ai Page 4 a BOUT YOUK CHILBLAINS! ‘What are they? A mild form of frosi-bite—a chilling of the part to such a degree that inflammation is sot up, causing © tingling pain, ex- cessive irritation and often swell- ing. Zam-Puk cures chilblains by drawing oui the inflammation, thus ending the pain and irritation aud reducing the swelling. Miss Annie Lepard of Beaverdale, Or*., says: “I suffered agonies from chilblaing and used many remedies, but nothing eave me any ease until I used Zam-Buk, which, after a little perseverance, completely rid me of this painful ailment” Reeular applications of Zam-Buk will prevent a recurrence of tie trouble. Keep it handy. 60c. box. a FS art we: } -Piner Workmanship simple styles, more graceful outlines and seater finish are some of the noticeable good pvin's abou’ th’s year’s qs ° ry “mari Footwear that we ante! youabout. How- ever, We you to see the new models yourself ani the comfourt- you'll have to be fitted to prove that. When can yoa call? Family Shoe Store Geo. Bill E. R. Tabrum The Practical Shoe Men Phone 357. DOE IRAE LOM TOM LEE CO. 840 Second Avenue, West. VEGETABLES Wholesale and Retail General Contractors and Labor; Exchange. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 547 -—— P.O. Box 725. EH SHOCKLEY GENERAL CONTRACTOR Office and Shop Fraser St. Sash, doors, mouldings and all interior finish lumber al- Ways in stock, Agent for J. Fyfe Smith's > hordwood. MEN’S VIEW OF STRIKE AT THE PREMIER MINE Answer Given to R. K. Neil Whose interview on Subject Appeared Wednesday. The following letter has been received from J. H. Burnough in answer to an interview given the Daily News by R- K. Neill: Editor the News:— The statement of R. K. Neill, vice-president and general man- ager of the Premier mine, Stew- art, as to the origin and conduct of the strike now in effect at that inine is so full of misstatements and misrepresentations, whether ntentional or not the writer is unable to say, that I ask that in all fairness the men’s case be | siven equal prominence in your | paper. | vesentative preceding the report- ed utterances of Mr. Neill allude {o the possibility of the new ter- ritory receiving one of the worst nocks that it could receive by :e enforced shutting down of the Premier Mine on ‘‘account of the unreasonable labor conditions as set fonth by Mr. Neill.’ Let the readers of the News judge as to who is showing “‘unreasonable- ness,’ the miners or the manage- ment. | | The remarks of the News rep- | j Chinese Cook. The sole cause of complaint on the part of the men was the in- competent Chinese cook. Pre- vious to this man being employed a returned soldier had been giving every satisfaction, and I have proof that he was fired without any reason whatever, the man- ager in charge of the mine, Mr- Pitt, admitting, when asked, that he was a good cook, There was question of drunkenness on his part. He was fired after be- ing there ten days or less and the present incompetent Chinese cook put in his place. Mr. Neill says that the men “were not honorable enough to come to me personally about any grievance’’—with some totally ir- relevant remarks about “O.B.U. leaders’—an animal which does not exist: Many Complaints. Constant complaints were pte- LAND REGISTRY AC'T, (Sections 36 and 134.) Ke Application No, 11865-I. File 6274. TAKE NOTICE that application has been imade to register David H, Hays, of Prince iiupert, B. C,, a8 owner in fee under a4 fax Sale Deed from the Collector of the ultly of Prince Kupert, bearing date the 23rd day of October; 1919, of ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract ol land and premises situate, lying and being im the City of Prince Rupert, more par- iicularly known and described as Lot thirty (30), Block forty-two (42), Sec- tion eight (8), (Map 923). You are re- quired to contest the claim of the tax purchaser within 35 days from the date of the service of this notice (which may be effected by publication in the Daily News, Prince Rupert), and your attention is Called to section 86 of the ‘Land Regis- Estimates Given, 4 REPAIR WORK UNDERTAKEN } Phone Green 269. : rane 4 : ; Hotel Prince Rupert © Se to EUROPEAN PLAN ; $1.50 per day and up. i FIRST-CLASS CAFE i i A La (arte. i A. G. GRAY Teacher of Piano Studio 187 Second Avenue PHO’ E 182 or 444 i : J | SCE ee ee PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. PHONE 93 Reliable Service at reasonable Rates, We have Warehouse facilities. 