) 4920, THE DAILY NEWS Pane uly Febru yay, CANADA'S FAVORITE TOBACCO Two Sizes: 156 and 20c ovnenventnene tne e407 WIS > oe Are Washdavs Necessary in Winter? There was a time, back in the days of stone hatchets, when woman was hardier than she is today. A biting wind, damp air and slush underfoot did not so much endanger her then. But is this exposure necessary now? Is woman exercising her best judgment in .hang- ing clothes on the line in winter weather? Is man showing chivalry when he permits it? A simple and safe solution of this problem is to send your family washing to us—es- pecially during these days while the weather- man is surly, No washboards or heavy soaps are employed by us. We wash for you in the twentieth century way by letting soft water and billowy suds surge through the fabric, It is a launder- ing method that saves clothes, So, also, is our ironing process. We give a charming lustre to your linens not with hot irons, but with special steam heated presses that protect the textiles, Our driver will call at a definite time for your family bundle. At a definite time also he wiil return it. Our method Saves you labor and protects you from the Tigors of wind and weather, . Telephone us, Canadian Steam Laundry Phone 8 anes vmnennasnrans reson S100 ma apetnan nae mea esc tget ete P Ai ere ~! Open Ist February, 1920 MARINE WAYS Shawatlans Passage & and repelne SI classes of boats up to 100 feet : “at in engt 1, ee eae BLA( KSMITHING AND MACHINE SHOPS. &"'pped plant in Central British Columbia. ‘EW Hipped for buildin NOODWORK ING Seal Cove Marine Ways, Ltd. W. E. Thompson, Gen. Manager Phone Green 153 Swanson, President Phone Red 39} NSURANCE David H, Hays eral Real Estate Agent NOTARY PUBLIC Royal insurance Company, Limited. Northern As urance Go., Limited. London & Lanoashire Fire Insurance Co., Limited, London & Lancashire Quarantee & Accident Co. Fidelity-Phenix Fire ineurance Co. Cor, Second Avenue and Second Street. ee = ——— == TALTAPIN MINE IS | SHIPPING RICH ORE Some of the Best Goes as High as $1,200 a Ton. T. T. Dunlop, assistant public works engineer at Smithers, has returned to that town after visit- ing the Taltapin mine on Ander- son Creek in the Babine country. The Provincial Government is building some roads in there which will facilitate the ship- ment of ore. This will be sacked and put on the train at Burns Lake According to reports it varies in richness from $400 to $1,200 a ton and there is a good howing. Sacks have already heen de- livered at the mine and the ore should be coming out this week, MYSTERY STORY AT WESTHOLME THEATRE There is to be a mystery story at the Westholme tonight. ‘‘The Haunted Bedroom" is one of the stovies that everyone likes to see pictured. It features Enid Ben- nett, one of the foremost of the modern movie stars. It is clever and entertaining. “The Dangerous Nan McGrew” is a Lwo-reel Christie comedy said to be of special merit. GERMAN CHILDREN BADLY NOURISHED, SAYS A PROFESSOR (Special via G. T.P. Telegrapbs.) BERLIN, Feb. 23.—Two million babies would have been born in Germany between 1914 and 1918 * LOCAL NEWS ITEMS * REE RH HD on the Princess Beatrice. ® ° * Bishop Bunoz returned from up river on last night's train. J. A. Rogers returned from a trip up-river on last night's train. Mrs. Linnell and Mrs, MeMordie returned on last night's train from Terrace, = * . Harry Fletcher returned last night from a visit to his home in Portland, Maine. ik, H, Shockley was a passenger for, Vancouver on the Princess Beatrice last night. * * . The, Toggery Shop on Second \venue will be closed for a few days on account of sickness. The Prinee Albert returned last night et 10:30 from Massett and Port Clements and left at mid- night for Vancouver via southern (Jueen Charlotte Island points. Archie Watt, head master me- chanic at the G. T. P. shops, | Prince George, arrived in on the train last night.. He says that a good deal of the snow along the | line has disappeared before the) warm sunshine of the past week | or two. R. J- McDonnell and R. M. Burns came to town on the train last evening and proceeded south on the Beatrice where they will attend the funeral of Mrs. Burns, who