ae hy i a ug Het we a pt a 4) Ms ™ mf aa \ 4 \ @ Peps willgive you relief,’ Simply dissolve a Peps tablet in your mouth. Your breath carries the medicinal Pine vapor, which is released, to all parts of the throat, nasal and air passages, where a liquid medicine could not possibly reach. This vapor de stroys all germs with which it comes in contact, soothes and heals the inflamed membranes and fortifies you against coughs, colds, sore throat, bronchitis and grippe. Peps contain absolutely no harm- ful drugs and are therefore the safest remedy for children. us ’ Cut out this FREE TRAL TRAL article, write acrossit a vase name and date of this paper, and mail it (with lc. stamp to pay return postage) to Peps Co., Toronto. A free trial packet will then be sent you. All drug- gists and stores sell Peps, 50c. box. Peps exams TAKE BREATHING EASY. Fines Workmanship simpler styles, iaore eeaceful outlines una neater finish are some of t noticeable fool points aout this year’s Smart Footwear that wecan tell youabout. How- ever, we want you to see the new models yourself and_ the pomsort you'll have to be fitted prove that. When can you call! Family Shoe Store Geo. Hill E. R. Tabrum The Practical Shoe Men Phone 357. TOM LEE CO. 840 Second Avenue, West. VEG E + A B LES Wholesale and Retail General Contractors and Labor Exchange. Prince Rupert, B.C, Phone 547 — OU. Box 725 PLEO EL OL LOL LL LLL LL DLL OL DOD DODD DDG POLE PLO LLL DLY DDL LO PODIOOECDORODOD: E. H. SHOCKLEY GENERAL CONTRACTOR Office and Shop Fraser St. Sash, doors, mouldings and all interior finish lurmber al- ways in stock, Agent for J. Fyfe Smith's hifrdwood. Estimates Given, REPAIR WORK UNDERTAKEN Phone Green 269. PPL POLLO LLL LD! OODLE OPPO OD OG OPP PRE mipadiidiidindttiisingelioene PA DOL 8 me Hotel Prince aad EURCPEAN PLAN Dalgarno & Watts BUILDERS AND CC CONTRACTORS PRESBYTERIANS Night Was Very Pleasing; Progress in Past hall last tory of the congregation. factory reports were that dealing with finance particularly pleasing. McClymont, J. G. Steen and A. M. J. R. Mitehell, J.C. D. T- Sandison were chosen elders dest nn below their price when new. of the session. Double Header in Rink Results in W. J. Pitman, Prince Rupert A committee of 20 was selected Wins for Maple Leafs Music Store. 38 from the congregation to work in and Cubs. Va R BADBe-19-h. p.. heavy. duly ee eet a4 \tlas, with bronze shaft, pro- ‘Movement Campaign which is | The basketball game played in Hi i. ah on iia il ols, This now going on. A presentation jhe rink last night between the| ?' a eee bea chee” the yas made to H. Harvey and Miss’ besy Dock Girls and the Maple «A Oe niet canis ; rdei Lillian Stephen in the form of @ Leafs was real snappy and spirit- : ; a lidtaattaaien cake ite ubstantial check in recognition ed. Neither side showed any MLM. Stephens, 1d. D1,600, . and appreciation of their un-| jrartcr for their opponents and . St Ree he selfish services in supplying every point was well contested-| FOR SAL K.—F wined ouk den ta- music for the services every, The Maple Leafs, however, out- ble, folding wash bench and Sunday during the past year. classed their older opponents and wifnger; all in perfect condi- . Annan ended up, victors by a score of tion. Call between 10 and 2 ONTARIO 10 VOTE 5 to 0. The playérs were: Maple} Mrs. McCall, Pacific Place. tf. Leafs—Thelma, Dingwall, Sun-| — " ZS ies dae Calderone, Christina McLen-] "CR SALE—25-40 h.p. Medium Will Decide Whether Province to, nan, Myra Harvey and Mary Car- Duty Sterling Engine, Bosch Be Bone Dry or as in B. C. | ter. Dry Docks—Inez Ross, Isa- ignition, 4 eyl., 4 eyele, in per- TORONTO, Feb. 11.