i ee Page 2 ene eee THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. SH. F. PULLEN, MANAGING EDiTor. U Sc id pe bi il is th th ul ih ab selves the Lord’s anointed. mié su av SC ye” have read very widely and have takn every opportunity to study co of ad ‘ tu ‘ th sh Th tra offers, for, from all accounts, they are gradually gaining strength in the country. is suited to become a legislator or that all labor leaders are level headed or suited for governing. me ‘tha an illu are Pat tor { ma in pre Is advancement of civilization. City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 7dc. By Mail—Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $6.00. TRANSIENT DISPLAY Status of Canada in League of Nations. the League the condition of the United Sates entry will be the exclusion of this and the Other countries of the British Empire. remain out, if those are her conditions. Ability of Labor To Govern a Country. citiés, to clean up the filth, to provide that every worker should have a living wage and had succeeded in doing away with the injustices and inequalities which obtain in that country, would be some reason perhaps for a perpetuation of the type of has been done, there is yet much to do. Women Lawyers tn this Province, law cases, {SUBSCRIPTION RATES: To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50 TELEPHONE 98. ADVERTISING — 85 cents per inca. Contract Rates_on application. i920. DAILY EDITION. a8 Tuesday, Feb. 17, By the amendment to the Peace Treaty as proposed in the nited States Senate it is proposed to eliminate Canada Australia, yuth Africa, India and New Zealand from voting at meetings of of Nations. If the amendment passes it means that As we are ihe League to stay, it is to be presumed the United States will It seems as if the United States was overestimating her im- Every country would like to see her join the league rt not under such conditions. Canada is already a member and will take a great deal of pressure to make her withdraw. ‘That the attitude taken by the Government, and the people will back em on this matter. yrlance. ~ Winston Spencer Churchill, son of Lord Randolph Churchill, e speciacular son of a spectacular father, believes that labor is iiitted to rule. Apparently he believes that the Churchills and eir ik are the chosen of the Lord to rule the common people. Some of the labor people will doubtless ask what particular ility has been shown by many of those who consider them- They will ask why it is that after so any years of rule by aristocrats, there is so much poverty and ffering and injustice in the world. As a matter of fact the erage member of parliameat has never made any study of the ience of government, whereas the labor leaders in most cases nditious in countries where advanced legislation is in force. lf the Churchills, the Cecils and the other ruling families Great Britain had been able to eliminate the slums of the big there While it must be admitted that considerable The men who have re- rned after fighting the battles of the nation and seeing some- ing of what is going on in other parts of the world and rubbing oulders with people from overseas, are getting a new vision. ey are asserting themselves, and rightly so. Nothing could be better for Britain than for a labor adminis- tion to take charge. They will likely do so when opportunity ministration. From this it must not be inferred that every laboring man There are, however, many labor n just as capable and just as clear in their ideas, if not clearer, n men from other walks of life. The January number of the British Columbia Monthly has interesting article on “‘Women Lawyers of British Columbia” strated with four half tones of the four ladies who at present practising law in the province. They are Misses Ringland, erson, Kitchen and Lalonde. Of these Miss Ringland of Vic- ia is an expert on municipal law. Miss Paterson has already de several appearances in court as counsel; Miss Kitchen is the office of A. H. MeNeill, K, C., while Miss Lalonde is a ficient French scholar and often does duty as interpreter in The B. C. Monthly gives a short sketch of each which interesting to everyone who likes to keep in touch with the jhe iy eM DENTISTRY At a price you can afford to pay Have Your Teeth Examined Today. Estimates Cheerfully Given Dr. Jos. Maguire Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Block Office Hours: 8 to 12 a. m. 1 to 6 p. m. Phone 576 Corner 3rd Ave. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. and 6th &t. Open Evenings Sunday by Appointment Lady Attendant. eee The Royal Bank of Canada | begs to advise that it has for rental at moderate prices SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES They are recommended for the protection from fire or burg- lary of valuable business or private documents, Victory Bonds, jewelry, ete. The Manager will be glad to furnish particulars on application Prince Rupert Branch - A. W. Cameron, oe —_— te Mer. | THE DAILY NEWS RCAES ALL Jue 10 PIECES Vib “Fruit-2-tives” Conquered Rervous Prosiration R. R. No.4, Gitsert Pars, Max. “Ta the year 1910, I had Nervous ‘aqéiom in its worst form; dropping from 170 to 115 pounds. The doctors had no hope of my recovery, and every medicine I tried proved useless until a friend induced me to take ‘‘Fruit-a-tives’’. I begeu to mend almost at once, and never had such good health as I have enjoyed the past eight years. lam never without “Fruit-a-tives” in the house’. JAS. S. DELGATY. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25c. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. LAND REGISTRY ACT (Sections 36 aud i34.) * Re Application No. 11085-1. File 6207. TAKE NOTICE that application has been made to register Edward H. Mortimer, of vrinee Rupert, B. C., as owner in fee under a Tax Sale Deed from the Col- jector of the City of Prince Rupert, bear ing date the 19th day of July, 1918, ef ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parce r tract of land and premises situate, lyinx and being in the ~City of Prince Kupert, more particularly known and descrtved a: Lot Seven (7), Block forty-one (41), Section Eight (8), (Map 923). You are re juired to contest the claim of the tax pur haser within 35 days from the date of the service of this notice (which may be el fected by publication in the Daily News), and your attention is calied to section . of the “Land Registry Act” with amend menis, and id gre following extract there from:— ind in default of @ caveat or certn- ute of lis pendens being filed before ine registration as owner of the per- son entitled under sucn tax sale, all rsulis so served with notice, ° ~~ and thouse claiming through or under them, and all persons claim- ing any interest in the land by virtue ff any unregistered instrument, and ail persons claiming any interest in the land by descent whose title not registered under the provisions of this Act, shall be for ever estopped and debarred from setting up any claim to or in respect of the land so suid for taxes, and the Registrar shall register the person entitied un- der such tax sale as owner of the land so sold for taxes.” AND WHEREAS application nas bee made for a Certificate of Indefeasible Tit to the above-mentioned lands, in the nan ff Edward H. Mortimer. AND WHEREAS on investigating th title it appears that prior to the 14th da) f September, 1915 (the date on which th said lands were sold for overdue taxes you were the registered and assessed owr er thereof. FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that at tl same time I shall effect registration i pursuance of such application and issue Certificate of Indefeasible Title to the sai lands in the name of Edward H. Mortime unless you take and prosecute the prope proceedings to establish your claim, i any, to the said lands, or to prevent euci proposed action on my part. DATED at the Land Registry Onk Prince Rupert, B. C., this 20th day « August, A. D. 1919. H. F. MACLEOD, District Registrar of Titles To Paul Hartman, Esq., Care Royal Bank of Car Prince Rupert, _B. : LAND REGISTRY ACT (Sections 36 and 134. 1ada, Re Application No. 11484-k File 6304. TAKE NOTICE that application has hee made to register Stephen B. Adams, ¢ Prince Rupert, B. C., as owner in fee un der a Tax Sale Deed from the Collector the City of Prince Rupert, bearing dat: the 23rd day of October, 1919, of ALI AND SINGUULAR that certain parce vr tract ef land and premises situai ing, and being in the city of Prince Ruper! more particularly knewn and described a Lot Three (3), Block Eight (8), Section One (1 (Map 923). You are required to contest the ctair of the tax purchaser within 35 days fror the date of the service of this notice: which may be effected by publication ir the Daily News, Prince Rupert. B. C.,) an