worry ¢ aig7e IN YOUR HOME has an influence that’s worth more than wealth. THE PATHEPHONE the World’s Best Phonograph Plays All Records Get one now,—delays are un- necessary when you know our easy ternis. Shipment of New Rec- ords just In Come and hear the world’s best artists. Will Edmunds Prince Ruper! Music Store Opposite the P om Box 644 Phone BLACK 183 Finer Workmanship simpler styles nore ful outlines and neater iis are some oi i noticeupyl good points about this year’s Smart Footwear that wecan tell youabout. How ever, we want you to see the new models yourself and _ the comfort- you'll have to be fitied to prove that. When can you call? e Family Sho: Store Geo. Hill E. R. Tabrum The Practical Shoe Men Phone 357. ‘wooerers. LO OE OM EOE MO ORO OCS ores: ‘TENDERS FOR ~ MORSE CREEK» NEW BRIDGE Cost Expected to be About $15,000 —Wooden Structure With Concrete Footings: construction eee se ek Deese in Edmonton, gary as well as A set of the plans is to . Carruthers, government | new bridge connecting sections 1 jane 9 will cost $18,000 and will | structure with con- | erete footings. ETERNAL MAGDALENE AT THE WESTHOLME: of OSnditions as Actually Exist Today. POD eT ee Maxine Elliot, most widely known woman on ae Tonight only, ay 4 he ; pe Westholme. T r she had been led e stenographer | father refuses y is one of the big stories of LAND REGISTRY ACT, that application has been} in that certain parcel o1 land and premises situate, TOM LEE CO. 840 Second Avenue, West. VEGETABLES Wholescie and Retail General wontractors and Labor, Exchange. Prince Rupert, B, ¢ Phone 547 P.O, Box 725 PED L LOO DS PE OBKR DED MA OPOCORPOCORS GENERAL CONTRACTOR Otlice and Shop Fraser St. Sash, doors, mouldings and all interior finish lurnber al- Ways in stock, Agent for J. Fyfe Smith's hardwood. Estimates Given. REPAIR WORK UNDERTAKEN Phone Green 269. BOOTH ODIO PO DG C POL OLL NO PLO DPOB) POL Hotel Prince Rupert EVURCPERN PLAN $1.50 per day and up. FIRST-CLASS CAFE A La Marte. WO HOOP P AOS PLE LE LL VO DOP LOD OPO Kuperi), and your % called to seclion ¢ Nn AR ct ct PRB LO OL! PMP OLA LPOB PROD DL OOVDO ID B. H. SHOCKLEY | » Registrar shall register > of Indefeasible ° Crown Granted owner OP LOLOL OOP PRDPOOBLOOOE * to prevent such » Land Registry Office, ro Bthel Tate, A. G. GRAY Teacher of Piano Studio 187 Second Avenue PHONE 182 or 444 TIMBER SALE X 2086. PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. PHONE 93 Reliable Service at reasonable Rates. We have Warehouse facilities, 8S. E. Parker, Manager Phon® Green 607 1017 3rd Avenue Dalgarno & Watts BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Specialists in Light and Heavy Con- struction, Repairs and Alterations, First Class Staircase Work and Finishing, Estimates Cheerfully Given BRICK AND CONCRETE BUILDING COWTRACTORS ’ Lands not later X 2086 to cut ) feet of Spruce, Cedar and Hemlock on ’ particulars of the Cadomin Coa 2 ee NAS & STEAM COAL bean sonst erate LUMP. Full weight. Coanmaees Coal Company J. Lorne MacLaren, Manager and Black 293, THE DAILY NEWS FIRE Just think! That is the ¢ime through which Mr. H. C. Buckley endured all the fiery torture of itching, burning eczema. His life was a perfect misery until Zam- Buk—the great herbal skin cure— brought complete relief. Mr. Buckley, who lives at 461 East Broadway, Fortland, Oregon, writes:—‘“For fifteen years I suf- fered with eczema, and although I tried many so-called ‘eczema cures,’ nothing seemed capable of dealing with a case like mine. It was not until I had Zam-Buk recommended to me that I began to have hope. This wonderful skin healer soon brought about a change for the bet- ter. As I persevered with Zam-Buk the burning sensation got less. I found Zam-Buk wonderfully sooth- ing. Gradually the patches of sore- ness and the inflammation were re- duced, and complete and perman- ent eure