-—It has, %¢! Kelly, Miss Earle, Mrs, Ben- ut waptabe,. ee a ae been decided to ask the Ontario| °° : pnd :ESne. LO RTRS OTE, “Biel len! Government to provide for a vote! . Following the girls game the FOR SALE —100 bundles of old as to whether liquor may be tubs and Dry Dock Junior boys newspapers, cheap for a job lot legally imported from outside the! ™!Xed, the latter team being com- —News Oflice. province or not. Be abe outclassed by a score of — Ri 18-6. Harry Menzies refereed FOR RENT siti ve saa td both games in a clean-cut, busi- | —-—— x a "ele aa paar toons | Me eee: pris iale2: ay ay meean Wea or in het Amst ne, ioe, c Noaill whi ; larry Berryman, Jac umble, Westenhaver Block. Apply Har- haat oid vega abe 8 sg Albert Palmer, Cedrie Duncan vy lianson, the Reliable Plumb- Owing to is held until published yesterday. ts length the etter LOomorrow. LAND REGISTRY ACT. (Sections 36 and 134.) Re Application No, 11365-I. File 6274. TAKE NOTICE that application has been made to register David H. Hays, of Prince fiupert, B. C,, a8 owner in fee under a Tax Sale Deed from the Collector of the ly of Prince Rupert, bearing date the zérd day of October, 1919, of ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of sand and premises situate, lying and being in the City of Prince Rupert, more par- vicularly known and described as Lot chirty (30), Block forty-two (42), Sec- tion eight (8), (Map 923). You are re- quired to Contest the claim of the tax purchaser within 35 days from the date f the service of this notice (which may be effected by publication in the Daily News, Prince Rupert), and your attention 8 called to section 36 of the “Land Regis- ‘wy Act’ with amendments, and to the ‘ollowing extract therefrom:— “and in default of a caveat or cer- tiflcate of lis pendens being fled before the registration as owner of the person entitled under such tax sale, all persons s0 served with notice, and those claiming through or under them, and all per- sons claiming any interest in the land by virtue of any unregistered instrument, and all persons claim- ing any interest in the land by descent whose under the provisions of this Act, shall be for ever estopped and de- barred from peising up claim to or in respeet of the land so sold for luxes, and the Registrar shall register the person entitled under such tax sale as owner of the land so sold for taxes,’ | AND WHEREAS application has been made for a Certificate of Indefeasible Title | to the above-mentioned lands, in the name f David H, Hays, AND WHEREAS On investigating the title it appears that prior to the HELD MEETING Financial Report Presented Last Year. The annual meeting of the Presbyterian Church board of managers was held in the Churgth night and was one of the most enthusiastic in the his- Satis- read and was The total | Mans (secretary) Tr S-| Manson (eecretary)-| The trus-| Dv DACy BAGKET Dawson and W. A. mainciion, | McLennan and litle is not registered Tax on Laziness to be Levied in THE DAILY NEWS Thursday, February 12, 1999 ee ee Ps EE Pt oe Canadian Business Leaders s vaspaet soap,manufacturers in Canada. WANTED. WANT CASH OFFER ON block 50, section 7 and lot 36, block 2, section 8. Both lots on grade, free of stumps. Splendid lots on which to build: {CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS | a ps sm me BE es Pe rs Pd Pes i LOT 3, surance ollice ferred, M. M. OFFICE MAN, permanent revenue for the year 1919 showed | Black 329. $5,500, an increase of $1,000 over inca 5 ‘ei last year. FOR SALE The board of managers for the! sheik cl current year was named. This} CLASSIFIED— teens ycar it consists of D. QC, McRae | Four Specials in Used (chairman), F. G. Dawson, Gvo.