pa wnaar oe ¥ ( Lesisl®® 50D EAI Ma 4 pibre’d Baily W Ae epour > ITA XI & Powe 75 and 36 We Never Sleep AND me BAKERY | : PRINCE RUPERT ree meat a gin street | ‘Northern and Central British Columbia’s Newspaper 18 PRINCE RUPERT, B. C., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1920. PRICK FIVE CENTS e Opposi tion; Bitter (Special to The News ‘ ar 96.—~ PORTA February #¥%- WCTORI ; hia are not gol mbit nl Hon vesterday fore the convention ) and one that was considé the jast. ! shaller officials were in at- ne, or the United Farmers are ty flere to ‘ver the proposed Council ieulture. The nited Farm-} ve decided to take no part | council but have planned | nd and make known their | about the way they claim ganization has been plan-. 0 counteract their own ED STATE CAPTURE IAL MARKETS sLondon Shipping Expert wm Shows Disparity in Prices. oa 0. T. P.. Telegrephs,) DON. Feb. 26.—W. J. Noble Shipping expert, declared t take a Great Britain to the rapidly grow- f the United States » fleet, which had al- essels aggregating 9,000,- loble stated that American sid at ten shillings a ton the present British {100 shillings per ton. parity in p would he iplure of the whole of Ins rices and is ob- etition, FIR SALE INCS OVER TEN MILLION Nees Obtain Right to the losing Two Weeks Selling. io va G6. T. p felegraphs, ) . Kk, Feb. 26.—A grand 1 000 for the fort ~ @nded the Annual 1UCLION in the Mason- A Was by far the largest gs kind ever held in the 4 a figures exceeding Y the fall sale by $3,. Diddin Mdding fo) hutria, beaver | A a , ° : r nd sunk, featured the| ie ulria advanced 80} M While be; beaver and south-| i hnsact lie that he will | Oeuniag > C2 Third Ay PUpier ‘ a Ave, lane rhe “andyland 4 Bry 27 lakery on |} riday | ; ys) es, 49 ‘| XI NU. omy ‘ited Farmers Decide Not To Enter Politics This Year tion to Decision at Closing Session of Conven- Discussion over Right cf Government Employees to Attend. ng into polities this year. and was carried with little opposition | and act as delegates. ; take part in she, MACKENZIE KING IS » Concessions to Mexican buyers in via G6. T.P. Telegrepns.) The United Farmers of British That was decided ‘sed, Being a contentious sub- sped very important it was left jiscussion took place when Witlhiam Hugh of Clover- | yitter GISCUss! = reed the right of government Officials to attend the | AT OTTAWA Unicnist Caucus Must Approve f&irrangements for Borden Re- taining Leadership. | TO LEAD OPPOSITIC\: Question of General Policy Will Come Before the Unionist Machine Very Soon. (special by 6.7. P. Teltegrapne OTTAWA, Feb. 26.—One of the questions which must receive early consideration by the Union- ists as soon as all the members have arrived is an arrangement under which Sir Robert Borden retains the premiership and seeks in a long vacation restoration o! tis health. That arrangement, as stipulated by Sir fobert, has to be atifled by the Gevernment cau- cus before it is finally decided on. Furthermore the question of pol- icy has to be considered by the caucus. On the opposition side Hon. W L. MacKenzie King will take over the leadership in place of D. D McKenzie who has led the attacks on the Government since the for- ination of the Union Government. Just what role A. K. McLean will not been mentioned issume has yet REVISION COURT CONCLUDES WORK Revised Assessment Roil Passed This Morning — Based on Last Week’s Decisions. the Court of Revision finished its work this morning when the revised assessment roll based on the appeals granted last week was presented by City Assessor Cle- ments, and found correct. It was and the court then ad- journed, Mayor MecClymont, Al- dermen McLennan and Rochester 5 Well as Secretary of the Court, Woods were also present. COLONEL PECK WAS GUEST OF HONOR AT | BATTALION REUNION WNNIPKG, Feb, 26.—A reunion passed Special via G.T, P. Telegrapnes.' WASHINGTON, Feb, 26—Brit- ish firms are offering unusual an effort to secure the trade of the southern republic, Orders for White and printed, goods being Particularly sought, te Action Taken by Goverft- LINING UP ;}minister of was the a quarter to seven on the morning (0 of the trouble in order to get eat down minutes he asked if he was going 'to have breakfast. plied that he would get breakfast at 7:15. He closed on himewhen he and GOVERNMENT British House of Commons tn- crease Pensions to Policemen. WILL COST COUNTRY FIFTY MILLION POUNDS Special ‘ia «. T. P. Telegrapns.) rh LONDON, Feb. 26.—The British NY Government was defeated in the Vv EMBAREG fi Vv House of Commons on the motion of a private member calling for FOREIGN BONDS a large increase in pensions to retired ail policemen prior to April, 1919, in onder to meet the high cost of living. The motion ment to Protect Canadian was carried by a vote of 132 to Interests. 