your attention ts called to section 36 of th. “Land Registry Act’ with amendments and to the following extract therefrom:- and in default of s caveat or rer- tificate of lis pendens being filed bre- fore the registration as owner of the person entitled under such tax sal, all persons so served with notice, - . . and those claiming throueh or under them, and all persons claim- ing any interest tn the land by virtue of any unregistered instrument, and all persons claiming any interest in the land by descent whose title ts hot registered under the provisions of this Act, shall be for ever es- topped and debarred from setting up any claim to or in respect of the land 80 sold for taxes, and the Regis- trar shall register the person en- titled under such tax sale as owner of the land so sold for taxes,” WHEREAS § application has bees made for @ Certificate of Indefeasible Tith to the above-mentioned lands, in the nami £ Stephen B. Adams. AND WHEREAS on investigating th title it appears that prior fo the 9th das of October, 1918, (the dat@ on which the said lands were sold for overdue taxes:,. you were the registered owner thereof. FURTHER TARE NOTICE that at the same time I shall effect registration in pursuance of such application and issue a Certificate of Indefeasible Title to the satd lands in the name of Stephen B. Adams un less you take and prosecute the proper proceedings to establish you? claim. ir any, to the said lands, or to prevent such proposed action on my part. DATED at the Land Registry Office. Prince Rupert, B. C., this 26th day of November, A. D. 1919. . H. F. MACLEOD, District Registrar of . To Alfred O, Brandt, Esq., of Titles Wash. Spokane, DEPARTMENT OF LANDS NOTICE PPLICATION FOR GRAZING FE THE SEASON OF 199 Applications for pe MITE FOR } rmits to graze . tock on the Crown range within ve razing district of the Province of British ‘olumbia aust be filed with the District oresters at Cranbrook, Fort George, Kam- oops, Nelson, Prince’ Ru ert, Vancouver n Vernon or with the -ormmmissioner of irazing, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B +» 00 or before February 29,1920, ° Blank forms upon which to Submit ap- lications may be obtained from the Dis- wry vopasiees at the above named places ) e Departme been P nt of Lands at Vic- ni usy “tei NADEN, Department a Lands, sor Ot Lande Victoria, B. C., December 5th, 1919. SRE SHEER BER EHTS MAIL SCHEDULE *! eee eeaeeeeeeeneeee For the East. Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat- urdays at 10:30 a.m. From the East. Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs- days at 7 p.m. For Vancouver and Seuth. TuesdayS ......-eeseeee 7 p.m. ThursdayS .....+essee8 11 p.m. SaturdayS ....++++-. 10:30 a. m. From Vancouver and South. Sundays o otis ROD Wednesdays 10:30 a. eee eee wee For Anyox and Alice Arm. SundayS ..iscessecssces {i p.m. Wednesdays .......-.++- 141 p.m. From Anyox and Alice Arm. TueCSdAYS ..cscsseeees p. m. “huredays® scccccccccccces P.M. ee. For Port Simpson, Arrandale, Mili Bay, Wales Island and Naas River. Sunday@:s0664. sevice 1i p.m. From Pt. Simpson, Arrandale, Mili Bay, Wales Island and Naas River. Cnesdays .. oles 0 eee Queen Charlotte Islands: For Massett, Port Clements and Upper {sland poiats: February 19th. ‘rom Masset, Port Clements and Upper Island points: February 20. Sor Skidegate, Queen Charlotte City and Lower Island points: February 7 and 21. From Skidegate, Queen Chartotte City and Lower Island points— February 17. For Skagway and the Yukon. February 9, 23; March 8, and 29. 19, From Skagway and Yukon. February 14, 28; March 13 and 24; April 3. stewart, Maple Bay and Swamp Point. FOR February 18. FROM February 19. SEALED addressed to the undersigned, and endorsed “Tender for wharf at Stewart, B. C.,”" will be received at this office until 12 o’clock noon, Friday, March 5, 1920, for the construction of a wharf at Stewart, District of Skeena, b. C Plans and forms of contract can be seen and specification and forms of tender ob tained at this Department, at the office of the District Engineer at Prince Rupert, B. C., at the Post Offices, Vancouver, B.C., TENDERS and Stewart, B.C. Tenders will not be considered unless made on printed forms supplied by the Department and in accordance with con- ditions contained therein. Each tender must be accompanied by n accepted cheque on a chartered bank payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works, equal to 10 p.c. of the amount of the tender. War Loan Bonds of the Dominion will also be accepted as security, or War Bonds and cheques if required to make up an odd amount. NOTE.