an S op EAT Go at ques CF 40M BAKERY g11 6th Street mL - “¥E NO. 44: For agistrat to mon V Duff and Richard simo { liquor, wert yr trial at the ! \ elect for spet iler, John Hoskins : itl bul ence of imp al, c from these W itnesses. | miling and i 4 free and as 5 ; sad before pac lly § heal The evidence given by Mille selling case for which d Leachy bawe wl- itenced to-~ nine 1 eyiu ho ) jue (p Dull an peel at Ukalla prison couversalion with yn regarding amount or » of the liquor 4s he had un- rsood thal Dull knew through “ny. The only connection wit had Wilh money was on the grbethhone when le Was about to nd the money LO him before his bauly oo onus e had had ne : the rie pgctly. 2 Hoskins’ Evidence- Jack Hoskins had not seen Dull prem when the ugut there to be ed and had only seen him on its removal to the had called him to arrange fol e storing 0 Hoskins did t making a statement was surprised number of cases brought to his ses put his quol was bro he might | armeuong., Dull py telephone wi, it » Dull that oul Lhe alee ai had been Hace. waren Bailey again told of arrest and the bringing 01 to the Swanson rom there to the After hearing ey's evidence W. U. uiion, who took Mr, Patmore's ace as COUnse! for the defence, ld no witnesses for the de- ce would be called and Mr. presented the case- Makes Statement. uring the course of the trial left the i, intimated that Leach) that had noi id that Dull had ked up on the last trip r fr Lipsett’s house zed fig 101 é and Hiudills he re, betore ) slate he J HOSKINS Cabin, Neither Dutt Richard anything to say. Mr. uiton stated that, in his opinion, ete Was insuflicient evid@nee to atrant for trial as ther George Sweet nor Harry , who owned the alleged had identified that ld as being theirs, iNaintained that it Was the lly Of the magistrate to dismiss he charge, ‘0 te counsel for the defence laking the duties of judge’ oon Magistrate Mord Inasing committal. HELL PLERCES THIRTEEN INCHES OF ARMOR PLATE (Special by G. Tp non eachy had ¢ committal Mel Liquor, Nich Was so i P als emarked ie 0} Teregraphs.) \ ASHING I N, Feb. “cent United States i 21.—In a naval shell a 24100 (lp ~ pound projectile Se ae inch rifle was put ‘En thirteen inches of armor Hate belt stee] Ask for Atkins’ Sausages. bi aYYSM, th Coal. The be - MOF Con) Non St. Princ: 10AaNY. Phone 16 Tonight WESTHOLMR THEATRE Evening at 7:16 ————e Matinee at 8 Kathe i ™ rine M a The Most Bea tiff naa 1 Wo ma the Screen jn an on mae » Beauty Market” “in nN Unshine Comedy eighbo,’ ; 8 and “Mutt a an ‘ nd Jeff,” nt A ; Duff and Leachy ‘his morning committed by Magistrate McMordi ext court of competent jurisdiction when they | iy or jury trial. Three witnesses, Charles w. | and Warden Bailey.were heard before com- Farm. | . %, %e The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT iNorthern and Central British Columbia’s Newspaper Phone 75 and 35 We Never Sleep , PRINCE RUPERT AUTO 707 Second Avenue M. H. LARGE PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Leachy, charged with the theft | | ortance was forthcoming in the On leaving the prisoner's stand Duff? cites for factories was discussed easy manner mede a pass at jeaving the court room. * was much similar to that given SAME WAGES EAST AS WEST Marine Engineers Want a Gen-' eral Scale Throughtout The Country. j DECIDE TO AFFILIATE i WITH TRADES AWD LABOR | a (special by G.7.P. Telegraphs.) i OTTAWA, Feb. 24.—The grand |eouncil of the National Associa-| tion of Marine Engineers in Can- | ada concluded its fifteenth bien- nial convention yesterday. tary Draper of the Trades and La- bor Council addressed the conven- tion, pointing out the advantages | Secre- that would accrue from atiilia-| tion with that body, After hear-| ing Draper the Council decided to afliliate. Proposed amendments to Can- | adian shipping conditions of em- | ployment and wages paid on Gov- ernment steamers were discussed and a deputation appointed to wait on the marine, public works and railways and canals depart- mgnts- Strong representations are to be made to the departments concerned on variance of rates of pay on the Atlantic coast as compared with the Pacific. Mavr- ine engineers leaving Vancouver at certain rates of pay are, on reaching Atlantic ports compelled to take their choice of consider- ably lower rates or make their way back to Vancouver at their own expense, The council is at- tempting to establish a general scale of wages throughout the country. CONDITION IN IRELAND Armored Cars and Tanks Used in Streets and no one Allowed Out After Midnight. (Special via G.T. PRP, Telegraphs. DUBLIN, Feb. 24.