55 although opposed by the Goy- nna ernment. ! llome Secretary KLdward Shortt on behalf of the Government said bargo on trading in stocks, bonds would cost £50,000,000 and be or other securities from countries followed by similar dernands from outside Canada-will go into effect. all other pensioners. ris drastic action has been taken by the Government in the finan- city interests of the Dominion af/8 the request of Sir Henry Drayton, nds for the school piano. Gray’s finanee, in order to orchestra. Admission 50c. Re- protect the home security market. , freshments. , % _ ! i Velegraptie PORONTO, Feb. 26—An em- Dance at Seal Cove School at 0 p.m. on Friday night to raise Evidence is Given in the Stabbing Affray at Queen Chariotte [Islands Camp Webb, charged wounding David Diom in a labbing atfray at Goose Bay, Queen Charlotte Islands, appeared Magistrate MecMullin in Patmore, acting for the Creorge with trial before Stipendiary this pleaded not guilty. Doctor N; M. McNeill was the first witness examined. He was for summary the Court House morning. L. W. used, 1S DEFEATED WIRE OTTAWA War Veterans and One Big Union Judge Robson Not A Price Regulator Resigns from Board of Commerce Be- cause he does not Agree with Policy of Placing Restrictions. (Special to The News via G. 1. P. Telegraphs. ) OTTAWA, February 26.—Judge Robson, head of the Commerce, resigned yesterday. Board Before leaving Ottawa he said: “Price fixing and profit restrictions on products of the ountry, while well for wartime, should not, in my view be part of the permanent The regulation of profit .on uecessaries will tend’ to discourage persons from entering on the useful service of life. “The regulations besides tend to relieve luxuries’ while those engaged in-the production and distribution of useful things are , penalized. This seemed to me so ONLY WORKERS incongruous that I was uneasy ON COUNCIL. low idWws,. statute in the administration of the act and felt it my duty to resign. “Why should you lay your) hands on the man who brings who seil books at 100 per cent. profit and flowers and perfumes go scot free? These are luxuries put if you continually soak the people who are dealing in neces- saries, they will eventuatly quit business and go to some other line that is not controlled by the Board of Lommerge.” May Expel President Woodward Because not Working At Trade. (Special via G.T. P. Telegraphs.) VICTORIA, Feb. 26.—There is a fight on in Victoria among the labor men with the purpose of ex- pelling President E- $8. Woodward » from the Trades and Labor Coun- cil for the reason that he is not working at his trade as a retaii clerk under which he qualifies. RE FISHERIES At a recent meeting there was an onslaught by insurgents led by ; Delegate Morgan who quoted the constitution which said that a member of the Council might be called to attend the victim of the affair yesterday afternoon. He ‘found four wounds which he judged wee fade by two. cuts po! a knife probably the one on exhibit in court. There was a deep) yNION WOULD USE ut an the right hand and some pita” Sink ind went, to the commissary to . ’ get his wounds dressed. well as this the nerve supplying been severed. As Asks New Regulations “any. practical workingman, earn- Enferced. -~ ing his Jivelibood at the traue or a ent i sui cS age: Ci Rc MA was no exception to this qualifi- GAS BOATS ON RIVER cation. After a long discussion in The G W. V. A. executive at which it was shown that Delegate ‘ . Called Him Names. its meeting last night instructed Dakers, former president of the the thumb had also been severed. ose Patmore questioned Dion | Secretary Cameron to wire to Ot- Metal Trades Council, was in a With the best recovery it would be three months before Diom re- ined the use of his right hand. { infection sets in or the wounds did not heal propery the results night cause permanent disability also a wound on thie fused to join the O. B. U., Dion}: -mentioned in connection with the |; yok. He did not know in Was not allowed to stay on!) was e job if he was not a member |t iiere back near the shoulder that had’, > the 0, B. U. He was a member j wide struck the muscle if the O. B. U. himself but he Victim's Evidence cnew men who were employed there that did not belong to that weanization. He had called the || ook a profane name and had |f{ David Dion, who is the victim is a donkey engimeer at the log next witness heard. He ing Camp. He had come in about house. A pass had to get steam made at him with the knife by the! After sitting about 15 breakfast up on his engine, waiting for SU as ana ‘xxamination Dion, who has both! rands bandaged up and is in| iiher a crippled condition, had | to sit down on account of weak- | The cook re- told him he did not, need to get “ornery” about it but tell him if he could not get early then he would jn the ness. Martin Rogers, who savas helping | cook-house at the time, |- breakfast ind une with the rest of the crew was the next witness examines | . : i and get the extra sleep.’ It was In his story of the affair he cor- | n that the eook had, made a’ roborated the evidence of Dion | pass with the butcher knife and iost exactly. He told of the; he had picked up the poker. See he could mot protect himself and telling him that he did nolj} with the poker he dropped it and need to get.