—Blue prints can be obtained at this Department by depositing an ac- cepted bank cheque for the sum of 810, payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works, which will be returned if he intending bidder submit a regular bid By order, R. C. DESROCHERS, Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, February 5, 1920. COURT OF REVISION. Prince Rupert Assesement District. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Court Revision and Appeal, under the pro- isions of the “Taxation Act” and the ‘public Schools Act,’ respecting the as essnent roll for the Prince Rupert As essment District for the year 1920, will © held at the Provincial Assessor’s office rince Rupert, on Friday, the 2ard day oj anuary, 1920, at 10 o’clock in the fore oon, Dated at Prince Rupert, B. th, 1920. JOHN DYBHAVN, Judge of Court of Revision and Appeal LAND ACT f C., January VANCOUVER LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT OF COAST, RANGE III, TAKE NOTICE that J. C. Clausen of Jeean Falls, B. C., occupation superintend- nt of logging, intends to apply for per- mission to lease the following described lands :— Commencing at a post planted 24-miles n @ hortherly direction from the north west corner of Lot 897 on the west coast of Calvert Island; thence north 40 chains; hence west 40 chains; thence south 46 ‘haing; thence east 40 chains to point of commencement and containing 160 acres, nore or legs, J. C. CLAUSEN., Date January 2ist, 1920. LAND AQT IN THE SKEENA LAND DISTRICT — pDIs- TRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. TAKE NOTICE that Thomas B. Str of Vancouver, B. C., occupation sehen suldier, intends to apply for permission to lease the following described lands:-— Commencing at a Post planted on the shore on Sewell Inlet about 3 miles dis- tant, and in a westerly direction from th entrance of Sewell Inlet; thence 5 chains south; thence 40 chains east: thence to oe preses following the shore line to io ommencement fires. mee and containing 20 THOMAS B,. STRAIN, TOBACCO SERIES No. x Powerful which are used in ~“ cured’ Virginian ieaf into huge in which they are exported. Don’t say “ Tobacco,” say “ Macdonald's.” MACDONALDS TOBACCO Smoking and Chewing : ag Packing the hogs! reads, | DENTISTRY “Fa Sts QUALITY Dr. Bayne OFFICE HOURS— Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.20; Saturdays, 9 to 12 ony; Every Evening from 7.30 to $ i] } | Dental Nurse in attendance Phone 109 for appointment Rooms 4, 5, 6, Helgerson Blk., Cor. 3rd and 6th Best Equipped Office in Northern B.C. . CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY | B.C. Coast Steamship Services S. 8. PRINCESS MARY from Prince Rupert: Fobruary 9, 23; March 8, 19. For Vancouver Victoria and Seatite from Prince Rupert } for Ketchikan, Juneau, Skagway, Alaska, February 14, 28; March 13, 24 8. 8. PRINCESS BEATRICE ‘i { From Prince Rupert for Swanson Bay, Ocean Falls, Hardy Bay, Alert Bay Beaver Cove, Powell River, Vancouver and Victoria— { Every Sunday at 9 P. M. For rates, reservations andesallings, apply | { W. C, ORCHARD, Genera! Agent. Cor 3rd Avenue and 4th Street Prince Rupert, B.C, ren ST §.S.PRINCE G ABS —— SAILING Thursday Midnight for Swanson Bay, Oce#” Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle. Wednesday Midnight for Anyox. 8.8. PRINCE ALBERT EORGE ene Falls, For Stewart, February 4 and 18. Massett and Port Clements, February 5 and 19. Southern Queen Charlotte Island Points, February 7 and *! TRAIN SERVICE W®°dnesday and Saturday 4{ Edmonton and Winulpeg, making all points east and south. r Smithers, 3 n 11:38 a.m ry direct © Passenger Monday, Prince George, Agency All Oc-an Steamship Lines For fnformation and reservations apply to City Ticket Office, 626 Third Avenue. Phon® 200 A EET Open Ist February, 1920 NEW MARINE W Shawatlans Passage Equipped for building and repairing all classes of boats Uj in length, ‘HI WOODWORKING, BLACKSMITHING AND MA‘ HI Best equipped plant in Central British Colum)! Ltd. yen. Manage? AYS to 100 feet RY N & SHOPS. Seal Cove Marine Ways, A. Swanson, President W. E. Thompson, 153 Phone Red 391 Phone Green W. E. Gree ‘ Dated 26th October, 1919.0” ee