ee \ iit] ai THE eS NEWS _ —_——— IN YOUR HOME has an influence that’s worth more than wealth. THE PATHEPHONE the World’s Best Phonograph Plays All Records w,—delays are un- you know our Get one nc necessary when easy terms. Shipment of New Rec-. ords just In Come and hear the world’s artists. Will Edmunds Prince Rupert Music Stere Opposite the Post Office Cex 644 Phone PLACK 183 best Fine> Workmanship rraceful nisu are able good simpler styles, more outlines ani neater some of te no points about this Smart Footwear that wecan tell youabout. How- ever, we want you to see the new models yourself and _ the coor. you'll have to be fitted to Bure ‘that. When can you call? Family Shoe Store Geo. Hill E. R. Tabrum The Practical Shoe Men Phone 357. S SNIGHTS OF GRIP George moniew as and R. L. dion | Purchase Trace of Land at Cedarvale. According to the Interior News, George Morrow and R. L- Brown, both well known here, have pur- chased a large farm of 300 acres of prairie land in the Cedarvale district and will devote their at- tention to-.raising hogs, poultry and pure-bred cattle. They have already ordered machinery and engaged a practical foreman. LITTLE GIRL DIED YESTERDAY MORNING Four Year Old Daughter of Mr. f and Mrs. L. S. Wilson, Suc- cumbs to Severe Cold. — + TOM LEE CO. 840 Secoud Avenue, West. VEGETABLES Wholesale and Retail General Coutractors and Labor, Exchange. Rupert, B.C. P.O. Box 725 Prince Phone 547 PPELOL LO LE? PLLIOL POOL: CP EH. SHOCKLEY GENERAL CONTRACTOR Office and Shop Fraser St. Sash, doors, mouldings and all interior finish luraber al- Ways in stock, Agent for J. Fyfe Simith’s bardwood. Estiinates Given. REPAIR WORK UNDERTAKEN Phono Green 269. POLLO LLL DLO. — POPPED OOOO ODOR OQOE or RE eR T ROMO NTP N OIRO RD Hotel Prince Rupert EUROPEAN PLAN $1.50 por day and up. FIRST-CLASS CAFE A La arte. RO OPO OOM {POF POPOL ONAL EPO LOL POL > A. ¢ GRAY Teacher of Piano Studio 137 Second Avenue PHO" E 182 or 444 ; PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. PHONE 93 Reilable Service at reasonable Rates. We have Warehouse facilities, 8. E. Parker, Manager a Phon® Green 607 1017 2rd Avenue Dalgarno & Watts BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Specialists in Light and Heavy Con- Siruction, Repairs and Alterations. First Class Staircase Work and Finishing. Estimates Cheerfully Given BRICK AND CONCRETE BUILDING CONTRACTORS occurred yesterday 30 of Margaret Lo- the four year old and Mrs. L. 8S. Vilson, 725 Fraser Stréet. The funeral will take place from the B. C. Undertakers’ parlors at 2:30 ‘Wednesday afternoon. The child succumbed to the effects of a severe cold. WILL ASK CANADA FOR $20000 000 City of Paris Has Decided to Float Loan in This Country. The death morning at 9: raine Wilson, daughter of Mr. Special by GT. lelegrapns.? PARIS, Feb. 23.—It has been decided by the City Council of Paris to float a municipal loan of $20,000,000 in Canada. The pro- ceeds are to be used for the pur- of purchasing foodstuffs and ofher essentials in the Cana- dian market- pose LAND REGISTRY ACT, (Sections 36 and 134.) Application NOjgg11365-1. File 6274. TAKE NOTICE that application has, been nade to regisier David H. Hays, of Prince tiupert, B. C., as oavner in fee under 4 ax Sale Deed from the Collector of the ty of Prince. Rupert, bearing date the zsrd day of October, 1919, of ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcek or tract o! iand and premises situate, lying and being i the City of Prince Rupert, more par ticularly known and described as Lot thirty (30), Block forty-two (42), Sec tion eight (8), (Map 923). You are re- quired to contest the claim of the tar purchaser within 85 days from the dat f the service of this notice (which maj ve effected by