THE DAILY NEWS scien tor abn : er te, sir flies / MANY TRIBUTES — TO MR. MOBLEY SUPERINTENDENT OF UTILITIES WILL GO ON Phon® Green 507 1017 3rd Avenue Dalgarno & Watts BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Specialists in Light ana Heavy Cou- struction, Kepairs and Alterations. » First Class Staircase Work and Finishing. Estimates Cheerfully Given BRICK AND CONCRETE BUILDING CONTRACTORS lihe name of Douglas Fairbanks ito @ good many people to insure ithat they will attend the movies ion that night, the big athlete and actor being a general favorite. This is one of the happy occasions when he may His TIMBER SALE X 2086. be seen, FE ne ot cent Oe ee as oe FY x CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS | j ee Semeemermermermcree it | " ee 2 agers: i Ta $ pee | TRIP TO VANCOUVER WANTED and Bond Brokers, Hotel Van- : a Be Fe eee ie oe Mi eouver Bldg., Vancouver, B.C, ‘In the Interests of the Telephone premier Was Visibly Moved as he (NT CASH OFFER ON LOT 3, fOoPEAN INVESTMENTS Offer , . : os 36, | Noi. va eee * relief.’ and Electrical Depart- Announced the Sad News to ek 50. section 7 et | . | oe lonet ceqportenitah 7 Peps willgive you rele Legislative Assembiy. lock «2, section: 8, © BOtl) 1008 fee destin Simply dissolve a Peps tablet tr. i ments. eg Co y ‘ Hari Ee stumps. | investors just now on account ¢ mouth. Your breath carries — a cee { nect and =o esteem in Saale hich to build: | if the low value of European ne espe ¢ : es » ini . sndiad lots o ic ‘ | ‘ ' the medicina! Pine-yapor, which | rhe “Superintendent of utilities, : s vt Splendid lot em a i epeney and the fact that the te released, to all parts of the |. | Dunean, is to take a trip to Which th late member for AU ply bor At, Dally. News Ciey Cee sian at , er ; throat, nasal and air passages, r. c. mean, r . in the Legislative Assembly was ‘ 40 | Canadian dollar is ab a prem wher: a liquid medicine could not | Vancouver, according to the de- id by } a at n polities ? ~} ium in sf European coun- possilly reach. This vapor de 3 * the council Monday "ele SF Als | bay ae eee , iret class stenog- Fetal Hiritish, French, Belgian all germs with which it th Liberal and Conservative is} WANTED — First’ ck ies. ret ae AR he stroys & h d night He will look into the mat- f wer Gad oa oe . ih snd cietr one with in- Ital Government wal comes in contact, soothes an , ; ' tiiagly shewn by the remarks il Sng Caen; ind fan ; heals the inflamed membranesand jter of buying supplies for the @x- oe ; made. the trib : expenience pre- oans cun be bought with 15 ‘ . \ ' ; il t i aur, . e . _ 7 fortities you against coughs, colds, «ior the telephone system ; , +} ympathy felt M. M. Stephens. tf » 405! hette opportunity sore throat, bronchitis and “oo: ital cure data as to the in- paid aad ee dentin as See baa } nadians than by - and @iso) secu td « . = : ; watt eince e See urn by Canadians i wy) Peps conten ubsolutely a ths tallation of a plant for the sup- «= wife and family since tl SE FICE MAN, pecmanent in City, ; ; ful drugs and are therefore the stallation of a pian ru . Frank Mobley last week : : tee as vestors in the countries men- saiést remedy for children. jiving of nu power in the city. we: way re it ga “ yom and board. Phon Confidential circular in| FREE TRIAL Cut out this Considera liscussien aros is respect could not be bette! 