L egisl GooD BATS ques Ft ue SMERY 211 6th Street OL xI, NU. ai omplete Evidence Given in The Simon Duff Liquor Trial How Trap was Laid at Seal Cove into which Constable Walked; Part of Liquor Ring relice Tell Other led court room ative Library Che Daily News — PRINCE Counsel Alleges. the evidence in the fore crowt i Be 3 , V. Duff, charged with exposing for sale and ye Simo! ‘ ’ ; , oe px Vt , + mor for the consideration of $5,000, was pre- Peo ia lice court this morning. Jail Warden Bailey, { } the py g 5 . . nied \dams, Charles Miller and Captain H. K, Freeman gaye j dams, alli . q e . 6W. EB. Williams, city solicitor, prosequied and L. W. neared for Duff, Miss B. MeKay acted as court : ae During the course of the trial Daniel Leachy was oher le el © . - 4 the court room as being implicated in the case, from , in t S 2 : taken this MOPS § oe eee ek ' id oy the evidence the}/place and shortly afterwards He ea ened until 40]VuiT, John Hoskins and Matt aged Videck began to bring cases of fuesday morning. \ da Bailey, the first wit- eyamined, told of being dis- but was checked fs to the residence of Harry F Ne an alleged liquor a He had an interview ' ir, Lipsett over the theft ‘ proceeded to tell the court of eonversation LW. Patmore who maintain- could not be conversations with the accused. vhe had taken one Charles ) his confidence with a « to getting the liquor back ‘had told him to work on the ection by Mr. Patmore). work on the nthe early morning of arrested Richand achy who was sent to the sta- ire of { onstable Leek. Police Trap. arrest of Leachy, ac- geant Adams, of Miller, the was hined at a float at the plant where a liquor that evidence f based on i onne to bruary 13 The mpanied by Ser (he information Narbethong 020 to arranged for by lier, (Objection by Mr. Pat- \ccompanying Bailey on nch were Charles Miller, Miller, Harry Lipsett, Con- bie Adams and Capt. Freeman, 0 Was in charge of the launch. hey left Cow Bay “and before Seal ( all except atles Miller were concealed in ts of the boat. Pull- F diongside the float the boat ! 1 the accused, Simon ff, could be plainly seen stand- there. A conversation bee NAN SHIPS WILL BE SOLD rst by Court Action and News- paper Campaign Tries to Stop Sale. Via GT. PL Te legraphy.) ASHINGTON Feb. 14——-The Shipping Board of My ; ‘ German passenger DS, let loose hee a storm in Wash- aly opments came thick erase and in the end it was ~ 4 Wat the Board will re. H* bids for the vessels on Mon= : r had planned andolph Mistanding, learst, by a to do, Hearst not- hewspapern cam. Court action, has to Slop the sale, SPECIAL! ment Tomorrow, Mat- ee at 3, Evening at 7 Al THE WESTHOLME THEATRE ! Pilea | am Farnum Ui Miserables” ‘itor Hugo's a 8 Great Masterpi Admi in Big Sen ee N Mis. ion, 55c, and 30c, NOte " vole, —"Th 8 due to n admission ang © increage j 1e jy brocuri IMmenge co: Ng this great productions liquor down to the launch, Began to Count Money. Duff stood on the float and handed the cases to Miller as they came down. After a number of cases had been placed aboard the craft Duff came into the boat vhile Bailéy went into the pit of the boat. He saw Miller take $5,000 from his pocket and begin to count it out to Duff. Just then the hook on the door of the com- partment, where Bailey was con- cealed, released and he went in and arrested Dut! on the spot. Warden Bailey admitted that hr could not hear the conversation between Dull and Charles Miller. Questioned by. L. W. Patmore, Varden Bailey admitted that he ‘ould not wateh the entire pro- ‘ceedings although he was within five feet of the accused and Miller. He knew that the sum offered was 35,000 because Harry Lipsett had taken it fyom Miller shortly af- terwards, He Duff put out me hand for the money. Asked by L. W- Patmore if he would dény Duff's statement that his hands were in his pockets all saw the time, Bailey stated that he Vas positive that Duff had put out his hand. He had not seen Miller shove a gun against Dut!l's stemach nor had he seen Miller with a