finally resulted. I would strongly advise all afflicted with eczema to give Zam-Buk a trial. It will give them satisfaction. They will not be disappointe..” No skin disease can resist the po- tent healing forces stored up in Zam-Buk, which is unequalled for old wounds, ulcers, abscesses, bad legs, Scalp sores, blood-poisoning, piles, scalds, burns, cuts and all skin injuries. All druggists and stores, or Zam-Buk a Terento. ‘60c. box. kt th tt eS Sport Briefs EE t CT | Beet me tee ere ir Thomas Lipten is »vimful coutlidence in the outcome of » race for the America Cup, ac ‘ding to an interview recently iblished by the London Mail. said decisively, “I am going to in.’ Sir Thomas is sending a t motor boat to the United tes to try out the Shamrock. ® * * he highest score in a basket- iil game was recently made in no Francisco when the Hum- it Kvening School basketbal n, the only night school team San Francisco, recently de- ted the Crescent All Stars by score of 124 to 414. .he American League Baseba! son will open April 414 and se October 3, according to the Cial 4. schedule released by | President Ban Johnson The edule shows a restoration of : the 154 game chart which was; rlaiued iast season on accoun, ‘of the war. An innovation in th year’s schedule is the listing of ,|Sunday games at New York and ishington. ‘The opening games will be at Chicago, Cleveland, | Philadelphia, and Boston. ‘here is much ado about noth over the threatened disor- lization of big league baseball he recent commission chair- nship wrangle. Ban Johnson | holds the helm of the league | his presence will not bring ut the demise of the national pastime although his wings have probably been singed. has been stowed away and the talcum powder is now out to primp up for the 1920 season. Ban Johnson can move around said now without the specter of a prc- ss server hunting him: ‘he Yankees can collect their thi: ice of the world’s. series pie; pe Mack can round up his tletes and tell them ‘there is going to be a league this sum and Carl Herman ean scon back in his. red office and syinpathize with some other poor vietim who tries to please every on the baseball family. ; . * . The National League has also lopted its 1920 schedule. It will n and close on the same dates the American and there will { or 154 games. The opening games li be Boston at New York: tiadelphia at Brooklyn; Pitts- ‘g at St. Louis, and Chieaxvo at neinnatli. The other half of the league, Boston, Philadelphia, Pittsburg and Chicago, will have their openers on April 22, The latest advices from Ant- ‘p are that the ceremonial opening of the Olympii Stadium will take place Angust {4.° The athletic decathlon, which was eliminated from the draft pro- fram, has now been restored, The classic pentathlon and the lern pentathlon will also he included in the program. ‘The yachting has been provisionally arranged for June at Ostend. ; where the polo will also be Play: Inspector Patterson returned ifrom the north onthe this morning. He has been mak j ine regular departmental schoo} | inspections, ( R SALE—Car, of dry wood for mmediate delivery: 14 inch and i foet lengths. Pacific Cartage, FOR RENT.—Modern — store Westenhaver; Block. Apply Har- ry Hanson, the Reliable Plumb- Gun powder Chelobsin 15 YEARS’ at WANTED WAN’ rED 2 or 3. furnished housekeeping rooms or house for man and wife. 4 box 42, Daily News Office. WANTED First class stenog- rapher and clerk, one with in- surance ollice experence ferred. M. M. Stephens. \WANTED—Woman cook or hel: ip- er at the Inlander, 830 Second Avenue, between 7th and streets. WANTED Second hand carriage in good condition. English preferred. Box 45 News ofiice. Competent stenographer wanted for railway oflice. Apply 44 Daily News ollice- MAID WANTED—Mrs. J. GC. Lennan, 430 Fourth Ave. \WANTED—Baby carriage in good condition, phone 193. FOR SALE FOR SALE—4 heavy double beds with spring and mattress perfect condition; kitchen table; i chairs; 1 two-burner coal oil stove; 4 dresser. Very for cash. To be seen any time. 508 Fifth Avenue East. site Hospital. FOR SALE—42 h.p. heavy Atlas, with bronze shaft, pelier, magneto, coil, etc. s the engine I used in ‘Aileen.’ It is in perfect order nd very little used. $1,600.00 M. M. Stephens. £OR SALE—25-40 h.p. Medium Duty Sterling Engine, Ignition, 4 cyl., 4 cycle, in per- fect condition. $4,500.00,—M. u. Stephens. —_— [CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS cma ens emg rene eam A Fiore NT $$ — - pe esenerenen ca OY,” 4% year old Airedale; bs., registered pedigree; ellent watehdog and good hildren, is for sale. 375.00. Mrs. Bay, Anyox, B. Limited. FOR SALE—Gerhard Heintemen phonograph. Sixty dollars cash. Ly singer Shop, 144 Third ii R SALE—Gerhard Heintzman phonograph. $60 cash. shop, 114 Third Avenue. FOR SALE — 100 bundles 1ewspapers, cheap for a —News Ofiice. FOR RENT er, Second Avenue. feR RENT—Steam Sontua - with two beds, suitable zentlemen. Apply 708 Avenue West. ONE FURNISHED SUITE RENT—Mrs. Wolters, St. Rooms. FOR RENT—F crake sd room. i ply box 48, Daily N News ollice. ___TRANSFER — i LLOWAY’S CARTAGE our Coal now. Patronise urned veteran. Phone 325 INVESTMENTS | VESTMENTS Our monthly market letter mailed at your request will give you latest re- liable information régarding Bonds, stocks and investments et eveneeissclaaaididias de loans can be bought with 15% to 105% better opportunity of return by Ganadians than by investors in the countries men- tioned. Contidenti.l circular in this regard mailed upon request. Ask to be placed on our mail- ing list for monthly financial review Which deals with every phase of the investment situa- tion. Latest information. re- garding standings, prices, yields, etc., of any bond or se- plication. Vancouver and \ toria’s leading financial house. BURDICK BOS, & Brett, LTD.,, Hotel Vancouver, Vancouver, B, C. LOosT LOST—Key ring with four keys Finder please return to Daily News office. tf FOUND FOUND Tobasco pouch. Aap Daily News oflice. tf MISCELLANEOUS " “SONGS UNBIDDEN,” by the Prospector, will make a nice gift book for your eastern friends. Poems of Love, Nature, Religion and Sociology. It is fragrant with the breath of balsams and vines. Leatherette covers, $1.50; velvet sheep, $e post paid. Published by ictonia Printing & Publishing o., 524 Yates St. Victoria, bB. ¢ B G OPPORTU NITY TO BECOME WEALTHY—Invest in Kansas, Oklaboma and New Mexico oil leases in proven territory. Fifty to one thousand dollars often makes fortunes. For particu- lars wire or write to Pryor & MeDonald, Hotel Cadillac, Wichita, Kansas, U.§8. A. 50 FARMS FOR SALE P, R. FARM LAND Choice arms in well settled district Western Canada; low prices irrigated lands in Sunny Southern Al erta, with loan. of $2,000 in mprovements to assist new -ettiers. Act now they are: roing fast. For free booklet and full information write I 44, Loughran, General Land izent, 744 Hastings St. West, Vancouver, B.C. wently years to pay; it is just as cheap to get your nting done wel' and done at ne as it is to send it away. Try The News Print Shop. MINATION FUR THE POSITION OF ADDISTANT FURRST RANGER. 1 Department of Lands gives notice aimiitetious of applicants for Assistant t Mauges ihe salary for the posi 118 $110 per month and Wwavelung er es are paid ‘ue period of employment will be for he lire season, With re-appoinlnent beat youl @t $120 per month, if services prove ucisfactory, and with the prospect of pro notion by merit to the pertianent Forest sryice us vuccasion offers, S| teturned Soidiers, with the necessary ~ | aNalimeations will receive prererence. ive CAaminations will be heid at the pisces and on the dates named below Pepruary 16-17 base ca Vancouver P 190 ‘i Sismis