publication in the Dail) \ews, Prince Rupert), and your attention 5s called to section 36 of the “Land Regis ry Act’ with amendments, and to. the ‘ollowing extract therefrom:— “and in default of a caveat or cer- titicate of lis pendens being filed before the registration as owner of the person entitled under such tax sale, all persons so served with notice, . . and those claiming ‘through or under them, and all per- sons claiming any interest in the jand by virtue of any unregistered instrument, and all persons claim- ing any interest in the land by descent whose title is not registered under the provisions of this Act, shall be for ever estopped and de- barred from setting up claim to or in respect of the land so sold for tuxes, aud the Registrar shall register person entitled under such tax sale a. owner of the land so sold for taxes,” \ND WHEREAS application has beer made for a Certificate of Indefeasible Titk to the above-mentioned lands, in the nam: f David H, Hays. AND WHEREAS on investigating the titk it appears that prior to the 10th day o' October, 1908 (the date on which the sai inds were sold for overdue taxes), you were the Crown Granted owner thereof, FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that at thr same time I shall effect registration i pursuance of such application and issu a Certificate of Indefeasible Title to th sald lands in the name of David H. Hay inless you take and prosecute the prope proceedings to establish your claim, i iy, to the sid lands, or to prevent suc} roposed action on my _ part. Dated at the Land Registry Office, Prine: hupert, B.C., this 7th day of November \.D. 1919. H. F, MACLEOD, District Registrar of Titles. ro Ethel Tate, Victoria, B.C. 56 TIMBER SALE X 2086. Sealed tenders will be received by th« Minister of Lands not Jater ims noon 0! the 26th day of February, 1920, for thc purchase of ‘Licence X 2086 to cut 2,600, 000 feet of Spruce, Cedar and Hemlock 0: on area adjoining Let 605, Chuck-walli River, Range 2» Coast District. One (1) year will be allowed for re moval of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Forest er, Victoria, or the District Forester Prinee Rupert, B. C. Cadomin Coal ZanAcE & STEAM COAL TAKE UP FARMING i5 YEARS’ FIRE Just think! That is the time through which Mr. H. C. Buckley endured all the fiery torture of itching, burning eczema. His life was a perfect misery until Zam- Buk—the great herbal skin cure— brought complete relief. Mr. Buckley, who lives at 461 Hast Broadway, Portland, Oregon, writes:—‘For fifteen years I suf- fered with eczema, and although I tried many so-called ‘eczema cures,’ nothing seemed capable of dealing with a case like mine. It was not vulil I had Zam-Buk recommended to me that I began to have hope. This wonderful skin healer soon brought about a change for the bet- ter. As I persevered with Zam-Buk the burning sensation got less. I found Zam-Buk wonderfully sooth- ing. Gradually the patches of sore- ness and the inflammation were pre- duced, and complete and perman- ent cure finally resulted. I would strongly advise all afflicted with eczema to give Zam-Buk a trial. It will give them satisfaction. They will not be disappointed.” No skin disease can resist the po- tent heaNne forces stored up in Zam-Buk, which is unequalled for old wounds, ulcers, abscesses, bad legs, scalp sores, blood-poisoning, piles, sealds, burns, cuts and all skin injuries. All druggists and stores, or 50c. box. Zam- oul Co., Torsata. LOOMS LARGE Prince Rupert Mentioned Several Times in Report of the Royal Bank. Prince Rupert figured largely the address of E- L. Pease, vice- p-esident and managing director the Royal Bank of Canada at {he annual meeting recently. The report of the meeting has been painted and distributed through- out the country and is very in- teresting. The address of Mr. Pease told of the Prince Rupert fishing con- ditions and of the shipbuilding at s city. SN WAS BORN ON WASHINGTON’S DAY Yesterday was Washington's birthday, a day on which it is counted lucky for an American to born. | There was a young Canadian born here to celebrate the occasion. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Howard White at the Prince Rupert General Hos- pital. “ADE NO AGREEMENT REGARDING SHIP SALE (special helegraphs WASHINGTON, Feb. 23.—Pres- ident Wilson informed the Senate tat he had not entered into any agreement or understanding with oflicials in Great Britain concérn- ing the sale of the former German liners seized in American ports, nor had he entered into any agreement or understanding with respect to what disposition should be made of them by the United States. via G.T.P LARGE NUMBER OF LOCOMOTIVES MAY BE BUILT HERE (Special via G.T.P. Velegraphs.) OTTAWA, Feb. 21.—There is a prospect for the placing of a large number of orders in Canada for locomotives to be delivered in Pelgium- ; RCHANGEL FALLS 0 REDS -- WHITES JOIN THE BOLSHEVIKI (Special via G. T. P. Telesraphs.) LONDON, Feb. 21.—The Bol- shevik forces have captured Arch- angel on the White Sea. The Whites are reported to be joining the paanevilel. READ NEWSPAPER AS WOMEN ARE BURNED}. (special by 4.7, P. Telegrapns.) HAMILTON, Feb, 23,—While Police Sergeant Herbert Thomp- s0n Was reading a newspaper in his home late aSturday night, his wife, a twelve year old daughter ™ Re RR aicpy: Ton Loose $13. 76 ath allah ‘Sian oe ea Ton Sacked CLEAN SCREENED KITCHEN LUMP. OO IN ASW sg :k ee dias Ten Sacked No wait. Full weight. al the id an adopted daughter of about Consumers Coal Company same age, were burned to death in an attic room. J. Lorne McLaren, Manager Room 11, Smith Block. nner Phones: and Black 293. Advertise in the Daily News 7-14-24 |e m0 a a at os Os OE OS ———— WANTED. WANTED —2 or 3. furnished housekeeping rooms or small house for man and wile, Apply, box 42, Daily News Ollice. 44 WANTED — First class stenog- rapher and clerk, one with in- surance ollice expermence pre- ferred. M. M. Stephens. tf Woman cook or help- 830 Second and 8th tf Mrs. J. C. Mc- West. \V AN TED- er at the Inlander, Avenue, between 7th streets. WANTED— 430 Fourth Ave. N AID Lennan, ANTED—Baby carriage in good phone 193. tf \ eqndition, FOR SALE FOR SALE—4 heavy double beds with spring and mattress in perfect condition; kitchen table; i chairs; 1 two-burner coal oil stove; 1 dresser. Very cheap for cash. To be seen any time. 508 Fifth Avenue Kast. Oppo- site Hospital. 43 FOR SALE—12 h.p. Atlas, with bronze shaft, pelier, magneto, coil, etc. This is the engine I used in the ‘Aileen.’ It is in perfect order and very little used, $1,600,00— heavy duty pro- M. M. Stephens. tf LOR SALE—25-40 h.p. Medium Duty Sterling Engine, Bosch fgnition, 4 cyl., 4 cycle, in per- fect condition. $1,500.00.—M. M. Stephens. ti OX,” 4%, year old Airedale; 54 lbs., registered pedigree; ex- cellent watchdog and good to childmen, is for sale. Price $75.00. Mrs. Bay, Anyox, B.C. FOR SALE—Car, of dry wood for immediate delivery: 14 inch and + foot lengths. Pacific Cartage, Limited. }OR SALE—Gerhard Heintzman _phonogtaph., Sixty dollars cash. r Shop, + Third Ave. POR SALE — 100 bundles of old newspapers, cheap for a job lol —News- Olllice, FOR RENT Singe POR RENT.