venio (MORSE CREEK .~ BRIDGE PLANS Show Substantial Structure Suit- district, m LE FOR Pe enaceting Quinine, * Cascara and Cam- just what . Caffein 7 » Monobromate - yhysiclaD would use b your J ¢ Earl Druggists 55 BOX a Rubbers kind sacks, eve corduroys Handbags jothing Findings Shoe iss ware nd Mattresses om jed in Stock host of the Above Carr 4 saicpuaesiaaaaa —— — _F. Maguire Prince Rupert 22 Second Ave. ~ IKE YOUR SIGHT eS rhe most valuable of the most the least understood which, upon traced directly HT ‘YES all the senses is from ills can be tive eyesight cause will delicate and robust health. properly prescrib- the vision to nor- strain. emova f the the sufferer r ll eye bal @ minate all ey — Fred Joudry Practical Optometrist, bird Ave. Prince Rupert Opposite Post Office THE DAILY able for Needs of West End for Years .o Come- The pl } Morse OUreek bridge are now in the city engineer's oflice awaiting the approval of that official as soon as the rush of duties in con nection with the Court of Revision are “over. They were received from the office of the Chief Engi- neer of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway at Winnipeg last week and bear the signatures of J. A. Heaman, assistant chief engineer, and J. G. Legrand, bridge engi neer. The new bridge will be a very creditable appearing structure and one that should serve the some years to come, It is to be built with a special view to dura- bility and long life and al] th: joints will be tarred, which en sures its lasting. It will be con- structed on the northern boun- dary of Second Avenue or the side nearest the harbor. The purpose in building it thus is that it may not be disturbed -when a_ per manent bridge pul in. The city to stand $12,000 of the cost and the Provincial Govern- ment $6,000. The plans show that the bridge will be about 500 feel long from end to end. ‘lue trestle will com menece a shori distance from the present extnemity of Second Ave and will the 1s 1s in Section 1 join grading of the same street in Section 2. The width will be 32 feet with an 18-foot roadway aiid two sidewalks of six feet in width The sidewalks will be amply pro tected with guard rails. There will be about 20 concrete piers and three spans of 77 feet to allow for the passing of five sets of railroad tracks below. The high- est elevation. is 53 feet whee ,t passes over Morse Creek. “With the exception of the concrete piers the entire structure will be built of fir timber. Eat at the y0ston WHITE ONLY y no g but Swirt’s i Ham and BACON é and tly Fresh Eges. 700d Breakfast try i Eggs our age an of Good | Cooked clalty HestholmeLuneh fit a Home Cooked Weal \ nN Cooks are unexcelled Breakfast 350 and 40c, fom 7 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Puncheon 11:30 to 2... 0c Dinner 5:20 to 7:30 .. 50c \py elation of our Home- Mex Ls is seen by our HCG customers. ‘he hew management May ! Miss ihe Billings, Sh pete Orders Served at Any Me from 7 4M, to Midnight Gl | Francois } on jand i “ ij The | | For @¢ r Comfort, Courtesy~ and Service The SAVOY HOTEL “Ownesgs ANAGER Phone 37 Po. Box 1704 M W. Root, an American set arrived at Burns Lake last week with a carload of effects in- cluding nine florses and a colt . . ° Fred Woodeox and Roy New, of Lake, were taken here last week Con- \W through by | stable Fairburn to Telkwa where COOKS they will stand ‘trial for breaking into store. . ° \ delightful Valentine dance was held in the Burns Lake Hote! Friday night when dancing was enjoyed from 9 to 2. number of ned a surprise party on Mi Mrs. Don Gerow on Monday evening. The surprise was com- plete and a very merry evening vas the result. Mr. and Mrs. P mained at bridge Prosser’s friend large fey o Tallon enter on Saturday levening when a number of out of guests investiture town were present. of the local St. John's Chureh here last Tues day. Rev, A, Garlick, the scout master, oMeiated. ‘Thursday night. Francis needs of the west end of town for; of beavers. bafid of Boy Scouts took place in —_ — With a membership of only 66 this district has subseribec $1,306 to the Forward Movement cai@aign. The objective for (he which extends from Cedarwale to Telkwa, was 81,0 ® * e One of the most enjoyable ans for the new $18,000 evenings spent by the people of the Hazeltons was the sleigh ride to the Silver Standard mine on Six sleigh loads went up and $80 was handed over to the hospital funds as a result. * * e several men started to work on the Silver Standard mill on Monday tc make the necessary re pairs and alterations in order to get it in operation by March 1 . . 