is the daughter of Mr. Mc- Donnell. The son of Mr. Burns also is going south. eet enna } TURKISH REFUGEES if the war had not occurred, ac- cording to professor Emil Abder- halden, professor of physiology | in Westphalen University, speak-| ing on infant mortality- Prof. Abderhalden declared that malnutrition, from which half a million children were suffering, threatened the lives of 100,000 of them. a POTH LYNX AND SABLE SOLD AT GOOD PRICES Total Amount Received as Result of Sale is $5,200,000. (Specia) via G,T. P. Telegraphs.) NEW YORK, Feb. 23,—lLynx vied with Russian sable and chin- chilla at the fur sale here at the week end. The best lynx, due to scarcity, brought $60- The price paid for the best Russian sables was $510, and chinchilla brought $175. Wild cat sold up to $8 and $10 and showed an advance of fifty per cent on northern skins over prices received for them at the October sale. Several kinds of Japanese and Australian furs sold at good pnices. The grand total -received for skins to date is $5,200,000. FATHERS ENTITLED TO MOTHERS PENSION Coleraito Judge Decides so if They Take Active Care of Children. (Special py G.T. P. Telegrapns.) DENVER, Colorado, Feb. 23.—A father compelled to take active charge of the caring of his child- ren is eligible for a pension un- der the Mothers’ Pension Act, ac- cording to a ruling of Judge Lind- say in the Juvenile Court here. ELEVEN MILLION WAGE WORKING WOMEN U.S. fuch is Reported to Convention of Vocationa! Training Experts in Chicago. (Spectal via G, 7. 0. Tele@raphs.) CHICAGO, Feb. 23.—More than 141,000,000 women in the United States are employed as wage earners according to a report sub- mitted to the Vocational Educa- tion Convention being held here. POWER COMPANY'S STOREHOUSE BURNED VANCOUVER, Feb. 23-—A fire, which is believed to have been saused by would-be robbers light- ing matches before being fright- ened off in an effort to find a light switch, destroyed the store- house of the Western Canada Power Co. at Stave Falls. The loss is estimated at between #10,- 000 and $15,000, AVertise in oT Daily News”! CONSTANTINOPLE, Feb. 23.— Thirty thousand refugees are waiting at ports in the Black Sea for permission from Allied High Commission to come to Turkey. Tenders for Miscellaneous Supplies at Prince Kupert, B, C., for H.M. Imperial and Canadian Ships, including those of all other British Dominions, and all other Canadian Government Ships operating in Pacific waters, should they so desire. Sealed tenders addressed to the under- signed will be received up to noon on February 25th, 1920, for supplies of the undermentioned items at Prince Rupert, B. C.:— For Period of Three Months from 1st April to 30th June, 1820. A. Fresh meats B. Fresh Fish ©. Fresh Milk D. Fresh Vegetables FE. Bacon & Lard F. Bread G. Butter H. Miscellaneous Provisions 7 toe Fol Period of Four Monthe From 1st April to Sist July, 1820. J. Washing of Bedding, Clothing, etc. For the Fiscal Year Commencing tet ' April, 1820. kK. Coal, Steaming Forms of tender and all information may be obtained by applying to the under- signed Applicants for forms are requested to state definitely the item, or items, on which they wish to tender. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Signed) J. H. DELVES, Acting Naval Store OMcer, H.M.C. Dockyard, Esquimalt, B.C. February 6th, 1920. (Unauthorized publication of this ad- vertisement will not be paid for). LAND ACT (Form No, 9.) FORM OF NOTICE. PRINCE RUPERT LAND DISTRICT. DISTRICT OF CASSIAR. TAKE NOTICE that Lenora Mabel Smith, of Duncan, British Columbia, occupatiod Spinster, intends to apply for permissiot to purehase the following described lands: Commencing at @ post planted at 4 point on high water line on the Westerly shore of the Portland Canal, on the North Boun- dary of Lot 434, Casstar District, in the Province of British Columbia, Gistant south 85 degrees, 06 minutes East, one thou sand three bundred and thirty-six and live tenibs feet from the northwest corner of Lot 434; thence south 86 degrees, 06 minutes East, two hundred feet; thence south 8 degrees 12 minutes West, eighi hundred and ten feet, thenceNorth 84 de- grees, 55 minutes West, two