9 ul atid rT u A. ; sonsiderav aS . +} % . 7 cece Siiathiah 3 rd mailed upon request. | —sae emo article, Tie ae shia thin was neces. shown. than the tributes paid $$$ .- —- — \ ! me across it the name and date of this nl : : a be the leaders of bot! FOR SALE isk to be placed on our mau- il i vith lc. stamp » and the utilities Committee, 0 ®8!m Dy Me teader th ' paper, and mail it (w ¥ y and tHe uthits . ' . tt i islature and —— —-— st for monthly financial ; es in the Legish e ant ane 5 7 ; ro ; | to pay retura postage) to Peps sho recommended the trip, stuck rier" ; . , “8 ae LJ 12 h.p. heavy duty nich deals with every} Co., Toronto. A free apt goon t} ae Finally a vote w ion. T. D. Pattullo, his associat SA - hep. hes : evil witich deals wit \ o o elr guns. may < Ou as + ‘ naan s t iro ‘lig fae ent situae ve eigen! gow ee bon tak and the recommendation " the pioneer days of the nor \tins, with bronze shaft, pl hast th i nf la gists and stores se Ps, ° aken ane 16; ROCOMNCAS n cies: at kien a inion ieneto il, ete Phis Lates rmation 1 or the trip was passed, Alder- pres . : : Seen dal the ‘ : | lialetv following the s ngine i used mm th i i Sta 6 price nen Dybhavn, Perry, Murray ane i eres \ it *rfect ord | ' bond svi? +} agi ° «hag mi jv O€ Ores 0 a), = : . | I lark ! ea xan ; 795 tion eight (8 Map 923). You are re- Mitister of Lands, too, was a foronto, Winnipeg, Edmonton |t B. at >» & 4 . . | fo Det Phone 547 P.O, Box 725 | quired to contest the claim of the tax’ member. In ihe second year Mr. | and Calgary. European invest- “PP? 6 per i PPP OLAS PP OPP OLD A O . o | . 5 - ee — | iirchaser within 35 days from the date) Mopley pad run for the office of| ments specially dealt with nme ng at a | t POPLO LLB PLL PPO EV EO LPL ELRPDLREOOs f the service of this hotice which may a, : tho £ . namt beet B c : I th N.W I be effected by publication in the Daily , ™@&yol but through a combina-)| — J,eading financial house 0! Jnorth 40 ehains; thenct ‘ it ¥ F ~ : - me . . hence 3 i 5 ‘ i Hi ‘ HOCKLEY News, Prince Rupert), aud your attention tion of circumstances had. been Vancouver and Victoria. Ad-Jenains. and \ mc ° e Ww ay sha alled to section 36 of the ta noes: le'eated. At the last provincial dress all replies to BURDICK] * MAI SMABY GENERA}. CONTRACTOR ao or ee snpatleie zejeral election he had won for BROS. AND BRETT, LD., Stock} pated December 29th, 1919 . s lo ng ex ac sererro ; ; . “ ath an a, : i De SSNS Office and Shop Fraser St. “and insdefault of a caveat o1 cer. the Liberal party after a strenu- —- | LAND ACI Sas s lines ; i tificate of lis pendens being = file: lous fig » . @ 17O4 . ash, doors, mouldings and Perret ha, tame te nae is fight. \ THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH all interior finish lurnber al- ihe person entitled under such tax On bebalf of Northern British { )LUMBIA, ways in stock. See, eTsOMs nd those claiming Columbia, Hon. Mr. Pattullo de-| N ‘tHE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA- | Agent for J. Fyfe Smith's through or under them, and all pet sired to express sincere regret at HION “ACT f com Rome « ae 7 ms claiming any interest in the . ; : ’ 3 and — : } hardwood, 4 land by virtue of any ulregistered the death of Mr. Mobley and