Hogsheads containing the shipping rooms in Virginia, into freight cars for export. TOBACCO SERIES No. “ cured waiting XI " leaf stored in to be loaded The favorite everywhere with lovers o the “ fragrant weed.” ’ MACDONALDS TOBACCO Smoking and Chewin LO EET D> Cold quickly tase PENSLAR ; li you want to get rid of that Cherry Cough Baisam A combination of wild cherry bark, wine of antimony, blood root, benzoic acid and pure cane sugar. It tends air passages of the obstruction There is no morphine, cc Penslar Cherry Cough Balsar 1 formul. is on the label. We cai For children, we recom? made for their particular needs. THIRD AVI NUE Specials give immediate relief by clearing the to . r caine or other habit-forming drugs in and for your protection the exact recommend it as being most effective end Penslar Children’s Cough Syrup FOR SALI: ONLY AT THE PRINCE RUPERT DRUG CO. PHONES 134 & 117 INFORMATION WANTED SS Joe O'Donnell, last heard of in Prince Rupert about a year ago, is being enquired for by his sis- i ter, Mrs. M. J. Flynn, of New for Next Week will York, in order to have the estete sek of a late relative cleared up. t! appear in eee zs a4 | Scrims, Marquisettes Voiles ae 9 ns, , gi Monday s Paper and curtain materials 20% dis- count at Tite’s February Sale. tf —— _——— eae This Week’s Specials cease Saturday Nighi Late orders delivered Monday. pupert Table Supply Ce. PETTERS LS IT IS The LOUSE and the OWNER | } We are told of a houS which was | conunuou.~y insured against fire for | thirty years. Yet fire never touched it during the thirty years! How- ever, no less than seven people died in that dwelling. This case shows the difference between life insurance and all other forms. | | | Fire MAY COME but Death MUST COME, If tire insurance is a neces- sity, and we think it is, Surance is very much more neces sary. If a possible danger should | be guarded against, how much more _B | | | life in an inevitaile one, Your family can be protected against the inevitable by a policy in és THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF CANADA. McCaffery, Gibbons CHEESE A ER Sa ne em: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 3 DAYS ONLY on sale, per Ib. 335C Limit, 3 Ibs. to a Customer. Why pay 45¢ a pound far cheese when you can get the very best now. Get a dozen of our Strictiy Fresh Eggs, selling at 80c for 33 1-3—Order per dozen. “Our Own Brand” Butter 75c The Best Creamery Butter Fresh fruit and green stut! - every-boat..... FULLER'S Limited Phone 45 & Doyle, Lid =|: WANTED A LOAN OF $1,000 for a tergn of three years on improved city property. Will Pdy 8% interest. Apply to Ed.H. Mortimer Real Estate and Insurance te 3rd Ave. Phone 1] | ie A EOE A eatin m,. ’ c asthe 7" ~ + DENTISTRY mn ; aT Don't neglect your Teeth } One decayed or missing tooth Mie lowers your efficiency yj DR. BAYNE Bg Office Hours--Morning, 9 to 12; 4 Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Satur- i dey, 9 to l2@nly. Evenings, 4 Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri- * day, from 7 to 9. : %. DENTAL NURSE 1N ATTENDANCE i PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENT Agent, FOL OLD OL OL OL OL OL OD OE CLO ODE OL OL Os Bins 3824 Second Avenue oor ° THE DAILY NEWS Saturday, February § “1, 1994 RUSSIA BRITAIN’S es 1 Disordered Nation Owes £588,-| 000,000 in Loans From England. LONDON, Feb. 24.—Secretary of the Exehequer Chamberlain has revealed that Great Britain’s loans to France total £471,500,- 000; Italy £470,000,000, Belgium £86,000,000, Russia £588,000,000, other nations, £71,600,000, ——— NOTICE TO FISHERMEN I have for sale at my residence on ist Ave. 4 Marine Gas Engines: Two seven house power. One twelve horse power. One twenty horse power- All the above are new and will be sold at a sacrifice. tf P. RORVIK. BIRTHS A daughter was born yesterday to Mr. and Mrs. 8. J. Mayer, Cot- -ton Street, at the general hos- | pital. This morning at the general hospital, a son was born to Mn. and Mrs. Ed. Leighton. I. B. S. A. SERVICES The Intérnational Bible Stu- dents Association will hold a ser- vice tomorrow, Sunday, in-the K.