8S. E. Parker, Manager Phon® Green 5607 1017 3rd Avenue Dalgarno & Watts ———__ BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Specialists in Light and lleavy Con- atruction, Repairs and Alterations. First Class Staircase Work and Finishing. Estimates Cheerfully Given BRICK AND GOQNCRETE BUILDING CONTRACTORS SUBSCRIBE FOR ty Act’ with amendments, and to the following extract therefrom:-— “and in default of a caveat or tiicate of lis pendens being before the registration as owner the person entitled under such tax sale, all persons so served with hotice, . . . and those claiming through or under them, and all per- sons claiming any interest in the jand by virtue of any unregistered instrument, and all persons claim- ing any interest in the land by descent whose title is not registered under the provisions of this Act, shall be for ever estopped and de- barred from setting up claim to or in respect of the land so sold for taxes, and the Registrar shall register cer- filed or the person entitled under such tax sale as owner of the land so sold for taxes.”’ AND WHEREAS application has been made for a Certificate of Indefeasible Title to the above-mentioned lands, in the name ff David H. Hays, AND WHEREAS on investigating the title it appears that prior to the 10th day of selober, 1908 (the date on which the said ‘ands were sold for overdue taxes), you were the Crown Granted owner thereof. FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that at the same time I shall effect’ registration in pursuance of such application and issue i CertiNeate of Indefeasible Title to the sald lands tn the name of David H. Hays unless you take and prosecute the proper proceedings to establish your clafm, if iny, to the said lands, or to prevent such sroposed action on my part, Dated at the Land Registry OMce, Prince upert, B.C,, this 7th day of November, | A.D, 1919. H. F, MACLEOD, District Registrar of Titles. fo Ethel Tate, Victoria, B.C. 66 TIMBER SALE X 2086. Sealed tenders will be received by the Minister of Lands not later than noon on the 26th day of February, 1920, for the purchase of Licence X 2086 to eut 2,600,- 00 feet of Spruce, Cedar and Hemlock on an area adjoining Lot 505, Chuck-walla liver, Range 2, Coast District. One (1) year will be allowed for re- moval of timber, Further particulars of the Chief Forest- when he had to have working for SR ale Tepe st : r ; sam, 6 es on an q him some men with pro-German {a ( District THE DAILY NEWS ee hel UA Ae J Is Economical. The Coupons which it carries -- redeemable for useful articles -- are a further economy. sented to the proper quarter, the foreman, and as often met with a promise 0! something to be done that never materialized. If men cannot eat what is set before them they cannot work. Finding no improvement in the food put be- fore them the men took the final step to force things to a show- down. They all signed a demand for the removal of the incom- veLend cook and for a competent man to be put in his place. This is presumably the “peremptory’ demand alluded to by Mr. Neill. iow would he characterize the previous requests, many times re- peated, that had been contempt- uously ignored by the manage- ient? Was this or was it not giving the management ‘‘a rea- sonable chance” to remedy mat- ters? The reply they received was: “You can all go down the road if you like; the Chinaman stays.” So they went, and were joined by the men from the road camp then working. A strike was declared and pickets established to meet every boat, and the efforts to pre- Vont the reeruiting of men to act as strikebreakers have been so cfliciently’ supported by labor tulong the coast as far as Tacoma, that the company is unable to work the mine, as Mr. Neill ad- mits. “te seme em rt ne ae me re re BE WANTED. WANT CASH OFFER ON LOT 38, and lot 36, block 50, section 7 block 2, section 8. Both lots on grade, free of stumps. Splendid lots on which to build: Apply box 44, Daily News of- fice. 40 WANTED — First class stenog- - rapher and elerk, one with in- ollice experience pre- M. M. Stephens. tf surance ferred. OFFICE MAN, permanent in city, desires room and board. Phone Black 829. if FOR SALE Four Specials in Used Instru- ments. Piano. Plaver Piano. Piano Cased Organ. Edison Diamond Dise Grama- phones: These are all in first class con- dition and are priced very much below their price when new. W. J. Pitman, Prince Rupert Musie Store. 38 FOR SALE-—12 h.p. heavy duty Atlas, with bronze shaft, pro- pelier, magneto, coil, etc, This is the engine I used in the “Aileen.” It is in perfect orde: and very little used. $1,600.00- M.M. Stephens. tt FOR SALE.—Fumed oak den ta® ble, folding wash bench and wringer; all in perfeet condi- tion. Call between 10 and 2, Mrs. McCall, Pacific Place. tf. FOR SALE—25-40 h.p. Mediun Sterling Engine, Bosch 23 White Cooks- Mr. Neill says that he has had to fire 23 white cooks in i8 months. At one time last sum- men the company had four camps Duty ignition, 4 eyl., 4 cycle, in per- fect condition. $1,500.00.