eon- THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE Ot , +3 instrument, nd all persons claim : frONY RADOVICH, deceased, intestate Estimates Given. ing any interest in the land by dolence with * the widow sand 5 » descent ose tithe is not registere >, AKE NOTICE jhat by an order of His REPAIR WORK UNDERTAKEN {| ee eh ovisions or this act, | /mily. Honour F, MeB. Young, made the 8th da Phone Green 269. shall be for ever estopped and de “ir. Bowser’s Appreciation, OF aanuats, A.D. eo, 2. was. appoint AOR OP POI OOO OO ~OPOS HPP COPODOOOROLDS barred from setting u lailm to of Adiuinistrator of the estate of Tony Rad eee in respect of the. lar sold for Mr. Bowser referred to his long | vi deceased, and all parties hbavis PPS LO PODOS DOOD error ners taxes, and the Megistrar shall registe: = shinee 4 accirt vu aetieite*. -an , | claims against the said estate are hereb the person entitled under such tax personal acquaintance with Me) ccvired to furnish same, pr ery Ver tee’ ; ale as owner of the land so sold late. member for Atlin, whom he}|to me, on or before the 6th day of if { | P R rt for taxes.” Wad ai soe idenencina. 3 7 February, A. D. 1920, and all parties in 0 € rince pei AND WHEREAS application has been aa " ways re parce 68: Oly 4 er te, ron ie Arianne % ~ | made for a Certificate of Indefeasible Title the band of pioneers of the north, | oy wim eee ee : " EUROPEAN PLAN to the above-mentioned lands, in the name the number of which. unfor- J He McMULLIN, ; f David H. Hays. aS ; : . Cha) - ACMInistrat ; inately, is stez y growing less. vate $ 13th day of Janug 920 $1.50 per day and up. AND WHEREAS on investigating the title | — nate ll leadil; . wink ae pees: Sie 3 258 germans: 208 cea it appears that prior to the 10th day of} We on this side of the House FIRST-CLASS CAFE se 4908 pe Bem = een soe sald sincerely regret his demise. As Pa a ands «were sold..for overdue. taxes), YOUj chief ~Liberal. whip we always A La Carte. were the Crown Granted owner thereof found him sincere and kindly. We Teen nnnnnnnee 4 mongrovcees|.- FURTHER. TAKE. NOTICE..that at the! CONG MM Sincerc and Kindly. ws a ag same time I shall effect’ registration in Of the Conservative opposition A C GRAY pursuance of such application and issue gesine to express our regret at . a Certificate of Indefeasibie Title to the tl g »? ' 1¢ late mer ars su i an - sd Je said lands in the name of David H,. Hays ate membe dden and un Teacher of Piano Unless you take and prosecute the proper timely end and our sincere sym- t i Studio 137 Second Avenue proceedings to establish your claimp, i pathy with ee members of the TIMBER SALE X 187¢ . $j ‘ny, to the said lands, or to prevent such hereaved family,” concluded Mr. sle ; Pie PHO‘ E 182 or 444 t | proposed action on my part oases , , arene ae gob igh) ae, Epceaved. ley Se trowmenmmnennmennmporoeorooonee | Dated at the Land Registry @mice, Prince OWSEF. the 12th day of February, 1920, for the| reser Rupert, B.C., this 7th day of November, ‘The House then adjounred purchase of Licence X 1676 to cut 1,882, SD. 1919. j Ms 10 A gee eee ah ag Ms Sp aps miock, Cedar and] 2 ‘ede | 2isami, arn 4,080 ies OW 4 are Situ PACIFIC CARTAGE,LTD ue awounon, | PAIRBANA dete ck sec | | 2h ’ . District Registrar of Titles. AIR A THE Two (2) years will be allowed for re- | ~ PHONE 93 fo Ethe moval of timber, ; IN YOUR HOME Reliable Service at re¢ able Rates yen sate h , Further particulars of the Chief Forest-* ‘ ’ . f ce at reasona le Rates. Victoria, B. ¢ 56 TONIGHT er, Victoriafor the District Forester, Prince | has an influence that’s worth We bave Warehouse facilities — oem i Rupert, B. C, q ig more than wea th. ° 8. &. Parker, Manager Spears ~~ 7 Meats . 