| JOHN M. MILLAR ; ments. 1. 1 o, J. L. Christie, W. A.| Recently elected to theVice-Presidency Piano. Biinetitn. L. W. Patmore, Thos.|. of Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto, Player Piano. Piano Cased Organ. land Frank Morrison. Dry Dock Juniors—John Crossley, 8. Gaw- thorne, John Capet, Willie Mar- tin and Tom Fraser. “MOST MARRIED” AT EMPRESS THEATRE May Allison is Star at Empress, While the “Knickerbocker Buckaroo” is at the Westholme. There is something especially atiractive at the two picture theatres tonight with May Allison in “Almost Married” at the Km- press and Douglas Fairbanks at the Westholme. Both of these are great pictures and are well worth seeing. Although both are diferent, each offers igreat at- tractions in its own way and both are certain to provide a very pleasant evening’s enjoyment. NEW MINE COMPANY FOR SALMON RIVER Will Begin Mubtasions in Spring and Expect to Operate by Summer. A recent important deal in the Salmon River claims the sale of the Sunset group adjoining the is ITALIANS MUST WORK BALL PLAYERS LOSE Edison Diamond Dise phones: dition and are priced ver Apply box 44, Daily News of- flee. 40 WANTED — First class stenog- rapher and clerk, one with in- experience Stephens. desires room and board. These are all in first class con- pre- tf in city, Phone tf ‘Instrue Grama- y much er, Second Avenue. your Coal now. turned veteran. 325. Phone INVESTMENTS i’ VESTMENTS foe letter mailed liable information Bonds, generally. Enquiries s regarding ANY Bond or ity. Particulars of ed or unlisted stock market forwarded charge. Leased wires parts of the continent. New York, Clricago, Mc Toronto, Winnipeg, Ed: and Calgary. European ments specially dealt Leading ~ financial Vancouver dress all replies to BI BROS, AND BRETT, LD, R RENT—Steam heated room, vith two beds, suitable for gentlemen, Apply 708 Third \venue West. tf TRANSFER 4A LLOWAY'S CARTAGE—Order ,atronise — Our monthly at nequest will give you latest re- regarding stocks and investments yields and standing of any list- without celled business connections in house and Victoria. IRDICK re- Green tf your olicited Secur- prices, in the to all Unex- mtreal, nonton invest- with. ot Ad- , Stock ma = = $1.50 d October, 1908 (the date or Galen ans i Forty-Nine Mines Co., Unicorn, J er da and up. ber, e date on whic le Sal¢ SOR tue Oe Ee Nahant Pp y an P lands were sold for overdue taxes), you Silver Tip and Silver Crest by . us were the Crown Granted owner thereof. Dalby B. Morkill and W., Fillier FIRST-CLASS CAFE FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that at the of Stewart, B. C., to the Salmon A La Carte. same time I shall effect registration in River Mines Go., Ltd.. of Victoria- nee MAPOOOOOS HCODOOODD COOOOOEDOGD pursuance of such application and issue a ett of eenrest < € Oe ns! Sati Sey be a ahs ea id a Certificate of Indefeasible Title to the The directors of this company are aT cP NRRNNRNERANRENEEe sald Jands in the name of David H, Hays al! Victoria residents and are TIMBER SALE X 1676. PACIFIC ¢ ARTAGE, i cant see, “i an cee me proper John Wood, president; CC. W, acti 2 caieenenpesinie rocee es 8 your claim, : : : s onde . LTD. any, to the said lands, or to prevent such F rank, vice-president; James Minister we ands “rr fa Seesen by me ile a Pu cone 93 proposed action on my part. |Dakers, P. Wakelin, Joseph Da-- Th haat oy of, February, penny tan tbe } » Service reas 2 . We Sinan " reasonable