—M. tf M. Stephens. “DBOY,”’ lbs., cellent 1% year old Airedale; 54 registered pedigree; ex- watchdog and good to is for sale. Price working, with a cook in each. Fach of these camps contributed to the total of cooks fired; they did not’ all come from the mine ‘inp, as inferred by Mr. Neill. Moreover, for the nine ,.months from February to November, 1919, there were nine or ten cooks at the mine, of whom one was fired for drinking, and the other was' the returned soldier before men- tioned, who was apparently fired to make room for the cheaper Chinaman. No Objection to Chinese. It is well to point out that the inen do not demand the dismissal of the incompetent Chinaman. They have nothing against him on the score of his nationality, nor to him remaining in the em- ploy of the company in any capacity other than that of cook. One point that Mr. Neill over- looked in discussing the “impos- sibility’ of getting sober white cooks, is the fact that the Premier n ne the only mine in the stewart district that employs an ‘riental in that capacity. All the rest appear to get complete satis- is faction from the white cooks. Other camps pay $8150 up for their white cooks. The fact that the Premier only offered $125 may be the explanation for their brief stay on the job. Although the wages of the miners have not entered into the dispute, the Pre- mier mine pays less than any other mine in the district. Since the declaration of the strike the men have songht every pportunity for a settlement with he resident manager, Mr. Pitt, children, $75.00. Mrs. Bay, Anyox, B.C. FOR SALE — 100 bundles of old newspapers, cheap for a job lot —News Oflice. FOR SALE—Collapsible baby car- rier in good shape. Phone Black 402. 44 FOR RENT bOR RENT.—Modern store in Westenhaver; Block. Apply Har- ry Hanson, the Reliable Plumb- er, Second Avenue. FOR RENT—Steam heated room, with two beds, suitable for gentlemen. Apply 708 Third Avenue West. tf TRANSFER iS LLOWAY’S CARTAGE—Order your Coal now. Patronise re- furned veteran. Phone Green 325. tf INVESTMENTS INVESTMENTS — Our monthly market letter mailed at your request will give you latest re- liable informution régarding Bonds, stocks and investments generally. Enquiries solicited regarding ANY Bond or Secur- ity. Particulars of prices, yields and standing of any list- ed or unlisted stock in the market forwarded without charge. Leased wires to all parts of the continent. Unex- celled business connections in ind on each occasion they have been rebuffed. They have not discovered the slightest trace of any disposition to discuss the matter “reasonably” on his part. The strike is still in effect, and will continue so until the com- pany shows a reasonable dispasi- tion to meet the men, or, as Mr, Neill says, decides to close the mine down first: Mr. Neill the alludes to time], eanings. The period which Mr.], Neill has in mind is understood, and the only answer necessary is that Mr. Neill apparently classes any worker who thinks that the company does not pay enough wages or is in any manner dis- satisfied with his treatment at the hands of the company as neces- sarily a pro-German, Bolshevik, ete. These epithets may have carried weight in the past, but they have been used so often on such flimsy justification that they have become hackneyed, and the use of them by Mr. Neil! at this late date is but evidence of the fact that he’ recognizes he is beaten on the strike question. It THE DAILY NEws er, Victoria, or the District Forester, Prince Rupert, B. C, (Continued on Page 6.) Matter of Epithets. Minster of Lands not later the 12th day of February, New York, Chicago, Montreal. TIMBER SALE X 1676. Sealed tenders will be received by the than noon on 1920, for the to cut 1,882,- Hemlock, Cedar and urchase of Licence X 1676 00 feet of Spruce, led hear Usk, Range 3, Coast District. Two (2) years will be allowed for re 10oval of timber, . - . oT] ce 6 eh tt Ft et et Pt I Po nm x * CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS: ~~ te os a es Ps os Ot Ht RE Winnipeg, Edmonton Kuropean invest- ments specially dealt with, Leading financial house’ of Vancouver and .Victoria. Ad- dress all replies to BURDICK BROS, AND BRUT'T, LD., Stock and Bond Brokers, Hote! Van- couver Bldg., Vancouver, B.C, Toronto, and Calgary. LUROPLAN INVESTMENTS Otfer exceptional opportunities for investors just now on account! of the low value of European currency and the fact that ihe Canadian dollar at a prem. jum in most European coun tries. British, French, Belgian and Italian Government war loaus can be bought with 15% is Gurneys eo) ing Stoves jin the 1919, nmMenced mak ; Stil] in Oj USiNegg in same | Hur ( Prince Ry ON SALE an F red Stork Hardware SECOND \VENTY Use in rt, to 105% better opportunity of return by Canadians than by investors in the countries men- tioned. Confidential circular in this regard mailed upon request. Ask to be placed on out; mail- ing list for monthly financial review which deals with every phase of the investment situa- tion. Latest information re- garding standings, prices, yields, etc., of any bond or se- curity supplied free upon ap- plication. Vancouver and Vi toria’s leading financial house. BURDICK BROS. & Brett, LTD., Hotel Vancouver, Vancouver, t U, LOosT LOS'T— Rosary Beads. Finder please return to the Daily News office. 