oa hase Largely on Pure Ann Market, Especi- ally Seal. ’ ; 17. prices ol NDON, Feb. ales have ye { London fur sale tas A is high that scene 0,07 peen have been of the wildest. g have pia hilla, whieh before the Sil et shillings @ skin now gteeagt pounds, while fox, be- petonee var, was six or seven yore the aa ie 25 pounds a a on the market was¢ ‘vole American bid- 440 per cent higher He outbid , in Oetober last. else for every skin. M , skins wen? almost fought Je sit the manager of one won international house, ‘that Eins the wal would have been sheen in Whitechapel. Iix- * ve furs have gone up most gh houses with high neputa- : would not have kept on the skins they now are i} at prices higher ban really,good furs in 1944.” Sweep Market. , dominant feature of this we gales was the determina- cot the Americans to sweep market at any price: Prices fat show the following rtses ve last October: Wol- stone marten, ho: marten, 75; otter and Rus- ian sable, 50; fisher and lynx, 40; hite silver and cross fox, 20 t F. apmine, 10. he depreciation on the dollar ang eriously affecting bnadian business here, Harri- yn Watson, trades Commissioner ve the only definite comment te made on it, is that it is hold- g up business all over. It is than in December he arrived and will become still. Canadian goods are ted very badly even at e Canadian demand to trade or momises the pliged to sé peent abo rine, chinchilla, changes is 8 neh worse here e basis of current rate of ex- Canadian firms are ting from the inequality of nerican and the Canadiar British buyers ane real- they can buy still cheaper Canadian firms than Unitec firms. “As far as Canada yerned, says Mr- Watson, isnot so serious as it would wen say a year ago. Many as much home ade as they can undertake.” firms have HLL MILK ON ITTERFAT BASIS nario Minister of Agriculture to Introduce Bill to Pro- tect Farmer. Hon ining Doherty, minister of Neulture in the Provincial ernment, will introduce a } On after the assembly of the Use to provide for the sale of Kk at wholesale on a butter‘a Ment basis. This will secure Me farmer who sells rich mith full value of his product and help to eliminate the poor *K Which is often offered for e, The TORONTO Febr ary 17. hew bill will provide. for ‘Ppointment of inspectors to eT SEE , the sales and make sure Al the ve producer receives the rest price, There al ,. 'S already heard some “ISM that this is on by the Pl benefit, D DURHAM PASSED AWAY YESTERDAY ATT TACOMA OF INFLUENZA " Were on Way From Usk © Tacoma to Bedside. Class legis- farmers for their Arriving | woe On last night’s train cy ta Ae Tacoma, having been ere by the . /y “he severe illness ate Fred from an attack : 1enza, Charles Durham, of » TeCA ’ . oe the sad news on ar. © that the son had pass- ct He Continued hig jour- 1 on the Chelohsin ac. Way, THE DAILY NEWS —po —= Ate SY Sa SU [WED] THU. 4. I 13 17 23 | 24: 30) 31 \ RUSH ALONG | YOUR RAW FURS March Ist is Last Receiving Date for the Great March Sale FRI. | SAT. 4 “ 6 Z \ When on the morning of March 22 this first great Canadian sale begins, as hundreds of buyers from the United States, Great Britain, France and Canada, eagerly outbid one another for the finest average furs ever ; assembled at any sale—then you'll be glad you have your furs on our floor. And as, day after day, lot after lot is sold and you realize you are getting more for your furs than ever before, you will resolve always to send all of your furs to the GREAT PUBLIC uction Sales in Montreal | —+to this great, big, Home market specializing in fresh, original, unculled Canadian furs, unmixed with inferior southern varieties. /' Do not hold a ‘pecetse or a bale another day. Ship a// your furs now! be sorted, listed and put into shape in good time for the buyer’s inspection. Liberal advances will be made, gladly, to any shipper, large or'small, on request. SMALL SHIPPERS —Any quantity is acceptable. Honest, expert J grading carefully supervised yields the best possible results. You will never know how much your furs are really worth until you ship to us. Our sales truly test the world’s buying strength. AN INVITATION—Every shipper, every dealer, every manufacturer, EVERYONE interested in raw furs is cordially invited to attend this epoch-marking sale. cs A$ y Canadian Fur /§ “ey, ASE / if Auction Sales /“% Company, Limited .° PH y * 9" MAIN OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE S ye 130 Lagauchetiere St. West L Temporary Offices Windsor Hotel, Montreal | one hundred whites and Indians’ have taken to the woods or gone | MANY FINE ‘oul in their boats in search of Steamer Had Plates Replaced in furs. FURS TAKEN. One of the Prince Rupert deal- | South Following Accident. , iors recently visited Masset and ‘bought $8,000 worth of pelts, and Indians on Queen Charlottes Out {lis has given added interest to Take this Prescription to the Prince Rupert Drag Cotapany’s Store! I always send my patients there, for I know that the in- gredients they use are always fresh and of the very best Having completed repairs at quality. They double ‘check Yarrows yards, Esquimalt, after Ds ie by his wife and will) ae Ime for the funeral, It Y last Week that Mr, Dur Of the death the child of the! N rac ' Teceived word hig srandchila pesed son, red Durhan "iver, hy "Was we ll known til recently. yr esided at Usk MY Of the aij) Beneral sym- | Mr “iat wastrict wilt BO ol " MIS: Dyp : ble bereavement in their ithe eye quickly, ‘News Job Department. M every prescription which means a whole lot to you, and, too, this kind. of service doesn’t cost you any more touching a rock near Masset Bar, the Prince Albert’ arrived in the harbor yesterday morning from the south with a full cargo which} After Pelts for First Time. i the hunt. While the furs are re jsaid to be not quite as good as in MASSET, Feb, 18-—The Indians the interior of the mainland, ow- | F ing to the mild climate, they fetch | : . ave 1 aki l i she brought north via the south-;kene have been making gad"! oe ; than you would ordinarily ern uate Charlottes Islands. money this winter trapping mar bait hc ne een here have to pay for the less care- Some of her plates were badly;ten, land otter, blaok bear ne te ee fully compounded prescrip- eek, tion. The Prince Rupert Drug Co. sprung. this afternoon. She leaves for Stewart,ermine. ‘These are the only fur bearing animals found here and} -—— ---— this is the first time that the In-| Two-color window cards take,dians have realized their value. |turned from a trip to Anyox and | See them at the Owing to the rapid advance In a \liee Arm on the Chelohsin fast | iprice of the pelts, something likejevening, Morley Shier and Guy Davis re- Phone 3rd Avenue, opposite 2nd St, P, 0. Box 1 34 Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention 215 They must . et 73 = al Pe OF, fe , , ‘. a nN " th 2*S gee Rey : 276Biesio “wt... 44 os