hundred and ninety-seven feet thence; following the high water line northerly to point of com mencement, Area approximately four and a half acres nore or less, LENORA MABEL SMITH, by her agent, A. A. Forsyth. Date 8th January, 1920. LAND ACT, Notice of batonsion 5° Apply to Purchase n Vancouver Land District, Recording Dis- trict of Coast, Range Iil., and situate on the west coast of Calvert Island, near its north end Take notice that Mark Smaby of Ocean Falls, B, C., Occupation jogger, intends t& apply for permission to purchase the fol- lowing described lands:— Commencing at a post planted one half mile north of N.W, cor, Lot 897; thence north 40 chains; thence west 40 chains; thence south 40 chains; thence east 40 chains, and containing 160 acres, more or ess. MARK SMABY Dated December 20th, 1019. IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH ‘OLUMBIA, IN vie MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA- TION ACT — and — IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOSEPH BROWN, DECEASED. TAKE NOTICE that in order of Its Honour F, MeB, Young made the 8rd day of February, A.D. 1920, I was appointed Administrator to the estate of Joseph Brown, deceased, and all parties having claims against the sald estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly vert- fed, to me, on or before the 6th day of March, A, D. 1920, and all parties indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forth- vith, . JOHN H. McMULLIN, Omecial Administrator. Dated this 6th day of February, 1920. E. Smart went south last night | R Au sealed air-tight and impurity-proof, in the wax- wrapped, safety packages. A Flavour for every taste Be sure to get WRIGLEYS because if in quality. is supreme Made in Canada Fa! The Flavour laste IN PROBATE IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA- TION ACT — and — IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOHN BARRIMAN DODSON, DECEASED, INTESTATE, NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN of an Order made by His Honour F. McB, Young, in the above matter on the 26th cay of January, A. D. 1920, as follows:— ‘ IT IS ORDERED that the said John H. MeMullin shall be allowed to swear to the death of the said deceased as occurring on the 25th day of October, 1918, after the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication of notice of this order, unless in the meantime proof is furnished to the Registrar of this Court at Prince Rupert, B, C., that the said deceased, John Barriman Dodson, was alive subsequenily to the sald 25th day of October, 1918. AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the said John H, McMullin do publish notice of this order in the Prince Rupert Daily News, & newspaper published at Prince Rupert, B.C., for a period of one month. DATED at Prince Rupert, B. C., this 26th day of January, A.D. 1920. JOHN H. MceMULLIN, OMicial Administrator DEPARTMENT OF LANDS NOTICE PPLICATION FOR GRAZING PERMITS FOR THE SEASON OF 1920. spptications for permits to graze live- tock on the Crown range within each razing district of the Province of British ‘olumbia must be filed with the District oresters at Cranbrook, Fort George, Kam- oops, Nelson, Prince Rupert, Vancouver nd Vernon or with the Commissioner of irazing, Varliament Buildings, Victoria, B. «, on or before February 29, 1920. Blenk forms upon which to submit ap- lications may be obtained from the Dis- rict Foresters at the above named places r from the Department of Lands at Vic- oria, B. C, G. AR. NADEN, Deputy Minister of Lands. Department of Lands, Victoria, B. C., December 5th, 1919. WATER NOTICE, DIVERSION AND USE, TAKE NOTICE that M,. P. Olsen, whose address is Alice Arm, B. C., Will apply or a licence to take and use 50 cubic- second-feet and to store about 400 acre- feet of water out of Clearwater River which flows southerly and drains into the Kitsault River about 22 miles from the head of the Inlet of Alice Arm, The storage-dam will be located near natural outlet of Clearwater Lake, The capacity of the reservoir to be created is about 450 acre-feet, and it will food about 50 acres of land. The water will be diverted from the stream at storage