Rates. Pated at the Land Registry Omce, Prince kers and S, E. A. Courtenay, sec-]000 feet of Spruce, Hemlock, Cedar and an Warehouse facilities, Rupert, B.C., this 7th day of November, | nt; ary. The company will start Balsam, and 14,080 ties aaeee Bitte » E. , Manager A.D, 1919. : , , , ated ne ange 3, Coast District, a cS! H. F. MACLEOD, | development operations early in widaet’ bit tain Will be allowed for re + aera erg ee re Bert District Registrar of Titles, jthe spring and expect to have sey- ghey particulars of the Chief Forest- ro re Fete x ieral properties in operation by Coe oe a the District Forester, Prince Phon® Green 507 1017 3rd Avenue 3 ——— Summer. MINERAL ACT NOTICE, Certificate of improvem”nts. TORK TOVE ee Letenddeeda eRe ————— end Bond Brokers, Hotel Van- couver Bldg Vancouver, B. Kl ROPE AN INVES STMENTS exceptional opportunities Olfer for investors just now on account of the low value of Luropean Gurneys commenced iat currency and the fact that the ing stoves in 1842. Stile Canadian dollar is at a prem- the same line edema In ium in most HMuropean coun- 1919, Hundrex Sinegg ¢ tries, British, French, Belgian ra asa 1 Use jp and Italian Government war Prince Ruy, rt loans ean be bought with 15% Tay to 105% better opportunity On § of rclurn by Canadians than ‘by investors in the countries men- tioned. Confidential circular in this regard mailed upon request. Ask to be placed on our mail- ing list for monthly financial} review which deals with every phase of the investment situa- tion. Latest information re- garding standings, prices, yields, ete., of any bond or curity supplied free, upon, ap- plication. Vancouver and Vi toria’s leading financial house. BURDICK BROS. & Brett, L'TD., Hotel Vancouver, Vancouver, B, C, Fred | Stork’, Hard ware SECOND AVienny Phone Blac kK 14 8C- "MISCELLANEOUS “SONGS UNBIDDEN,”’ Prospector, will make a gift book for your eastern friends. Poems of Love, Nature, teligion and Sociology. It is fragrant with the breath of balsams and vines. Leatherette $1.50; velvet sheep, post paid. Published by the nice by We Dei; iver Promptly covers, s2.00, Victomia Printing & Publishing When you want « »., 524 Yates St. Victoria, B. 0. want to be obliged ¢ The ; ' demand for our coal grows daily. We oan oe a etna eae ee o., ee ne hundred dollars monthly ue whole nie agents more LUMP, sacked, $13.50 than double this amount. If MINE RUN $12.50 : MINE. RUN, you are a live wire and have loose $11.50 faith in yourself write us for per ton, di 2 particulars’ We want an agent WHY PAY MORI in your territory. Excelsior — Life nama Company, Van- Phone Black 85 couver, B. -39 FARMS FOR SALE Terminal Coal Co, » P. R. FARM LAND Choice = arms in well setlled districts anmocawrenrn in Western Canada; low prices twenty years to pay; irrigated jands in Sunny Southern Al berta, with loan of $2,000 in | improvements to assist new -eltlers. Act now they are zoing fast.. For free booklet Pool Room ind full information write il G, Loughran, General Land moved to izent, 744 Hastings St. West ° Vancouver, B.C. 721 Third Ave. LAND ACT, Opposite The Empress Hotel CIGARS Notice of Intention to Apply to Purchase Land. nh Vancouver Land District, Recording Dis trict of Coast, Range III, and situate oi SODA the west coast of Calvert Is land, near its north end, Vake notice that Mark Smaby of Ocean Two per cent. Beer Falls, B. €., occupation logger, intends | apply for permission to purchase the fol-|@ enteral lowing described lands at mere ees — commencing at @ post planted one ha 5 SUNG EN RAS cowconeeete, mile north of N.W. cor. Lot 