we yi rh = Time is Worth Money Our time is worth money as well as yours, that is why we endeavor to make our ads as attractive 4s possible. We never advertise any jedd ones. When buying we never Yorget the old saying, “That goods Well bought are half sold.” When ou read our ads you will find at Teast a half,dozen items that you are really in need of. Robinhood Oats, reg. 35c; Spec. 28c Icl Monte Sliced Peaches, tall tins; regular 40c; Extra Special 33c hed Kidney Beans . 4 Ibs, 260 Clark’s Catsup .... Special 19¢ ee City Tomatoes ‘2%c, regular gia ae 5 nee Special 19¢ jam SPECIAL EXTRAORDINARY Weostaffe’s Pure Peach Jam in 4-1lb. pails. Wagstaffe’s Pure Apricot Jam in_ 4-Ib, pails. Regular $1.25; a il This Week 8c. Walch’s Fruitlade, Something new. Black Currant and Grape; 4-lb. pails .... SPecial $1.12 Wagstaffe’s Jams and Jellies in 1-Ib. glass. Your choice of the follow- ing lines:— Sirawberry Jam, Biack Currant Jam; Raspberry Jam, Crabapple Jelly, Jelly, Red Currant Black Currant Jelly, reg. 50c Value, Special 41c. Quaker Italian Prunes, 2%-Ib. tins, packed in ‘y syrup. A new line that is ver ar, Spec per tin 32c P G ' Naptha Soap, 10 hars to t Special 89c Perrin’s Sodas, packed in dinner ; as Special SSc tin. i pohy” aragus Soup, 100 tins iH rah S* ate o2+s OO THIS WE EX'S SPECIALS FINISH : ‘SATURDAY i THE WIRKING LIMERICK Rupert Table Supply. | ' dea’ with the Table Supply, ‘ pices are never too high. rest of the trade : put in the shade— id. “eople, should, go there to i 4. D. Gillies. : Mr. ae oD In ihe wr.'e-off } Gillies the prize of the tle belongs. j Groceries cr Meats \ve_ wish Yo thank those who have hel «1 make the contest a success, feel at we have had our not only in adver- in oe rea ore ine ide a oll M0 i Phones 211, 212 ‘ i 4S” Sr Ss The HOUSE and the OWNER We are told of a house which was continuously insured against fire for thirty years. Yet fire never touched it during the thirty years! How- ever, no less than seven people died in that dwelling. This case shows the difference between life insurance and all other forms. Fire MAY COME but Death MUST COME, If fire insurance is a neces- Sity, and we think it is, life in- Surance is very much more neces sary. If a possible danger should be guarded against, how much more an, inevitable one. Your family can be protected against the inevitable by a policy in THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF CANADA. McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Ltd. wee - — ORE BUNKERS GOING IN Ai ALICE ARM Fifty Men Will Arrive en Route For That Port Next Thursday. Taylor, who is in charge of operations at the Dolly Varden wouxs at Alice Arm, passed through town on Wednesday night en route to Alice Arm. Next Wed- nesday fifty men will leave here for Alice Arm to start operations on the building of the ore bunk- ers at the wharf there. They will accommodate tne rush of ore that will come down from the mine when the railroad is running igain and it is proposed to*have the bunkers in before the ore starts coming down‘ H. B. James arrived from Phe- lan on last night's train. . . . — THE DAWY N EWS ——S LS WEGLECTED COLDS lay the foundation of chronic chest, troibles. Many cases of consump- tion can be traced to neglected eelds in childhood. A cold should receive prompt treatment with Peps. Peps is the direct treatment. if is breatheable and therefore quickest and most effcctive. : l'eps are so pleasant to take that cn‘dren never refuse them and their absolute freedom from harm- fui drugs makgs them especially su table for children’s coughs, colds, acve throat, m Al < bronchitis, éte. Every ‘her should keep Pepe handy. dealers 50c, box. ee { ‘~ et me es ee re tf For Taxi. Phone 67. . . . 25 per cent off Brushes. Ful- ler’s 45. ti. . . . delicious sweet biscuit, Sandwich: Fuller's 45. . . . ‘Tapestry Chesterfields and easy chairs at Tite’s February Sale prices. “ay A new Leap Year Fish Packers Unit meets Satur- day night at 8 o'clock. Special meeting. 