . . ini ent bn 7 ; = vy, | Masset} ‘tte Islands Di The great majority of immigrants now settled in oe ane are sD SE ee DES eA lances 5. anpes wilh na cateiiiel War’ men of good-will, with an aspiration for useful citizenship. They are ee ta thir antbee: Le mel ester i do the day’s-work of this land for the advantage of us all. { ir adver Further particulars of the Chief Forester, helping to do hay : al stabilit f the porves AE eee ee Se re re The future public opinion of Canada, the future moral stability o to Midnight Lisement merce oe atime Perr eee nation depends upon the will and power of the Church to fulfil its trust | ca, . to these New Canadians. SS 2 ° "NEE 7 StS / 2 a on oid a pemmmsamnnattencn tier 259909" STEWART RUSH Motives for Activity ‘ “ ; f i 1d of your country, and dee nceerned : AY PEA’ | ; You are a Canadian, proud of your country and de ply: ces giee A ».0PTa yh a s Lay tS 7 sat pSV RS for its future. You,are a Christian, beiieving that the Gospel is the y ge ; eee lat invincibl ivilizing agency. You are urged to pray, to i ; ee dependable and ‘invincible civilizing agency. _ You are urg a ; at th Iome WVissions of yc -hurch may oe sa People Looking for Real Estate TIMBER SALE X 2086. SaRWE Gh 20.5396. inet he Eee. mer Se ee Be But erly sustained in this day of national emergency. r.. Sh die : But no Agent There. i een we we pert) *) i Hy ‘ iste f Lands not later than n a Po ma eared . J ; Ja Siewart of the Stewart ve 26th day of February, 1920, for the * er al 7 7 hase fr Licence 20356 1 Cut &,f i be v , { from the south Nag t of Spruce, Cedar and Hemlock ot ~ oie. D e ” 4 = in x ; li \ bac} ti an oe 2 ad aol Le Ne 5 ~ Chuck-walla N atio!: 12] r eac e J J ' £ ; ey aes eee val “ umber cause ugiataa Simultaneous Every-Person ¢ oer Set i a) . rooscooors saving that} ™ sapiens ae lars of the Chief Forest is me A aes a for lo- in Victoria or the District | { Februar! + oe ness or buila| "mee Rupert, B. «( aa iaiiiniciaseaicdiitak start business or bnile urtesy” here was no one to TIMBER SALE X 2090. ice the He had not in- eee ee: etut to Stewart until _ peated te nde Ph Wie - 4 than Mioee on b Wiis & ; ie e > t a te i id i Minister of on. = later a. Re dee e. . ; eh ee Hea I " it business Called and) ihe sin day of February, 1920, for the - CY coll yt ie \l eh ft but busi lle i . oem, ay cence X 2000 to cul 700,00 he Uni rere i ' eZ o€ nT peed 2M t / f Tel esponded ‘ : eet of Spruce Mery Poe : — R.3 > bal al 1 Lot 1104, Noose-Seck River, R ) ee cer are. Sev eee Ver. ST geet Daeae SS tae , Sorward Iiovements SE thir ‘ ng m their way to Taree (5). years Se P Representing the Sir “ 7 one , 7 al Oe geen thodist and moval ¢ timber A sae anti Con : i fe me « mining eamp and it seems. as Further particulars of the Chief For of the Angiican, ba! 2 7 i a if by the time the snow goes, thefester, Victor i ae DINGRIES : Fores! Presbyterian Cormmunions in C : will be quite lively, At _ eT vers! baaye Mery" i : 30x 1704 Shad ae . ce is about five : j —— ae on 1" | LT A ew em we ae ss . a a dy | deep , eM a isiniiiicatstatiniiiminias == : POCCOD OO COROOOODD . £m < WATER NOTICE — = Lit GE Lewl PIs Bees “EX OagT br cet a Vi > su. i ert S KEW FLOAT FOR THE yi. Se ad DIVERSION AND USE % 5 on ss kee E pe ; j R ES SERVI Cae TAKE NOTICE that M, P, Olsen, whos¢ ss § i Uh E n Dnata ce Arm: B. C., Will appl A ILS oF pm ieee! : FISHE ul r EXAMIN ti sae j a ; ae. ae eg _ Lice nee to take and ee 50 — cross Qi? a. es EAN PLAN ASSIS : om cont an to store about suv ose is ss i or ire eet of Water out of Clearwater River whic! 2 40 rear f con- y and up. Inspector of. Fisheries Calling fo rhe Deparunent Lands gives nol 1 a souteearss hod drains into the Kitsault f FTER fifty ae hen io heave Tenders for New Work. if examinations of applicants for Ass River about 22 miles from the head of the “+ servative pre ss W eu . 