7 A good crowd gathered at the Assembly Hall on Friday evening last to hear the recital of Miss Nickawa. Able assist- ance was given the visitor by local talent, among par- ticipating being Misses Hutchin- Wattie, Goddard, Cunning: ham and Wallace; Mesdames Me- those son, Kay and Pidcock, and Messrs. Broadfoot and Mourison. . W. Mitchell, who has been with the Governnient Telegraphs for the last two years, shas re- signed and left for the east to take up a new position. FW. Chettleburgh returned to accompany Mrs. Chettleburgh and their two sons to their new home in Prince George for which point they left on February 9. . * . There are no cases of Spanish nfluenza reported in this district. Mr. Warwick, who sustained serious injuries about the head at the ‘Terrace mill last fall, has so recovered that he was able to return to Terrace last week. De Fred Duboard, the Jjoecal fur Gealer, was fined $20 last week for having beaver skins in his possession without a permit. The case to appealed, the de- fence being that the furs were taken previous to the imposition the recent close season on be is HALIBUT SHIPMENTS MONTH OF JANUARY Prince Rupert Away Ahead of Other Ports, According to Pacific Fisherman. According to the Pacific Fisher- man there was during the month of January 490,000 Ibs. of halibut anded at Prince Rupert, 191,700 at Seattle, and 107,000 at Ketcni kan. In addition to this refuiar teamers plying out of Seattle shipped in to that port 449,81 ibs. from different coast ports. This latter is packed at wuneau, Sitka, Ketchikan, Prince Rupert} and other points and shipped | boxed in ice ready to transfer to the railway cars. It is not paid for at Seattle. GERMAN NEWSPAPERS (Special vis G.T.P Telegranns BERLIN, Feb. 25— German newspapefs are at the brink of | ja catastiuophe owing to the enor- uncertain supply | machinery | jmous cost and fof neawsprint and materials. paper, ———_—_———-- Gene By EL rnes Says:—“Here’s the Music—Write Your Own Words.” . “Tweet Pe ' “VOIX DE VILLE” said Jean Chardavoine, a French musician; and thus came into being three hundred and fifty years ago what to-day we call “Vaudeville”, Vaudeville is the melting pot of the dramatic and musical arts, In it nothing. is out of place; it includes drama, comedy, tragedy, farce and burlesque; ‘and every form of music from grand opera to jazz is heard upon its stage. Every city has its favorite vaudeville house. j ata distance from the great cities—can have vaudeville tight home, with Lhe NEY This marvellous instriment—theat is every other instrument in ek * Bae: OTe eS £ ou—wwho live ail - one—will Re-Create everything that vaudeville has to offer-—the entire magic of the theatre staged for your amusement and pleasure, in your parlor or living room Why not let the New Edison bring this wondertul variety of entertainment into your home? / r ‘ ° “Edison and Music” is a beautiful book that you should have. ask for it and “I hat ihe Critics Say” too— it proves Edison superiority. W. Teetzel, > = - 2 Charles = > Prince Rupert 4 -— 5 TIMBER SALE X 1988. TIMBER SALE X 194C. TIMBER SALE X 1987. sealed tenders will be Lands not later than noon en to cut 1,092,000 iemlock on Lot 2073, lotte Islands Dis- chase of Licence X 1988, to cut 1,440,- Cedar and Hemlock on an , Dean Channel, | am eS (a Situated near Lot , Coast District. irs of the Chief Forester, or District Forester, val of timber. further particulars of the Chief Forester, , or District Forester, , 4 >, £ ~ MINERAL ACT az Intention to Apply to Purchase we Certificate of improvements. * and Copper Crest” Mineral Claim, situate in MATTER OF THE EST \ > on the west coast of Calvert Mining Division of Cassia: t. re located:—Glacier Creek, Granby } WF. , Intends to apply fAKE NOTICE that I, B. L. Johnson, Free rchase the following described Certificate No. : ty days from the date hereof, to apply Mining Recorder for f Improvements, | aining a Crown Grant of And further take er Section 85 must be commenced before ge & g at a post planted 1% miles < » cuired to furnish same, properly urpose of ob- e above claim. required 1 1) . . a 5% , and containing 160 acres Mark Smaby, Agent. ate , yecember, A. D. 1