—The. mili- taty authorities have issued a proclamation ordering all dents of Dublin to stay indoors between midnight and five a- m. unless spécially permitted to be on the streets. The order fol- lowed extensive raids by the mili- tary on Thursday night and early Friday morning on the various freadquarters of the Sinn Fein volunteers”™ Many houses and business firms were searched and a large num- ber of young’ men were arrested. Armored cays and tanks were used by the military. resi- oR eee EE HS business, J. MILLER, i4 Miller's Cigar Store. * To Whom It May Concern * Charles Miller, who has * been giving evidence inthe * local liquor, case, has no * with myself * personally or with my * * * * Committed Trial in Higher Court e McMordie Considers that Evidence is Sufficient Warrant Further Hearing: Prisoners Smiling and Jocular. POWER AND SITES — e; | New Westminster who was here 'a factory. MANITOBA TO SPEND | from the funds of the province to UNDER DISCUSSION BY BOARD OF TRADE The question of power and in a dissultory way by the Board of Trade last night in connection with the visit of F- KR. Leyland of of the Laminated Materials Co., of t-cently looking for a location for No resolution was in- troduced, as it was understood that a communication would be received from Mr. Leylang in re- gard to the matter, and it would then be discussed further. The importance of a power; supply in the development of the city was urged by several speak- ers and aiso the necessity of hav- ing sites availabie for those who might wish to use them. MILLION ON HOUSES This in Addition to Million Ad- vanced by the Federal Government. Speclal T. P. Telegraphs.) WINNIPEG, Feb. 21.—An ap- propriation of a million dollars via «& meet the housirg demands in Manitoba during the current year, is provided in a bill intro- duced into the Legislature by the provincial treasurer. This mil- lion, it was explaired, would be in addition to the million ad- vanced from the Federal Govern- ment. PREVENT CANADIANS TAKING COAST TRADE Amendments to the Navigation Laws are Needed Says Seattle Shipping Man. t (Special via G. T. P. Telegraphs , WASHINGTON, February <1.—]|, Amendments to the coastwise ; navigation laws are needed so as to prevent Canadians participat- MARKED MONEY firs. Belle Ward Faces Strong to six Okalla by this morning, having been found guilty of selling liquor. inohey taining Spence with marked and numbered money ——____ en , SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1920. sitll tht meri ate UNITED STATES WANTS LUMBER Veetern Mills Partially Back on the Market — Shingles Active Sellers. After having been practically off the market for more than a month and a half, the British Co- junvbia mills are now offering a lim.ted amount of lumber for; shipment to Eastern Canada, and some business has been passing. Prices are high as compared with the list of quotations before the milis withdrew from the market, but the insistent United States demand, added to other require- ments, made it diflieult to keep pace with trade needs- There is piobably imore business passing in Shingles than in any other line with clear selling at $8.25 and 5x at $8.75 per thousand. On the prairies there is a com- paratively light demand for lum- ber except for large companies. A lively demand throughout On- tario eyer since the first of the year, in spite of the higher prices, has been experienced by the To- ronto offices of western mills, and while a large percentage of the business has been in shingles, there have been inquiries for tim- lers. flooring, ceiling and trim. ‘The mills are able to supply only limited amounts of stock, and the same condition is likely to exist (hroughout the season. In the American iarket, particularly, Uiere is a scramble for lumber at any price. USED; WOMAN ~ SENT TO JAIL Evidence and Gets Six Months at Okalla. Mrs. Belle Ward was sentenced months’ imprisonment at Magistrate McMordie Marked was instrumental in ob- the conviction and Ser- .cant Adams and Constable Mac- ionald had a flawless case against ier, Charles Houston and John had been commissioned police to locate blind+ They had been supplied yy the jiggers. IS VERY BAD| *” * * * * * * connection * . + * * ‘ CoRR ing, through their ships, in trade between the United States and Alaska, Will Clark, of the Pacifle Steamship Coy, of Seattle, told the Senate Commerée committee. The present restrictions, -ac- eording to che: same authority, eonfining coastwise. trade to \merican ships, are being evaded. Under ruling during the war the Canadian ships were left in the trhde while American ships wert taken off and put into service for war. W:NT BONE DRY The Prohibition Pariy Executive Favcrs Meferendum to That Effect. Tulecraphs. 21.— The Association (Spectst via ©. TP VANCOUVER, Feb. People’s Prohibition executive committee meeting last night decided