2 ita st Kanget the salary fon 8D eg viet of Allee Arm ne Shae « mail built our~branch & at m up to -ASS CAFE : wa Vhs veries is $110 per month and travelll Phe storage dain will be cased | 29 500 BEanohes. We will contistie dy orreapetc gical ? oat |e The period of employment witb wat [capacity Of the reservoir to be i food to extend as the noeds of com- rrrvonvoovccooooe | is calling for tenders for a toa the fr ason, with re appr ete orev about 450 acre feet, and 1 wit pod mateatiheh ay Gas thnrimnkih, Wiliin: . > the waterfront nort —— eae ear at 198 Ban seen. e sep ( 5 a ym ‘ abee cra ‘from the Stream ee atet tee ing accomnx ution. Acie » OSE the Publie Works Department) °C) merit to the permanent Fore tam and will be used fo por er for siestiane elili= 1 Bai Es heats EPO eae eee rn s occasion offers. mining purposes upon the mine de Cy | =e ee of Genede. float near Swanson’s boathouse. prion | 88, anaes Hie the poosneary ye jolukan Ciseap, So prise is to fost ‘ ti ee eee wa Pte ‘ : tio erence. This notice was posted o e oun 3_TS EXCEZD $174,000, ze } Ii 48 proposed to moor ah rae a er ee es ae be held pe the ate 2th day of semussy, ges dl lication ae »8 all i ‘hes i i a aaa i es ed belo ‘opy of this notice and an app c Ly aa a elt Th protection launch il 4s vat), ces aid in th date ee Vancouve? Re, ke wees ane “Water Act. a y a ATE 1" CANADA | 4 1 point and will add a good deal to Bai, 19 .. MeBride | 144." Recorder at Prince Rupert, BC : bf i - " : : ater- 9. c vce Water ecorder ‘ince : . . “ & J 0 = -| i busy appearance of the water 4 5 + Jase Objechons to the Sppcasen 4 pm | f nt 21 Prince peo ee led with mag said Water I Richis, Paria. r eo k M pad ee 2: Vanderhoo he wptroner of Water ‘eae D.: => res 2 t] ; OTT me : 23 “Asherott reat buildings, Vice. ena Prince Rupert Branch A. T. Broderick, Manag i j Ain ie 2 Powell Rive! thirty days after the firs e o Mul rs Ws iL ) R y N 4H Kamloops this note in a local newspaper. ; > Sane ¥ + Smithers . M. P. OLSEN, Applicant, : re nnciuanniiant~ Faille meas INC EASED Ee ARMY 26 ae Hazelton The date of the Orst publication of this te se i es ” > j a tice is February 6, 20. ee a a a t is i +o ; Nakusp _— -- oa a- ———= hew THE ss il 4 March 1 ininne aupert cimenavesl( tn : = Breaded aR ” i ee Creston eee Re RO b etc A AS =—_-.- Cutlets . Dae doale ait +" ee rook = ; Proposal to Spend $59,000,000; Avie eeeees Fernle |x TO SUBSCRIBERS * : ‘ hop In Pa E listed a o 7 0 re oe ations are icers 10 per cent n rae tien and oral examint * p cirieg] OmeN en 20 per cont. | ately nui agai | ersto the News #// Lhe Royal bank of Canada peating till Men Pp of applicants to spertorm The exafnina- | #* Subscribers to The News : pr dibabi cxteiie ae me Assistant Forest’ Hangers, oe cal ques sin ee > de. ra dee antel at mim : adhering, Special. via G, tT, P, Telewraphs.) re will consist mainly of practice aving * are asked to pay the oa alll | begs to advise that it has for renta Fad: The | ens On eee e tc. but will also i0-|# livery boys each month | OSIT BOXES Mr. WASHINGTON, dag es chs eae ae hn eae the applicant * » when they call except ~ | SAF b | ks s a Fenate passed an oie and ; ea aattity = eet es an. ‘bev Pa yur where payment has beer They are recommended for the ae ee then te wreaaing wy rile , the year in ad- | * ; iness or private documents, eee me ade by applicants a \0}# made for the year in ad- % li | lary of valuable business or private IE eRe alone afin a ee sansiaraetis iol Mae ics “sg “tuna, ne tote whan eh] ieee Bonds, jewelry, ete. ss ‘lass ¢ wnlisted men. in Ie leet to verification by Boe Oe eT cia wil) ; xcting carry oflieial re . ; \ eienlake nanan application acific Mi k C = y ana marine corps and be'rsata er, ‘it. Ae ataminavion 10 . Pare «vs yy th thy al » | The Manager will be glad . “er Saree gn e : eis et ay a soir deeswigs eye ah, ; wine OO ere oticants should notify the Chief ceipts whie snc ma : > - h . W. Cameron, . a aa 0. other branches of the service. \ Date a tana. ™ ine District Forester * ways be preserved Prince Rupert Branc : | ' e a ss z d The bill earries 859,000,000 and at Vaneouver, PAD otk oF Nelson. | ye * SSIES BRIE Pe gives officers 10 per cent increase | George, Kamloops, © MADEN or Lands, [eee oo ee ee oe ee Akay “a € ap cent. Deputy Minister 0 ' > CC and enlisted men 20 per cent