38 FOUND FOUND—Tobacco pouch. Apply Daily News oflice. tt MISCELLANEOUS “SONGS UNBIDDEN,” by the Prospector, will make a nice gift book for your eastern friends. Poems of Love, Nature, Religion and Sociology. It is fragrant with the breath of balsams and pines. Leatherette covers, $1.50; velvet sheep,|t $2.00, post paid. Published by Victonia Printing & Publishing Co., 524 Yates &t. Victoria, B.C. We have part time agents making one hundred dollars monthly and whole time agents more than double this amount. If you are a live wire and have faith in yourself write us for particulars. We want an agent in your territory. Excelsior Life Insurance Company, Van- couver, B.C, -39 FARMS FOR SALE P. R, FARM LAND farms in well settled districts in Western Canada; low prices; twenty years to pay; irrigated lands in Sunny Southern Al berta, with loan of $2,000 in improvements to assist new seltlers. Act now —they are voing fast. For free booklet und full information write H. Loughran, General Land 744 Hastings St. West, Vancouver, B.C, Window cards take the eye quickly, them at the News Job Department. LAND ACT ‘Two-color see VANCOUVER LAND DISTRICT OF COAST, RANGE. Il TAKE NOTICE that J. C. vecan Falls, B, GC DISTRICT Clausen of + Occupation superintend nt of logging, intends to apply for per olssion lo lease the following deseribed anus: Commencing at a post planted 2% miles fh & northerly direction from the north west corner of Lot 897 on the west coast ) of Calvert Island; thence, north 40 chains; hence west 40 chains; thence south 40 theins; thenee east 40 chains to point of commencement and containing 160 acres, nore or less, J. C. CLAUSEN, Date January 2ist, 1020. “a * There is A Phot h : in town T. J. Davipson ae > ~ Choice }s POPP LOLS OHO OE LOLOL LLL OOF AMER LE LE LO LE LOLE LD OOO TO ~~ ererererererer wornenrre? POPPPLOLOP LICE [he Peerless Sludio Suite 22, Alder Block wee: PHONE Red 328 Certificate of Improvem*nts, A NOTICE, Further particulars of the Chief Forest er, Victoria, or the District Forester, Prince Rupert, B.C, MINERAL ACT Phone Black 114 Prompltl When you want P y want to be o!} ed to wait, demand for ; o7 Ask those who now vs it LUMP, sacked, $13,50 MINE RUN $12.50 MINE RUN, loose $11,50 Ws daily per WHY PAY MORE Phone Black 85 Terminal Coal (y, SO rene ee OUR Pool Room moved 721 Third Ave Opposite The Empress Hotel + to CIGARS SOD Two per cent. Beer.) wn ener awe Hand Your B: JOE BROW Motor Transfer and Passenger Service Hotel ecks @ ~ f Stand, Empress Phones 176, Black 33 Quick De liveries AND NOISES THE HEAD to your Concete per Ui DEAFNESS if You are a Suflerer— Local Druggist al trated Sourdal This New ren mediate relief, ai permanent cure the actual seat ol has completely which were cons, your Chemist doi ‘Sourdal’ dv tot 4 stitute, but send tm supply direct to_ the tributing Co., 38, Croydon, Surrey, Eng will be mailed per ! directions, erercererwre SMITH & MALLETT EATING PLUMBING AND H ENGINEERS Estimates furnished. Address, 3rd Avenue, head anne en raN end pen KING Mineral aims, sttuate in the Bella Coola gc = ra * Coast District, F mung ere ocated:——West side of Dean Channel, North of Cascade Inlet in } 2 8, Coasi District, an Cadomin Coal TAKE NOTICE that I, HUGH ARCHIBALY FURNACE & MACLEAN, as Agent for SMELTEKS STEEL eho ....... eee eae COMPANY, Free Miner's Certificate No. WIRD ois esses ON Qaanen 239, “ntend, Sixty days from the date cL : hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder $16.00 COnRENED KITONEN LUMP, Ton _ Sacked weight. Consumers Coal Company for a CertiNeate of Improvements for each of said claims for the purpose of obtaining Crown Orant of the above claims. And further take notice that action un- der Section 85, must be commenced hefore No wait. Full the sapere of such Certificate of Im- provements, J. ake this 15th Gay of January, A, p. eons aren, Moe” Phones: ; y H. A. MACLEAN, _ ack 208. of Second Street. 4 Phone 174 —— P. 0. Bo 2 OFFICE HOURS Bam. to 12; 1:30 p.™: to DR. J. 8. BROWN DENTIAT Smith Blook, Phone 464 6130 pm avenul Office: yhira Aven’