94 1920. iay pebruary ~"' n{uraays . — W THE: HEAD wed UENZA LA GRIPPE jeved in & Ret Rm SULE FO Quinine, ara and Cam- BO Sox phor “ at " ¢ physiclaD your P ‘ fall D ggists mah oe 4 : oi nie of =~ aT most tee: jerstood os il hich, upon a ¥ trectly re eyesight will ’ ‘ and af nealth Seas ah preseribD pe reniel n to nor- “ ate all eye strain. and elimi = I “ d i Fred Joudry Practical Optometrist ied Ave. Prince Rupert Opposite Post Ulhee Eat at the pston (pil WHITE COOKS ONLY but Swirt’s BACON and 1) Eggs. siteiesinent ora Good Breakfast, try our Brookfield Sausage and Eggs intry Style. ecialty of Good Well Cooked destholme Lunch for a Home Sooxed Meal Women Cooks unexcelled KING. Breakfast 35c and 400, tom 7 a.m. to 10:30 a. m. 50c 50c uncheon 11:30 to 2 .. Dinner 5:30 to 7:30 Appreciatior f our Looked Meals sec Home- n by our lisil t ymners. nanagement of Miss May B llings. Short Orders Served at Any time from 7 a.m. to Midnight Best Coal Alberia Screened GUARANTEED LUMP For Kitchen Stove. we +++. $15.00 per ton ag ++» $7.75 per ‘2 ton pee $13.50 per ton Only a Limited Supply Phone Your Order Now Alb C et & McCaffery LTD, Phones 564 and 116 EW HOTEL FOR MINING TOWN Robertson and Dumas Will be Owners of House to be Built Immediately. J. B. Robertson, who returned from a trip to Alice Arm Thurs- day night, has in view the open- ing of a new hotel at Alice Aran. The new house will be built as scon as the plans are completed and the lumber can be purchased and brought to the ground. Mr. Robertson on his trip north made arrangements for the purchase of lots on the present Alice Arm townsite from the owner, John M- Morrison. The~ property pur- chased adjoins the present Kit- sault House and the new hotel will be built there. Mr. Robert- son’s partner in the'present Kit- <= Pili DAILY NEWS SECURING LOGS FOR LOCAL LUMBER MILI E. F. Duby Visits Masset Inlet in Connection with Business. E, F- Duby of the Prince Rupert Lumber Co. left today for Masset Inlet on the steamer Prince Al- bert in connection with’ the se- curing of logs for the local mill. Seen before leaving Mr. Duby said that contracts were being ar- ranged for the delivery of logs to the mill commencing April 1. Construction work on the new dry kilns is going forward and REFUGEES WILL PASS THROUGH VANCOUVER Two Boat Loads About to Leave Viadivostock on Journey the planing and lath mills instal- | | ‘e ; | | j «VOIX DE VILLE” said Jean Chardavoine, a French musician; and thus came into being three hundred and fifty years ago what | a se, 8. D 8, will be his Homewards. | j 5 stult House, Dumas, will be h ; to y we call “Vaudeville”. partner in the hotel. — } ; : The new hotel will be a modern ~yeeint via G, TP. Telegrapmas = | Vaudeville is the melting pot of the dramatic and musical arts. structure throughout and there VANCOUVER, Feb, 24.— One} . i ; ee will be twenty-five rooms. There{ hundred thousand Czecho-Slovaks | In it nothing is out of place; it includes drama, comedy, tragedy, vill be a cafe,.barber shop and| who are refugees in Siberia are farce and burlesque; and every form of music from grand opera to buffet in connection and thej| to be repatriated to their homes a i h a is e house will be entirely comfort-| in Eurqpe. People will be brought jazz 1s heard upon its stage. able and adequate for all classes}| here by the Blue Funnel Line Every city has its favorite vaudeville house But you—who live of the travelling public. from the Orient and put aboard ‘ ae . : y . ‘The present lack of accommo-| C. P- R. trains and taken across at a distance from the great cities—can