“ornery.” nftade for the door. The cook had pi could not knife. Dion had picked up a cup!e and a poker. } get the do slashed him, He hold of the r open quit kly enougsi finalls it d tim Mr. cook and that ajdistrict, at ands or tral Labor Council of the O. B. U. instructed their secretary to wire shook his finger at him advancing | f ards the cook’s section of the} boats be allowed to operate on the been Skeena. ook before he had picked up the) oker. During the course of the q R | rise Dees Not See That Any Usefui © suit whether the cook had re-\tawa asking that the new fishery similar position, it was decided nireculations be enforced at once. to ask for a réport from the Re- aid he had notdheard the O. B. U./ They also ask that there shall be tai] Clerks’ Union before taking 10 reservations whatever in the aetion. Queen Charlotte Is- elsewhere. They want he whole of No. 2 District thrown open to all fishermen. At a recent meeting the Cen- JACK HOSKINS PLEADS GUILTY he Government at Ottawa asking or the new regulations to be en- Was Fined $100-50 for Maving orced and also asking that gas Liquor Illegally in His Possession. Jack Hoskins pleaded guilty to ihaving liquor illegally in his pos- session before Magistrate Mc- Mordie in the police court this fF R PRESIDENT vee: and was fined $100.50. 4 | Yesterday morning the plea of not guilty was made hut on con- sultation with counsel it was de- cided to reverse this plea. Hos- lkins was one of the witnesses in ithe notorious Duff liquor case. Fred Martinson appeared in ‘court ,charged with creating a ATLANTA, Ga,, Feb, 26.—Her- gisturbance when drunk and dis- Purpose Would be Served by Entering Contest. (evecial Via GT. P. Telegraphs.) sineer advancing on the cook! bert Hoover informed the Georgia orderly and he was fined $10. wemoeratic state executive COM-| Nels Johnson, whose sorrowful ; oy The cook) mittee that he did “not feel any’ gemeanor is a common sight in ‘ked up a tea pot and the! public serviee would be perform- the police court, this being his d by the injection of himself ceyenth offence, again was up. He could not swear into the contest for presidential phe picture of abject misery and s to who had been the aggressor. | nominations, tnd, therefore, he repentant Patmore in his cross-es-|did not intend to file for a place pleaded guilty of being drunk. and remorse, Nels again inilk to your door and let people Victorla Trades and Labor Body , (yp TOM MIX in“ ACE HIGH” A Canadian Made Story of the R.N.W.M.P. Fox News Admission 55c and 85¢ Show Starts at 7 o'clock sharp. ~ | longing to the O. B. U. t After Rogers left the witness | court adjourned until 2:30, when the cook was heard in his} ;own defence, The witnesses are, | anxious to get back to the Islands | jin order to work tomorrow, i i i box eecoon yent up 70 and| oe the otlicers of the Sixteenth | ;,, drop the knife and collapsed. amination endeavored to bring} on the ballots of the Georgia gisorderly and was sentenced by ent resnectively, ‘Pya| Dattalion was held last night-| qferwards he picked himself up oul that the engineer had lots of presidential primary to be held on (he magistrate to a period of 60 ) Cbtained for beaver wag |UieUt Gol. Peck, V.C., M.P., who is| aa eee. ae | April 20: Gave ‘Geaftineds SRUE the Breen: Uk sold up to g19.95 |% Mis way to attend the parlia- | PE we eee fhe SE Lt > ; en lises of the city hall with free than 110 tons of rabbit | eentary session at Ottawa, was! ( wa : ee eae - ) Pianos cornectly tuned. $6.00, | }odging in the newly renovated hy the Antipodes Sone the guest of the evening. He ad- ei eial YI 4 L3 1 8 Ey ES la, O, Walker, Phone Blue 389. tf | police quarters. ce “TS rabbit went up gr | dressed the gathering. He spoke | WI: ST ( j AN ‘ & if, a === —— ; oe | a i as Bi While medium Curriera | 2! the -perpetuation of the Six-- cs te Se ancl nie se eta as | time to escape from the scene be- | eed 15 pen cent The leenth battalion, the headquar- Wee , fore there was any trouble. From SOVIET OFFERS Of the latter dig no y{ tees for which, he said, would 7m ry) {(RRIE eiveition ‘the evidence he secured = from | latter q ) ’ s , 4 g i ; . A nol ‘probably be in Victoria- . CECIL DA iN THE | Rogers it would appear that Dion ar - } NTN rare srs / ny '@) a had not taken much of an oppor- PEAC UJ § ANNOUNCE ‘BRITISH SEEKING M YSTER v BOX TRICK tunity to avoid a fight. He did eWVe ENT | $50.00 for the Hospital if anyone succeeds in ty- not interfere in the fight, not be- enor ames Curie BUSINESS IN MEXICO ine him fast in box. ing a fighting man himself. He (Special by G.T.P. Tetegraphs : lo the pre shes to an . {bad not heard of any trouble “I LONDON, Feb. 26.—The Rus- dna discussion over the cook not be-| sian Soviet Government through its commissioner of foreign af- fairs, has despatched notes to the United States Government and Roumania offering them peace with Soviet Russia. B. O. Undertakers. Phono 41, eR Te 2. et “a * tage ae OZ ~ me ed -~ Zo gaize. ve Ae ade « % | Sze