dam and will be used for power for mining purposes upon the mine described as the Climax Gronp, This notice was posted on the ground on the 26th day of January, 1920. A copy of this notice and an application pursuant thereto and to the ‘Water Act, 1914,” will be fled in the office of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, B, C. Objections to the application may be tiled with the said Water Recorder or with he Comptroller of Water Rights, Parita- nent Buildings, Victoria, B. C., within thirty days after the first appearance of his notice in a local p M. P, OLSEN, Applicant. The date of the first Publicar on of this 1otlee is February 5, 1920, = = SSS i ' ST | DEAFNESS "MBE if You are a Sufferer—-Go to your ; Local Druggist and order Concen- trated Sourdal, price ‘$1 per tin. This New remedy gives almost im- mediate relief, and quickly effects a permanent cure. It penetrates to the actuai seat of the complaint, and has completely cured many cases which were considered hopeless. If your Chemist does not yet stock ‘Sourdal’ do not accept any sub- stitute, but send money-order for a supply direct to the ‘Sourdal’ Dis- tributing Co., 38, Station Road, Croydon, Surrey, Eng., and a package will be mailed per return with full r “eer directions, ( ied) LAND ACT (Form No, 9.) FORM OF NOTICE. VHINCE RUPERT LAND DISTRICT. DISTRICT OF CASSIAR. NOTICE that Lenora Mabel Smith, of Duncan, British Columbia, occupation Spinster, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following deseribed lands: Commencing at a post planted at the South West and only South corner of Lot PAKE 434 (Portland Canal) Cassier District, Vrovince of British Columbia; South 55 degrees 06 minutes Easi, three thousand | feet thence; North 34 degrees 54 minutes | East, two thousand one hundred and fifty feet more or less thence; North 55 de- grees 06 minutes West, two thousand five hundred and fifty feet more or less thence; North 8&5 degrees 55 minutes West, four hundred feet thence; South following high water line to point of commencement, Approximate area one hundred and forty- our acres, more or less. LENORA MABEL SMITH, by her agent, A. A, Forsyth. Date Sth January, 1920. NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT, h, S.C, Chapter 115. rhe Kleanza Company, Limited, of Usk, British Columbia, hereby gives notice that it has under section 7 of the said Act, deposited with the Minister of Public Works at Ottawa, and in the office of the District Registrar of the Land Registry District of Prince Rupert, Prince Rupert, British Columbia, a description of the site and the plans of reversible Aerial Rope- way over the Skeena River, proposed to be built over the said Skeena River at Usk, British Columbia, the supporting towers of the said Ropeway to be located on Dis- trict Lots numbered 1437 and 833, Range », Coast District, AND TAKE NOTICE piration of one month from the date of the first publication of this notice, the said Kleanza Company, Limited, will under section 7 of the said Act, apply to the minister of Public Works at his office in the City of Ottawa, for approval of the said site and plans, and for leave to con- struct the said Aerial Ropeway. Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C., day of January, A, D. 1920, KLEANZA COMPANY LIMITED, é Patmore & Fulton, Solicitors. that after the ex- this 31st DEPARTMENT OF THE SERVICE. NAVAL FISHERIES BRANCH. SEALED TENDERS on the preserihed forms and accompanied by five per cent of the contract price, will be received by the undersigned at the Fisheries OMee, Prince Rupert, until the twenty-ninth day of February, 1920, for the construction of a float, gwangway and approach on the Prince Rupert waterfront in the vicinity of Swanson’s Wharf (site will be distinc- tively marked). Plans and specifications may be had on application to the office of the Inspector of Fisheries, Prince Ru- pert, on payment of the sum of one dollar, wee will be refunded on receipt of ten- er, Envelopes to be marked on the outside “Tender for Float.’ i Lowest or any tender not necessarily ‘ accepted, } F. H. CUNNINGHAM, ' Chief Inspector of Fisheries, = ae Fv => Fe ¥ . >. e oe co ? fm | 3 ; 4. ;