gun. He eould not say why Duff had not taken the noney. The defense admitter hat the liquor in question was intoxicating. Charles Miller. On the next witness, Charles Miller, being called to the box, Mu. Patmore and Mr. Williaims lisagreed on the question of evi dence based on conversation and the magistrate ruled that it woutu be taken under Mr. Patmore’s protest. Charles Miller stated that he had gone to work on the case first by going to Bessie Riley's house on Fulton Street where ar- vangements for the liquor sale was matie. He was taken to thy ‘bath house” on Fulton Street where he met Danie! and Richara Leachy and made an arrangemen! for the purchase of 50 cases o! liquor at $100 a case. He did not know then where the liquor would be delivéred. Matt Videck’s laxi was’called and together with Richard Leachy he went to Cow Bay where he was have a boat. He got off the car there and looked around and came back again. They then pro- seeded to the Prince Rupert Ho- supposed to lel where he called up Harry Lip- sett and Warden Bailey. They were to meet at Shrubsall’s Chandlery Store at Gow Bay and he told them to wait for him if it took till daylight. Loadéd the Liquor. Miller got into the car again and Videck went for a large truck. He and Leachy proceeded to the Cold Storage and on the way picked up Duff at the corner of Third Ave, and Second St, and proceeded to the Cold Storage. On the way out the plan of load- ing the liquor was objected to by Duff as he was afnaid of bringing a truckful of whiskey thnough town at that hour of the morning. Miller then said that he would try to arrange to get a launch for the job. Later at Cow Bay Miller | Bailey where Leachy was arrest met } ease ol d and sent to the station. Then the trip to the Cold Stofage was nade with the officers and others. Arrived at the Cold Storage float Miller again met Dul¥ and asked him where the liquor was He said it was in Matt Videck’s taxi <0 loading started. He corrobor- ifed Bailey" evidence as to the oading of it. After 29 cases had been loaded Duff asked for his money and was told to come into the boat. This Was done and the arrest followed -as stated by Bailey. After the arrest the re- maining cases of liquor were loaded on the boat. Questioned by Mr. Patmore, Miller stated that there were guns in the party al- though he did not many. Corroborative Evidence. Matt Videck told of being call- t by Richard Leachy between 1 and 2 o'clock the morning in question and going to the Cold Storage where he saw Miller, Duff and Jack Hoskins. The sent back and then ees were loaded at Jack | skins shack at Seal Cove and taken to know how on Lreick was the float where they were loaded the boat. He saw Dull once first but did not see hin after 1 Went on the boat. Sergeant Adams corroborated the evidence if Warden Bailey and stated that i saw the hands of Duff -and Miller not more than two inches spart. Captain Freeman corro- porated the evidence of the con- fable in regard to the trip. Liquor Ring. In closing his case W. E. Wil- liams Stated that the evidence showed clearly that Duff was the ring that had made an selling liquor. He Riley, Daniel and tichard Leachy and Jack Hoskins cabin as being other parts of the iz. Duff the offense of offering liquor fo sale. . Mr. Patmore argued that there was no tangible evidence to sh that Duff was connected with this ring although it sted. In the first place the ing of a attempt at cited Bessie was Clearly guilly of i robably in question was not his to séll The only charge that could | proven against Duff was that of having liquor.in his possessio! in connection with the cass Riehard and Daniel Leachy were charged with exposing sale and offering to sell liquor for the consideration of $5,000, rhe hearings come up on Tues- day at 10 They were granted bail at $1,000. y 7 o'clock. LANSING AND. WILSON QUARRE!. Secretary of State Resigns—Ac- cused of Usurping Powers Of President. a. T. PL Telegraphs Feb, 14.