897; thence Tata north 40 chains; thence west 40 chains thence south 40 chains; thence east 4( Hand Your Bagg rheins, and containing 160 acres, move or ess. MARK SMABY Dated December 29th, 1919 JOE BROWN Motor Transfer and | Passenger Service LAND ACT DISTRICT VANCOUVER LAND DISTRICT OF COAST, KANGE IIL. ? Stand, Empress Hotel ’ ia oP that J. C. Clausen of vecane Falls, B, C,, oceupation Ssuperintend- Ph 176, B nt of jogging, intends to apply for per- ones ac mission to lease the following described ands: Commencing at a post planted 2%4 miles} * Quick Deli\ eries m a northerly direction from the north-|? poor west corner of Lot 897 on the west coast] eeeeqee weooooossoorrsrersort of Calvert Island; thence NOPD 40° Chae oe a pence west 40 chains; thence south 401 seasacncasacecnctserase ro sesese ‘hoins; thence east 40 chains to point of mn NAICS cor mencement and containing 160 acres DEAFNES AND NOISES IN nore or less, : J, CC, CLAUSEN. THE HEAD Date January 2ist, 1920. ere a If You are a Sufferer nO oad Local Druggist and Cone trated Sourdal, | + im This New remedy 8 o aaanel mediate relief, and « permanent cure, It J Ar the actual seat of th has completely which were conside! your Chemist docs ! Lt ‘Sourdal’ do nol acc t ord stitute, but send money al Dis> supply direct to the ‘80 4, tributing Co., 38, Station = Croydon, Surrey, Eng, vin full will be mailed per r ra directions. eimai ne Se REE se ESE es OTE ee ws SMITH & MALLET! PLUMBING AND HEATING ENGINEERS Estimates furnished. Address, 3rd Avenue, of Second Street. IN YOUR HOME has an influence that’s worth more than wealth. THE PATHEPHONE the World’s Best Phonograph Plays All Records head KING SOLOMON and IRON KING Mineral|/$ Get one now, —del p. 0. Box 274 Specialists In Light and Heavy Con- ‘aims, situate in the Bella Cool OW, —Celays are: un- Phone 174 -- struction, Repairs and Alterations. Sunny Kingdom. Division of Coast District, a Mining /§ necessary when you know our a First Class Staircase Work and ——— Where — located:—West side of Dean easy terms, wn Finishing. Tim | ROME, Feb. 14.—All ablebodied Channa’, Forth of Cascade Inlet in Range Shipment of N orem" coonnennte | . Oast A Estimates Cheerfully Given BER SALE X 2086. citizens of Italy between the ages yATAKE NOTICE that 1. HUGH anctinaLD P ae of New Rec ra RY as Agent fo TERS STEEL ; DENTIS! BRICK AND CONCRETE BUILDING Sealed tenders will be received by the ‘of 20 and 65 will be required to]COMPANY, Free. Miner's Certificate No. Ores just In CCNTRACTORS ffintater of Lands not Jater than noon on|WOrk, under the provisions of a Acreah: ‘niond, sixty eatin the date Come and hear the world’s best eainciansl B 5 3 . » e . . purchase of Lisenae Bey t 6 irene Phone bill introduced into the Chamber ar a, persintcate orem Of for each i sa OrricE BO Me 5:30 pm aims R , * : ’ eee foot cee poder die Hemlock oniof Deputies, known as the ‘Tax on Grant oe the bows ie nine Will Ed B a.m. to 12; 1:80 p.m River, Range 2, Moast’ Diets ‘et’ ee walla | on Laziness.”’ And further take notice that action un- 1a mun S BROWN SUBSCRIBE FOR One (1) year will be allo d ! Eat der Section 85, must be commenced before ‘ i DR. J. 8. moval of tlinber. bwed for re —-———_—___-— the issuance of such Certificate of Im. | Prince Rupert Music Store DENTIST a , ; ‘ovements site > ve THE DAILY NEWS an? vine A Or the rieeren et, Forest H. Pattinson returned from a]? ated this 15th day of January, A. p.| see the Post Office Ofmice: Smith Block, Thre * Prince Rupert, B, C, * | business trip south last night, {1920 H. A, MACLEAN | ee A Les prene 606 TA SLEAN, - ; i ce egont