38 = e * ‘Tite’s February Sale for brass springs and mat- tf and iron beds, tresses. . . ° Dr. W. T. Kergin has been re- elected chairman of the Board of Trustees. Phonola and Phonographs to School Tite's February Furniture Sale in full swing for bargains. tf SOVIET GUARANTEES Furniture Store. tf F, Kk. Stringer arrived from Varpets, floor oil cloths and Anyox on the Prince George last U. 5. BOND HOLDERS linoleums at special prices. night, Jarrie’s Furniture Store. tf ela Assumed Responsibility to New|?" "" Sa rae as (a, Gibbs, of Port Edward, 1s York Life Co. for Railroad Returned men holding Dental registered at the Hotel Prince interests: Certificates on discharge may be Rupert. sis 8s ent eemreertenes _| attended to by reporting to Dr. 258) & NEW YORK, Feb. 13.— The} ppown. Joseph Patton appeared in the;}Russian Soviet Government tas eee come entirely sober. Departures for the south on the Prince George last evening in- cluded I. Direetor, Swanson Bay; J. D. Meenach, P- Daley, Vancou- ver; Father Rivet, Ocean Falls;}, John Emerson, R. Bruce Abel, R.} ; K. Neill, H. Durkee, Miss Barbeau, I Swanson Bay. {tis just as cheap to get your 3rd Ave. Phone 11 > iL. Stepnens akhs Notary Pubic Conveyancer ee ee For a QUIK SALE and 43, Block 27, Park Avenue $1,000 Cash for the them over Lots 42 Section 1, pair. Look and buy. M. M. Stephens Real Estate insurance Financial Agent For Sale! Lot 41, Block 28, Section 6, together with a good sub- stantial dwefling. Price $2,500 .Cash $1,000. Lot 15, Block 22, Section 7, Price $1.260. Cash $500 Lot 59, Block 38, Section 8, with four room cottage Price $600 Cash $300 Apply to Ed.H. Mortimer Notary & Agent ; 324 Second Avenue SAIE OUR SIGHT YESIGHT—The most valuable of . all the senses—is the most e neglected and the least understood. Many suffer from ills, which, upon examination, can be traced directly ‘ ) tu defective eyesight. | HE removal of the cause will S ofien restore the delicate and tl run-down sufferer to robust health. When glasses are property prescrib- ed, Le Fred Joudry : by my Capt. C. R- Betts, J. Zarelli, O. B.} ing in the city of Prince Rupert, Bush, Col. Peck, RB. Pemberton,| p c, A. Wallace, John A. Whalen, JOHN W. SAYER, George F. Whalen, Vancouver, Kitwangar, B.C. and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hall, Sebruary printing done wel’ and done at Joe_O’Donnell, last heard of in ‘ome as it is to send it away. Try] >pince Rupert about a year ago, The News Print Shop. being enquired for by his sis- ioe Sak = Atanas Rise er, Mrs. M. J. Flynn, of New Advertise in the Dally? News. York, in order to have the estate factured in Prince Rupert. Phone Blue 92. pendent value of $1,000 has been granted school they reStore the vision to nor- w mal and eliminate all eye strain. | ‘he school on Fraser Street. The oe board has instructed Superin- police court this morning clfarged| assumed all responsibility for the Silversides Brothers Wallpa- vith being drunk and disorderly|tiabilities to the New York Lifé per Sale. One week only starting and pleaded not guilty. The case] Assurance Co. in taking over thé saturday morning. ‘ 25 per cent was remanded until tomorrow] Russian Government Railroads.} oty 1919 patterns. tf. morning when accused may be-|The New York Life holds ~many oc ee bonds in these Russian railroads. NOTICE To whom it may concern: I will not be responsible after his date for any debts contracted wife, Mary A- Sayer, she laving left me and is now resid- 13, 1920. INFORMATION WANTED fa late relative cleared up. tf Fred Clark, of Us 8k, is in town, The “Director” Corset. Manu- tf ® . ® A permit for improvements and xtensions at the National Inde- Fisheries plant to the y the city building inspector. It has been reported to the chool Board by Maleolm McLeod iat the pupils of the Borden St. have broken at least 20 indow panes in a building below “ndent Macdonald to take action 1 having this stopped and the amage made good. Practical Optometrist Third Ave. - - Prince Rupert Opposite Post Office Te me A A at — No. 3 \ book that should be in the of every British lumbian. home Co- St. Regis Cafe Saturday, February 14 BREAKFAST, 35c 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. Stewed Prunes Rolled Oats or Grape Nuts stripped with dam and Coffee - LUNCHEON, 59c 11:30 to 2 p.m. Wheut Cakes Toast, Bacon AND DINNER, 50c Dinner 5 p.m to 7:30. Bean Soup with Croutons Fried Brill, Tartar Sauce Botled Smoked Black Cod Botied Pork Spare Ribs with Spinach Braised Short Ribs Beef, Macaroni Atkins’ Sausage with Buckwheat Cakes. Individual Steak and kidney Salisbury Sieak Roast Beef and Pan