—Modern store in Westenhaver; Block. Apply Har- ry Hanson, the Reliable Plumb- er, Second Avenue. FOR RENT—Steam heated room with two beds, suitable for gentlemen. Apply 708 Thiry Avenue West. tf TRANSFER i\ALLOWAY'’S CARTAGE—Order your Coal now. Patronise re- turned veteran. Phone Green 325. ti INVESTMENTS INVESTMENTS — Our monthly market letter mailed at your request will give you latest re- liable information régarding Bonds, stocks and investments generally. Enquiries solicited regarding ANY Bond or Secur- ity. Particulars of prices, yields and standing of any list- or unlisted stock in the market ~ forwarded without charge, Leased . wires to all parts of the continent. Unex- celled business connections in New York, Chicago, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Edmonton and Calgary. European invest- ments specially dealt with. Leading finanéial house of Vancouver and Victoria. Ad- dress all replies to BURDICK BROS. AND BRETT, LD., Stock and Bond Brokers, Hotel Van- couver Bldg., Vancouver, B. C. ed FOREST RANGERS An examination for Rangers in the Forest Branch of the Lands Department will be held in the eCourt opens Prince fivpert, on March srd, The examination will be ae written and partly oral. The Uestions will be mainly on logging, ecru Sing, surveying, forest protection, ete., but wil) also test candidates, Physical ability to repare reports. ability and good character are absojute requirements. Candidates must be British Subjects, resident in Canada for at least one year and not more than 50 years of Initial salary 500 on ae ante. $1,500.00 per ann Returned soldiers, with the meanness qualifications will receive preference, Applications to take examination will be received up to the day op» examination by the District Forester, Prinee Rupert, from whom application forms may be obtained. All statements made by’ ap Heants to experience, education and Tan are subject to verification by Examination Board, W. H. MACINNES, Service C commissioner, Parliament Buildings, Vietoria, B.C Civil Advertise in the Daily News. EU L ( pr if Jee pe be les BY \ 7,2 FOUND— t ONGS The News Print Shop. itisfactory, Mio var experience, Where Channel, OMPANY, 39, ‘nte nd, ereof, Pe te reer esrmsr ns emeeenesrmnay te 1 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS | et ee ed OE Pa ns Pm es Pe me ee BE oe t ROPEAN INVESTVENTS exceptional. opportunities for investors just now on account of the low value of European currency and the fact that the Canadian dollar is at a prem- ium in most Kuropean coun- tries. British, French, Belgian and Italian Government war loans can be bought with 15% to 105% better opportunity of return by Canadians than by investors in the countries men- tioned. Confidential circular in Olfer this regard mailed upon request. Ask to be placed on oun mail- ing list for monthly financial review which deals with every phase of the investment situa- tion. Latest information re- garding standings, prices, yie etc., of any bond or curity supplied free upon ap- plication. Vancouver and \V, toria’s leading financial house. BURDICK BROS. & Brett, LTD., Hotel Vancouver, Vancouver, B. Cc. lds, se- LOST \ST—Key ring with four keys. Finder please return to Daily News olflice. tf FOUND Pobacec poue ‘h. Apply News ollic e. tf Phone 46 MISCELLANEOUS UNBIDDEN,” Prospector, will make a nice gift book for. your eastern friends. Poems of Love, Nature, Religion and Sociology. It is fragrant with the breath of balsams and vines, Leatherette $1.50; velvet sheep, $2.00, post paid. Published by Victonia Printing & Publishing (io., 524 Yates St. Victoria, B. ( FARMS FOR SALE UND Daily Yellow canary. 