have vaudeville right in your dation for transients at Alice} the continent and thence to Eu- home with Arm has convinced Mr. Robert-|repe. The first contingent of e son and Mr- Dumas that a new] refugees are about to leave Vlad- hotel at Alice Arm is an absolute] ivostock on two Blue Funnel necessity and will be a profitable] liners. venture. At the present time it a is almost impossible for ajft stianger to obtain any kind of TRISH POLICE USE i accommodation at the mining TANK IN ARRESTING The Phonograph with a Soul’? camp. It is expected to have the Ww » ere i era- a aoe ee eects OPCTa- | Reter Fight With Civilians in This marvellous instrur ir , h init ion some s spring. Which Constable Lost § iment—th is every other instrument in His Life. one—will Re-Creatr everything that vaudeville has to offer—the SILVER FOX DUBLIN, Feb. 24.—Following entire magic of the theatre staged for your amusement and pleasure, fights between the poice and in your parlor or living room civilians in which one constable a ; “ oe : x ‘ HIGH PRICE was killed and many police and Why not let the New Edison bring this wonderful variety of pinata citizens were wounded,-e wae pe entertainment into your home? : two armored cars were used by Furs at New York Realize Over : Four Million Dollars the military in a raid when a large a number of arrests were made. “Edison aid Music” is a beautiful book that you should have. Just see wi iniee oie eye r CIBBONS KNOCKS OUT i ask for it and «li het the Critics Say” too—it proves Edison superiority. 256 AE ° ‘CD. s£tc 8 2 8 foxes started in selling yesterday, ilies . the best pelts going as high as JACK REEVES IN THE Ch | W T t ] P R t $720 each and showing advances SECOND ROUND ar es e ee ze 9 “a rince u er of 20 to 25 per cent over prices —_ sentinel iaieeieiabdS Be a paid for corresponding values at a the fall sale. (Special via G.T. P. Telegrapn= > The best red foxes brought $71 EDMONTON, Feb. 21.—Tommy ye en each, easterm and central skins] Gibbons knocked out Jack Reeves a j showing advances of fifteen per|of San Francisco in the second ‘4: cent over those prices. round of the scheduled fifteen- stile The sum of $800,000 was rea-| round bout. Reeves, since his ar- ‘ lized, bringing the grand total to] rival here last Saturday had won TIMBER SALE X 1988. TIMBER SALE X 1987. TIMBER SALE X 1940. i i ems ¢ jas ¢ REIS T Sealed tenders will be received by the date up to $4,450,000. a lot of admirers and it was 4) < seq tenaers will be received by the PR yf SLSR 8 Ss POE yi scaled tenders. will be received By, te _—_——— CC " complete surprise to many that|M-nister of Lands not later than noon on | Minister of Lands not later than noon on} the 4th day of March, 1920, for the pur- . ld t longer {ith days of March, 1920, for the ine 1ith days of March, 1920, for the| chase of Licence X 1949, to cut 1,092,000 KEEPING he could not hold ou mger hase of Licence X 1988, to cut 1,440,- purchase of Licence X 1987, 0 cut 1,040,-]| feet of Spruce and Hemlock on Lot 2078, HUGE COST OF against Gibbons Reeves is a feet of Fir, Cedar and Hemlock on an | co feet of Fir, Cedar and Hemlock on an] Massett inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands Dis- = ws a situated near Lot 1087, Dean Channel, /arca situated on Dean Channel, Range 3, trict UP OTTOMAN FORCE heavy hitter to the body of .his Coast District lecast District. One (1) year will be allowed for re- able to get a 2) years will be allowed for re- Two (2) years will be allowed for re- | moval of timber. opponent but was unable o , val of pare? tt hier F : moval of timber. ei Rais i Purine Sera, . ae ee one Me acy t ‘(Tec » ac i s be > rther particulars 1@ Chile orester, Further particulars of the Chief Forester,) Victoria, B. C., or District Fore ; Special via G.T.P. Telegrapns any effective action in thi battle Vict ria, B. C., or District Forester, Prince | viet Bp B! ‘ = a District Forester, Prince aperk B.C. . ae i“ ert, B. C Kupert, B. C. rece reer re LONDON, Feb. 21.