Page 6 ee eee NN Rupert Brand’ Flatfsh Thursday, February - 192 : v2), City Market. BRILLS Similar to Soles 3 Ibs. for 25c An easy way to cook, cut the whole fish into three portions, wash well and dry with a cloth. Dip in flour batter and fry in very hot fat until golden brown. Thaw out in cold water. Obtainable from:- P. Burns & Company, Ltd. Frizzeli’s Meat Market Rupert Table Supply. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Company, Ltd. FOR SALE Two-stovey 6-room modern home with bath, on large lot, close in, Sectioni—Fully and wel furnished. One of the best properties for a home listed with us for years. 400.00 Including furniture, on terms, or a reduction for all cash. McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Ltd. 3rd Ave. Phone 11 MM. Stephens Notary Public Ff Conveyancer For a QUICK SALE Lots and 43, Block 27, Section 1, Park Avenue >1,000 Cash for the pair. Look them over and buy. M. M. Stephens, Real Estate Insurance Financial Agent 3 DENTISTRY Don’t neglect your Teeth One decayed or missing tooth lowers your efficiency DR. BAYNE Office Hours--Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Satur- day, 9 to 12 only. Evenings, Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri- day, from 7 to 9. DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENT Best Coal 42 Alberta Screened GUARANTEED LUMP For Kitchen Stove. Sacked ..... $15.00 per ton Sacked ... $7.75 per '2 ton Bulk ....... $13.50 per ton Only a Limited Supply Phone Your Order Now Albert & McCaffery LTD. Phones 664 and 116 THE DAWLY NEWS ree —— a 1 Local News Notes ; e —_—_—~Co_™ : Ss. R. Catton was a passenger e OW rice for Hyder on the John. . . ° Special prices on Dinner a wo ( Barrie’s Furniture Store. 0 00 es ~ VANCOUVER BC * * © . , TE : : Tite’s February Furniture Sale Saves labor. The Coupons in full swing for bargains. tf with each package are a Seas 6 . e in th ves. Tapestry Chesterfields and eas y seiieiotieiilaeta er aiid ke i eranieenieseietienniienememeeeneeeie chairs at Tite’s February me RIFTS prices. ‘ ‘ fi ae LIQUOR D IN k Moore will raise a scream here is a style particularly for YOU in Frank Moore RT St aati ; . Bin BUT LEAVES AGAIN as the Cockney butler in The our unusually large anc varied stock of Setetne| Maeistrate.” GOOD SHOES. Very Valuable Cargo of rits praia jicg stil Reaches New York But James McAleenan returned ? FORT WEAR F Is Not Seized. \lice Arm on the Prince George ST YLE, COMFO , ’ iT, -- r= bag Oe iis all the satisfaction which these words war YORE gy 5B ttcdabe The “Director” Corset. Manu- imply---can be obtained in our shoe de- | oe ase. seer ‘Prive 2 ohone q : valued at 4,500,000 aboard tho} factured in Prince Rupert. Short partment and AT MUCH LESS THA steamship Yarmouth was forced Blue 92. oa ORDINARY PRICES into New York harbor because of Ww. E. Fisher is seen to advan- a leak in the ship. The vessel a . 4) Lukin in “The 2 will not be seized, according to a] °°. bie BECAUSE our SHOE SALE continues ’ decision after consultation be-| °° °°" """ , . e and Arthur's Market. tween the United States district Basketball Thursday, Nance agent and prohibition enforce-|~ 4+ the Skating Rink. Sons 0 i ment agents. Canada vs. Drydock. 29 BECAUSE our stock is So large that Sh eat soem ster as we are sacrificing profits in order to re- Havana. E. F, Duby leaves for the south +t array. tonight to be back in Prince Ru- duce it. BIRTH pert Wednesday morning. ; eerie omy shi IS NO RE There was born to Mr. and Mrs, If Consumers’ Coal Co.'s ae THERE S Christopher of the MeMordie},~y lump is not clean screened, . Apartments yesterday morning a] don't accept it. Phone 7. 32 OUR SHOES ARE AUL “ON SALE” laughter. Re: ee ; 79 —__——- | R. J. McDonnell was in the city AND AT GENUINE SALE PRICES. ela Ys Special prices on all Beds,} yesterday on his return from Van- BRITISH BUSINESS Springs and Mattresses. Barrie’s} couver en route to Hyder. furn “a S ‘a, tf . . . ays MEN ARE INVITED oe Bins go dient Scrims, Marquisettes, Voiles sdiatautaie The funeral 6f W. Stratford of] and curtain materials 20% dis- VANCOUVER, Feb. 4.