-—Rob his career as (Special via WASHINGTON, ert Lansing ended Secretary of State after President Wilson had accused him ol usurping the presidential powers by calling meetings of the cabi net during Mr. Wilson's illness. Correspondence between Pres!- dent Wilson and Secretary Lans- ing beginning February 7 was given oul tonight at the State De- | partment. The correspondence 1s coldly polite and between the lines for RUPERT CANADA AND This Country. Special via G.T.P. OTTAWA, Feb. 14. "hy ee f rep »the United States Se particularly in reservation 14, view, *rrangements Pact Signed. ~ Special via G6. T. P. n neutral countries. it Was arranged Government e for also irchamegel Bolshevik prisoners prisoners held by the 40] 14.— H Begin OUEBEC, Feb. we Cardinal canonization of Joan NORTH VANCOUVER (Special via G. T.} ther members of the Nor department strike yesterday at claimed that they were be riminated against in the i wage increases. rhe City Council will a men to fill the vacan OIL REPORT CAUSES ouver§ tire Queues Wait Outside Lan Office in Bitter Cold Register Claims. claims. Up to yesterday secure entry to the office. HOSKINS ARRESTED Jack Hoskins was runs an undercurrent of ani- mosity that dates back to the Peace Conference in Paris, which | both attended: Lansine’s resignation was ac- cepted to take place immediately. W. J. Pitman left for interior points this morning on a busi ness visit: 97 and 50-piece Dinner Sets at) Tite’s February Bargain prices. by Chief Vickers ¢ noon the Leachys,. FEBRUARY 14, 1920. will tome in April and be present at went noon. iNorthern and Central British Columbia’s Newspaper PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, PEACE TREATY — - RESERVATIONS Sustained 188 to 44 Changes by United States Must Mot Affect Voting Power of Telegrap ns, ) —Renewed resentations have been nace to the Imperial authorities igaiust agreement to any Peace i rescevations which will affect the status or voting powor of Canada the League of Na- tions. Che proposed reservations be- nate are especially PRISONERS TO 52, EXCHANGED WITS RUSSIA Completed With Soviet Government and lelegraphs. } COPENHAGEN, Feb. 14.—Pro- nme | xOtiations between Jas. ) Grady representing Great Brit- ain and M. Litvinoff on behalf of the Russian soviet government sided in an agreement which was signed Thursday under which tas British war prisoners in Russia ill be released and Great Britain will provide transportation for repatriation of Russian prisoners that the xchange » whit sheviks. CARDINAL FOR ROME is Kmi- visil of Are. FIRE DEPARTMENT IS OUT ON STRIKE Telegraphs NORTH VANCOUVER, Feb. 14. apt. J. E. Sparks and eight th Van- on They ing dis- matter dvertise cles. RUSH TO DAUPHIN d Titles to (Speciat py G.T. P, Telegraphs.) DAUPHIN, Man., Feb. 14.—A reported discovery of oil in this distriet is responsible for the in- flux of a lange number of pros- pectors who waited in queues outside the Land Titles Office in the bitlher cold to file entries for afternoon a large number had been unable to IN WHISKEY CASE arrested shortly after 2 o'clock this after- und will iface the same charge as Duff and VILLA GETS AMMUNITION (Special via G, T. fF MEXICO CITY, reiegre Feb. 1 aps.) 4,—-The Villa revolutionary forces cap- tured 300,000 rounds of ammu.- nition in their reeent raids on j Lerder and Gomez Patacio. gzar ¢ 4 Wis of TA XI Phone 75 and 36 We Never Sleep _ PRINCE RUPERT AUTO 707 Second Avenue M. H. LARGE COREA MEENA Be = a PRICE FIVE CENTS — ew eoanpesiinineshs —_ British Government Austain Chamberlain in Defence of Ad- ministration Refers to “Dry” Law of United States; Lady Astor Comments. (Special to The News via G.T. P. Telegraphs.) LONDON, February 14.