—The weekly inet eg Ramat; ae e ° a : LAND ACT ec st of the British forces in the ANOTHER WIN FOR MINERAL ACT i . = oo Re oMBIA n° ee is Apply to P hase ¢ z ‘6 754.350. The | A Notice of Intention to Apply urol eee mae a 4 a ’ ; a ENGLISH FLYWEISHT Gertitionte of improvements. | \ THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA Land. rove , as ade ‘lez ‘ a 7 a tt i nL 7 r Po e i tc oanet an me Rat te OF eee — and - VANCOUVER LOee. DIBTRICT—DESTRICT iat it Wi etus ee ts Commad Creat? tine - “a TTE 1F THE ESTATE Ol! OF COAST, RANGE 7 offensive by Poland on Russian Special by G,T. P. Delegrapns eee nies inate ate, eee : ae MAT AIC H. aecalesk, mn eae situate on the west coast of Calvert . : aon deans me 9 ie rict. TAKE NOTICE that by an order of His) Sland, _ jin oneal territory. JERSEY CITY, Feb. 214.—Jimmy] '\riere jocatea:—Glacier Creek, Granby |H: nour F. McB. Young, made the 8th day| TAKE NOTICE that Helge ousb7. 26 —_—$—_—__—_————- Wilde world’s flyweight champion] ay. | + January, A.D. 1926, I was appointed Prince Rupert, B- C., qocapation foreman , _ 4 io at rAKE NOTICE that I, B. L. Johnson, Free /Acministrator of the estate of Tony Rado- |of fish station, Mined? howler ‘aomned LUMBERMAN DiES added another laurel to his a {iner’s Certincate No. 81769-B, | intend, vieh, deced ed, and all parties having srissinnt to pur ‘tories dur lays 0 > : i ‘elaims agains 1 said estate are hereby | /ands:-——- —_———— ready long list of victorle mu TS At ea aeaor fora certificate | equired to furpiss: same, Benner’ ees é CoMmmpenelns Pg Doss planed i% mee J 1c VUE ; , is , ed Stabes f provements, 0 s - « ne, oO or before e o a) of | nor 0 $¥e . 434 5 VANCOUVER, Feb. paves - moon ’ to hed I of Sn at BY S _laprovement oto, the the "above tistm. |Frbruary. f riaer ana att parties in | thence east fo chains; ‘thence north 40 *. McRae, 68 years of age, one| when he knocker ou cKe 1 further take tice that action, un-!debted to the estate are required to pay | chains; ence 8 3 of Pecanee ht r ip n Ru il. the Jersey City bantam er section 85 must be commenced vereee be eapeasnnt of their indebtedness to me oe 66 ns, and containing 160 acres 9 sanada § 26 , nl, aper, Pemeee Ore, ne es -riance of such Certificate of Im thwith ; ae ae : sterday rf . “Or f the ( J. H. MeMULLIN, | HELGE SMEBY, died suddenly yesterday. He was|in the seventh round of their) rovements day of December, A. D. OMetal Administrator. | oe ae Mars Soneny. Agent. born in Ontario. bout yesterday. 919. Dated this 13th day of January, 1920. | Dated January 21St, : eal ——- ee = Sse —— ae “4 a - a ay es Gene Byrnes Say s:-—‘“It’s a Great Life If Y ou Don’t Weaken.” vesiz (iM SiKTY NINE YEARS OLD AND NEVER WAS ILL A) DAY IN MY LIFE- ae “THE ONLY THING ) ATTRIBUTE iT TO |S AN Ice COLD BATH . ENERY MORNIN WELL WELL ? WELL 7 WHADDYE REAL DOPE tht KNOW JOST _FortLow! by ABOUT FOOTSTEPS ALY FD 2 Tar | WHEN (hi SURTY y, \ a Ine Wi LO a ; AAT BADY HAS THE vd A BASKEOL RF > or Comfort. Courtesy and Service £0 to he SOY HOTEL F, t, Bowness MANAGER Phone 37 P.O. Box 1704 ‘ ‘| RATE TO “THINK OF THIS COLD BaTH BLT SiMeY MOST RETAIN MY BOYISH BEAUTY id lai A GREAT LIFE \F You