—Business| Kitwanga, who died at the gen-| count at Tite’s February Sale. tf : ir Great Britain, Aus- eral hospilal yesterday morning, y EE a es sail oe wna Haan vent| takes place from the B. C. Under- Don’t fail to see Mrs. T. C. ‘ 6 °9 . tralia, New Zealand and the Orient takers’ Parlors this afternoon at| Duncan in the part of the little | | ox susan eda tcbet einJr a F o'clock, Aev. W. E. Collison of-] Cockney servant in “The Magis-|j Corner Third Ave. and Fulton St. an indtiatrial Comference “iit -J1ne ti" TF eet en ae a Mel trate.” next. Two thousand delegates are ficiating. the ge Mr. Stratford; ‘rate ci eee UN : t } expected to attend. mae Ye ana e ees Tomorrow night the Big Basket noi Bin Se ; V. Warren, local agent for the| Ball Dance by the Dry Dock Boys — P J. Stuart Pudney and Mrs. I’. wi ajen Pulp and Paper, Mills, ex-] and Girls Peete Bell sees 8 Bowness take the leading roles pects to leave for Swanson Bay St. Andrew's Hall. Gray's Orches- in mi he Magistrate’ on Monday on Sunday night where he will in| tra. Aas and Tuesday next. future be located. The using of beni tid Petes edite Sin knie “Une ; » car ferry service kes it un- ee eae , B. C. Undertakers. Phone 41 | the car ferry service make roe ai rae i Wier ies oe eee, r ig ——| necessary to keep a local agent ee eeeae eras ayaa: House and Lot, 1015 Third Avenue West; 3 bed: pore ig: wake Werpe et aoe 244 Fourth Street, or from the dining room, living room, kitchen, pantry, bath, two Bae a. F9 cee ee ee ee ee driver. 31 stories. Very well built. The price is. ape) Say Ww ‘ all 9 66 ee ~*~ | eno alee. Pe phone oS Charles V. Evitt has been made oe eae Ty PTI commissioner pro tem of the F ae in are aaa cn 3oard of Trade in succession to 9 DEPARTMEN ; : ee: ae FISHERIES BRANCH. LEAP YEAR R. W. Harris who has gone to ba i ee ee eek ve years. SEALED TENDERS on the _ prescribed Ey Ocean Falls. ’ cee and scemmmenies din five per a va a a iat ‘ol ————-———-——- ee — — the undersigned’ at the Fisheries Office Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Geigerich, B rs ad b Fisheries fice, . ‘ , Prince haath init the twenty-ninth. day SPECIALS of Massett, arrived from Vancou- H G HELGERSON LTD. of a float. ‘gangway and approach on ‘the ver on the Prince George yester- e e ’ Rploce: Supers erererast owe vice day morning and are staying at ineuranés Rentals Real Estate a God maraesy, “Plans oat speciticatio is Watch the list Increase the Hotel Prince Rupert until | may be had on application to the office a So ee a ea ee F Tote ktoae 16 (ie of the Inspector of Fisheries, Prince Ru- later when they will cross Pert. on paxment of the sum Of one dollar, vere: Aide: TENUONe Islands on the Prince John. ; : : bt spine ate ' 2 for 260; per doz. $1.35 Pr Res Geo. Durham (of “What Hap-| The last of the I. 0. D. E. bridge Envelopes to be marked on the outside “Tender for Float.” Lowest any aceepted, or tender not necessarily F. H. CUNNINGHAM, Chief Inspector of Fisheries St. Regis Cafe Friday, February 6. BREAKFAST, 35c 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. Stewed Prunes Meat Rolls with Swift's Premium Bacon Buttered Toast Marmalade Coffee LUNCHEON, 50c_ 11:30 to 2 p.m. AND PALMOLIVE SOAP 2 for 25c; per doz. $1.25 KELLOGG’S CORN FLAKES 2 for 25c; per doz. $1.35 LARD IN BULK Per Ib. 35c; 3 Ibs. for $1.00 SMALL NAVEL ORANGES 4 dozen for $1.00 White Navy Beans, Special 3 Ibs. 25c Cutictra Soap formerly 35c per bar CUO BONUS i 5k e oda ib oheic 6's 60 Wholesale prices on CHRISTIE’S FANCY BISCUITS 12-lb, tins Assorted ........ 75 4-lb. tins Assorted ...,.... 1.79 Prices on all line’ of biscuits have advanced These biscuits are fresh stock, and worth 50c per Ib. on todiy’s market, 16c tin. Austraillan Jam ......... Last call at this price. DINNER, 50c 5 to 7:30 p.m. Boston Clam Chowder Fried Fillet of Sole, Tartar Sauce Boiled Kippered Herring, Drawn Butter. Boiled Short Ribs of Beef Spanish Individual Steak and Kidney Pie, Beef Stew with Vegetables Breaded Breast of Veal, Tomato Sauce Individual Baked Macaroni and Cheese Asparagus Tips on ‘Toast Koast Beef and Pan Gravy Potatoes, Mashed Rice Custard Pudding Coffee LIMERICK CONTEST RESULTS The very best the judges could do was to declare the St, Regis limerick contest a four-cornered tie, To settle this question we have decided to add five dollars to the prize already offered and let those who are tied write it off in limerick Style. Each of the contestants are allowed one entry and-same to ap- peer in the Daily News with dentity secret, on Wednesday, Feb. 11th. Following are the four best limericks in our opinion, ‘ ST. REGIS CAFE. The high cost of living’s no joke, It's keeping the most of us broke, But to eat every dey ‘ At St. Regis Cafe ds 4 good way to hand it a poke, ST. REGIS CAFE. Did you say it was time to go dine? Then the St, Regis for yours and for mine. Everything is so neat, Lots of good things to eat— I'l! go with you there any time. 8T. REGIS. All prices are running amuck, All interests are passing the buck, At St. Regis Cafe It is worth all you pay, Whether sirloin, chicken or chuck. 