- of P. Hall at 7:30 p.m. A hearty welcome is extended to all. NOTICE A meeting of the Prince Rupert Amateur Athletic Association will held in the Board of Trade rooms on 2nd Avenue at 8 o'clock p.m- Tuesday, 24th February. All persons who subscribed $10 rr over to the association are be 1 GREATEST DEBTOR- i pass cases ptmsrnommartine: oes § | ~~ 5 ‘ f ) « Local News Notes i ~~ Cheese Sale on at Fuller's. Full line of corsets at Demers. L- W. Patmore went to Hazel- | ton on the train this morning. * . . Carpets; floor oilcloth and lino- leums at Tite’s Big Sale values. Bishop Bunoz left this mora- | ing for a short visit at Terrace. * . . | Tapestry Chesterfields and easy chairs at Tite’s February Sale prices. if . . * Tite’s February Sale for brass and iron beds, springs and mat- tresses. tf *® * ° Dr. A. H. Bayne is making a flying trip to Terrace, returning tomorrow evening. . + . Carpets, floor oil cloths and linoleums at special prices.—- Barrie’s Furniture Store. il e . . KNIGHTS .OF PYTHIAS AT- TENTION,: Annual Church Parade will be held on Sunday the 22nd. Members will meet at Castle Hall 6:45 sharp. 44 . e auspices of Adair D. E a silver tea the QO. Under Chapter L Ss. J. Evans, suite 16 Besner Apts. on Wednesday, February 25 from 3 to 6 o'clock. 46 . * e Toy On, a Chinaman, was the morning charged in the police court with-selling drugs, to wit, morphine and cocaine. He pleaded not guilty and the case was ad- journed until 10 o’clock Monday momning. . . * At the meeting of the Board of Trade last night a resolution of regret was passed at the loss of will be held at the home of Mrs.| Ladies Plann arly Spring "4 Clothes will 4, Interested in Our WE anticipated an. early spring season and arranged to haye our importations of dress materia]s delivered earlier én the year than js usual. Already some large shipments have come to us and we are showing such fabrics as:--- TRICOLETTE JERSEY SILKS FIGURED GEORGETTES . RICE CLOTHS FANCY PLAIDS, NAVY SERGES, ETC. Our Wash Goods Section has been replenished with some ad- vance shipments of Prints, Japanese Crepes, Ginghams, etc. H.S. Wallace Co. Ltd | | | members and are requested to. at- tend. Important business to be transacted. 46 S. P. MeMORDIE, President Pianos correctly tuned. $6.00 G. C, Walker. Phone Blue 389. ti Tite’s February Furniture Sal n full swing for bargains.” ti Spring ready-to-wear hats at a% Demers’. 44 ee + RSeRES I RS RSRBRS’ * TOO LATE i106 CLASSIFY, ee | FOUND—Yellow canary. Phone 546. 46 WANTED—Baby carriage in good condition, phone 193. tt LAND ACT (Form No, 9.) FORM OF NOTICE, PRINCE RUPERT LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF CASSIAR. TAKE NOTICE that Lenora Mabel Smitl tf Duncan, British Columbia, occupation spinster, intends to apply for permissio: io purchase the following described lands Commencing at a post planted at a poin n high water line on the Westerly shor: f the Portland Canal, on the North Boun lary of Lot 434, Cassiar District, tn the Province of British Columbia, distant sout) 35 degrees, 06 minutes East, one thou sand three hundred and thirty-six ahd five tenths feet from the northwest corner oj Lot 434; thence south 85 degrees, 0¢ Winutes East, two hundred feet; thence south 8 degrees 12 minutes West, eigh hundred and ten feet, thenceNorth 8&4 grees, 55 minutes West, two hundred and ninety-seven feet thence; following the high water line northerly to point of com mencement, Area approximately four and a half acres nore or less. LENORA MABEL SMITH, by her agent, A. A. Forsyth. Date @th January, 1920. LAND ACT. de iotice of intention to Apply to Purchase Lend. n Vanecuver Land District, Recording, Dis riet of Coast, Range IIl., and situate or he west coast of Calvert Island, near tts north end. Take notice that Mark Smaby of Ocean Falls, B. C., occupation logger, intends + ipply for permission to purchase the fol lowing described lands: Commencing at a post planted one hal! mile north of N.W. cor. Lot 897; thene north 40 chains; thence west 40 chains thence south 40 chains; thence east 4( chains, and containing 160 acres, more o! MARK SMABY Dated December 29th. 1919 - — —— St. Regis Cafe SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22 Meais a la carte Menu on the Counter _Monday, February 23 BREAKFAST, 35< 7 am. to 10 a.m. Stewed Prunes Rolled Oats or Corn Flakes Hot Cakes Stripped with Bacon Toast, Marmalade, Coffee a valued member in the person of the late Frank “Mobley, and of condolences with the widow and} Son in their bereavement. Thos- Deasy, Indian agent, and E. Tingley left for Masset on the Prince Albert which sailed at 8 o'clock this morning. Mr. Ting- ley will continue the journey to Port Clements. The boat also took 82 men to work in the Buck- ley mill. At the meeting of the Board of Trade last evening a letter was nweceived from John Nelson of Vancouver explaining why the British journalists could not be brought to Prince Rupert. It was left to President Parker to take such action in the matter as he might see fit- . ° . At the meeting of the Board of Tuade it was decided to accept an offer of F. 8S. Wright to supply 1,000 sixteen page booklets de- scriptive of the district for the sum of $8150. Mr. Wright is now preparing an index and guide to the district, of which this booklet will form a part. At the meeting of the Board of Trade last night the budget for the coming year was presented by W. E, Williams showing a probable expenditure of not less than $2,500 and an income from membership dues of $1,250- The Civic, Publicity and Finance com- mittees wene instructed by reso- tution to take the matter up with the City Council with a view to securing substantial aid. Phonola and Phonographs te ‘lear at special prices.—Barric's Furmiture Store. tf The “Director” Corset. Manu- factured in Prince Rupert. Phone jtlue 92. tf ee ee ee * CARD OF THANKS * eer ee * Mrs. F. H. Mobley and * family desire to convey to their numerous friends their sincere thanks for the many kind expressions of sympathy received dur- ing their recent bereave- ment. FRR KEK HK HER ER RHR KH KK * CHK EH RHEE EH RD KKH Re RD ee eesti * LUNCHEON, 50c 1” CARD OF THANKS * 11:30 to 2 p.m. « sie ee oT * AND DINNER, 5c * Mr. and Mrs, ©. J. Gra- * Pe gga a A yoo * ham desire to express * ‘ Beef Broth * their gratitude for the * fenderioin of Sole, Tartar s m ‘ ’ ~Ahaiyv 2 Grilled Halibut Steak drawn Butter . kindncases nennived from . p pulled Pielsled Pork and Spinach * their many friends during * ricasse o Amb with [ ) ; i Veal Siew with Veseune ee * their sickness and later * Atkin’s seneags, Suckwhess Cakes * bereavement, and for the * iberty Stea , Roast Beef, Pan Gravy '* many flowers sent, and * Potatoes, Mashed : Strawberry Pudding. Coffee = letters of condolence. ” * re es REECE HH OH N.B.--Low prices still in force in Shoe Departmen, & _* ~ nee Excellent Edward ae FOR SAL lot eight not bath The price is only and in section 6 house School. Has rooms, range. $3,000 on easy terms. { f l fing ir from King piace and ~H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. Insurance Rentals a Real Estate i = } THE INSIDE STORY OF THE WAR FROM A BRITISH COLUMBIA STANDPOINT You'll find it—in illustrations—in human inte tories in leading articles by prominent citizens of B. ©. 1 No. 3 : No Brilish Columbia home should be without 4 Beautifully illustrated, handsomely bound, it is 4 V0 . that will be read with interest today—high!y treasured @ ] years to come. ON SALE AT ALL BOOKSTORES ’ Ac the issue is limited and there will be no reprint—Get your copy at once A very limited supply of Gold Stripe ~e is available for persons wishing & pe series Address Gold Stripe Domini Bldg., Vancouver, B.C. The entire net profite of this rr” go to the Amputaion Club of B. + 10d | the relief of B.C, men maimed or cripPi®’ If in the Great War. } Ss a se. ; . a anpapnocerttn 1c THEO COLLART, Notary Publi aide : 4 ein " - Me Bride FOR SALE—Fine view and level lot, 4th Ave. near McBrit $1,050 — Half Cash, 6-12-18 Months. Lane corney 52 feet frontage Atlin Ave, 4°" seconde ae a ie Sle RE ANCE MARINE INSURANCE * REAL ESTATE FIRE 0 fet 66 Phone Blue 69 Westho!me Theatre Block P. 0. = ee 1920 * Baptist Church, Sunday, Feb. 19, Rev. M. Vansickle, of Vancouver, will preac® Re ee ne . aterially MORNING 11 a.m.—‘‘How Poor. People Becemé Ma Rich.”’ SUNDAY SCHOOL at 2:30 p.m. 10 Rule to EVENING 7:30 p.m.—‘‘'From a World Wide he Ass’s Stall.’ ee. enews e