1p v7 : i# It. ie only.necessary to. mention uanis Sari THE PATHEPHONE | the World’s Best Phonograph Plays All Records Certificate of Improvem®nts. NOTICE, KING SOLOMON and IRON KING Mineral Get ong now,-—delays are un- ee mete In ataemand Coola Mining necessary when you know our Where located:—West side of Dean easy terms, Chanvel, North of Cascade Inlet in Hangé : $, Coasi District. Shipment of New Rec- TAKE NOTICE that 1, HUGH ARCHIBALD! MACLEAN, as Agent for SMELTERS STEEI ords just In | CTORK’A X SELI \ Wr OVEN seer wren. ibareene mean ert ~ — Guirneys «x ‘ ‘ mak. Ing stoves ir the same @ ( ; 1919. Hundred vi Prince Rup ON SALI Hard ware Sr) ) Phone Black 114 When you w Want to be ‘ demand fo Ask tl LUMP, sacked, $13.50 MINE RUN $i: MINE RUN, loose 11,50 W HY Phone | Terminal Coal Co, 3 DEAFNESS ) } ; vi f I sub } ‘Bourdal’ ‘ , ‘OUR Pool Room 721 Third Ave ~v ate wore r, (oe ewww Weer wre ewww SODA Two pe! nt. Beer peegeerwrere Ha y : JOE. BROWN Metor 71 er and ’ ; ‘ Passen rvice ; Star 1, Emy Hotel ' Phones 176, Black 34 t : Quick Deliveries Np) NOISES It THE HEAD ee a eel ae if You are a Su I il ; Concer trated Sourdal mediat pernial the actua ise? has com which W { st st Sourdal’ Di j , » Roads tributing Co.* aT cha Croydon, Surrey f will be directions v ww corwrerusererorerer ; —_ pwnaartet sorrerrrrrrrrrr rae SMITH & MALLET ae PLUMBING AND HeaTiM ; ENGINEERS ; hed. ; fistimates furnisie . SRE ues, Mae ’ Address, 3ra “yer ; of Recoil d sl eet, 4 p. o, Box 2 Phone 174 noorerttt peor? DENTISTRY “Knickerbocker Buckeroo” will bD@|}GOMPANY, Free M oo Seaied tenders w , -celve .t . 3 ae I ee . ¢ iner’s Certificate No f y Minister of Lands ao Corie baglee B oe the big thing at the Westholme cock or) ort tine nafs oe af Come and hear the world’s beat FICE HOUN - ae +s ene eee. Ee IP. 8 | uf, y to the Mining "ecorder a PPI 90 om wercknie my of February, 1920, fof the|tonight and doubtless his admir-|for @ Certificate of Improvements for each arviats, 12; 1:90 Pi" to 6:90 a ase of Licence X 2046 10 cul 2,600,- | c ) of sald Gaims for the purpose of obtaining é B a.m. to 12; tT 000 feet of Spruce, Ceday and Hemick on! ers will be there in force... Crown Grant of the above claims. _ * W I Ed ds t RoWwn River Renee PME Lot 505, Chmek-walls People often wonder how Fair- a ane farmer take Potice that action un ! mun OR. J. s. ne am i “a os ‘ er fe ’ o, muse ” commenced hefars 2 er ENTIS awree df ) reer will be allowed for re-~ihanks does some of his stunts,;the issuance of such Certificate of Im Prince Rupert Music Store oF third avert ; revements. Post i at 1 Block, Further particulars of the Chief Forest | He is the movie wonder of the |? Dated this 18th day of Januar; Opposite the Post Office OfMoe: Smit! ~ 454 er, Vietoria, or the District Forester : 1920 ’ esnuery, A. D Box 644 Phone BLACK 183 phon o Yrince Rupert, B. C, yday. , H. A. MACLEAN a + , PO ner