Gravy Pie, Potatoes, Mashed Cream of Wheat Pudding _Coffee js THE WINNING: LIMERICK Their coffee’s the talk of the town, Their pastry is flaky and brown, And St. Regis Cafe Is the best every way trying to keep prices down. Mrs. H, L. Purdy, In A record of British Co- lumbia boys during the war and after the war such as contained in publication. no other A work of art--color repro- ductions—page after page of cartoons by B, C.’s best car- toonists. Only a Limited Supply Left. On Sale at ) All Bookstores. THE DAILY NEWS qrererures OOO OI RIES BIRT NS BOT ES OATES DENTISTRY Don’t neglect your Teeth One decayed or missing tooth lowers your efficiency DR. BAYNE Office Hours--Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.80 to 5.30; Satur- day, 9 to 12 only. Evenings, Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri- day, from 7 to 9. DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENT “} clear at special prices.—Barrie’'s Mrs: Leonard Wade, Indian wo man, was fined $15 in the polics Board last night the salary of It. H. Shockley, manual training structor, was raised from $1,737 per annum to $1,797. . . . Two carloads of Cadomin coal at $11.55 per ton were ordered last night from the’ Consumers Coal Co., provided the coal passes i satisfactory test- . . . ir in Jack Bell, an old offender, fined $15 this morning by Mawis- trate MeMordie for creating a iisturbance when drunk and dis- miderly. He pleaded guilty, was = . . At the request of Principal Brady, of the high school, the seats in one of the rooms are to ye put. on planks so that they may be easily removed for the veekly high school concerts. Mrs. Ek. Maynard, charged with disorderly conduct, was dismissed in the police court this morning on the promise being made that she would return t6 her husband, take care of her children and lead an orderly life.« . . ° At the meeting of the School Board last night it was decided to pay the teachers on the same schedule as was effective in 1919. The teachers submitted a new schedule at last meeting but this was not adopted. The Vancouver Stn records that iumong the guests at a dance given by the Girls’ Auxiliary of the Vancouver General Hospital in the West End Academy last week were Miss Blanche Curtin and Miss Jean Willett, both of this city. J. W. Nicholls, of the Canadian Fish and Cold Storage Co., has made application to the building inspector for the erection of a {™%. storey residence in Section 7, at a cost of $6,000. The resi- dence which was planned by J. W. Potter, architect, is now under construction by John Galloway, vontractor. . . . Pianos correctly tuned. $6.00, C, Walker. Phone Blue 389. _ tf . ° * Dr. W. 'T. Kergin was fined $10 in the police court this morning for exceeding the speed limit in driving his car. Harry Smith and Sergeant Adams testified as to the excessive rate of speed the doctor was travelling in driving past the police station on Wed- nesday night. Thé doetor pleaded that he was not aware of exces- sive speed but on the night in question he had been rushed with calls, NOTICE In the matter of the estate of Frederick Parker, deceased: Bids are invited for the pur- chase of lot 24, block 24, Seetion 4 (Third Avenue), with store and cabin thereon, subject to 4-year lease, tf CHAS, C, PERRY, Executor, ceccoaiivontiagl Local News Notes |, eourt this morming for creating} a disturbance when drunk and disorderly. 3 . e . At the meeting of the School SF EN EE AE BS EL =) ERIE EP You'll Never Kick Abou Y our Coffee ws mer If you insist on giving “you Weddin Breakfast COFFEE It’s reai coffee satisfaction---free from adult- eration---the products of the world’s best coffee fields---a blend of the choicest berries such as gives strength and flavor Our tasters know good coffee---and every shipment before it is sent out as Wedding Breakfast Coffee Ask Your Grocer For It Packed by Pioneer Coffee & Spice Mi’! Ltd., Venccuver & Victoria pass on the quality of Priday, February 13 your grocer § they ! Se = eGR eee tc euane At the meeting of the School per Board last night estimates for|.* TOO LATE i0 CLASSIFY ordinary expenditure for 1920) eT SeeCees ee eavued were brought down amounting to) WANTED—Messengen. Apply $53,607, an increase of 95,000 Government Telegraph olfte wer last year. ‘The increase is} woxppp. lciat “