—The amendment of Sir Arthur Steel Maitland, Unionist, regretting that the Government’s expenditure had been allowed to continue at so high a rate, with the con- sequent depreciation of national credit and increase in the cost of living, was rejected by the House of Commons by a vote of i8s to 44, and the House then adopted the address. Austen Chamberlain, chancellor of the exchequer, in reply eclared the Government could not be blamed for the high prices which were the result of the world crisis. Among other things, he said, the world’s sugar pro-j| . > duction was short and because if: @ q the United States was “dry” the REMOVE ACE people there were using much inore sugar. “To add to the : we & miseries of the world, the United AND SWORD AS states goes dry,” Mr. Chamber- n declared. A Labor member interrapted OUT OF DATE th “for the benefit of the world,” to which Lady Nancy TP gee Lord Mayor of Dublin Instructs That Badges are not to be Carried Before Him. added, ‘‘and humanity as a whole.” These interjections called forth Astor laughter and cheers. wr. Chamberlain continued that the United ‘States no longer drank alcohol, they wanted 1 much greater amount of sugar to compensate. Hesewould not say that the United States should noi (Specia) via &. for. Jelegrapus DUBLIN, Feb. 14.—At a special meeting the Dublin Corporation considered the question of re- moving the mace and sword as “relics of barbarism.” because have gone dry, but the effect was The Lord Mayor said he had distinctly unfortunate and he|discretionary powers regulating that the moderate drink- er who like himself seldom used it, but had his own opinion of the use of alcohol was a good citizen too- thought use of paraphernalia of his office but he declared he had given in- structions that, during the re- mainder of the term of oflice, the sword and mate should not be carried before him or vlaced on the table- GERMAN FORCES ARE STILL VERY LARGE army Still Has 400,000 Members and There are Large Supplies ef Fighting Eauipment. PEACE RIVER. OIL REPORT PRESENTED Hon. T. D. Pattullo Suggests that Wore General Exploration Should Be Conducted This Year. (Specia) via G.T.P Telegrapns. PARIS, Feb. 14.—-The German irmy is still 400,000 strong and in addition there are 100,000 po- and large supplies ianks, airplanes and machine via G.T. P. Telegrapnhs. Feb. 13-——The Gwillim of Queen’s special VICTORIA, port of J. C, icing forces re- if guns, University on oil possibilities of a oe ‘certain portions of the Peace BIRTHS River District was tabled in the Legislature. It states that the? pre. was born to Mr. and Mrs. portion most worthy of close in-] , M. Walker, Waldron Apart- vestigation is the strip of country] _,, nts, at the Prince Rupert Gen- lying between the gentle dip to-| , 4) Hospital this morning, a wards the great syncline and that daughter if the area of disturbed geologi- A daughter wea heen this al formation adjacent to the morning at the Prince “Rupert mountains, Hon. T. D. Pattullo, who tabled the venort, said it was highly de- sirable that much more extensive General Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. ©. H. Orme. = POPS OL PLP LD ILL PPO OF PP 5 work a =“ eer be TONIGHT capried on during 1e@ §=6coming year by the Government. The E M P R E S S bulkhead sandstones are con- se coe ie Ae OMS aA! Pa No sidered to be the shoreward equivalent of the Peace River Jgohn Bowers sandstones and the Loon River =: ats shale. It is near the base of the latter that oil is found on Lower ‘The Sea Waif’ yeace River at i , 1,100 Q Pe ice River at about a | feet 14th Episode, ‘ below the river level. “The Carter Case” ei ae ; ; “The Iron Test” POLISH PEACE PLANS : re ~— (Special via G.T, PR felegrapns.) Peer 4 WARSAW, Feb. 13.--The work of framing an outline of peace conditions to be communicated to the Russian Soviet Government has begun by the Polish cabinet.|} RECITAL Miss Frances Kickewa The Cree Elocutionist. TENDERS WANTED Tenders wanted for moving building now occupied by Prince Supert Feed Co. For full par- ticulars apply to T. Trotier. 39 MUSICAL ITEMS by Local Talent Methodist Church _ Wednesday, Feb. 18 at 8.15 p.m. Carpets, floor oilcloth and lino- leums at Tite's Big Sale values, Ladysm.th Goal. The best. Princ Rupert Goal ¢ anit (enna 06 | Adults 75e, Children 50¢ at Oe es oe } Tickets at lattinson & Ling’s Avk for Atkins’ Sausages. tf! we we 4g