Nanaimo ED vial dis «eae ak oe McBride 20 Victoria ‘pie .. Prince George Vanderhoof Ashcroft ‘Powell River isin hamiloops Smithers Hazellon ; +419 046.6 ae vk Nelson March 4 os any 4 RAD " 1... .. Prince Rupert Die so v0s0.0 | dcaak toc +++. Creston ; écoiess ote Cranbrook 6. - ; .. Fernie the written and oral examinations are eeigned to test the knowledge and ability of applicants to perform the duties of \Scintant Porest Hangers The examina toh WHE Consist mainly of praetical ques bictis on logging, cruising, surveying, Giest protection, ete., but will also in ‘ude questions to test the applicant's | ablilly to prepare reports, Physical ability rotorcre ac tote *S ot generally. Enquiries solicited! anti good character are absolute require regarding ANY Bond or § ity. Particulars of vields and standing of any list- ed or unlisted * stock in inarket forwarded without eharge. Leased wires parts of the continent. celled business connections New York, Chicago, Montrea Toronto, Winnipeg, Edmonton and Calgary. European invest ments specially dealt Leading financial house Vancouver and Victoria, dress all replies to BURDICK BROS, AND BRETT, LD., § and Bond Brokers, Hotel vouver Bldg., Vancouver, rr rrr rrr recente erent teres sn enmenenr serene EUROPEAN INVESTMENTS Offer exceptional opportunities for | neuis, \ll statememts made by applicants as to experience, education and fitness are sub- ect to verification by the Department, No yersons other than British subjects will be permitted to take the examination, Ip ending applicants should notify the. Chief Fovester, Victoria, or the District Forester tt Vancouver, Prince Rupert,” Prince ioorge, Kamloops, Cranbrook or Nelson, G. KR. NADEN, __ Deputy Mintster of Lands, MINERAL ACT Certificate of improvem“nts. NOTIC® KING SOLOMON and IRON KING Mineral daims, situate in the Bella Coola Mining ivision .of Coast District, Where loealed:—-—West side of Dean Chonnel, North of Gaseade Inlet in Range }3, Cots. District, TAKE NOTICE that I, HUGH ARCHIBALD | j DIAS LEAN, a8 Agent for SMEL'TERS STEEL AOMtP ANY, Free Miner's Certificate No. 29, ‘nte nd, sixty days from the date "Sant, to apply to the Mining Recorder or a Certificate of Improvements for each | f sald claims for the purpose of obtaining (rown Grant of the above claims. And further take notice that action un jder Section &5, must be commenced hefore investors just now on account | the issuance of such Certificate of In- of the low value of Kuropean currency and ghe fact that Canadian dollar is at a prem-| ium in most EKuropean tries. British, Freneh, Belgian and Italian Government i provements, oitated thts 15th day. of Janvary, A. D 199 H A OMACHIRAN SUBSCRIBE FOR THE DAILY NEWS curity supplied free upon ap-! Tuesday Felhy ' by RNa. Gurneys cop m I ‘need I Ing stoves in 1948 ge ie the 8a j ¥ 4 . In ‘+ UB 1919, Bin in "Nese 1S in tige 4 j rine nh ‘upert, —... F ied oh ardy Vare SECOND ay) NUF Phone Black 114 RePIR HT 954 i / Talking Over The High Cost of Living This is partly solved by using our coal ot al $13.50 for lum} delivered: Ask tli who use jt, Phone T: Irder Phone Black 8&5 Terminal Coal Co, ee . ome OUR . Pool Room | 721 Third Ave. Opposite The Empress Hotel | CIGARS SODA Two per cent. Beer,! — POLE PLL LO LOE Hand Your 8: JOE BROWN | * Motor Transfer and Passenger Service Stand, Empress Hotel Stil 176, Black 334 Quick Deliveries reentt POPOL LSE COCO TE MPO POOL IPOD DLL L OL EOEIES T) pere 1§ A Phot« gt raphe in t The bes , i > ? ad ; Suite 22, Alder Block ; PHONE Red 328 Se me ood | ecowrrrrre SHITE & HALLETT PLUMBING AND ——a ENGINEERS Estimates fur nished. Address, 3rd of Becont } Phone 174 inomamannnnatet << —— i Avenue, head } 1 Street. p, 0. Box a . a atone POPPE DENTISTRY HOURS! )FFICE pr m, © 5:90 0 pam. to 123 1:30 P RIT eee aaa DR. J. 8. BROWN DENTIST ub Blook, Third aoe OMoce;: Smith