8ST. REGIS. If the king came to Rupert today And wanted a high class cafe Where the culinary art Is the best on the mart To the St. Regis he'd go right away. NOTE-—These Prices Good Only Till SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7th. Neilson’s Nut Milk Chocolate in 5-Ib hars, reg. 60c. Ib. Special 38 Less quantities, per Ib. . 45c Johnson’s Fluid Beef, 16-02. bottle LGN Sie o He , ae io . 98c Pure Maple Syrup, qt. bottle, reg, $1.20 value, Special : 93c s, per box .. tin, regular Japanese Orange Tomatoes, 2-Ib, SHOCIO! 66iv's 20 3 ¢ ogi wi Se Dry Green Peas, .... 8 Ibs. for 26c Sago, reg, 17%4¢ Ib, Special 2ibs. 26c Pearl Barley, Special 3 Ibs. for 26¢ . 60c 20c., THE TABLE SUPPLY LIMERICK CONTEST. Is a three-cornered tie, and we have decided to let the contestants decide it in Limerick Style, Each contestant is entitled to one entry same to appear in the Daily News Wednesday, Feb. 11th, will be $10.00 in trade. Following are the three, together with their names, which we believe are the best:;-—— Table Supply. If groceries you're wanting to buy Then go to the “Table Supply” Where the prices are right, And the clerks are polite, And where quality’s always “sky High.” —-_A. D, GILDIES. Rupert Wable Supply. The ad, of the Table Supply Reminds me of days gone by When we all ate our fill’ And drank with a will When the H. C, of L. wasn’t high, BERNICE PALMER, Table Supply. The H, C, of L. is so high That of butchers and bakers I'm Shy; But the Table Supply Co Is no profiteero, So that Is the place where I buy, W. RR. FULTON, pupert Table Supply Go Phones 211, 212 The prize There are 16 people in the cast of “The Magistrate.” The play akes the entire evening and con- sists of four acts. Be advised, if you want to secure a seat for Monday night, and book at once as seats are being sold out very rapidly. . ° ° The charge against H. A. Dwes- se of having failed to report an automobile accident was heard in the Police Court this morning an the evidence taken. Magistrate McMordie adjourned the case un- til tomorrrow morning when he will give his decision. A successful social was given by the Women’s Auxiliary of the Central’ Labor Council at the O. B.U. hall last night. Music and dancing was indulged in and the hall was crowded. An auction of cakes by Secretary D. 8. Cameron swelled the funds of the Auxiliary considerably, Music was pro- vided by the Labor Band. 97 and 50-piece Dinner Sets at lite’s February Bargain prices. In the course of-the G.W.YV.A. meeting last night the secretary read a letter reporting the dona- tion of $162:43 to the memorial fund by J. W. Nicholls, this being Mr. Nicholls’ commission from his collections in the recent Vic- tory bond campaign. Another donation from Olof Hansen of $15 also Victory Loan commission, was acknowledged. INFORMATION WANTED Joe O'Donnell, last heard of in Prince Rupert about a year ago, is being enquired for by his sis- ter, Mrs. M. J. Flynn, of New York, in order to have the estate of a late relative cleared up. — tf Pianos correctly tuned. $6.00, G. C, Walker. Phone Blue 389., tf Tite’s February Sale for brass and iron beds, springs and mat- tresses. tf pened to Jones”’ fame) takes the part of the languid -eavairy -of- ficer in ‘The Magistrate.” . 7. . After the regular meeting of the Pythian Sisters last night an in formal social was given in the k. P. Hall. The gathering con- sisted of sisters and knights and cards were the amusement. W. Burken gave a very pleasing resi- tation after which refreshments were served, parties took place at the home | Mrs. A. R. Holtby, DP last night and was a Asan ate | fair. ‘There w@e ! ibles and the prize-winners Mr. and | Mrs. Darton. Th arty was given by Mrs. Holtby and Mrs Wilson-Murray in conjunction, . . . “Rip” Boyd who played the leading juvenile role in ‘Wha Happened to Jones, playing the “boy” in “The Ma istrate. buttoned. These and complete. fine new shoes. and our prices are DANCING SLIPPERS E HAVE just received a large shipment of Dancing Slippers in black and white satin, and Danc- ing Pumps in vici kid and leather Styles and the newest for 1920. Come and choose a pair now for the big dance while our stock is fresh We are also showing some very We have the quality ee Jabour Bros., Ltd. Corner Third Avenue and Seventh Street — sa are in the latest right.