546, by. the covers, P. R. FARM. LAND Choic: farms in wel setlled districts in Western Canada; low prices twenty years to pay; irrigated lands in Sunny Southern Al berta, with loan of $2,000 in improvements to assist new settlers. Act now — they are foing fast. For free booklet and full information write H 4%. Loughran, General Land ‘gent, 744 Hastings St. West Vancouver, B.C, It is just as Gite tu get you inting done wel', and done at sme as it is to send it away. Trs POSITION RANGER, .AMINATION OF ASSISTAN! POR THE FUKES 1 The Department of Lands gives notice AdMUDalions of applicants for Assistant rorest Munger, the sélary for the posi tion 18 $110 per imnonth and travelling ex pouses are paid, tue period of employment will be for the Ure season, Wilh re-appointment neat st al $120 per month, if services prove and with the prospect of pro merit to the permanent Forest vice a8 occasion olfers, heturned Soidiers, with the necessary mi by Qualifications will receive preterence. fhe examinations will be held at the biaces and on the dates named below:— February 16-17 .....6ié< Vancouver yy ie 63.d020's Nanaimo 3 OU oS 60 do alk McBride + De 040 4.406 sae Victoria ae Prince George 7 BS cccccccccse. VamGernoor " OO sist dah ce ak Ashcroft * 24 Powell Kiver i Sada baw ae Kamloops - a cehuasat ul udete a ota Smithers Be 20 dv ay cas 5 48 Hazelton . 8 Nelson Pee Bg Pe éetas Nakusp - yea sata 2 Prince Kupert Me. Shee a oe kaise ee Creston . OGUae does asa eee Cranbrook » Oe ated kee td eee Fernie The written and oral examinations are designed to test the knowledge and ability Of applicants to perform the duties of Assislant Forest Hangers, The examina- “ion will consist mainly of practical ques- lions on (logging, crieising, surveying, forest protection, ete,, but will also in- clude questions to test whe applicant’s ability to prepare reports. Physical ability and gree character are absolute require- nents All statements made by applicants as to education and fitness are sub t to verification by the Department. No reons other than British subjects will permitted to take the examination. In- ding applicants should notify the Chief rovester, Victoria, or the Distriet Forester at Vancouver, Prince Kupert, Pringe George, Kamloops, Cranbrook or Nelson, i, Rt, NADEN Deputy Minister’ of Lands, MINERAL ACT Certificate of im _improvem*nts. NO TI CE, KING SOLOMON and IRON KING Mineral latins, Situate in ision of the Bella Coola Mining Coast District, “located:——West side of Dean North of Cascade Inlet in Range , Coasi District, AKE NOTICE that I, HUGH ARCHIBALD MACLEAN, as Agent for SMELTERS STEEI Free Miner's Certificate No. Sixty days from the date to apply to the Mining Recorder or @ Certificate of Improvements for each f sald claims for the purpose of obtaining Crown Grant of the above elaims. And further take notice that action un- der Section 85, must be commenced befor the issuance of such Certificate of Im- provements, on, this 15th day of January, A. D H. A, MACLEAN, ee Gurneys mer ing Stoves in 1845 cor > Sit the sume line at pila 1919, Hundreds n al . . & Prince Rupert, "4 ON Saupe \ é Fred Stork, SECOND AVENUE he Phone Black 1)4 We Delive Promptly When you want « ai you do not want to be obliged to wait, Thy demand for cal grows daily Ask those wt ) NOW use it, LUMP, sac ‘ked, $13.50 MINE RUN $12.50 MINE RUN, loose $1150 per ton,” delivered WHY PAY MORE’ Phone Black 85 Terminal Coal (s, — COeeerneeococnnence OUR Pool Room moved to 721 Third Ave Opposite The Empress Hotel CIGARS SODA Two per cent. Beer, POD PE PO PPL LLL OLA IEEE Hand Your Baggage Ch JOE BROW Motor Transfer and Passenger Service Stand, Empress Hotel “tia 176, Black 334 ; Quick Del iveries POPP LOS CPP OD OLE COOEF ecks eeeeerrt There is A Photographet in town The Deals | i Suite 22, Alder Block PHONE Red 328 POCO P CL OLE EL LLLP LITT. SMITH & ALLEN MALLEM PLUMBING AND ae ENGINEERS fur pished. estimates a Address, 3rd Avenut, hea of Second Street. ; Phone 174 p, 0. Box POPOL APP OGE OPE ILLA DENTIST’ OFFICE moun’ eo B a.m. to 12; 1:80 Pp. ™ DA. J. 8. Brown ; penTist Third avnaet ot TRY 5:30 pm a Office: Smith Block, Phone were res